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List the main characteristics of Cloud Computing?

• No up-front commitments
• On-demand access
• Nice pricing
• Simplified application acceleration and scalability
• Efficient resource allocation
• Energy efficiency
• Seamless creation and use of third-party services.

2. Define Cloud Computing?

 Cloud computing is a technological advancement

that focuses on the way we design computing
systems, develop applications, and leverage existing
services for building software.
 It is based on the concept of dynamic provisioning,
which is applied not only to services but also to
compute capability, storage, networking, and
information technology (IT) infrastructure in general.
3. Differentiate Private and Public Cloud?

Private Cloud Public Cloud

It is a form of cloud It is a form of cloud
computing platform that is computing in which a
implemented within the company relies on a third-
corporate firewall, under party cloud service provider
the control of the IT for services such as servers,
department. data storage and
applications, which are
delivered to the company
through the Internet.

4. Identify any four types of cloud Service Development?

 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

 Platform as a Service (PaaS)
 Software as a Service (SaaS)

5. Describe in detail about elasticity in cloud and on-

demand provisioning?
Elasticity in Cloud
• In cloud computing, elasticity is defined as “degree to
which a system is able to adapt to workload changes by
provisioning and de-provisioning resources in an
automatic manner. Such that the available resources
match the current demand as closely as possible.
• It is a characteristic which differentiate cloud
computing from other computing paradigms, such as grid
computing etc.
• The first advantage is the elasticity of the cloud
infrastructure that can grow and shrink according to the
requests served. As a result, doctors and hospitals do not
have to invest in large computing infrastructures
designed after capacity planning, thus making more
effective use of budgets.

• Elastic Computing – The dynamic adaptation of

capacity to meet a varying workload is called Elastic
Computing. i.e., ability to quickly expand or decrease
computer processing, memory to meet changing demands
without worrying about capacity, planning etc. Ex: by
altering the use of computing resources.
• Elasticity is a characteristic in cloud computing in
which computing resources can be scaled up and down
easily by cloud service provider.
• Cloud Service provider gives you the provision to
flexible computing power when and where required.
• The elasticity of the resources depends upon the
following factors such as processing power, storage,
bandwidth etc.
These services involve:
• Elasticity and scaling. By means of the dynamic
provisioning service, Aneka supports dynamically
upsizing and downsizing of the infrastructure available
for applications.

Elasticity means the resource availability and

performance can be automatically increased or decreased
to meet changing customer need whereas scalabity
describes the way a system is designed to meet changing
There are various types of resource provisioning

They are :
 Overprovisioning - causes heavy resource waste
 Underprovisioning of resources results in losses by
both user and provider in that paid demand by the
users is not served and wasted resources still exist for
those demanded areas below the provisioned
 Constant provisioning - resources with fixed capacity
to a declining user demand could result in even
worse resource waste. The user may give up the
service by canceling the demand, resulting in
reduced revenue for the provider. Both the user and
provider may be losers in resource provisioning
without elasticity.
On-demand provisioning

The key features of cloud technology that make it an

attractive solution in several domains are elastic
scalability, on-demand resource provisioning and
The need to manage multiple applications in a
datacenter creates the challenge of on-demand
resource provisioning and allocation in response to
time-varying workloads.
The on-demand access creates new opportunities for
composing systems and applications with a
flexibility not possible before cloud computing. New
service offerings can be created by aggregating
together existing services and concentrating on added
value. Since it is possible to provision on demand
any component of the computing stack, it is easier to
turn ideas into products with limited costs and by
concentrating technical efforts on what matters: the
added value.
The cloud offers significant benefit to IT companies
by freeing them from the low-level task of Setting up
the hardware (servers) and managing the system
software. Cloud computing applies a virtual platform
with elastic resources put together by on-demand
provisioning of hardware, software, and data sets,
• On-demand provisioning is a system in which
computing resources are made available to the users
as needed. The resources may be maintained within
the user enterprise or made available by a cloud
service provider.
• On-demand functionality of cloud computing is
ensured via internet and by delivering configurable
computing resources from a shared pool of serves,
storage devices, networks and software applications.
• It was developed to cater to varying demands of
computing resources by users. It is not feasible to
maintain optimum resources because there can be
huge fluctuations in demand.

• Due to on-demand functionality, organizations need

not worry about availability of resources at any given
time. It is the foundation of utility based services
provided to cloud computing users.

• In the absence of on-demand functionality,

organizations will find it difficult to maintain huge
computing resources to cater a large number of
computer systems. It helped both small and large
organizations to reap the benefits of cloud
Demand-Driven Resource Provisioning

This method adds or removes computing instances

based on the current utilization level of the allocated
resources. The demand-driven method automatically
allocates two Xeon processors for the user
application, when the user was using one Xeon
processor more than 60 percent of the time for an
extended period.
In general, when a resource has surpassed a threshold
for a certain amount of time, the scheme increases
that resource based on demand. When a resource is
below a threshold for a certain amount of time, that
resource could be decreased accordingly.
Amazon implements such an auto-scale feature in its
EC2 platform. This method is easy to implement.
The utilization rate becomes more stabilized with a
maximum of 20 VMs (100 percent utilization)
provided for demand-driven is the time scale in
milliseconds. In the beginning, heavy fluctuations of
CPU load are encountered. provisioning in below

The scheme does not work out right if the workload

changes abruptly. The x-axis in figure is the time
scale in milliseconds. In the beginning, heavy
fluctuations of CPU load are encountered.

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