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Nama : Rafi Sakya Aji

Kelas : 11.3
No.absen : 31
1. Silahkan urutkan pertanyanyaan teks berikut :
The Importance of Balanced Life for Teenagers

Adolescence is a critical period of growth and development. It is a time filled with excitement,
curiosity, and the discovery of new experiences. However, this stage also comes with its own set
of challenges. Many teenagers struggle with balancing their academic responsibilities, social
lives, and personal well-being. To ensure a healthy and fulfilling adolescence, it is crucial for
teenagers to strive for balance in all aspects of their lives.
Teenagers today face immense pressure from various sources. Academic demands can be
overwhelming, with the constant push to excel in studies and secure a bright future. Social
pressures, including the need to fit in and be accepted by peers, add another layer of stress. On
top of this, the pervasive influence of social media often distorts reality and creates unrealistic
expectations. All these factors combined can lead to mental and emotional strain, impacting a
teenager's overall well-being.
First and foremost, academic success is important, but it should not come at the expense of
mental health. Overloading on homework and extracurricular activities can lead to burnout and
anxiety. It is essential for teenagers to manage their time effectively, allowing themselves to
take breaks and recharge. Schools and parents should encourage a balanced approach to
education that emphasizes learning and growth over mere grades and competition.
Secondly, maintaining a healthy social life is crucial. Friendships during adolescence play a
significant role in personal development. However, succumbing to peer pressure can lead to
negative behaviors and poor decision-making. Teenagers should be encouraged to form genuine
connections with peers who support and uplift them. It is equally important for them to learn to
say no and prioritize their well-being over trying to fit in.
Lastly, teenagers must not neglect their personal well-being. Physical health, mental health, and
emotional health are all interconnected. Engaging in regular physical activity, practicing
mindfulness, and having hobbies can greatly contribute to a teenager's overall happiness and
resilience. Additionally, seeking help from trusted adults or professionals when faced with
overwhelming problems should be normalized and encouraged.
In conclusion, teenagers should aim for a balanced life to navigate the complexities of
adolescence successfully. Parents, educators, and society as a whole play a pivotal role in
supporting teenagers in this journey. By promoting time management, encouraging healthy
social interactions, and prioritizing personal well-being, we can help teenagers build a strong
foundation for their future. Let us work together to create an environment where teenagers can
thrive both academically and personally. Therefore, I strongly recommend that teenagers
actively seek balance in their lives, and that parents and educators foster an environment that
supports this goal. By doing so, we can ensure a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling
adolescence for our future generations.
2. Jawablahpertanyaanberikut:
What is the main theme of the text?
A. The importance of academic excellence
B. The role of technology in teenagers' lives
C. The need for teenagers to balance different aspects of their lives
D. The challenges of social media for teenagers

According to the text, what is one negative outcome of overloading on homework and
extracurricular activities?
A. Increased social media influence
B. Poor academic performance
C. Burnout and anxiety
D. Better time management skills

Why is maintaining a healthy social life important for teenagers, according to the text?
A. It helps them achieve better grades.
B. It plays a significant role in personal development.
C. It reduces the need for extracurricular activities.
D. It prevents them from using social media excessively.

What does the text suggest about seeking help from trusted adults or professionals?
A. It should be a last resort.
B. It should be normalized and encouraged.
C. It is only necessary in extreme cases.
D. It is more important than physical activity.

What is the final recommendation given in the text?

A. Teenagers should focus solely on academics.
B. Parents and educators should reduce academic demands.
C. Teenagers should actively seek balance in their lives.
D. Schools should eliminate extracurricular activities.
3. Jawablahdengansingkat dan jelas:
A. Mention the generic structure of the text above
Answer :
The structure of the hortatory text above is the thesis section which is located in
paragraphs 1 and 2 (yellow part), the argument section which is located in
paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 (green part) and the recommendation section which is located
in paragraph 6 (red part).

B. Discuss the various pressures teenagers face today and explain how these pressures
can impact their mental and emotional well-being.
Answer :
The pressures faced by teenagers today are large academic demands, social pressure
from peers and the influence of social media. This pressure can have an impact on
mental and emotional issues because if the academic demands are large it can cause
burnout and anxiety, while pressure from friends can cause negative behavior and
poor decision making and social media can have an effect by distorting reality and
creating unrealistic expectations.

C. Explain why academic balance is crucial for teenagers. What strategies can schools
and parents implement to help teenagers manage their academic responsibilities
without compromising their mental health?
Answer :
Because overloading with homework and extracurricular activities can cause burnout
and anxiety which can result in decreased adolescent happiness and adolescent
health. The strategy that schools and parents can implement to help teenagers is to
emphasize learning and growth rather than just grades and competition in the field
of education.

D. Analyze the role of friendships during adolescence. How can teenagers maintain
healthy social relationships without succumbing to negative peer pressure?
Answer :
Teenagers must prioritize genuine relationships with peers who support and uplift
them. In addition, teenagers must have the courage to say no and prioritize their
well-being over trying to fit in.

E. Describe the importance of personal well-being for teenagers. How can regular
physical activity, mindfulness practices, and hobbies contribute to a teenager’s
overall happiness and resilience?
Answer :
Personal well-being is very important for teenagers, because it will make teenagers'
lives healthier, better and create a better young generation. Regular physical activity,
mindfulness practices and hobbies contribute to the well-being of teenagers because
by doing everything teenagers want, teenagers will be happier and with physical
activity teenagers will be healthier and more prosperous.

F. In your opinion, what are the most effective ways that parents and educators can
support teenagers in achieving a balanced life? Provide specific examples to illustrate
your points.
Answer :
The most effective way to support a balanced life for teenagers is for parents and
educators to teach about time management, healthy social interactions, and
prioritizing personal well-being. For example, if parents and educators teach them to
divide their time, teenagers will be able to divide their time between academic
activities and social activities. Of course, if this is done it will create more prosperous

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