PAS Kelas 6 B. Inggris Ganjil 22-23

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NSS / NPSN : / 20201351

Jl. Mayor Oking Jayaatmaja No. 54 Telp. 021.8752172
Cibinong – Bogor


Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris Nama :..........................................
Kelas / Semester : VI (Enam) No Absen :..........................................
Hari / Tanggal : Nilai :. ……………………........

I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada salah satu huruf A, B, C, atau D pada jawaban yang benar!

1. We use this when we want to ….

A. print some letters
B. send a message
C. take a picture
D. call somebody
2. You can use … to listen to music.
A. camera B. webcam C. monitor D. speaker
3. When I take a bath, I use ….
A. shampoo
B. soap
C. detergent
D. soup
4. We should wait for the bus at the ….
A. bus stop B. home C. street D. toll
5. What does a magician do? He ….
A. paints a picture C. dance on the streets
B. does an amazing trick D. stand for several hours
6. Someone who stayed for a long time is ….
A. human statue B. juggler C. painter D. mime artist

Read the paragraph below to answer the questions! (Number 7-10)

I went to the zoo with my family last Sunday. We went there by car. We love to see animal. We take
some pictures of deer, gorilla, lion, and monkey. The ticket is 50.000 rupiahs. My little sister feed some deer
with a carrot.

7. When did the writer go to the zoo?

A. last Sunday B. last Monday C. last Tuesday D. last Saturday
8. How did they go there?
A. by car B. by motorcycle C. by bike D. by skate
9. Some of the animals that they saw are …
A. deer and monkey C. lion and panda
B. monkey and snake D. deer and tiger
10. The writer’s little sister feed some ….
A. lions B. deer C. monkey D. gorilla
11. Rianna is a ….
A. mime artist
B. human statue
C. juggler
D. dancer
12. Whenever I feel tired, I will sit on a ….
A. fountain B. bench C. pedestrian D. crosswalk
13. We must cross the road on the … to stay safe.
A. crosswalk B. bench C. grass D. traffic light
14. “Look at the …! It’s very green. Let’s play there!”
A. bench B. crosswalk C. grass D. pedestrian
15. There is a beautiful … at the park.
A. fountain
B. bench
C. pigeon
D. bus stop

II. Answer the question below!

Choose one word to fill the blank below! (Number 16-20)

- comb - lotion - soap - toiletry bag - toothbrush

16. We use … to clean our teeth.

17. “Please take the …! I need to tidy my hair”

18. Diana uses … to soften her skin after taking a bath.

19. We use … to wash our hands.

20. “Let’s put all our toiletry products in the …”

Choose one word to fill the blank below! (Number 21-25)

- Feed the pet - water the plants - do the ironing - do the dishes - sweep the floor

21. My mother plants some flowers like jasmine and rose. She always ….

22. I always … after I have a meal.

23. The floor is very dirty. I need to …

24. Bob has a bull dog. He always …

25. My shirt is crumple. I want to … first.

Choose one word to fill the blank below! (Number 26-30)

- can - can’t - should - shouldn’t - must

26. We … always bring our license when driving a car.

27. “I … finish the test. It’s very hard!”

28. “You … try the new menu on the restaurant! It tastes delicious!”

29. We … wash white clothes with bright colored clothes.

30. I … speak English well because I was born in Australia.

III. Answer the questions by reading the paragraph below!

Lina and Jimmy

My name is Lina. I like to read. I like stories about stars and planets. The book I’m reading now
is about the sun, and it has many pictures. Jimmy is my best friend. He likes stories about birds and
animals. He always says that he wants to be a veterinarian in the future.
31. What stories does Lina like?

32. What does a story she is reading now?

33. Who is Jimmy?

34. What stories does Jimmy like?

35. What does Jimmy wants to be in the future?

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