ข้อสอบอังกฤษมัธยมปลาย65 จังหวัด

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การแข&งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ.

วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย
รหัสวิชา อ405 ภาษาอังกฤษ

รหัสชุดข้อสอบ 405006

รายละเอียดข+อสอบ ข"อสอบฉบับนี้มี 10 หน"า จำนวน 50 ข"อ ระยะเวลา 90 นาที
วิธีการตอบ ให"ใช"ดินสอ 2B ระบายในวงกลมที่เปFนคำตอบในกระดาษคำตอบ หรือ
นำโทรศัพทNมือถือมาสแกน QR Code เพื่อกรอกและยืนยันคำตอบในระบบ
เกณฑ6การให+คะแนน สWวน Expression ข"อ 1-10 ข"อละ 1.6 คะแนน
(คะแนนเต็ม 100 คะแนน) สWวน Reading Comprehension ข"อ 11-25 ข"อละ 2.4 คะแนน
สWวน Structure ข"อ 26-40 ข"อละ 2.2 คะแนน
สWวน Vocabulary ข"อ 41-50 ข"อละ 1.5 คะแนน
1. ให%ผู%เข%าสอบปฏิบัติตามระเบียบสำนักงานโครงการสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ (สวช.) ภาคีเครือขHายโรงเรียน
ทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย วHาด%วยแนวทางปฏิบัติเกี่ยวกับการดำเนินการทดสอบ พ.ศ. 2560
2. สำหรับสนามสอบปUด ให%ผู%เข%าสอบระบายคำตอบลงในกระดาษคำตอบด%วยดินสอ 2B อยHางถูกต%องและชัดเจน
3. สำหรับสนามสอบออนไลนY เมื่อผู%เข%าสอบนำโทรศัพทYมือถือหรืออุปกรณYอิเล็กทรอนิกสYมาแสกน QR Code เพื่อ
เข%าสูHแบบฟอรYมกระดาษคำตอบ กรอกหรือเลือกคำตอบให%ถูกต%องและครบถ%วน โดยเปUดกล%อง ZOOM ยืนยันตัวตน
ไว%จนกวHาจะยืนยันกระดาษคำตอบเสร็จ และบันทึกภาพหน%าจอเพื่อเปhนหลักฐาน
หากผู"เข"าสอบฝ6าฝ7นข"อปฏิบัติโครงการ สวช. หรือมีการทุจริต จะมีการดำเนินการ ดังนี้
1. ไมHประกาศผลการสอบจากการทดสอบดังกลHาว
2. แจ%งไปยังโรงเรียนต%นสังกัดของนักเรียน ผู%ดูแลของผู%สอบเพื่อดำเนินการตักเตือนและกลHาวโทษ
3. แจ%งไปยังผู%บริหารสถานศึกษาที่เปhนภาคีเครือขHาย สวช. เพื่อพิจารณารับเข%าศึกษา

เอกสารนีเ้ ป>นลิขสิทธิ์ของสำนักงานโครงการสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ (สวช.)

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2565 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 405006

Part I: Expression (Items 1 – 10)

Choose the best answer.
Situation: A traffic accident
Ricardo: Hey, mate, what happened to you? _____(1)_____you broke your leg!
Samuel: No, it’s not that drastic. I just twisted my ankle. Still, it hurts a lot, and walking with
these crutches is _____(2)_____.
Ricardo: So when did it happen?
Samuel: It was the night of the basketball championship. And_____(3)_____is that we lost the
game and all hopes of winning our title back.
Ricardo: _____(4)_____! Sit down here for a minute and tell me all about it.
Samuel: Well, it all happened last Thursday. It was pouring down rain and also freezing.
I was in a hurry to get to the gym early to chill out a bit before the game.
Ricardo: What happened next?
Samuel: I got in the car and started to drive toward the gym. _____(5)_____my phone rang –
it was my coach. He said I had to be there as soon as possible. I started to _____(6)_____
and ready for the game
Ricardo: You seemed to be all_____(7)_____about the game.
Samuel: Yeah, I kept speeding up when I suddenly realized that the cars in front of me were stopped.
Ricardo: Did you crash?
Samuel: _____(8)_____. The hard braking caused me to twist my ankle. I could hardly get out
of the car. To tell you the truth, I was so freaked out. I was thinking about the game.
Ricardo: Did you_____(9)_____to the game?
Samuel: Luckily, the other driver knew about the game and he drove me there.
Ricardo: So relieved to hear that. _____(10)_____.
1. 1. Don’t you dare 2. How come
3. Don’t tell me 4. What
5. What on earth
2. 1. lots of pain 2. over my dead body
3. a pain in the ankle 4. a pain in the neck
5. incredible
3. 1. the worst thing 2. luckily
3. surprisingly 4. the most important thig
5. speak of the devil
4. 1. What a boy 2. What the hack
3. Whatever will be 4. Whatever you say
5. What a bummer
5. 1. On top of that 2. All in all
3. All of sudden 4. However
5. Hence
6. 1. get pumped up 2. get pumped on
3. get into myself 4. get numb with
5. get over it

