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Virac, Catanduanes

“We, the students of Catanduanes State University guided by the loving kindness of
our Almighty God, pledge one united students, in order to establish a sovereign
student council that is representative, democratic and autonomous; that shall embody
our aspirations, protect our rights and promote our interest and welfare, do hereby
ordain and promulgate this Constitution.”


SECTION 1 This Constitution shall be known as the “USC Constitution 2023”;

SECTION 2 USC Constitution shall directly govern the University Student Council and
oversee all other recognized School Organizations in CatSU;
SECTION 3 Unless the context otherwise indicates, the terms herein respectively
a. “University” signifies the Catanduanes State University.
b. “Catanduanes State University” or “CatSU” refers to the whole campus
including all units in Main and Panganiban Campus.
c. “Main Campus” is the university grounds of CatSU located in Calatagan,
Virac, Catanduanes.
d. “Panganiban Campus” refers to the CatSU Annex located in Sta. Ana,
Panganiban, Catanduanes.
e. “University Student Council” or “USC” refers to the highest student
government that serves as the mother organization to all other
recognized organizations in the CatSU.
f. “School Organization” refers to distinct recognized organizations in the
university apart from the USC.
g. “College Student Council” or “CSC” is the duly constituted central
student body organization of a College unit. Formerly known as Student
Body Organization (SBO).
h. “College Sub-Organization” is a school organization focusing on or with
relation to academic courses, independent in function but under the
supervision of the different CSC’s depending on what College it belongs.
i. “House of Legislature” refers to the Legislative Department of USC.
j. “USC Members” pertains to the student body of Catanduanes State
University upon enrolment in any program offered therein.
k. “Student Supreme Tribunal” refers to the Judicial Department of USC.
l. “USC Officers” pertains to the members of the executive, legislative,
and judicial department of the USC.


SECTION 1 The organization herein formed shall be known as the University Student
Council (USC).
SECTION 2 The organization shall have an office at the CatSU Student Center at the
CatSU Main Campus, Virac, Catanduanes.


SECTION 1 The USC shall be the sole, unified, autonomous and democratic
representative administration of the whole CatSU student body; all its
power and authority emanating from the students themselves;
SECTION 2 The USC shall hold true to the primary concern of the organization in
promoting the welfare of the students thus providing them with
appropriate guidance and true service for the attainment of their
intellectual, political and social development.
SECTION 3 The USC recognizes the value of its commitment of service and its
mandate to uphold the rights and welfare of the students of CatSU.
SECTION 4 The USC shall stand for the betterment of the students, protect their
rights and take action to forces which are hostile to their intellectual,
moral, sexual, physical, emotional, political and social development.
SECTION 5 The USC shall be autonomous regarding its political structure and
implementation of programs and policies and shall exercise an
independent leadership which is primarily based on representative and
participatory democracy, collaboration, accountability, cooperation,
efficiency and efficacy in the delivery of services to its constituents.
SECTION 6 The USC shall fulfill the needs of the students through policies based on
justice and equality.
SECTION 7 The USC shall uphold and adhere to the philosophy and ideals of the
institution towards the realization of its vision, mission, core values,
goals, objectives and its mandate specifically for the betterment of the
stature and condition of the USC members.
SECTION 8 The USC at all times shall strive to:
a. be at the forefront of the students’ struggle for their rights and welfare;
b. serve as an active medium for student ideas and sentiments;
c. create and develop critical thinking among the student body and
encourage all students to unite themselves; utilize their knowledge,
skills, talents and resources to contribute to the advancement of their
lives, betterment of the province and nation-building;
d. to seek and engender educational reforms for the full development of
human potentials responding to social realities and promotes
academic freedom.
e. develop relationships with other sectors of the community towards the
fulfillment of common goals and objectives especially for the USC
f. serve as an institution for service and for the development of student
awareness regarding their rights and obligations to be exercised;
g. promote and protect the welfare of all students from all forms of
injustices, harassment, and other similar acts prejudicial to his/her
academic, moral, spiritual, physical, political and social development;
h. help promote harmonious relationship among the student body, the
faculty, the administration and the community in general;
i. serve as a ground for developing and upgrading student leadership and
its practice, both in the institution and in the community;
j. coordinate all activities of the student organizations.

SECTION 9 The USC shall pursue a policy an independent stand, never to be dictated
or influenced by any other sector;
SECTION 10 The USC shall exert all possible efforts in encouraging all sectoral and
non-sectoral organizations, public and private entities, offices and
specifically college administrations towards policies and undertakings
for the advancement and promotion of the welfare of the student body
not only in CatSU but also on its fellow institutions of higher learning in
the province;
SECTION 11 The USC shall oppose all forms of exploitation, oppression and
SECTION 12 No law shall be passed imposing degrading, cruel or inhumane
SECTION 13 The USC shall adapt and implement a policy of full public disclosure of
its transactions and undertakings involving the interests of its

SECTION 1 Any bona fide tertiary student of the Catanduanes State University shall
automatically be a member of the USC upon enrolment in any program
offered by the University;
SECTION 2 Their membership to the USC shall be ceaseless as long as:
i. They have not graduated in any course offered by the academe;
ii. There is no disturbance to the continuity of his enrolment in any
SECTION 3 A membership fee of thirty pesos (₱30.00) shall be collected upon
enrolment every semester.


SECTION 1 Membership fee from the USC members shall be allocated to USC
Students’ Funds.
SECTION 2 All funds pertaining to the USC, including but not limited to membership
fee, and cash donations be kept in a secured bank: Landbank of the
Philippines or Banco De Oro.
SECTION 3 The USC President, Finance Secretary and the adviser shall be the
principal and co-signatories in the bank account where the funds are all
SECTION 4 The USC Students’ Funds shall be budgeted and utilized for the whole
operations of USC including its programs and projects.


