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Test 1:

The result returns a PO Box for the address. The Address Accuracy should be rated as: [5] Incorrect –
Other Issue

Pilot Thomas Cardlock State Hwy 115 & Mustang Drive, Andrews, TX 79714 State Hwy 115 & Mustang
Drive, Andrews, TX 79714 Address Accuracy Correct

Free People 333 Santana Row San Jose, CA 95128 Official Address 333 Santana Row Suite #1110 San
Jose, CA 95128 Incorrect – Unit Number

santa clara county result Santa Clara Santa Clara, CA - Bad (User Intent)

The clouds in the satellite image obscure the exact location of the POI. Using evidence from your
research, you can determine the likely area of the business (teal area). This pin placement should be
rated as: Can't Verify

According to the Tennis Rule, if the tip of the pin is on the boundary line, the pin is considered: In Bounds

Rate the Result - Official Address (39-41 Crutched Friars, London EC3N 2AE, United Kingdom), RESULT
(The Crutched Friar 45 Crutched Friars, London) - Incorrect

How should this be rated? Didn’t load image- Incorrect – Other issue

How should this be rated? Result Name, Classification: (Aral, Gas Station); Expected Classification:
(Tankstelle); Test Locale: Germany- Incorrect

Relevance for each result is found by assessing the relationship between: A, B and C

When an address range is given by the query or returned as a result, consider it Correct when: The result
street number is within the queried range, the result address range exists and contains the queried
street number, and the range or number matches the odd/even numbering system for left/right side of
street required by the country

When the query is a POI with its address and the result is the matching address minus the name of the
POI, the relevance for this result would be: Bad

The pin falls on the slope of a mountain. How should this be rated? Approximate

The result name is Tmobile. The official business name is T-mobile. How should this be rated? Partially

One of the reasons to rate "Correct with formatting issue" is: Non-required but correct address

If the user query for [san mateo station] returns the name simply San Mateo, this should be rated as:

Results inside the fresh viewport may be demoted based on distance to the user but they cannot be
demoted by 3 (to Bad) for distance alone. FALSE
When giving a relevance rating of Good and below, User Intent Issue and Distance/Prominence Issue or
both reasons should be chosen TRUE*

How should this be rated? Didn’t load image- Correct

When the classification is wrong, the final Name Accuracy rating is always Incorrect when the result
name is: All of the Above*

The query is for Stevens Creek Blvd. In the vector view, the pin appears just off of the street. In the
satellite view, the pin appears in the street. Pin accuracy should be evaluated using: The satellite view

If the result satisfies intent and is the closest to the user relevance rating should have a relevance rating
of: Navigational

The query is [108 davids way grafton va 23692]. The result is the same address but in Yorktown. The pin
placement is: Wrong

When evaluating pin accuracy, use the map layer in the tool that is "more generous to the pin," meaning
the layer that will allow it to be rated more highly. If the pin drops on the rooftop in the satellite imagery
but in the parking lot in the standard/vector view, you should rate the pin based on: The satellite view

Rseult: John F. Kennedy International Airport 4 World Trade Center, 150 Greenwich St., New York, NY

Official address 4 World Trade Center, 150 Greenwich St., New York, NY 10007- [4] Incorrect – Other

What should be the rating for all address type results? - n/a

The result address is Bozego CialaBozego Ciala,Wrocław, Poland. The official address is Bożego Ciała,
Wrocław, Poland. How should this be rated? Incorrect – Street Name

How should this be rated? User Query [Samsons Pizza] Result [Seasons Pizza] Incorrect

When the classification is wrong, the final Name Accuracy rating is always Incorrect. This is true whether
the result name is Correct, Partially Correct, or Incorrect. TRUE

Category Queries are those that refer to a group of entities that share a set of characteristics. These
reflect a user searching for a type of service or business, rather than a specific location. Which of these is
NOT an example of a Category Query? 7-Eleven

If this result is Incorrect, what component should be checked in the Address Accuracy? Official Address
(Potgieterstraat 47, 1053 XS Amsterdam, Netherlands), RESULT (Defour Potgieterstraat, 1053 XS
Amsterdam, Netherlands) Street number

When the user is inside the viewport, consider all possible results, including real-world results not
returned for rating (purple dots), and demote by distance from the user. TRUE

True or False: When a target's specific rooftop or boundary cannot be identified, a pin placement is
never eligible for a rating of Perfect. TRUE
The result address is Van Gogh MuseumMuseumplein 6, 1071 DJ Amsterdam, Netherlands. The official
address is Museumplein 6, 1071 DJ Amsterdam, Netherlands. How should this be rated? Correct

