PrashantKumarAttresh (2A) (BL) Assignment1

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Business Law BCOM-104 Assignment # 1 Submitted By: Name .ftashant...Mlacnes Attaea by Enrolment No. Semester... Class... Section.. Date of Submission. 2%.20/3/>., Submitted To: Dr. Divisha Gupta Assistant Professor Department of Commerce Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi Sector -22, Rohini, Delhi -110086, India; @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Ber omrteeneeeat crater. ensssosee DON, ~ASSGNINENT <1 BOINESS “LAW = G)|_Conthact A contsiact isa Segalby bt ding agseement bet eD -enfosrceable by law. vamos, we can say that a conkdact + anything — —|that i an —agaeemens and —enfasxceable by — dncmeiai c.f the Dane "eee ee re qa e i a fo ento% inte the mntwant Lega. Oty Cd toe conkwacts subject matte “conta Qe KeHi tte 6.0% OSs : 9 i tt @ scanned with OKEN Scanner hu —eas bea Se areas the salle of fond ot agueements that cannot © -be_petipasened within one yeaa, ——b) Contracts v/s Aqneement | Con tsiact eements axe selated concepts lout ba. Some Distinct: Legad Enfoceab ity | Contact: A contsact ————oqueement Lb ty pi i ves_an_exchange of — ee ‘i Roe: au each pasty being Obligated to fuHill thom psomises lunden the se enjacceable Sow, and if one pasty foile + Agdeernent: An _agheement is a hbwcadew tours that Keleus to the mutual uadeustand ing at _asaegerent @ scanned with OKEN Scanner TOD Noes eretetereseerrefern at ir emnece re e ON id Pe atcco dit, coe HGeatiiacts.—Contsacts can _be_Josional 06 infasmal as soa ole py using rd Bs ener 1.25. eatusies and netasuization infaunal conite ————al¥o_Roawn as nial aciaacts ts aan pes + wosds—and_may be_enfosicea ble depending on the —_—ciSicumstances. = —Tipseerent: Te me ba Jasmal aX infasimal os yell. ies (They nay be cuenta Hing, as rains Lim el ted. -by the cons duct_of the pawties . hile some : Agxeements ave fosimalized into contwacts, 7 | othe en emai in _infosenal_and_ Look. mec ——enfoaceabibity as Spect Ji : Cee ntwacts tends ta be ma%e pecisfic ane Ea NOM he obligations and sespansibilities af each pauties 1 | clea trims Contacts often include puovisions. ae }seqasding pPudesimance standatds , timelines payments terms and dis pute Sesaue mechanism pgeeements 4 le ments can be Jes: specifi and. | ; OM eae? Sigh se @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | | Lead Req jisements— =r leoiwact ts be vaDed_ contacts mush meet cettatn. Hepa sequiuements, such. -o5-soulual assent foffed ———0nd_acceplance), considenatio saci ee eet. Pee eee, pip alt tne clement ana Lio chente ntwact | | fit oo ale sell dedi on aj not be. ngo.sicea bile, a : a lego) ment: fou_enJasceabilit vile —apicerminte—tnmampale_a_pinaden ange = Rete esc at coeaaal ‘tandlings 9% _assenge © th: jo-De eajanaee ie Q%_not, c) Qaodana: hin Women “Poudana hin OuaeT Teacher’ SIGH os @ scanned with OKEN Scanner to a esta modestly and sestuict thei Hotetactions with nen who ave not clase elo tives, aoe i Teen chomes and fa ily mated 7—And_they had 02440. AX na involvement in pubbe Life ax decision— raking Pace. 0 Teachers Sigh oonnnne @ scanned with OKEN Scanner The hey chase hess t of oid gece nt inchde: reer ena) Valid? 5 4 Rites!) ——— }oioma the _outset_and axe _iseated as_theug b they neyex existed undeu the Sa This mean: ———+hat_pasties —connet enJouice such _agkeement + iMeoad ox against pubic pabic hey may vwalote {st invalveactiveties shat que psabibited by Jaws + Foteq- contxacts +o commit a (dime as engage io psaudylent activities ane vaid @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘he capa ity 40 entoy into Qn_a9.ueenn soy be void. Thus include contend with minass, individuals unde 4 t these who axe mentally tncapae tiated, sibility - Agueements that ase tmpossible to 2eifoam 0% involve teyms that gee ‘nbenen Ly imoassihle axe considexed void. Fam fg - 3 costtact to Perifosinn an act that ta iff galas physically impessihfe would be vord Fsaud, Misnepsesentation, 0% Mistake- Conthacte entesecl into undex puoudalont inducement , thes Swed gysieved patty T}a_cantoact is .yescinded du matexial missepatcentation, a moat mistake of ees Se | may be tented a8 void. Q4 age lai oo eee ; az expe ty decQa sed "fo" bene oid ieee entree © unde the Dave @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ——— Contracts that He aes Generally considesed —— hee pasties ag aida ——— only cestain viduals Matec. in_Re. t4ain tof taade tit es ucts enti aphtntat Sead o employment au the sales o ~ 4} Rettsiaind af tasaiage Seek to gestoict G5 neler void. This _incfudes ag geement | Contact that sestsiain a péisan$ ability Jo | rSogage—ina_ttinde, psefessian ,a% business are often | Q busines may be Valid. Any —agseement Qsr is “te fusious Asseme@ots Centiacy {6 2D @ scanned with OKEN Scanner fe [Agreements io Restaint ay wee —{Contstacts tat aitempt ie! setinict a panty & tight 40 se eR. legos —S8d40SS oh access to the. —|cons4s axe 4 pically vaid.. Tie include_agneements. —————|4o waive one’s. Might +0 su@ 09% to Oimit the time within which fegad action can be taken, eee Agstements tsheut Const demation —Conttacts that Jack cansidenation, which i she Exchange of Something of value b/w pasties, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner hey than jah Go Specific thansaction af time period. Reve king [a continuing guasanite invalves tesminattog -G%_ending “the guoventan's Diabilit Aes +e Guosantee agement Hexe a%e the ways by which a cantioutng quasian tee Con be evoked = J ice~ 2) co i i +i cueditou a% the p&iocinal debta% . The notice must cer te the intention to s1evore the — gquaac tee aod should be served accosid.og 4o_+he fein, pecipied in the _qua%an tee agueemnent a% as | wequisied by Dawe, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner By Agseement- The gu may. mutually -agwee to dev a guasiantee ae This_—could invalve th@ signing of a REN agseement—o8_an_amendment ta Hh@ ex {ating pGudmantee_agseement cleat ty atating the __" + Aevokation of the g advan tee. [Euopilteneat sf obliga tions-Ty the abdtgatians ok — | de guatanieed by the quasantos have teen méans , the can tinuing guasxantee is onstdosed. Juljulted and thereby evoked Matesial Change in Ciscumstances — ii a material change in the ciscumstance tuSSound ing the in the tess of the undeaity in PEG) change io _th@ _natume_af the debta% “s_ablipatio } z e patie he_gquasan tas may —asigue that the guasantee @ scanned with OKEN Scanner s tunity to. .semed | the b&each al adfard. -th€_athen_pakiy-an appa a ite heehee the _“gquastantee. {Death ax Tea, 10% became. eta, ee jundey the continut ing—guasantee may Cease -utomatically , depending on the teums of the ee @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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