In addition to the other rights mentioned in the 1987 Philippine

Constitution, Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 known as the Education Act of
1982 in the Bill of rights, and the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, the students shall have the following rights:
a. The right to ask and be given special examination during which such
examination was given during his/her absence(s) upon presentation of
an excuse slip with the affirmation of his/her parent/guardian and
provided such absence(s) is/are reasonable.
b. The right of the student to attend secure permit in “sit in” classes
provided that: They should secure permission from the instructor
before the start of the class. They are permitted to participate in
discussion and examination and they shall not create class
c. The right to actively participate in any undertaking of the organization
shall be recognized provided such participation would uplift the
d. The right to be protected against any act of exploitation, improper
influences, hazards and other conditions of circumstances prejudicial
to his physical, mental, emotional, sexual, political, social, moral and
spiritual development.
e. The right to be heard in the Supreme Student Tribunal and be granted
due process of law in accordance with the USC Constitution.
f. No person shall be rejected the right to speak and express freely in all
forms including in the social media and all sorts of internet platform,
provided it does not impede and harm the dignity, integrity, credibility
and given rights of the individual, organization and institution.
g. The right of every student to be informed of the rules and regulations
affecting and governing them.
h. Right to assemble and organize peaceful rallies and demonstrations,
provided that such activities do not disrupt the normal functioning of
the institution and do not cause harm to the property, facilities, or
individuals within the campus.
i. The right to conduct inquiry and participate in curricular and
extracurricular activities within and outside the campus.
j. The right to receive quality education through excellent instruction
aligned to national development thrust to be globally competitive.
k. All members of the USC and school organizations shall have the right
of access to print and broadcast media regarding their respective
activities; they shall also have the right to circulate leaflets, newsletters,
posters, petitions or other such materials, provided such material does
not contain derogatory, harmful, abusive expressions or similar
l. The right to be informed of the financial status of the USC.


In addition to other duties and obligations of students mentioned in Batas

Pambansa Blg. 232 also known as the Education Act of 1982, the members
shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. Exercise the right of suffrage during election.
b. Pay just and equitable contributions and support the projects and
undertakings of the University Student Council.
c. Join and participate in all programs and events conducted by the USC
for the purpose of uplifting their holistic development.


SECTION 1 University Student Council shall adopt a democratic Presidential form

of government with a bicameral legislature and an independent judicial


SECTION 1 The Executive powers shall be vested in the USC President.

SECTION 2 The powers, duties and responsibilities of the Executive Department shall
be as follows:

A. The President shall automatically represent the student body at all

meetings of the CatSU's highest governing body, the Board of Regents;
B. The President shall have general supervision over all the affairs and
activities of the USC.
C. It shall be his duty to:
i. Approve or veto all resolutions from the Legislature, sign all papers
and communications pertaining to the council;
ii. Cause for the creation or abolition of the ad hoc or special
committees of the USC, appoint or replace the Chairperson and
members thereof; except in cases of the USC’s integral committees
stipulated under Article 14 of this Constitution;
iii. Appoint or designate the persons to fill and execute the functions of
the positions under the Executive Department;
iv. Represent the USC members of Catanduanes State University as the
USC President on occasions, events, conventions, and meetings
where the interest of the student body needs representations; or in
cases of inability the USC President shall designate the power
successively to the USC Vice President, CSC President, and executive
v. Preside over all general meetings, joint Executive Legislative
Sessions of the USC, provided that the President shall be able to take
part in the debates, deliberations or discussions;
vi. After exercising his/her veto power, the President shall return the
vetoed bill, resolution, or project proposal to the House of
Legislature with his/her recommendations, objection, comments
and suggestions within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt.
Otherwise, the law shall be deemed adopted fifteen (15) days
following the USC President's acceptance of the bill.
vii. Promulgate executive orders or proclamations, in cases that she/he
is given approval by the Senate President and House Speaker or 2/3
votes of the members of House of Legislature;
viii. Be a principal co-signatory to any of the financial/monetary
transactions concerning the funds of the USC together with the
Finance Secretary and the Adviser;
ix. Be a principal or co-signatory to any of the request letters
concerning the lending of the USC’s Property Custodian and the

a. In case of temporary absence, illness or other cases of inability of the
President the Vice President shall temporarily discharge the duties and
functions together with its responsibilities of the President until the
latter’s return;
b. In case of death, permanent disability, removal or resignation of the
President shall take over the office vacated and serve the unexpired
term left;
c. Shall perform duties and functions that may be delegated by the
d. Shall assist the President in the implementation of all the programs
and undertakings of the USC;
e. Shall be an ex officio member of all committees of the USC, integral,
special or ad hoc;
f. Shall be a member of the EXECOM;
g. Shall recommend to the President bills/proposals approved by the
Legislative Department;

a. Shall keep journals and correspondence pertaining to the activities of
the USC;
b. Shall record the minutes of all meetings/proceedings of the USC;
c. Shall prepare and circulate all notices of meetings of the USC;
d. Shall schedule the appointments/meetings for the President or the
Vice President;
e. Coordinate organizational business functions with other members of
the Executive Department, be present in all of its meetings also that of
the EXECOM or its other committees;
f. Prepare the official papers/communications for the President and the

a. Shall be the sole authorized safe keeper of the USC’s bank account
passbook, documents and other pertinent materials to the USC’s
b. Shall be the principal co-signatory to all financial transactions
concerning the funds of the USC together with the President and the
c. Shall be responsible for the supervision of the finances of the USC
distribution of budget allocations for projects, procurement, programs
or undertakings approved by the President and the Legislature;
d. Shall be the Chairman of the Committee on Finance and
Appropriations of the USC;
e. Shall be responsible for the preparation of all pertinent documents of
the USC’s finances such as regular financial statements, cash
breakdowns, fund requests and other, that shall be approved by the
President, Vice President, Senate President and House Speaker of the
Legislative body.

