A SIGHT BY HEART - Docx Lifestory Activity

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It was in 1999 when I lost my eye sight at the peak of my career and at the midst of
my journey. That time I was working in one of the TV Stations in town. For me, it
was really a ‘Dream-Come-True.’.
But as the song goes, “Some Good Things Never Last;” I started to see rainbows
around every single light in the studio. Severe headache, eye redness… little did I
know that those were symptoms of Glaucoma…
My left eye was already damaged. After several operations, I was advised by the
Doctor not to go back to work anymore.
That was the time when I came to have a deeper relationship with the Lord. I was
invited to be a part of the Youth Ministry in our Parish. I was already ‘Low Vision
then. Equipped with only 1 eye; I gave Acting Workshops and wrote several
scripts for the young people in the Ministry.
I got married in 1995. Four years after our marriage, I woke up one morning seeing
nothing but darkness. No colors, no shapes… nothing. My husband Tom rushed
me to the hospital and after staying in that room for more than a month; I heard a
very strong voice from my doctor, “JO, WALA KA NG PAG-ASA.” (there is no
I could not explain how I felt that time. It was the saddest and lowest moment of
my life.
A week after we left the hospital, my husband saw the invitation of ATRIEV
Computer School for the Blind on TV. “How could that be?” I asked myself.
Hoping against hope, the following day, I inquired and found ATRIEV. I was
fortunate to belong to the 1st Batch of students.
Now, I work from home as the Official Transcriptionists for the Philippine
Olympic Committee and the Head Writer of our Parish Newsletter.
My husband and I are the Chaircouple of PREX (Parish Renewal Experience) in
the Diocese of Antipolo.
The knowledge that I got from ATRIEV brought me to where I am today. Being
the President of The Board of Trustees of ATRIEV is far beyond my imagination.
Truly, when God closes His Door, He opens His windows.
Today, equipped with the technology, having the assurance of love and care from
my friends and family, acceptance from the society and light and hope coming
from the Almighty, I know that I have a mission to fulfill and that is to be an
inspiration to others and make a difference into someone else’s lives.

Jo Olorocisimo had a bright future as a writer for a
media company until she was informed that she had glaucoma and
would eventually go blind. She, however, resisted giving in and allowing
herself to be a victim of circumstance. Thanks to technology, she was
able to keep working and became an inspiration to many who share her
vision problem. Jo may have lost her sight, but she never lost her heart
for people, and she now works to educate the blind in the hopes that one
day the workplace will be inclusive of all people, regardless of their
Sometimes people enter your life and you instantly realize that they were
put there for a reason, to help you learn a lesson, or to assist you in
discovering who you are or who you want to be. You never know who
these individuals are—they may be your roommate, neighbor, coworker,
long-lost friend, lover, or even a total stranger—but the moment you
lock eyes with them, you know that they will have a significant impact
on your life. And occasionally, even if they may seem awful, painful,
and unfair at the time, things that happen to you lead you to realize your
potential, strength, willpower, or heart that you would not have
otherwise. Every event has a purpose. Nothing occurs by accident or by
the use of good fortune. Your soul is put to the test by things like illness,
injury, love, missed opportunities for true greatness, and just plain
foolishness. Life would be like a perfectly paved, straight, flat road
leading nowhere if there weren't any of these minor tests, whatever they
may be. It would be secure and cozy, but dull and completely useless.
Your personality is shaped by the people you meet, your experiences
with success and failure, and the people you interact with. Even negative
events can teach us something. They may perhaps be the most poignant
and significant ones. Forgive those who have wounded, betrayed, or
broken your heart because they have taught you valuable lessons about
trust and the value of exercising caution while opening your heart. If
someone loves you, return their love without conditions since, in
addition to them loving you, they are also teaching you how to love and
how to be open-minded and accepting of others. Make every day
count!!! Appreciate every moment and take from those moments
everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to
experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before,
and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your
sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell
yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you
don’t believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. You
can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life then go
out and live it with absolutely no regrets.

Submitted by:
Khim Arthur R. Ambat

Submitted to:
Mrs. Marina Dalay

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