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Ministry of Higher Edueati ion Eaton and Sie sie ot tite pervision and Scientific Eat Apparatus ae wr os Subject: Raaition PM ‘Allowed Time: 3 hour Evaluation Exam for Health and nd Medical Kxnm Dateien 5/2024 Technique Colleges ine the Larmor frequency in MRI? A. To calculate the s; T system's operat Te os frequency for RF exc frequency B. : oe relaxation in the prot sation . ee understand the principle ae 5 parameter indicat. is ). To measure the amplitude Of ee ‘A. Dephasing Factor (es the number of. (@F) of degrees the net 2 D. Isochromatic Degree (1D) B. Rcnonees fa a A magi com i aa excitation? | : ion Index (PI) Q3. Which relax: : ation process iny r sive is a te aca, Feturn of perturbed system ino the origin! equilibrium and se relaxation B. Dephasing . TI relaxati . obit mination B relation C-Isocromate elation @ RF pulse described in terms of its frequency during the excitation process’ citation process? Larmor frequene: x i 2 en ___B. Variable at ent Pechensy" Static aes frequency _C. Ultrasonic frequency Pibscas fe process of precession in MRI? a anipulation of the net magnetization .¢ movement of spins around the external magnetic field C. The rotation ofthe net magnetization Ri Hipping of the net magnetization a - Dephasing of protons in different directions dua So) e ai58 “4. 6. What does TI relaxation time represent in MRI? = | Slee ES) 13Ls "A. Time it takes for spins to align in the x-y plane ie @ Time it takes for spins to recover along the z-axis Time it takes for RF pulses to be emitted D. Time it takes for protons to absorb energy E. Time it takes for in-phase oscillation Q7. Why is TI relaxation referred to 2s spir-lattice relaxation? ‘A. Spins rotate withimthe x-y plane "_B.Spins give energy back tothe surrounding the z-axis D. Spins emit RF waves _E. Spins axe aligned tissue pins oscillate aroun with the Z-axis Q8. What is emitted du A, Gamma rays Q9. How is Ti defi Time to reach | 1 relaxation after th RE pulse is turned off? B, Infrared waves C: Ultraviolet waveD) Radiofrequency waves ‘ned in the context of the longitudinal magnetization (Mz) recovery? (00% of the‘original magnetization B Time to reach $0% of the original magnetizati ‘ime to reach 63% of the original magnetization ‘1D. Time to reach 75% ‘of the original ‘magnetization E, Time to reach 90% of the original magnetization Q10. How does the receiver pandwidth affect MRI imaging? ‘A. It determines the strength of the magnetic field gradient @ Itcontrols the amplitude of the received sit C. It governs the resolution and detail of the resulting image D.1t affects the time required for data acquis E. It determines the frequen RF excitation pulse ring the process of T E. X-rays ey range of the : Third Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Stage: Thit Research Subject; Radiation Physics? Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Allowed Time: 3 hours Apparatus Exam DateeA/ 9/2024 Evaluation Exam for Health and Medical Technique Colleges aula Sts e a9S>J| SlealsJI bbs Final Exam / Academic Year Q11. How does the phase encoding gradient contribute (o spatial resolution in MRI imaging? A. By causing a range of frequencies to exist within the slice B. By systematically varying the phase of magnetization vectors in different columns C. By creating voxels with unique combinations of frequency and phase »By encoding spatial information along a second dimension orthogonal to other gradients E. By analyzing the brightness and intensity of each voxel using the 2D Fourier Transform . Q12. Which method is used to adjust the homogeneity of the static magnetic field (B.) in MRI scanners? A. Cooling B.Gradients (C)Shimming _D.Exeiting currents _B. Transmission coils QU3. Which of the following best describes T1 relaxation in MRI? A. The time it takes for the magnetization to reach: its original value after an RF pulse . The time it iakes for the spins to de-phase to 37% of the original value CO) The time it takes for the longitudinal magnetization to reach 63% of the original value & The time it takes for the spins to give back the energy obtained from the RF pulse e time it takes for the net magnetization to recover along the xy plane Qi RS re is bo’ primary reason for positioning the receive coil at right angles to the main magnetic field 0) in MERI? A. To ainplify the radio frequency waves induced by the main magnetic field B. To prevent overwhelming induction of current