Worksheet-2 For Class 12 CHEMISTRY

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Q1- The maximum amount of a solid solute that can be dissolved in specific
amount of a given Liquid solvent does not depend upon..
(a) Temperature. (b) Natura of solute
(C) Pressure. (d) Natura of solvent
Q2- A beaker contains a solution of subtance ‘A’ Precipitation of substance ‘A’
take place when a small amount of A is added to the solution, the solution is.
(a) Saturated. (b) supersaturated
(c) Unsaturated. (d) concentrated
Q3- At equilibrium the rate of Dissolution of a solid solute in a volatile Liquid
solvent its
(a)less than the rate crystallization.
(b)greater than the rate of crystallization
(C) equal to rate of crystallization
(d) None
Q4-which of the fallowing units is useful in relating the concentration of a
solution with it’s vapour
(a) Mole fraction (b) P.P.M
(c) w/W% (d) Molality
Q5- colligative properties depend on
(a) The no of solute practical in solutions
(b)Nature of solute particles in solution
(c) The Nature of solute and solvent.
(d) All of the above
Q6- 2 gm NaOH is dissolve in 200 ml of solution.The Molarity of the solution will
(a) 0.25 M. (b) 0.5
(b) 5. (d) 10
Q7- The value of Henry’s constant KH is
(a) Higher for gases with higher solubility.
(b) Higher for gases with lower solubility
(c) Constant for all gases
(d) Not related to solubility
Q8- The best method used for determination of molar mass of polymer is
(a ) Delta Tf (b) Delta Tb
(c) Osmotic pressure (d) p°-ps / p°
Q9- value of Henry’s constant kH
(a) Increases with an increase in temperature
(b) Decreases with increase in temperature
(c) Remain constant
(d) First increases and the Decreases
Q10- what is the mole fraction of the solute in 1 mol of aqueous solution.
(a)0.177 (b) 0.0354 (c) 1.77 (d) 0.0177
Q11- The density of 3 M solution of NaCl is 1.25 g/l the molality of the solution is
(a)2.79 (b) 1.79 (c) 0.79 (d) 2.89
Q12 Which of the fallowing aqueous solution have the Higher B.P
(a)0.1M KNO3. (b) 0.1M Na3PO4 (c) 0.1 M BaCl2 (d) 0.1 M K2SO4
Q13- Which Of the fallowing 0.1 M solution have the highest O.P
(a)CaCl2. (b) KCl (c) Glucose. (d) Urea
Q14- Molarity of a given H3PO4 is 3 M it’s normality will be.(N=n × M)
(a)9 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 3
Q16- An isotonic solution A and B have
(a)Same B.P (b) same osmotic pressure (c) same temp. (d) None
Q17- Which of fallowing aqueous solution have the highest B.P
(a)1.0 M NaOH. (b) 1.0 M Na2SO4. (c) 1.0NH4NO3 (d) 1.0MKNO3
Q18- Which the fallowing 0.1 M aqueous solution have higher F.P Depression
(a)K2SO4 (b) Al2(SO4)3 (c) KCl. (d) C6H12O6
Q19- The van’t hoffs factor of 0.1M Ba(NO2)2 solution is 2.74 the degree of
dissociation is
(a)91.3% (b) 87% (c) 100% (d) 74%
Q20- In which case Raoult’s law is not applicable
(a)1M NaCl. (b) 1M Urea. (c) 1M Glucose. (d) 1M sucrose
Q21- A solution of Glucose (molar mass 180)in water is labelled as 10% (w/W)
what would be the Molality and Molarity Of the solution (density of solution is
Q22- The partial pressure of ethane over a Saturated solution containing 6.56
×10-2 gm of ethane is 1 bar. If the solution contains 5×10-2 gm of ethane, then
what will be the partial pressure of gas?
Q23- H2S a toxic gas with rotten egg like smell is used for qualitative analysis. If
the solubility of H2S in water at S.T.P is 0.195 m,calculate Henry’s law constant.
Q24- An aqueous solution of 2% non volatile solute exerts a pressure of 1.004
bar at normal boiling point of solvent, what will be the molar mass of the solute
Q25- Determine the amount of CaCl2 (i=2.47) dissolved in 2.5 L of water .such
that osmotic pressure is 0.75 atm at 27 °C.

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