The POI is a vacant lot with houses on either side and across the street. The pin is on the sidewalk in
front of the vacant lot. This placement is: Approximate

Pin accuracy is based on the pin's: point

As long as the classification is not misleading, consider it correct. TRUE

The intended POI is a restaurant in a strip mall, called Steve's Caprese. The pin lands at an adjacent
business just to the left, Rig-a-Tony's, which you confirmed with your research. This pin should be rated
as: Approximate

Comments are mandatory for Excellent relevance ratings FALSE

Which Starbucks would have the rating Excellent? 865 Market Street

The POI is Langham Place Office Tower. The pin appears to land directly on the roof in the satellite image.
The green area is what research suggests would be the actual footprint of the building. This pin
placement is: Approximate

Result Name: San Mateo is Correct for user query [san mateo station] : TRUE

When there aren’t any possible results in the fresh viewport, locations that are a bit farther away from
the user/viewport should have a relevance rating of: Good arena 1112 south Figueroa street Incorrect - Street Number

Berlin, Germany should be rated as? Correct

A street cannot have alternate names or route numbers, as well as multiple names in different languages
in bilingual areas. FALSE

The most likely result implied by the user’s query, location, and/or viewport that completely satisfies the
user’s distinct intent should have a relevance rating of: Navigational

When all the result address information is correct and present, but not in the format expected, mark it
as: Correct with Formatting Issue

If several rooftops share an address and there's no strong evidence to confirm which rooftop the feature
is under, all rooftops will be considered: Can’t Verify

Is there a Navigational Result for "Hotel Kilkenny"? Yes

The query is [511 I St SW]. The pin placement is: Perfect

Query is "" and result is "No official webpage found". What should be the rating?
- Can’t Verify

Query is "" and result is "No official webpage found". What should be the rating?
– Can’t Verify
If the exact locality is unclear because the entity borders multiple localities, rate – Can’t Verify

If a business or POI has more than one official address for the same location, accept any of them as –

When there aren’t any possible results in the fresh viewport, locations that are a bit farther away from
the user/viewport should have a relevance rating of: Good

The result name is Seven Eleven. The official business name is 7-Eleven. How should this be rated?
Partially Correct

If there is a better result available after doing your research but it is not shown, demote the existing
results considering the missing ones. TRUE

Misspellings within the locality name, including missing diacritics (e instead of é, l instead of ł) should
always be rated Correct FALSE

A high-quality result that clearly satisfies the user’s intent should have a relevance rating of: EXCELLENT

Address Accuracy is split into two main parts: Components and Issues TRUE

The result name is Seven Eleven . The official business name is 7-Eleven. How should this be rated?
Partially Correct

If the query contains a location modifier, all results within the specified location should receive the
highest possible initial rating of Excellent True

The POI is a street. The pin landed on the sidewalk next to the street. This placement is: Approximate

A rating of Approximate is never applicable if the POI is: All of the above

True or False: A pin's accuracy cannot be rated as Perfect if the Address is incorrect. - True

Results that don't satisfy the user’s intent due to lack of relevance or great distance should have a
relevance rating of: bad

Queries that contain the name of a specific business are considered Business Queries. Which of these is
an example of a Business Query? [3] Taco Time

Occasionally you will be presented with queries that are considered to have no maps intent. These could
be questions such as "is crossfit dangerous" or searches for extremely specific products or services, like
"Alexander McQueen double skul bracelet. "All results for these queries should be rated: Bad for
relevance, but all other data rated as shown

What should the Name Accuracy rating be for all address type results? n/a

The POI is this Flying J truck stop, which consists of a large building that includes a Denny's and a
Western Union as well as a separate gas station area. The placement of the blue pin is: - Perfect

If a shared rooftop can be identified but there's no strong evidence to confirm the feature's specific
location under it, the entire rooftop will be considered: Perfect
Pin ratings should be evaluated individually and not influenced by address or other data. TRUE

Holding names or corporate structures are considered correct even if they are not explicitly used by the
individual stores. – FALSE

How should this be rated? Result Name Classification [Aral, Gas Station] Expected Classification
[Tankstelle] Test Locale: Germany - Incorrect

Queries that refers to a group of entities that share a set of characteristics [4] Category queries

The result name is Niky and the official name is Nike, how would you rated? Partially Correct

