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Situational leadership
Leadership and Teamwork > Situational leadership IN PROGRESS

Situational leadership is a flexible approach to leadership that adapts to the needs of the
team and the specific situation. This lesson will delve into the concept of situational
leadership, its various styles, and how it aligns with follower readiness. We will explore
this through examples, case studies, and practical exercises.

Learning Objectives
Understand the concept of situational leadership.

Identify different situational leadership styles.

Recognize the importance of follower readiness in situational leadership.

Apply situational leadership in real-world scenarios.

Situational Leadership Framework

The following diagram outlines the key components of situational leadership, including
leadership styles and follower readiness.

Situational Leadership

Leadership Styles Follower Readiness

Directive, Coaching, Supporting, Delegating R1, R2, R3, R4

Directive Coaching Supporting Delegating R1 R2 R3 R4

High Task, Low Relationship High Task, High Relationship Low Task, High Relationship Low Task, Low Relationship Low Competence, High Commitment Low Competence, Low Commitment High Competence, Low Commitment High Competence, High Commitment

Case Study: Winston Churchill – Directive Leadership

Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister during World War II, exemplified directive
leadership. His ability to make quick decisions and provide clear instructions was crucial 1/3
28/05/2024, 15:15 Situational Leadership - EILM.EDU.EU

during the war.

Case Study: Phil Jackson – Coaching Leadership

Phil Jackson, the legendary NBA coach, often used a coaching leadership style. He was
not just focused on winning games but also on developing the skills and personalities of
his players.

Practical Exercise
Exercise 1: Leadership Style Assessment

Take a self-assessment to identify your dominant leadership style.

Discuss how your leadership style has influenced past team interactions.

Exercise 2: Role-Playing

Form groups and enact scenarios requiring different leadership styles.

Discuss the effectiveness of the leadership styles displayed in each scenario.

1. Which situational leadership style do you naturally gravitate towards?

2. Can you think of a situation where a different leadership style would have been
more effective?

3. How does follower readiness impact your choice of leadership style?

Situational leadership offers a dynamic approach that can be tailored to different team
needs and situations. Understanding this concept and its components can significantly
enhance your leadership capabilities. 2/3
28/05/2024, 15:15 Situational Leadership - EILM.EDU.EU

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