by BO, resulting in noise C. To optimize the tuning of the coil for signal reception To minimize the interference caused by the magnetic component of radio frequency waves ‘o ensure the coils are aligned with the direction of the radio frequency waves Q15. What is the significance of the gyro magnetic ratio in MRI imaging? A. It determines the rate of electron spin around the nucleus. ; B. It represents the ratio of protons to neutrons in-the nucleus, C It indicates the strength of the magnetic field generated by spinning protons. Itdetermines the likelihood of electron cloud formation around the nucleus. It represents the ratio of the magnetic moment fo the atomic mass ofan element, Q16. What happens to the magnetic moments in most materials, like soft tissue, when they are not ic field? nee Ten iecxcatl magnetic field They orient randomly and cancel each other out . i . They become highly magnetized Gre} gin sroundthe x-mas gdireotions E. They oscillate in a circular motion it Sec EaTE mes Q17. What is the primary purpose Oe culating hydrogen nuclei A. To produce the RF waves necessary ‘en nuclei within the body B. To determine the location of hydreget Tai To generate the main static magnetic . ‘i ite C. To amplify the signal emitted >) or cons of MRI spins By arying the magnetic field field (BO) (B. To spatially ens “e between successive RF pulses in MRI? Q18, What parameter controls the tim B, T2 relaxation time C. Echo time (TE) A. TI relaxation time ‘Net magnetization D. Repetition time (TR) eo (© REDMI NOTE 8 PRO 2 Al QUAD CAMERA @O REDMI NOTE 8 PRO CO Al QUAD CAMERA Re cient i sons uuyerss Pir, iealth and No, S ‘Allowed Time: ge COMleRes 'dicat Exam DateZr/ 5/2024 g an RE Ve = SS ee ee mse density MISS the: accdaele pr armor Frequency affect the net magnetizal peagsctiztion With the mm spin directions» “is inet Magnetizati zation ji on Magnetization?! ation Pl8t€ perpendicular to the Z-axis RI it tissues? verses energy release. ¢, a e durations Consistent proton bonds lomogeneous magn’ , Unifor”axation process B.Di en ae te s aise io of energy release for each tissue —— Taba nts hens ine X-¥ plain? aMiptice i Aus Ecsia gen, transverse relaxation as waatdesnee es T2* relaxation Ae is {fluenced by adjacent pr ae T2 relaxation in terms. Pesan ltd to cone ee epee , i ee rae inkomogeneos maps eld shite 72 ‘influenced by molecular environ Sou Pipe isa reversible process, while T2isi oa 930. How does the rate of energ ns gy release dur Hon at ring T1 relaxation differ for tightly pound protons versus Joosely bound protons? ‘A. Tightly bound protons release enerBy T° slow psely bound protons release enerey "T, mae ehtly bound and loosely ‘pound protons release ener i tly bound protons release more enersy overall E, Loosely bound ‘protons release more enetEy overall - Q31. Why is T2 relaxation also called spin-*P! relaxation? eseribes recovery in the X-Y plane % Represents interactions petween prorpns J their surroundings fers to the decay of she dealt ou ‘ Spgs the Larmor frequen’) oem! Sea spi e it takes 10 : mete sien etic field of its cause? gy at the same rate | Slaoled! 6s Tos, protons during retasation i elled? © Lanmor Frequency al coming eee the tim a iicabeence fea serrD) ; i on Deny ED) A, Gradient Coil B. Free ai ced Field Signal : nee Amplitude Wave it Zauenss raves 1 (Hey ‘are not picked up by the receive coil in the MRI . What the radi ee fade i They gtsnoed vin the MRE ei for tio Belt, excess enerey ‘within the spins D. They pack i ye back into the patient's Do¢Y basin terms ofthe direct jg describes? tom ecovery inthe X-Y plane ip relat ron Hery 21086 tio the same “ ee ‘pscilatio” Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Stage: Research “age: Third Supervision and Scientific Evaluation im let: Radiation PAYS ‘Apparatis Allowed Time: 3 hours Exam Date:z9/% 2024 Evaluation Exam for Health and Medical ‘Technique Colleges Final Exam / Academic Year 2023.5), Q35. How does T2* compare to T2 and TAipheryPsh fired rela 3 Sestt ca labs "A. T2* is usually greater than T2 and TI ~* ca ‘70* is usually much smaller than T2 and TI ’ 72% is usually equal to T2 and TL D. T2* is unrelated to T2 and TL E, T2* is always equal to TI] Q36, Why is it important to position the receive coil at EMT angles to By during i " +> maximize the efficiency of the transmit coil B. Toallow Bato me thea san eben ng C, To minimize the induced current in the coil. To optimize the in oe E. To prevent rapid degradation of the image