a. Shall be in charge of preparation of all pertinent documents of budget
and appropriations proposals of the USC for proposed programs,
projects and undertakings;
b. Shall recommend or comment over allocations approved or proposed
by the President or the Legislature over proposed programs, projects
and undertakings;
c. Shall be the Vice Chairman (together with the Finance Secretary) of
the Committee on Finance and Appropriations of the USC;

a. Audits the financial statements prepared by the finance secretary;
b. Assists the finance secretary in facilitating transactions of the USC;
c. Monitors budget allocations for every activity;
d. Monitors and assists all College Student Council auditors in auditing
financial statements;
e. Performs all other functions delegated by the President limited to
financial transactions;


a. Shall be in charge of overseeing the business operations founded,
funded or organized by the USC;
b. Shall be responsible for managing physical USC-owned and
controlled business center(s) and tangible long-term USC fundraising
c. Shall monitor the manpower or student assistants currently employed
by the USC and be responsible for its duties and designation therein;
d. Shall make fiscal reports to the President regarding USC’s business
stature, and shall be a co-decision maker of all concerns in the
business operations.


a. Shall be in charge of preparing and issuing statements for the USC on
specific matters that shall directly affect the interest, rights and
welfare of the USC members;
b. Shall serve as the spokesperson of the President and the USC itself;
c. Shall regularly issue and prepare together with the Executive
Secretary and the Secretary General to the Legislature, the general
accomplishment reports or press releases of the USC;
d. Shall serve as the official representative/coordinator of the USC to the
official CatSU Publication: The CatSU Statements

a. Shall be in charge of all the organization’s property;
b. Shall be co-signatory to all request letters concerning the lending or
borrowing of the organization’s properties;
c. Shall be accountable/liable in any loss of the organization’s

SECTION 3 Qualification of the President, Vice President and Cabinet members:

i. Must be a current student of Catanduanes State University with
a valid Certificate of Enrolment (COE) as per Article IV, Section
4.2 of the CatSU Handbook;
ii. Must be of good moral character.
iii. Must be a tertiary student that is enrolled for three (3)
consecutive semesters in the institution before his election;
iv. Their General Weighted Average (GWA) in the preceding
semester is not lower than 2.3;
v. Must not have incurred a failing grade or incomplete in a single
vi. Must not hold any position in any other forms of student
organization in the University;
vii. Does not belong to the graduating class of the present school
viii. In any case of any other concern, it must be deliberated and
decided by the COMELEC;
Qualifications of all Appointed Officers:
i. Must be a current student of Catanduanes State University with
a valid Certificate of Enrolment (COE) as per Article IV, Section
4.2 of the CatSU Handbook;
ii. Must not have incurred a failing grade or incomplete in a single
iii. Must not be an incumbent duly elected officer in any recognized
organization in CatSU;
iv. Does not belong to the graduating class of the present school
SECTION 4 The President and the Vice President shall be elected through receiving
the highest number of votes at the CatSU Main Campus and Panganiban
SECTION 5 The term of office shall start the one month (1) after the end of the school
year of the second semester;
SECTION 6 In case of vacancy of the President, rule of succession shall be adopted
with the succeeding officer serving the unexpired term left by his
SECTION 7 In case of vacancy of the President, the Vice President shall serve the
unexpired term left;
SECTION 8 In case of vacancy of the President and Vice President, the Senate
President shall serve the unexpired term left;
SECTION 9 In case of vacancy of the appointed officers, the USC President shall
appoint to another cabinet member within fifteen days upon resignation;
SECTION 10 All appointed officers shall not have the right to vote any deliberative
assemblies of the Legislative Department.
SECTION 11 There shall be an Executive Committee (EXECOM) that shall be
composed of the Vice President and all of the Presidents of all the
different CSCs that shall serve as an advisory body to the USC President