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2565 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 405006

7. 1. stressed out 2. thoughtful

3. freaked out 4. stressed up
5. wiped out
8. 1. Extremely 2. Not quite
3. Straight to the point 4. That’s the point
5. None taken
9. 1. succeed it 2. fight it
3. drive it 4. create it
5. make it
10. 1. Keep in touch 2. Take care of yourself
3. Let’s call it a day 4. Drop me a line as soon as possible
5. Be cool

Part II: Reading Comprehension (Items 11 – 25)

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis began in 1962 when U.S. spy planes spotted Soviet missile
installations under construction in Cuba. The missiles were capable of carrying nuclear weapons
and were within range of major U.S. cities. A thirteen-day standoff began, during which
President John F. Kennedy imposed a naval blockade of Cuba and demanded that the Soviets
remove the weapons. Kennedy stated that any missile attack from Cuba would be regarded as an
attack from the Soviet Union and would be responded to accordingly. Khrushchev later
conceded, agreeing to remove the weapons if, in return, the United States pledged not to invade
the island. Details from U.S. and Soviet declassified files and participants in the crisis have
surfaced since the incident. Unknown to the U.S. government at the time, 40,000 Soviet soldiers
were stationed in Cuba and armed with nuclear weapons. Although Khrushchev’s actions helped
avert nuclear war, they made him appear weak to younger Soviet leaders who ousted him from
power. Historians regard the crisis as the world’s closest brush with the threat of nuclear war.
(Cited from gotestprep)
11. According to the information given in this passage, it is most likely that
President Kennedy___________.
1. viewed this as a regional crisis solely between the United States and Cuba.
2. trusted Soviet officials who said there weren’t any missiles in Cuba
3. believed that the conflict was principally between the United States and the Soviet Union.
4. viewed the situation as serious but felt it could be managed with diplomacy.
5. felt confident about how Khrushchev would respond.

12. Which of the conclusions can you make based on the passage?
1. Kennedy’s first concern during the crisis was the appeal of Communist ideas.
2. Nuclear war is the only way to win a cold war.
3. Kennedy knew that Khrushchev would back down.
4. Khrushchev’s popularity increased at home.
5. The U.S. government did not know the full extent of the Soviet threat at the time.

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2565 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 405006

The Statue of Liberty

More than a million people immigrate to the United States to start new lives every year, and if
they are arriving in New York, one of the first sights that they will see is the Statue of Liberty.
The Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island, near Manhattan in New York. Though she is
often thought to be resident of New York, Liberty Island is actually federal property, which
means that the Statue of Liberty belongs to the whole country. The Statue of Liberty is not only
the tallest statue in America, it is also one of the most recognizable American symbols.

The Statue of Liberty is huge. From the tip of the torch to the pedestal on which she stands,
she is just over 151 feet tall. If you include the pedestal in your measurement, she stands more
than 305 feet off of the ground. That’s more than 30 basketball hoops or an entire football field.
Her waist size is 35 feet, which would make it awfully tough to find pants, and the tablet she
holds is 23 feet long. Don’t worry though; she hasn’t had any trouble holding that tablet yet with
her 8 foot index finger. Talk about heavy handed...

