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7 Days

Presented by Natthasit Darasit (65110059)

How often do you read a book and

which genre of book do you prefer to read?

Develop personal skills (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Time

Improving sleep routine
Improving my own reading skill (Vocabulary, Summarising, Skimming)
Seek knowledge from reading book
Be more productive
Encourage people to read book
Related theories
1. Benefits of Reading Books
Reading strengthens your brain
In one 2013 study, researchers studied the impact of reading a novel on the
brain using functional MRI scans. For nine days, study participants read the
book "Pompeii." More and more parts of the brain became active as the story's
intensity increased.

Builds your vocabulary

Researchers found that children who spend time reading books regularly,
starting from an early age, continuously improve their vocabulary. Moreover,
the amount of your vocabulary may impact a variety of aspects of your life,
such as job opportunities, college admissions, and examination results.
Related theories

Reduces stress
Researchers in the United States studied the impact of yoga, comedy, and
reading on the stress levels of students enrolled in difficult health science
programs in 2009. The results of the study showed that reading for thirty
minutes had the same reducing effects on blood pressure, heart rate, and
psychological discomfort as did yoga and comedy.
Prepares you for a good night’s rest
The Mayo Clinic's doctors suggest including reading in your daily sleep routine.
Reading from a print book will get better results than reading on a screen
because the light from your gadget may cause sleeplessness and other
unfavorable health effects.
Related theories

2. 10 Tricks That Will Help You Read a Book a Week

Prioritize reading
Read 30 pages of your book a day
Make reading a habit
Don’t read when sleepy
Take your books with you everywhere
Read multiple books together
Only read books you really love
Hold yourself accountable (Tell challenge to everyone)
Keep an ongoing list of books you want to read
Be a multi medium reader (Read from various source)
Books in this challenge

Social Psychology : เคมีรักระหว่างเรา

A very short introduction by Dr. Thidakarn
by Richard J. Crisp Rujipattanakul
(140 pages, Main book) (160 pages, Side book)
Process of 7 days reading

Book : Social Psychology : A very short introduction by Richard J.

Date : 13 - 19 April (7 days)
Time : 13.00 - 21.00
Duration : 20 mins - 1 hour
Amount : 20 - 35 pages per day (140 pages, 6 Chapters)
Location : Cafe, bedroom
Note : Reading another book to give a feeling that you are not being
forced and relate theories. Also, time and location can change based on
Detailed of 7 days reading

Day 1 (13/04/2024)

Location : Bed room

Duration : 35 mins
Amount : 24 Pages (Chapter 1-2)
Topic : History of Social Psychology and Basic of
social cognition (How brain preceive , evaluate,
remember and implement)
Detailed of 7 days reading

Day 2 (14/04/2024)

Location : Bed room

Duration : 1 Hour
Amount : 29 Pages (Chapter 2-3)
Topic : Basic of social cognition, Attitude (Set of belief
to things, person, issue), Behavior and Persuasion
Detailed of 7 days reading

Day 3 (15/04/2024)
Location : Cafe
Duration : 20 mins
Amount : 19 Pages (Chapter 3)
Topic : Social Influence, Social Norms, Leadership,
Conformity and Social loafing
Detailed of 7 days reading

Day 4 (16/04/2024)
Location : Bed room
Duration : 25 mins
Amount : 24 Pages (Chapter 4)
Topic : Obedience (Power), Oppression, Aggression
(Phrase of terrorism)
Detailed of 7 days reading

Day 5 (17/04/2024)
Location : Bed room
Duration : 30 mins
Amount : 25 Pages (Chapter 5)
Topic : Group relationship (Group Conflicts, Group
Categorization, Biases related to stereotpye and
Detailed of 7 days reading

Day 6 (18/04/2024)

Day off
Detailed of 7 days reading

Day 7 (19/04/2024)
Location : Bed room
Duration : 20 mins
Amount : 19 Pages (Chapter 6)
Topic : Love and Fondess (Fundamental Relationship
such as Friend, Lover and Acquaintance)
Post-Reading Findings

Overall Feeling Outcomes

I first found out that the book was Help with sleep routine (Feel tried
quite boring and hard to read because after reading)
of the number of theories and Build up my vocabulary
vocabulary. However, I still went on Improving my reading skill (Read
and saw several details that might be faster)
related to current social and daily life Gain knowledge in new subject
problems. It encourages me to read (Social Psychology)
more books to expand my knowledge It can implement in daily life
and understanding of different (Giving better advice to other
perspectives and issues in the world. person)
Encourage me to read more books

Do you think reading is important for us

and why is it important?

Everyone should read books because reading

can improve many aspects of life, such as
vocabulary development, stress reduction, and
sleeping routine management. Reading can also
enhance empathy for other people and enhance
cognitive function. It's a useful tool for learning
new things and getting an understanding of
other viewpoints.

Sleep tips: 6 steps to better sleep. (2022, May 7). Mayo Clinic.
Berns, G. S., Blaine, K., Prietula, M. J., & Pye, B. E. (2013). Short- and long-term effects of a novel
on connectivity in the brain. Brain connectivity, 3(6), 590–600.
Cain, K., & Oakhill, J. (2011). Matthew effects in young readers: reading comprehension and
reading experience aid vocabulary development. Journal of learning disabilities, 44(5), 431–443.
Carlos, V. (2020, March 20). 10 tricks that will help you read a book a week. Thrive Global.
Rizzolo, Denise & Zipp, Genevieve & Simpkins, Susan & Stiskal, Doreen. (2009). Stress
Management Strategies For Students: The Immediate Effects Of Yoga, Humor, And Reading On
Stress. Journal of College Teaching and Learning,. 6. 79-88. 10.19030/tlc.v6i8.1117.
Mfa, R. J. S. (2019, October 15). Benefits of reading books: How it can positively affect your life.
Thank You!

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