SECTION 1 The Legislative power shall be vested in the USC House of Legislature that
is divided into two chambers which shall be the following:
I. The Upper House shall have eight (8) Senators
II. The Lower House that shall have Representatives which consist two
(2) Legislators and one (1) Vice President from each CSC
SECTION 2 The qualifications of Legislators shall be:
Qualifications of the Senators
a. Must be a member of the USC.
b. Must have a good moral character.
c. Their General Weighted Average (GWA) in the preceding semester is
not lower than 2.3;
d. Must be a tertiary student that is enrolled for three (3) consecutive
semesters in the institution before his election;
e. He must not have incurred a failing grade or incomplete in a single
f. Must not be an incumbent duly elected officer in any recognized
organization in CatSU;
g. In case of any other concern it must be deliberated and decided by the
Qualifications of Representatives
a. Must be a USC member
b. Must be from their CSC
c. Their General Weighted Average (GWA) in the preceding semester is
not lower than 2.3
d. He must not have incurred a failing grade or incomplete in a single
e. Must not be an incumbent duly elected officer in any recognized
organization in CatSU;
f. Must have a good moral character
g. Must have been enrolled for one (1) academic year in the institution
before his election
h. In case of any other concern it must be deliberated and decided by the
SECTION 3 The Senators shall be voted at large by the qualified voters of CatSU;
SECTION 4 The Representatives shall be elected through popular votes by the students
of their respective college;
SECTION 5 Each college department shall elect two (2) Representatives in their CSC
for the House of Legislature of USC;
SECTION 6 The CatSU Panganiban Campus shall elect two (2) Representatives for the
House of Legislature of USC;
SECTION 7 The members of the Upper House shall elect their Senate President that
shall be the third highest rank among the officers of the USC
1. Presiding over the Senate and maintaining order and decorum during
debates and proceedings
2. Appointing members on the Upper House to serve on Senate
committees and selecting committee chairs
3. Serving as the official spokesperson for the Senate and representing it
in dealings with the House of Representatives, the President.
4. The Senate President shall preside the Joint Executive – Legislative
Meeting of the USC in case of the absence, inability and vacancy of the
President and the Vice President.
5. The Senate President shall CHOOSE and APPOINT the SECRETARY
GENERAL to the House of Legislature that shall have the following
duties and responsibilities:
a. Record the minutes of all the sessions/meetings/proceedings of
the Legislature;
b. Call the roll of members of the House of Legislature before the
opening of every Legislative session;
c. Note all the points of inquiry, points of order or matters raised in
the session/meeting/proceeding of House of Legislature;
d. Perform other functions that may be delegated upon him/her by
the Senate President or House Speaker of the House of
e. Shall prepare and circulate the notice of meetings to all the
members of the House of Legislature;
f. Coordinate organizational business functions with all the
members of Legislative Department be present in all of its
meetings or of its other committees;
g. Determining which legislations, resolutions, and project proposal
shall be considered by the House of Legislature and when they
shall be voted on;
h. Prepare the official papers/communications for the Senate
President and the House of Legislature;
i. Shall regularly issue/prepare together with the Executive
Secretary and the Public Information Secretary, the general
accomplishment reports or press release of the USC House of
SECTION 8 The members of the Lower House shall elect their House Speaker that
shall be the fourth highest rank among the officers of the USC
a. Presiding over the House of Representatives and maintaining
order and decorum during debates and proceedings
b. Appointing members to serve on Lower House committees and
selecting committee chairs
c. Serving as the official spokesperson for the House of
Representatives and representing it in dealings with the Senate
d. The House Speaker shall preside the Joint Executive – Legislative
Meeting of the USC in case of the absence, inability and vacancy of
the President, Vice President, and the Senate President.

SECTION 9 The House of Legislature shall have the power to create:

a. Bill:
These are student body measures, which if passed upon, may
become Legislative Act. The House of Legislature may propose
a bill to that address matters that concern the student body. A
bill may be introduced by any member of the House of
Legislature that requires the approval of both houses and the
signature of the USC President.

b. Joint Resolution:
A Joint Resolution has the same functions with the bill except
it shall be used when dealing with a single item or issue, such
as a continuing or emergency bill. Resolution may be
introduced by any member of the House of Legislature that
requires the approval of both houses and the signature of the
USC President.

c. Concurrent resolution:
The resolution that is used to express the opinion or position
of the Upper House of the legislative body on a matter and
change their internal rules of procedure. Concurrent
resolution shall not have the force of law and does not require
the approval of the other legislative body or the signature of
the USC President.

d. Simple Resolution:
The resolution that is used to express the opinion or position
of the Lower House of the legislative body on a matter and
change their internal rules of procedure. Simple resolution
shall not have the force of law and does not require the
approval of the other legislative body or the signature of the
USC President.

e. Project Proposal:
The House of Legislature may propose a formal document for
project proposal that outlines the objectives, scope,
deliverables, timeline, budget, and resources required for a
project that requires the approval of both houses and the
signature of the USC President.

 The House of Legislature shall only be allowed to have a

maximum of five projects per semester.

SECTION 10 The House of Legislature shall promulgate their House Rules before the
start of their session.
SECTION 11 The House of Legislature shall concern itself with discussing and deciding
on the following matters:
a. Integral policies, existing operations, projects and programs of the
b. Resolutions of the college-wide curricular and extracurricular
c. Representation of each college constituency on setting matters
directly affecting their interest;
d. In case of impeachment, the House of Legislature shall convene as an
impeachment tribunal, that shall hear and try the case for the
removal filed against any of the impeachable officers of the USC;
e. Investigate any violation of norms of conduct, negligence of duty and
accountability, abuse and acts of corruption by officers of the USC
f. Budget allocations on proposed programs, projects and undertakings
of the USC Executive Department or Members of the House of
g. Shall have the power to override the veto of the President upon 2/3
votes of all its members.
SECTION 12 The Legislature shall have the power to create different standing
committees such as Religion, Education, Health and Sanitation, Sports,
Environmental Protection, Economic Development, Socio-Cultural,
Internal Affairs, Information and Peace and Order upon the approval by
the majority vote of the Legislators present, provided that it shall not
duplicate the existing Integral Committees of the USC.
SECTION 13 The term of office shall start one (1) month after the end of the school
year of the second semester.
SECTION 14 In case of vacancy in the House of Legislature the COMELEC shall
recommend a qualified student to replace the vacated position approved
by the Senate President, House Speaker, Chief Supreme Student, USC
Vice President and USC President.

