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ON 16.04.2024


Dated: 18.12.2023
2. LrNo: CE/CDO/Div-3/DEE-8/AEE19/ Muniyeru
barrage inspection/24 Dated: 15.04.2024 and oral
instructions of Superintending Engineer, Irrigation
Circle, Guntur on dated:15.04.2024


1) Sri M.S.V. VENUGOPAL Executive Engineer Division 3 CDO

2) Sri R. SYAM PRASAD General Superintendent, P.W Workshops
Division, Sitanagaram
3) Sri R.R. VIJAYASARATHY D.E.E Division 3 CDO
4) Sri M. BHANU Asst.Superintendent P.W Workshops Sitanagaram
5) Sri G. SRINIVAS AEE Division 3 CDO
6) Sri K.MEGHASYAM AEE P.W Workshops Sitanagaram
7) Sri NARASIMHA RAO AEE, Special Division, Vijayawada.

With reference to the above ENC letter cited the

Muniyeru Barrage has been inspected on 16.04.2024 to ascertain the stage
of works with respect to Mechanical components.

Hydro Mechanical works

1. Spillway:
There are 17 No’s of Vents for accommodating Vertical gates of
size 12.00 x 4.85 m for Service and Stop log gates. The Service gates
are to be operated by Rope drum Hoists and Stop log gates by E.O.T

2. Scour Sluices (River Sluices) on Left Flank:

Left river sluice with 2 – vents of size of 12.0 x 5.85 for
accommodating Vertical gates for Service and Stop log gates. The
Service gates are to be operated by Rope drum Hoists and Stop log
gates by E.O.T crane.
The following are the observations and recommendations: -

The following is the condition of grooves.

a) The first two scour vents are provided with service and stop log
grooves laying primary concrete, the secondary concrete is yet to
be laid.
b) The third vent is provided with service and stop log grooves
laying primary concrete, the secondary concrete is yet to be laid
c) The Fourth vent is provided with service and stop log grooves on
left side and on right side of the vent clear opening is left, the
secondary concrete is yet to be laid.
d) The 5th, 6th and 7th vents are provided with clear opening on
both sides of the vents without gate grooves, the secondary
concrete is yet to be laid.
e) The 8th vent is provided with service and stop log grooves on
right side and on left side of the vent clear opening is left, the
secondary concrete is yet to be laid.
f) The 9th to 13th vents are provided with service and stop log
grooves laying primary concrete, the secondary concrete is yet to
be laid.
g) The 14th vent is provided with service and stop log grooves on
left side and on right side of the vent clear opening is left, the
secondary concrete is yet to be laid.
Main reinforcement not sufficient to enable over lap, on right
side of the vent in between service and emergency grooves.
h) The 15th vent is provided with clear opening of on both sides
of the vents without gate grooves
Main reinforcement not sufficient to enable over lap for both
sides of vent, in between service and emergency grooves.
i) The 16th vent is provided with service and stop log grooves on
right side and on left side of the vent clear opening is left, the
secondary concrete is yet to be laid.
Main reinforcement not sufficient to enable over lap, on left side
of the vent in between service and emergency grooves.

j) The 17th to 19th vents are provided with service and stop log
grooves laying primary concrete, the secondary concrete is yet to
be laid.

For all the vents wherever the service and stop log grooves
are executed (660 mm (width) x 500 mm(depth)) with clear
distance between service and stop log gate grooves as 1650 mm
is not in accordance with the required area of 1200mm (width) x
700 mm (depth) and clear distance between service and stop log
gate grooves 1700 mm as per CDO approved drawing
for accommodating secondary stage concrete.

As such to have proper bonding with old primary concrete

and secondary concrete to be executed based on the
arrangement issued vide Minutes of meeting held on 07-12-
2015 with Chief Engineer/krishna Delta System may have to be

Further all the service & emergency grooves for 19 vents

(17 for spillway and 2 for scour) are to be ensured for perfect
alignment with reference to the axis of the barrage prior to
erection of E.O.T crane for operation of stop log gates. It is also
observed that the top of concrete piers to run the rails for EOT
crane are not at equal levels.

The Mechanical components lying in the yard:

It is noticed that the mechanical agency has supplied the
mechanical components of the Barrage such as spillway and
scour gates, Hoist Bridge, rope drum hoists the year

The team inspected the yard which is occupied with heavy

jungle and the mechanical components are inaccessible as such
only few of the components which are accessible could be
As the mechanical components are lying in the open yard
without any proper storing arrangements and maintenance
(painting and greasing) for prolonged time, formation of rust is
noticed on the exposed surfaces of the components, hence the
adaptability of the existing mechanical components at the yard
may have to be ascertained with respect to strength, Material
quality of Skin plate, Horizontal girders, End box plates,
Verticals, Rubber Seals, Roller assembly including roller axle
and roller bearings, working condition of Central drive
units(Motors, worm reducers, EM brakes) before erection of the


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