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0 Topic:

An investigation into the effects of fees payment system on student academic affairs at Kwekwe
Polytechnic College

2.0 Statement of the problem

The current fees payment at Kwekwe Polytechnic College has brought negative effects to the
academic affairs of the students at the college. The system is making the students to lose their
focus in studies as they are trying to clear the debts that are just arising without any idea of
where it is coming from. The student pays his debt but upon checking his/her portal they find
out that there is still balance which came from nowhere. This has led students to access their
results lately and applying for the next level difficult as they still need to clear their fees. This
has triggered the research in order to find better strategies to deal with this problem since it is
resulting in dissatisfaction to students and putting the reputation of the college at stake.

3.0 Aim of the study

To investigate the effects of the fees payment system on student academic affairs at Kwekwe
Polytechnic College and provide necessary recommendations and strategies to improvise the

4.0 Objectives

1. To identify the effects being caused by the fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic
College to both students and the college.

2. To determine the relationship between the fees payment system and students' academic
performance at Kwekwe Polytechnic College.

3. To recommend strategies of improving fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic College.

5.0 Sub-questions
1.What effects that have been caused by the fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic
College to both students and the college reputation?

2.What is the root cause of the poor fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic College?

3.What are the strategies and how to implement them inorder to improve the fees payment
system at Kwekwe Polytechnic College?

6.0 Limitations


Conducting a comprehensive investigation into the effects of the fees payment system may be
challenging within a limited timeframe. The amount of time that the reseacher has determines
the quality information that he will have in carrying out the research. However since the study
has limited time, I will have to borrow some of the nights and work overtime in order to come
up with quality information about the research. The researcher will have to do multi tasking in
order to meet the stipulated time so that the research will not take longer than expected.


Resources refer to the human capital and financial capital that is needed to carry out the
research. As a student I will have to sponsor myself in all the finances of gathering data and
materials which I will use in carrying out the research and this will hinder the advancement of
carrying my work since my source of funds are limited. However in order to minimize this I will
have to find other alternatives and open opportunities that will help me in generating the funds
so that I will be able to finance the research.

iii.College policy

The college policy is a limitations to the research since it put restrictions on anyone who tries to
investigate on any cases regarding the college operations. As a researcher I am going to ask for
permission to the college authority and give them clarity on the benefits of conducting the
research to both the college reputation and student affairs.
House No 165/6


01 March 2024

Dear Respondents

My name is Marvellous Moyo, a student at Kwekwe Polytechnic College doing National Diploma
in Accountancy and I am conducting a research study with the topic "An investigation into the
effects of fees payment system on student academic affairs at Kwekwe Polytechnic College ."
The aim of the study is ,“ To investigate the effects of the fees payment system on student
academic affairs at Kwekwe Polytechnic College and provide necessary recommendations and
strategies to improvise the system.” Your participation in this study is greatly appreciated as it
will provide valuable insights into the effects of the fees payment system on students' academic
experience and overall well-being. I will be conducting the study with the help of my colleagues
and my supervisor will also be assisting by giving me directions on how to carry out the study.

Your responses to the questionnaire will remain confidential and will be used solely for
research purposes. Your input is crucial in helping us understand the challenges and benefits
associated with the current fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic College. Thank you in
advance for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your contribution will contribute to
the advancement of knowledge in this area and potentially lead to improvements in the fees
payment system for students at the college. For more information you can contact me or send
a WhatsApp message on +263718987451 or send an email on my email address and I will be at your service. Also you can contact my
supervisor Mr Magugu on his mobile number +263 77 364 3138.

Yours Sincerely

Marvellous Moyo
7.0 Heading

A questionnaire on an investigation into the effects of fees payment system to students at

Kwekwe Polytechnic College.

8.0 Instructions

1.Do not write any information leading to your identification.

2.All responses will be kept confidential. Your feedback will be valuable in understanding the
effects of the fees payment system on students.

3. If a question does not apply to you or you are unsure about how to answer, feel free to skip it
and move on to the next question.

4. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability to ensure the accuracy and reliability of
the research findings.

5. The completion of this questionnaire should take approximately 15 minutes. Thank you for
your time and participation in this study.

9.0 Questions

9.1 Closed ended questions

Choose between Yes/No

1.From 1 to 5 stars, would you rate the ease of the current fees payment system at Kwekwe
Polytechnic College with 5 stars? (Yes/No)_______

2. Have you ever experienced financial difficulties or stress due to the fees payment system at
Kwekwe Polytechnic College? (Yes/No)_______

3. Do you believe that the fees payment system has affected your academic performance at
Kwekwe Polytechnic College? (Yes/No)_______
4. Are you with the transparency of the fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic College?

5. Have you ever faced any challenges or issues with the fees payment system at Kwekwe
Polytechnic College? (Yes/No)_______

9.2 Open ended questions

Answer in the space given below

1. How would you describe your overall experience with the fees payment system at Kwekwe
Polytechnic College?


2. What do you think are the major causes of poor fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic


3.What strategies can be adopted to upgrade the fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic


4.How do you think the fees payment system could be improved to better meet the needs of
students at Kwekwe Polytechnic College?

5.What suggestions do you have to improve the fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic


9.3 Likert scale questions: Shade where appropriate

Please rate your level of agreement with the statement and underline where applicable:

Underline your Answer for example: Strongly Agree

1.The fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic College is transparent and easy to

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

2.Kwekwe Polytechnic College fees payment system is effective.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

3.Do you feel that the fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic College affects your
academic performance?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

9.4 Multiple choice questions

Circle your answer

1.What are the challenges faced by Kwekwe Polytechnic College in implementing an effective
fees payment system?
A.Inadequate resources B.Lack of modern technology C.Poor control centre D.All of the

2.What solutions do you have to improve the fees payment system at Kwekwe Polytechnic

A.Technological Advancement B.Use experienced personnel C.Upgrade the system D.All of

the above

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your valuable insights will
contribute to a better understanding of the effects of the fees payment system on students at
Kwekwe Polytechnic College. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

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