SECTION 1 The Judicial Power shall be vested in the Supreme Student Tribunal
(SST) to uphold the Constitution and Bylaws of the University Student
SECTION 2 The Supreme Student Tribunal shall consist nine (9) Supreme
Students and shall be composed of a Chief Supreme Student and
Associate Supreme Students;
SECTION 3 Each college department shall have one (1) Supreme Student which
shall be recommended by their respective CSC President and
concurred by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the House of Legislature and
the USC President;
SECTION 4 Qualifications of the Member of the Supreme Student Tribunal;

a. Must be a USC member

b. Must be a tertiary student that is enrolled for three (3) consecutive
semesters in the institution before his election;
c. Must not have incurred a failing grade or incomplete in a single
d. Must not be an incumbent duly elected officer in any recognized
organization in CatSU;
e. Must have a good moral character
f. Shall have a general weighted average of not lower than 2.3

SECTION 5 The Members of the Supreme Student Tribunal shall choose among
themselves who shall be Chief Supreme Student.
SECTION 6 The Supreme Student Tribunal shall have the following duties and
responsibilities powers:
a. Interpret the Constitution and Bylaws of the Student Council;
b. Adjudicate disputes arising from the interpretation and
enforcement of the Constitution and Bylaws;
c. Determine the constitutionality of actions taken by the University
Student Council and its officers;
d. Impose sanctions, as appropriate, for violations of the
Constitution and Bylaws.
SECTION 7 The Judicial Proceedings of Supreme Student Tribunal should be:
a. All judicial proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with due
process of law.
b. The Supreme Student shall preside over all judicial proceedings.
c. The Judicial Department shall have the power to summon
witnesses, to require the production of documents, and to take any
other action necessary to carry out its duties and responsibilities.
SECTION 8 In the event of a vacancy in the position by reason of resignation,
removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify, the USC President
shall appoint a replacement who shall be approved by a two-thirds
(2/3) vote of the House of Legislature.
a. Any vacancy in the Supreme Student Tribunal shall be filled within
fifteen days from the occurrence thereof.

SECTION 9 No executive order, legislative act, and resolution shall be passed

reorganizing the Supreme Student Tribunal when it undermines the
security of tenure or the composition of its Members.

SECTION 10 No decision shall be rendered by the Supreme Student Tribunal

without expressing therein clearly and distinctly the facts and the law
on which it is based.

SECTION 11 The members of Supreme Student Tribunal shall be appointed within

one week after the start of the term of the CSC Presidents, House of
Legislature members, and USC President.

SECTION 12 The term of office shall start the day after the approval of both houses
and USC President.

SECTION 13 The Supreme Student Tribunal shall establish the rules of its
proceedings which shall be known Rules of Tribunal. These Rules shall
ensure the protection and enforcement of constitutional rights,
pleading, and practice, and shall not diminish, increase, or modify
substantive rights.


SECTION 1 The following shall hold two (2) regular meetings scheduled every first
Friday and Last Friday of the month unless otherwise provided:
i. Executive Department
ii. Legislative Department
iii. Judicial Department
SECTION 2 A quorum of majority of the members of each department shall be
required during regular meetings, except for matters related to
constitutional amendments, which shall require a three-fourths (3/4)
majority vote.

SECTION 3 The executive, legislative and judiciary shall create special meetings or
joint meetings;
SECTION 4 The USC Adviser shall be duly informed before regular and special
meetings take place;
SECTION 5 There shall be a Notice of Meeting with the consent of the adviser, that
shall be disseminated to the members prior to the meeting;


All officers of the USC shall at all times be accountable to the CatSU
students’ whom they must serve with utmost honesty, responsibility,
integrity, loyalty, efficiency and professionalism.


SECTION 1 The impeachable officers of the USC shall be the President, Vice
President, Senate President, House Speaker, Chairman of Integral
Committees, Chief Supreme Student and, Constitutional Commissioner;
SECTION 2 Members of the House of Legislature may be removed through expulsion
by the rules and procedures that may be promulgated by the USC
Committee on Rules;
SECTION 3 Cabinet Members may be temporarily suspended or removed by the
President from their position;
a. The impeachable officers shall only be temporarily suspended or
relieved from exercising the powers and functions of his office in the
event that the impeachment proceedings against them is already
being heard in the House of Legislature;
b. The members of the House of the Legislature may be suspended or
relieved upon more than half by all the members of the chamber
sitting in a session;
SECTION 4 Members of Supreme Student Tribunal may be removed through
expulsion that is written in the Rules of Tribunal.
SECTION 5 The impeachable officers of the USC shall only be impeached on the
grounds of:
a. Willful violation of the Constitution;
b. Brazen Acts of Graft and Corruption such as:
 USC officers who use their position of authority to steer public
resources or contracts to their friends or family members, rather
than to the most qualified and deserving candidates.
 USC officers who use their power and influence to manipulate the
electoral process or voter suppression, to ensure their continued
 USC officers who embezzle public funds, diverting them for
personal use or to benefit their associates, without fear of being
caught or held accountable.
c. Violation of the Rules and Regulations on Student conduct and
discipline of the CatSU Student Handbook;
d. Gross negligence of performance of the duties, responsibilities and
functions of his/her position such as:
 Absences for at least two (2) consecutive regular meetings.
 Failure to maintain accurate and up-to-date records and
documentation of the council's activities and decisions.
 Failure to ensure the safety and well-being of members and
participants in council-sponsored events or activities.
 Failure to effectively communicate with other members of the
council or to collaborate on projects and initiatives.
 Failure to respond to messages relevant to work during work
hours within a maximum period of fifteen days.
 Failure to follow through on commitments or promises during
the political campaigns made to the student body or to other
members of the council.
e. Grave abuse of power and discretion if:
 The University Student Council (USC) president appoints their
friends or family members to key positions within the council,
without regard for their qualifications or suitability for the role.
 The Finance Secretary approves the allocation of funds for
personal use or activities that are not related to the council's
mandate or mission, such as excessive travel expenses or
unnecessary equipment purchases.
 The USC officers to recognize or support certain student
organizations or groups based on personal biases or political
affiliations, denying them their rights to free expression and
 The USC officers impose strict and unreasonable rules and
regulations on student events or activities, limiting their ability
to engage in creative or meaningful activities on campus.
 The USC officers discriminate against certain students based on
their race, religion, or gender, creating an unwelcoming and
hostile environment for these groups.
 The USC officers fail to address or investigate complaints of
harassment, bullying or discrimination within the council,
perpetuating a culture of abuse and intimidation.
 The USC officers mismanage or misuse important resources,
such as funding, equipment or facilities, leading to waste and
inefficiency in the council's operations.
 The USC officers prioritize their own interests and agendas over
those of the broader student body, neglecting important issues
and concerns that affect the welfare and well-being of students.
 The USC officers engage in corrupt practices, such as accepting
bribes or kickbacks, or using their position for personal gain,
undermining the integrity and credibility of the council.
SECTION 6 An impeachment complaint upon may be directly filed to the House of
the Legislature by any member of the USC and may be done through a
member of House of Legislature that shall sponsor/endorse the said
SECTION 7 The complaint shall be examined if sufficient in form and substance and
through a two-thirds of all the members of the House of Legislature in
SECTION 8 If found sufficient in form and evidence, the Committee on Rules shall
call for a session to determine the procedures of the hearing of the said
complaint; the House of Legislature shall be convened as an
impeachment court and with the Vice President as its Presiding Officer;
SECTION 9 The Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations
shall designate from themselves a prosecutor to stand in the
impeachment proceedings, but as a rule, he/she shall automatically be
barred from voting as a member of the House on the issuance of the
SECTION 10 There shall be a hearing allotted for both the two parties: the
complainant and the defendant; (maximum of 2 sessions shall be
allotted for each party);
SECTION 11 After both parties are heard, the House of the Legislature shall move to
a voting which shall issue its decision over the case upon a three-fourths
(3/4) vote of all the members to determine the verdict over the said case,
only the Presiding Officer or Officer in charge shall have the power to
break a tie in the event of such;
SECTION 12 The Committee on Rules shall decide the venue of hearing.