Though America financed and built the pedestal on which the Statue of Liberty stands, the
statue itself was a gift from France. In this way the complete work, much like the United States,
is a product of both American and French contributions. At one time America was ruled by the
British. The founding fathers of America chose to fight against Great Britain for the
independence of their country. France supported America by providing money, men, and
weapons of war. Had it not been for French contributions during the Revolutionary War,
America would not exist in the way that it does today; therefore, it is quite fitting that the Statue
of Liberty, which represents freedom, came to being by a joint American and French effort. On
October 28th, 1886, just over one-hundred years after America declared its independence from
Great Britain, the Statue of Liberty was completed and dedicated by its designer, Frédéric
Auguste Bartholdi.

Perhaps no person did more to bring the statue into being than Bartholdi. Not only did Bartholdi
gain both French and American approval for the project, he led the French fundraising efforts
and designed the appearance of the statue. The appearance of the Statue of Liberty is somewhat
derived from Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom. The torch represents how liberty
enlightens the world. The seven points or rays coming from the top of the crown represent the
sun, the seven seas, the seven continents, and (as with the torch) how liberty enlightens the world.
Though much of the statue was modeled after depictions of goddesses, Bartholdi modeled the
face after his mother. Now that’s a Mother’s Day gift that’s hard to top.
(Cited from ereading worksheet)
13. Information in the second paragraph is mainly organized using which text structure?
1. Spatial order 2. Chronological order
3. Order of importance 4. Descriptive
5. Cause and effect
14. Which best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph?
1. The statue was a joint effort between France and the U.S. just like U.S. independence.
2. The U.S. was once a colony of Great Britain.
3. The statue of liberty was dedicated 100 years after America declared its independence.
4. The statue was financially supported from abroad.
5. France assisted the United States in the Revolutionary War.

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2565 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 405006

15. Which is not represented by the seven points on the crown of the Statue of Liberty
according to the text?
1. The points represent how liberty enlightens the world.
2. The points determine the effort of support from seven continents.
3. The points represent the seven continents.
4. The points represent the sun.
5. The points represent the seven days of creation.

Who would win in a fight, a lion or a tiger? Well, if size has anything to do with the matter,
the tiger would win. That’s because tigers are the largest of all cat species. They grow up to
eleven feet long and weigh as much as 670 lbs. This makes tigers the third largest land
carnivore. The only larger land carnivores are polar bears and brown bears. Tigers are not
only large, they are also fast. They can sprint as fast as 40 miles per hour for short distances
and leap as far as 30 feet horizontally. This makes for an extremely dangerous pounce. You
might not think that such large, fast, and ferocious creatures need help to survive, but they
do. The tiger is an endangered species.

Despite all of the tiger’s strengths, the future of the species is uncertain. Tigers face a very
high risk of extinction. It is estimated that at the start of the 20th century, there were over
100,000 tigers living in the wild. By the turn of the century, the number of tigers outside of
captivity dwindled to just over 3,000. Interestingly, the most serious threats that tigers face
come from a much smaller species, one with an average weight of around 140 lbs. That
species is Homo sapiens, better known as humans. Humans threaten tigers in primarily two
ways: hunting and destroying habitat.

16. What is the tone of this passage?

1. surprising 2. neutral
3. concerning 4. mourning
5. questioning
17. What makes tiger an extremely dangerous creature?
1. It can grow up to eleven feet long. 2. It can run fast and jump high.
3. It is the third largest land carnivore. 4. It faces high risk of extinction.
5. It is not as large as polar bears and brown bears.
18. Which word can best replace the word “endangered” in the second paragraph?
1. dangerous 2. wild
3. plenty 4. soon to be disappeared
5. fierce
19. What can be concluded from the passage?
1. Tiger can win all fight. 2. Tiger can be ferocious and dangerous
3. Tiger are the largest of all cat species. 4. Tiger will face extinction because of humans.
5. Tiger’s future is uncertain.
การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2565 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 405006

A Tale of two countries

Some call it the "Hermit Kingdom." It is a place where the outside world has been walled off.
American pop music is illegal here and you can get executed for watching soap operas. This is not a
make-believe world in a science fiction novel. It's a 46,000 square mile nation hanging off the east
coast of China. It is one of the poorest nations in the world and it is armed with nuclear weapons. It
is North Korea.

