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Don't judge a book by its cover.

Aum Sri Sai Ram

Dearest Bhagawan, I offer my reverential salutations at your Divine Lotus Feet. Respected
headmistress aunty, teachers and my dear sisters and brothers, a loving Sairam to one and all present

Today, I stand before you to remind each and every one of us about a simple yet powerful lesson:
"Don't judge a book by its cover." We have all heard this phrase countless times, but how often do
we truly reflect upon its meaning?

In our fast-paced and judgmental world, it has become easy to form opinions based on appearances,
stereotypes, and first impressions. We are quick to categorize people, situations, and ideas without
taking the time to understand what lies beneath the surface. But by doing so, we risk missing out on
the incredible depth, beauty, and potential that lies within each and every one of us.

Think about it. How many times have you witnessed someone being dismissed or underestimated
simply because they didn't fit society's mould of success? How many opportunities have been lost
because we failed to recognize the hidden talents, passions, or wisdom that lay behind a person's

What if we could break free from this harmful habit? What if we took the time to listen, to engage,
and to empathize before passing judgment? Imagine the richness of experiences and the profound
connections we could create if we were to approach each person and situation with an open mind,
free from the constraints of prejudice.

When we judge a book by its cover, we limit ourselves. We deny ourselves the chance to learn, grow,
and expand our understanding of the world. We deny ourselves the opportunity to connect with
diverse perspectives and discover the beauty that lies beyond the surface.

So, I urge you, my friends, to challenge your own preconceived notions. Embrace the diversity of
human experiences and the stories that are waiting to be told. Take a moment to pause, to reflect,
and to question your assumptions. By doing so, we can build a society that values inclusivity,
compassion, and the richness of our collective humanity.

Let us remember that behind every face, every choice of attire, and every first impression lies a
unique story, a story that deserves to be heard and understood. Let us be the ones who break the
cycle of judgment and live in a world that celebrates the depth and complexity of every individual.

In conclusion, let us strive to embrace humanity. Let us be the ones who appreciate the stories and
experiences that exist within the pages of our shared existence. By living the words "Don't judge a
book by its cover," we can build a world where empathy reigns, and our collective potential knows no

Our dearest Bhagawan also reminds us that all are one and we should be alike to everyone. Swami’s
teachings are a step higher because he asks us never to judge anyone but to shower as much love as
we can on others in our lifetime.

Thank you for this opportunity and your patient listening.

Jai Sai Ram

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