SECTION 1 There shall be integral working committees of the USC – Legislative

Department that shall have the task of performing the specific functions
relating to the matters of concern for the USC;
SECTION 2 Each Committees shall be composed by eight (8) members.
SECTION 3 The INTEGRAL COMMITTEES shall be the following;

Committee on Planning is a standing committee within the

legislative department of the University Student Council responsible
for planning and organizing events and designing promotional
materials for the council. This committee is responsible for
conceptualizing and executing events that promote the council's
mission and values, such as student forums, outreach campaigns,
and cultural celebrations. Additionally, the Committee on Planning
may be responsible for designing promotional materials, such as
posters, flyers, and social media graphics, to publicize council events
and initiatives to the student body. The committee may also work
closely with other committees or student organizations to
coordinate joint events or initiatives that promote collaboration and
engagement among the university community. The Committee on
Planning plays a critical role in enhancing the council's visibility and
impact on campus, and in promoting a culture of creativity and
innovation within the council and the university as a whole.

Committee on Finance and Appropriations is a standing committee

within the legislative department of a University Student Council
responsible for overseeing the council's financial affairs. This
committee is responsible for creating and presenting the council's
annual budget, monitoring expenditures, and ensuring that the
council operates within its budgetary constraints. The Committee on
Finance and Appropriations may also be responsible for reviewing
funding requests from various committees and student
organizations and making recommendations on how those funds
should be allocated. Additionally, the Committee on Finance and
Appropriations may be responsible for researching and making
recommendations on fundraising efforts and opportunities to secure
additional resources for the council.


Public Relations standing committee within the legislative

department of a University Student Council responsible for
promoting and maintaining the council's public image and relations
with the student body, faculty, and staff of the university. This
committee is responsible for developing and implementing
strategies to increase the visibility and awareness of the council's
activities and initiatives among the university community. The
Public Relations Committee may also be responsible for managing
the council's social media accounts, creating and distributing
newsletters or other publications, and organizing events or
campaigns to engage with students and promote the council's
mission and values. Additionally, this committee may work closely
with other committees or student organizations to promote
collaborative initiatives and to build partnerships with external
organizations or stakeholders. The Public Relations Committee
plays a critical role in ensuring that the council is effectively
communicating with its constituents and fostering a positive
relationship with the broader university community.


Secretariat Committee is a standing committee within the

legislative department of a University Student Council responsible
for managing the administrative functions of the council. This
committee is responsible for recording minutes of council
meetings, maintaining the council's records and documents, and
facilitating communication between council members. The
Secretariat Committee may also be responsible for organizing
council meetings and ensuring that they are conducted in
accordance with the council's bylaws and rules of order.
Additionally, this committee may be responsible for managing the
council's website, email accounts, and other communication
channels, and for providing administrative support to other
committees and student organizations. The Secretariat Committee
plays an essential role in ensuring the smooth and efficient
operation of the council, and in promoting transparency and
accountability in its decision-making processes.


All matters for ensuring that the council's proceedings are

conducted in accordance with the council's bylaws and rules of
order. This committee is responsible for reviewing and
recommending changes to the council's bylaws, as well as providing
guidance and interpretation of the bylaws to council members.
Additionally, this committee may be responsible for establishing
rules of procedure for council meetings and ensuring that those
procedures are followed. The Committee on Rules plays a critical
role in maintaining order and fairness in the council's proceedings,
ensuring that all members have equal opportunities to participate
and voice their opinions.