Immediately to the south lies a nation with one of the world's richest economies. About one-third of
all phones and TVs are made here. The people of this nation are among the world's most educated.
Unemployment is low, job security is high, and workers in this nation enjoy the highest salaries in
Asia. It is South Korea. The people of this nation share origins with their northern neighbor, but they
have since grown far apart.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (known to Westerners as North Korea) was founded in
1945 after World War II. Their neighbor at the end of the Korean Peninsula, South Korea or the
Republic of Korea, was established at the same time. These two nations have an unusual history. For
one thing, they have technically been at war since 1950.

Though they were born at the same time, these two countries had different parents. The United States
supported South Korea in its infancy. China and the Soviet Union supported North Korea. The U.S.
and the Soviet Union may have ended World War II as allies, but they had different ways of
organizing their societies.

The U.S. is a capitalist country. That means that some people are rich and some people are poor.
Resources are distributed unevenly. Business are owned by private entities. The Soviet Union
claimed to have a communist system. That means that everybody supposedly gets the same.
Resources are distributed more evenly. Business are owned in "common" by the government. These
two superpower nations raised North and South Korea in their own images.

The two Koreas went to war in 1950. The North attacked and took over much of South Korea. But
the United States jumped in and pushed the North Koreans back to the Chinese border. Then China
got involved and pushed the Americans and South Koreans back. The nations agreed to a ceasefire.
Millions of people were dead and the living returned to their original boundaries. The war never
officially ended, though combat has ceased for the most part.

After the war, South Korea was one of the poorest nations in the world. In 1960 the average citizen
made $79 a year. The country did not have a lot of natural resources to sell, but they did have many
hardworking people. During the 1960s, the country began manufacturing labor-intensive products.
Selling these products to people in other nations made South Korea rich. They now have one of the
largest and most thriving economies in the world. As of 2012, the average South Korean citizen
makes around $32,020 a year.

The economy of North Korea is dramatically different. Since it's birth in the 1940s, North Korea has
been one of the most secluded countries in the world. They promote an idea of self-reliance that they
call Juche. Under this idea, they do little to no trading with other nations. Up until the 1980s, they
received large cash infusions from China and the Soviet Union. But the Soviet Union fell apart in the
80s and became separate capitalist countries, of which Russia is largest. Without the Soviet
contributions, North Korea entered a long period of famine that lasted through the 90s. Food was
hard to come by and some estimate that millions of people starved to death. Still, the country persisted
when much of the world thought that it would fall apart. Not only did they survive, they managed to
build a nuclear arsenal during this time.

(Cited from ereading work sheet)

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2565 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 405006

20. Which term best describes South Korea based on information from the text?
1. socialist 2. capitalist
3. communist 4. totalitarian
5. oligarchy
21. Based on the author's tone and viewpoint, which person would most likely disagree with
the conclusions drawn in this text?
1. A North Korean politician 2. An American businessman
3. A South Korean businessman 4. An American politician
5. A South Korean politician
22. Which statement would the author most likely agree with?
1. North Korea had an internal conflict within the nation
2. The Korean War was a major win for the United States of America.
3. North Korea is poor because they don't trade with many other nations.
4. South Korean people are naturally more gifted than their northern brethren.
5. The South Korean economy grew at an average pace after 1960.
23. Which statement best expresses the main idea of the seventh paragraph?
1. South Korea had a remarkable economic turnaround.
2. South Korea produces many electronic products.
3. South Korea possesses adequate natural resources
4. South Korea makes a lot of money by trading natural resources.
5. South Korea was a very poor nation in 1960.
24. Which word can best replace the word “thriving” in the seventh paragraph?
1. flourish
2. fluctuate
3. unstable
4. neutral
5. ambitious
25. Which statement best describes the results of the Korean War?
1. The North Koreans benefitted tremendously from the war.
2. The South Koreans gained a lot of ground after winning the war.
3. Both sides lost many people and got little to show for it.
4. Both sides continued the war without looking for peace.
5. The Korean War led to the formation of South Korea.