A locality result can be a city, village, municipality or neighborhood. In the U.S. the result usually includes
the state it is part of. - TRUE

If an official name can be found, rate the generic names "Parking", "Garage", or "Lot" as _____. [3]
Partially Correct

True or False: Many shopping malls have maps of their layouts online and these are considered reliable
sources for determining store location. – TRUE

When you can’t make a decision about business closure due to lack of resources, assume the business
could exist and rate the name, address, and pin accuracy as Can’t Verify (unless there is an obvious data
issue like a missing mandatory address component or a pin in the ocean). TRUE

Street directions (North (N), East (E), South (S), West (W)) as well as street types (Street (St), Boulevard
(Blvd), Avenue (Ave), etc.) are part of the street name. If they are incorrect or missing, the street name is
wrong and rated!Incorrect – Street Name. TRUE

If the user makes the query from a country outside the state or region result, that result must be
accompanied by the country name. TRUE

A unit number should be correct and present when the official address of a business/POI contains a unit
number. Correct

The query is [pitaya puerto penasco]. To rate this pin placement, you should: - Check the satellite layer

If there is any obvious error in an official source, like a misspelled country or city name, and the error
appears in the result, rate the erroneous component – Incorrect

Results that satisfies the user’s intent but does so poorly due to relevance or distance should have a
relvance rating of: Acceptable

Addresses that point to a different location or building, such as management offices, P.O. Boxes, mailing
addresses, or shared office spaces are rated [5] Incorrect – Other Issue

Some stations have both a building rooftop and an open platform waiting area. Both of these areas are
considered valid places for pins to fall on. TRUE

If this result is Incorrect, what component should be checked in the Address Accuracy? Official Address
[Potgieterstraat 47, 1053 XS Amsterdam, Netherlands], RESULT [Defour Potgieterstraat, 1053 XS
Amsterdam, Netherlands] – Street Number

A business/POI result name is accurate when it is used on the POI’s official website or on other official
resources. TRUE

True or False: Even when a target's specific rooftop or boundary cannot be identified, a pin
placement may be eligible for a rating of Perfect. FALSE

How should the relevancy of the result be rated for the given query? Bad*

Results that don't satisfy the user’s intent due to lack of relevance or great distance should have a
relevance rating of Bad

The POI is 305 Holland Ave. Street imagery shows a vacant lot, but further research would reveal a house
exists there. The pin has landed in the alley. This placement is: Approximate

The POI is a single-family home with a detached garage. The pin falls on the roof of the garage. This
placement is: - Approximate

The result name is maccas. The official business name is McDonald's. How should this be rated? Partially

The result name is GAMESTOP. The official business name is GameStop. How should this be rated? [3]
Partially Correct

If a postal code is not mandatory but is present in the result address, rate Correct as long as the postal
code applies to at least part of the feature such as, street, locality, etc. True

The result name is Parking . The official name for this parking location is Union Square Garage. How
should this be rated? Correct

Queries that contain all or part of a complete address, including street number, street name, locality,
state, country, and postal code [1] Address queries

If the Result name is "The Cheesecake Factory Westfield Valley Fair, Santa Clara, CA 95050" and the
official one is "3041 Stevens Creek Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95050" The address accuracy should be rated as:

When the query is a full address including street number and name and the result is the street name
only, rate relevance as: Acceptable

When, due to a lack of available data online, the business or POI name cannot be confirmed, rate [5]
Can't verify

To determine user intent, use a combination of your own research and local knowledge plus the
information found in the rating interface, which includes: [6] A, B and C

When evaluating pin accuracy, use the map layer in the tool that is: -more generous to the pin

If the result address is "Stanford University 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA 94305 " and the official
address is "450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305" the address accuracy should be rated as: [5] Incorrect
Street number and Street name

John F. Kennedy International Airport 4 World Trade Center, 150 Greenwich St., New York, NY 10007 -

Consider the classification incorrect when it is: All of the above

Rate the Result - Official Address [39-41 Crutched Friars, London EC3N 2AE, United Kingdom], RESULT
[The Crutched Friar 45 Crutched Friars, London] Incorrect

One of the reasons to rate "Correct with formatting issue" is: [1] Non-required but correct address

Queries that contain the name of a specific business [3] Business queries

The result name is Patagonia Outlet and the official name is Patagonia. How should this be rated?
Partially Correct

An incorrect name paired with a correct classification is rated Partially Correct for Name Accuracy.

Results that partially satisfies the user’s intent due to relevance, prominence, or distance should have a
relevance rating of: Good

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