The standing committee within the legislative department of a

University Student Council responsible for overseeing disciplinary
and legal matters related to the council and the student body. This
committee is responsible for reviewing allegations of misconduct by
council members or student organizations and conducting
investigations as needed. The Committee on Justice may also be
responsible for recommending disciplinary action to the council,
such as censure or removal from office, if a member or organization
is found to have violated the council's bylaws or codes of conduct.
Additionally, this committee may be responsible for providing
guidance and support to students who are facing legal or disciplinary
issues, and for advocating for policies and practices that promote
fairness and due process in the university's disciplinary system. The
Committee on Justice plays an important role in upholding the
integrity of the council and ensuring that all members and student
organizations are held accountable for their actions.



Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations

is a standing committee within the legislative department of a
University Student Council responsible for investigating allegations
of wrongdoing or misconduct by council members, student
organizations, or other public officials. This committee is
responsible for reviewing complaints or reports of unethical or
illegal behavior, conducting fact-finding investigations as needed,
and making recommendations for disciplinary action or other
corrective measures. The Committee on Accountability of Public
Officers and Investigations may also be responsible for monitoring
the ethical conduct of council members and student organizations,
and for developing policies and practices that promote
transparency, accountability, and integrity in the council's decision-
making processes. Additionally, this committee may work closely
with other committees or external organizations to investigate
issues of concern or to advocate for reforms in the university's
governance or administrative systems. The Committee on
Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations plays a critical
role in promoting good governance and upholding the public trust
in the council.

SECTION 4 Creation and addition of Integral Committee shall be allowed if deemed

necessary through an Act of Legislation enacted by the House of
Legislature and approved by the President;
SECTION 5 The duties and functions of the newly established integral committees
may be determined by the USC Senate President and House Speaker or
by an Act of Legislation enacted by the House of Legislature;
SECTION 6 Appointment of each Integral Committee shall be determined by the
Senate President and House Speaker of the House of Legislature or by
an Act of Legislation enacted by the House of Legislature;


SECTION 1 The College Student Councils (CSC’s) shall coordinate with the USC,
provided that they shall be autonomous in the management of their own
internal affairs and in the implementation of their respective programs
and activities;
SECTION 2 CSC’s must have their own Constitution and By-Laws in line and must not
contrary with this Constitution. Any provision of CSC’s Constitution and
By-Laws contrary against any provision of USC Constitution shall take no
effect and shall be superseded by the USC Constitution provisions, as
stated in the Sec. 2, Article 24 of this Constitution.
SECTION 3 CSC’s must be financially independent with regard to their funds and its
management. Furthermore, they must take full responsibility over the
membership fees they have collected from their constituents enrolled in
their College;
SECTION 4 Policies, rules procedures and programs, projects adopted, approved by
the CSC shall uphold pertinent policies, rules, and approved by the USC
provided that where inconsistencies exist those approved by the USC
shall prevail


SECTION 1 Penalties and disciplinary procedures shall be imposed for all members
of the USC to promote collaboration and cooperation of all the members
to each and every undertakings of the USC;
SECTION 2 The House of Legislature shall enact sanctions for any student who
failed to attend school activities, assemblies, symposia;

SECTION 3 Penalties are limited to one of the following:

a. Monetary fines with a minimum amount of ₱15.00 and maximum
amount of ₱20.00 per sign without just and valid reason.
b. Community Service
SECTION 4 Provided, just and valid reason must be supported by evidence in the
form of an excuse letter signed by the dean of the college department in
which the student is enrolled or a medical certificate signed by the
attending physician in cases of sickness, accident, or any health-related
concern, or family problem, such as death of a family member up to
second degree of consanguinity and a daily time record (DTR) signed by
their employer for working students.
SECTION 5 Penalties shall take effect after ten days following the completion of
their publication in USC officer’s social media account, unless it is
otherwise provided.
SECTION 6 An Act of Legislation nullifies and supersedes all sanctions provisions
of the Constitution and By-Laws of all CSC and College
suborganizations in this university.


SECTION 1 There shall be an independent COMMISSION ON ELECTION (CatSU-

COMELEC) which shall be given the mandate to supervise the election
process of the USC and CSC’s;
SECTION 2 The CatSU-COMELEC shall pass a budget proposal for their operational
fund reviewed and approved by the Finance and Budget Secretary.
SECTION 3 A Central CatSU-COMELEC shall be composed herein with two
commissioners from each College recommended by the Dean/OIC of
their respective College and the Director of Student Affairs and
Development Services;
SECTION 4 The CatSU-COMELEC Commissioners shall be appointed by the
President upon the recommendation of the House of the Legislature;
SECTION 5 The completion of appointment, approval and confirmation of all
Commissioners shall be two months after the assumption into office of
the duly elected President. The term of the Commissioners shall
commence right after the confirmation of all the Commissioners;
SECTION 6 All CatSU-COMELEC Commissioners shall be prohibited from being
appointed in any position/s of any capacity in the USC, CSC and other
recognized organization;
SECTION 7 The Commissioners shall elect among themselves a Chairperson, Vice
Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall also be given the
prerogative to recruit maximum of five (5) members from each college
who shall help them in discharging their functions.
SECTION 8 The Chairperson of the CatSU-COMELEC shall preside over all
proceedings and shall be the spokesperson of the Commission.
SECTION 9 The Commissioners shall determine the frequency and the time of their
meetings. They may also call upon special meetings if they deemed it
SECTION 10 The Commission shall constitute a quorum of no less than 2/3 of its
members. A final decision must be reached via more than half of those
present. Decisions made outside this provision are tentative and
unofficial until the majority of the members of the COMELEC are
informed and have agreed.
SECTION 11 The Central CatSU-COMELEC shall have the power and discretion to
deputize and select members from the student body from each
college/department that shall constitute the College based-COMELEC.
SECTION 12 The CatSU-COMELEC shall have the following powers, duties and
a. To enforce and administer all rules and regulations relative to the
conduct of an election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum and recall;
b. Enforce and administer the College Election Code passed by the House
of Legislature and approved by the President;
c. To serve as the steering committee for the USC and CSC Elections;
d. To certify the qualifications of candidates;
e. If a first-year student will run to any higher position, the COMELEC
must conduct a background check through an interview;
f. To penalize or disqualify candidates and/or political parties who shall
violate the College Election Code;
g. To educate voters on the voting process to be used in the USC and CSC
h. To encourage students to vote;
SECTION 13 The decision of the CatSU-COMELEC on all electoral practices shall be
considered final unless contested through a verified protest or thereafter
appealed for reconsideration.
SECTION 14 CatSU-COMELEC shall have a discretion in their operational funds,
provided that a liquidation report and financial statement shall be
submitted to the USC after the synchronized USC and CSC Elections.
Provided further, such liquidation reports and financial statements shall
be audited by the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA) –
CatSU Chapter