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2565 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 405006

Part III: Structure and Writing (Items 26 – 40)

26. My mother __________ housework for two hours by the time I get home.
1. will do 2. will have done
3. will be doing 4. is doing
5. will have been doing
27. It’s high time for all players to do __________it takes to win the league.
1. whomever 2. whichever
3. whatever 4. whenever
5. wherever
28. The teacher recommends that he__________harder before the exam.
1. studies 2. will study
3. study 4. has to study
5. is going to study
29. Rarely__________, but when we do we binge all episodes in one go.
1. we watch shows 2. we do watch shows
3. watching shows 4. do we watch shows
5. shows that we watch
30. The trip has sparked__________in Germany and concern elsewhere in Europe, after the
Chinese leader cemented his grip on power.
1. controversy 2. controversial
3. controverted 4. controversially
5. controvertibly
31. She would__________cheat on an exam than falsify her credentials.
1. prefer 2. no sooner
3. no longer 4. more prefer
5. not better
32. The certificate is valid__________the vaccine used has been approved by the government.
1. when 2. as if
3. whenever 4. only if
5. meanwhile
33. Pollution was a very important problem particularly__________the water supply in the
19th Century.
1. regarding of 2. regardless of
3. in regards of 4. with regards
5. with regard to
34. Many Americans are doing their Christmas shopping early this year__________avoiding
out-of-stock warnings closer to the holiday.
1. in hopes of 2. with a hope of
3. hoping for 4. in a hope of
5. hoping that
35. Men and women differ on their expectations about time__________at home and at the office.
1. spending on 2. spending 3. spent on 4. spent 5. to spend
การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2565 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 405006

Directions: Choose the answer which is grammatically incorrect.

36. They succeeded finally in overcoming their (1) differences to agree on the rules for the 2015
Paris climate (2) accord, which will enable the pact (3) to become (4) operationally,
for example, with standards on (5) how countries report their emissions.
37. It (1) has become an (2) unquestioned truism of the pandemic era (3) believing that
more people than ever (4) before (5) are having a career wobble.
38. There was also (1) a concern that women who chose (2) remote works (3) would pay
a career penalty (4) as old habits of presenteeism reassert (5) themselves.
39. The disruption (1) to supply chains that has bedeviled the (2) bicycle-making industry since
the pandemic (3) is deepened, a manufacturer of parts (4) used by riders in the Tour de France
and Olympics (5) has warned.
40. For all the diseases (1) that animals (2) can spread, it is significant that pet owners are
(3) no more (4) likely to be in bad health than (5) no-pet owners.

Part IV: Vocabulary (Items 41 – 50)

Complete the sentence with the appropriate vocabulary
41. The past several decades have________pronounced increases in the height of populations
all around the world.
1. observed 2. witnessed
3. sighted 4. withheld
5. awared
42. The influence of climate on human society, from the way we________our children to a kind
of work we do, is so obvious that we usually overlook it.
1. nurture 2. raise
3. feed 4. grow
5. treat
43. Children often________success in terms of trying one’s best, improving since the last
performance and enjoying the activity.
1. realize 2. recognize
3. scrutinize 4. verify
5. define
44. With this group of ________ personalities, she was sure her party would be a success.
1. mundane 2. irradiated
3. burnished 4. tincture
5. scintillating

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2565 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 405006

45. The old man was ________; he refused to leave his home, even when he was warned of rising
1. redundant 2. repatriated
3. recalcitrant 4. retaliation
5. recitative
46. One________shriek would be all it would take to scare the Halloween trick-or-treaters.
1. covert 2. unearthly
3. alluring 4. implacable
5. esoteric
47. Drug________is commonly defined as the harmful, non-medical use of a mind – altering drug.
1. abuse 2. mislead
3. depreciation 4. malfunction
5. absence
48. Although doctors do not know exactly how migraines________, they think that platelets,
disk-like particles in the blood that assist clotting, may be involved.
1. germinate 2. evoke
3. originate 4. ornate
5. rectify
49. One summer, while visiting in the little village among the Green Mountains where her
ancestors had dwelt for________, my Aunt Georgiana kindled the callow fancy of my
uncle, Howard Carpenter, then an idle, shiftless boy of twenty-one.
1. seasons 2. infinity
3. generations 4. days
5. parts
50. Martin Luther King was in Ghana when Ghana gained its independence. He said that the
experience was an emotional one for him. As he watched the lowering of the old flag, _______
British rule, and the raising of the new flag of the sovereign nation, he wept.
1. demanding 2. symbolizing
3. regaling 4. incorporating
5. isolating


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