Characteristics of High-Performing Teams - EILM - EDU.EU

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28/05/2024, 17:03 Characteristics Of High-performing Teams - EILM.EDU.



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Characteristics of high-performing teams

Leadership and Teamwork > Characteristics of high-performing teams IN PROGRESS

High-performing teams are the backbone of any successful organization. Understanding
what makes a team excel can provide valuable insights into how to manage and lead
effectively. This lesson will explore the characteristics of high-performing teams,
supported by examples, case studies, and practical exercises.

Learning Objectives
Identify the key characteristics of high-performing teams.

Understand how these characteristics contribute to team success.

Apply the knowledge in real-world scenarios to build high-performing teams.

Characteristics of High-Performing Teams

The following diagram outlines the key characteristics of high-performing teams, broken
down into five main categories: Communication, Collaboration, Accountability,
Adaptability, and Skill Diversity.

High-Performing Teams

Communication Collaboration Accountability Adaptability Skill Diversity

Open, Honest, Frequent Teamwork, Shared Goals Ownership, Responsibility Flexible, Resilient Complementary Skills, Expertise

Open Honest Frequent Teamwork Shared Goals Ownership Responsibility Flexible Resilient Complementary Skills Expertise

Transparency Integrity Regular Updates Cooperation Unified Vision Personal Investment Accountable Actions Adaptable to Change Quick Recovery Synergy Specialization

Explaining the Diagram 1/3
28/05/2024, 17:03 Characteristics Of High-performing Teams - EILM.EDU.EU

Communication: High-performing teams prioritize open, honest, and frequent

communication. Transparency and integrity are key.

Collaboration: Teamwork and shared goals are essential. A unified vision helps in
achieving objectives.

Accountability: Members take ownership and responsibility for their actions,

contributing to the team’s success.

Adaptability: Being flexible and resilient, especially in the face of challenges, is


Skill Diversity: Teams benefit from a mix of complementary skills and expertise,
creating a synergy that enhances performance.

Case Study: Netflix – Communication and Accountability

Netflix’s culture of “Freedom and Responsibility” encourages open communication and
individual accountability. This has been a cornerstone in making Netflix one of the most
innovative companies.

Case Study: Amazon – Collaboration and Adaptability

Amazon’s “Two-Pizza Teams” concept ensures that teams are small enough to be fed by
two pizzas, encouraging collaboration and quick adaptability to change.

Practical Exercise
Exercise 1: Team Assessment

Take a self-assessment to identify how you fit into a high-performing team.

Discuss your strengths and areas for improvement.

Exercise 2: Role-Playing

Form groups and enact scenarios that highlight the characteristics of high-
performing teams.

Discuss the outcomes and how these characteristics influenced those outcomes.

Self-Assessment 2/3
28/05/2024, 17:03 Characteristics Of High-performing Teams - EILM.EDU.EU

1. Which characteristic of high-performing teams do you think is most crucial and


2. Can you think of a situation where the absence of one of these characteristics led
to team failure?

3. How can you contribute to making your current team a high-performing one?

Understanding the characteristics of high-performing teams can significantly impact
how you approach team interactions and leadership. These characteristics are not just
theoretical but have real-world applications that can lead to remarkable outcomes.

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