SECTION 1 The CatSU Chapter - Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA)
shall be the independent external auditor of USC, CSC and all
recognized organizations.
SECTION 2 The JPIA shall have the power, authority and duty to examine and audit
all accounts pertaining to the revenue and receipts of, and to the
expenses and disbursements of the CatSU-USC, CSC, Sub-
organizations, and all recognized organizations including the
supporting documents and corroborating evidence thereof;

SECTION 3 The JPIA have the prerogative to promulgate accounting and auditing
rules and regulations, including those for the prevention and
disallowance of irregular, unnecessary, excessive, extravagant, or
unconscionable expenditures or uses of the USC funds and properties
as well as to provide reasonable assurance on the completeness and
accuracy of the organizations’ revenue or collections if pertinent.

SECTION 4 The JPIA has the responsibility of filing a report/complaint to the

Supreme Student Tribunal and the House of Legislature, which is
deemed necessary, against any USC and CSC official/s or student
organization officer/s accused to be misappropriating fund and/or
other organizational assets;

SECTION 5 The JPIA shall submit semestral JPIA auditing reports of their own
organization to the Office of Student Affairs and Development Services.


SECTION 1 There shall be a Faculty Adviser and Assistant Adviser that shall be
endorsed by the USC President to the USC officers; from the members
of the regular faculty of the CatSU;
SECTION 2 The USC officers shall vote their USC Faculty Adviser and Assistant
SECTION 3 The USC Adviser shall have the following functions:
a) Advise the USC;
b) Maintain liaison between the USC and the administration;
c) Maintain close relations with the duly elected officers of the
Council and work in accordance with the goals and principles of
this Constitution;
d) Accompany the USC Officer in activities if deemed necessary by the
nature thereof; and
e) Note all resolutions, communication and papers of the USC;
f) Approve the decision of Supreme Student Tribunal
g) Be a principal co-signatory to any of the financial/monetary
transactions concerning the funds of the USC together with the
USC President and the Finance Secretary;
SECTION 4 In case of temporary absence of the USC Adviser, illness or other cases
of inability, the Assistant Adviser shall in his/her place discharge the
duties and functions of together with its responsibilities until his/her


SECTION 1 Any amendments to or revision of this Constitution and By-Laws may be

proposed by the Members of the House of Legislature upon a two-thirds
vote of all the members of the House of Legislature in a regular session;
SECTION 2 Any amendments to of this Constitution may be proposed by the USC
members through initiative upon a petition of at least nine per centum of
the total of USC members, of which every college department must be
represented by at least two per centum of the voters therein.
SECTION 3 No amendments and revision of this Constitution shall be authorized
within three years following the ratification and effectivity of this


SECTION 1 Any amendment or revision of this Constitution that is approved by

the majority votes of students who participated in the plebiscite or
majority votes of students who participated through online voting
called for that purpose shall be considered valid.
SECTION 2 There must be a period allotted for campaigning of the duly revised or
amended constitution to be organized by the House of Legislature and
COMELEC. After the approval of the convention or assembly, it must
be presented for not more than five (5) days unless otherwise the
proposed Constitution shall be revoked.


SECTION 1. If any provision of this Constitution and By-Laws be declared invalid or

unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be in full force
and effect. The invalid provision shall be considered null and void from
the Constitution and By-Laws and shall not affect the validity of the
remaining provisions.

SECTION 1 This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by a
majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite held for the purpose and shall
supersede all previous Constitutions;

SECTION 2 This Constitution shall take precedence over the College Student
Councils’ and School Organizations’ Constitution and By-Laws;
SECTION 3 The promulgation, approval and effectivity of this Constitution shall
automatically supersede and cease the existence of the present CatSU-
University Student Council Constitution and By-Laws;


SECTION 1 In view of the conflict that may arise in the cease of the presently existing
Commission on Elections (COMELEC), the first election to be held as
stipulated under this Constitution shall be supervised and administered
by the incumbent COMELEC with its present members, composition and

SECTION 2 Immediately thereafter the aforesaid elections, the new COMELEC shall
be formed and organized as stated in this Constitution.

SECTION 3 This Constitution shall supersede all previous Constitutions and shall
commence to take effect immediately after being ratified by a majority of
voters in a plebiscite held for such purpose.

SECTION 4 All existing agreements which have not been ratified shall not be renewed
or extended without the concurrence of at least two-thirds of all the
Members of the house of legislature.

SECTION 5 In case there are no elections held the legislative and executive body shall
convene meeting on the decisions for officers that would temporarily take
the vacant position in the department assigned.

SECTION 6 This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by a
majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite held for the purpose and shall
supersede all previous Constitutions, unless otherwise provided by law.

APPROVED THIS __TH DAY OF MAY 2023 at Catanduanes State University, Virac,

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