quality rength at 037, What is the time it takes for a gradient to reach maximum power called? mieeTime B.Slew Rate C. Maximum Strength D. Signal-t-noise tio E, Spatial resolution 038, How is T2 defined in the context of the transverse magnetization (Mx) decay? I "A. Time to reach 0% of the original magnetization B, Time to reach 25% ofthe original magnetization € ‘Time to roach 35% of the original magnetization (1) Time to reach 37% of the original magnslization E, Time to reach 67% of the original magnetization : 039. How does the strength of the magnetic field affeet the distribution of protons in low-enery high-energy states during MII imaging? ‘A. Higher field strengths lead to a greater excess of protons in the high-energy sate B_ Lower field strengths result in a larger number of protons aligned parallel tothe field. C. Magnetic field strength has no impact on the distribution of protons between energy states. . Stronger fields cause protons to align predominantly ant-paralle! tothe field E. Weaker fields cause protons to align predominantly parallel to the field 040. Which kind of contrast agents are used to increase T1 relaxation (ime and result in bright contrast Ti-weighted images? : A. Negative contrast agents B. T2-weighted contrast agents C- ‘TL-weighted contrast agents D, T2* contrast agents E. Positive contrast agents Q41.. What are the steps involved in obtaining an image from an MRI sean? ition, Relaxation, Acquisition, Computing, Display Cancellation, Alignment, Magnetometry, Digitization C. Precession, Wobble, Proton Density, Contrast D, Orientation, Alignment, Magnetization, Visualization E, Acquisition, Magnetization , Alignment, Display Q42,.Why is additional encoding required in MRI imaging sl°*" To improve signal frequency and noise ratio B. Topi To rcs chemical shi and motion anfats p, Tominis® a Be the number of slices acquired rection iti8 applied? " is the effect of frequency encoding gradient in the OT range of Lae a increases the number of protons B, It dectets ormor fre ee eet bed D, It causes a rans®° s origin of the signals the exact . struction time jmage recon Research Supervision and Scientine p, sien pe Subject: Radiation Physics? Allowed Time: 3 hours Evaluation Exam for Heatth 4. Exam Dateo-¥ 5/2024 Technique College, 44. How does the field of yz. A. Ithas no effect on vox) (Fe es C. Itaffects the pixel sizg B. It doubles the voxel volume on both axes os. Which tchniaue eqatlition D. Itincreases | i Z| Ags 0 during scanning? les Mrr ato wts Baio) A. Time of gradient SWitehi, C. Proportionality bety.c ting B. Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform (2DFT) i 0 ma, E. Anterior-Posterior py, Retin eeetie field ection, and frequency. Linearly varying magnetic field Q46. Which method of Phagy © encoding; Lot, eterbed as starting from the middle and outward? A. Linear phase encodis ; Bere Pete eeetiting OPN pass encoding C. High-low phase encoding Q47. What does the receiver lone of the previous A. Noise reduction and darg at4idth control in MRE? section peed B. Chemical shift and motion artifacts C. Spatial resolution and iment E. Range of frequencies ¢, ‘“uisition time D. Number of acquisitic i Q48. What tyre of MRT ae gee frequency encoding as a einer b ‘a ents ar - a bone marrow? | i» “used to shorten 12* relaxation times in the liver, spleen, and s ne ; D. Paramagnetic agents ” oxide nanoparticles C. Superparamagnetic materi Q49. What is the interval be tccelna-bared agents Sage Ac Rosch tent ee essing excitations of the same slice ealled? z . le C. Repetition ‘Tim i i ee Q50. What is the purpose of the inter-slice gap in MII imaging SLOF View B. Matrix Size a Z 'o decrease spatial teslution |B. Toeskance signabiomvise ro . To increase cross-talk interference . To improve field of view FE, To red cel Q51. What is the phase encoding gradient used for in an MRI? use the pixel size A, Slice selection B. Excitation C. Encoding spatial signal location E. Increasing SNR in each plane D. Phase of the x-y-magnetization vector ‘ QS2. How does the number of hydrogen protons in the area of tissue to be seanned affect contrast B. It has no impact on contrast resolution ution. ineteases contrast resolution _E. I influences voxel size Com, Puler (o calculate the exact location and intensity of each voxel resolution? cae A. It decreases contrast resolurie® contrast reso MN icle-based Tt contrast agents in MRI? C. It slightly impacts 53, What is the purPas A. To increase jon times ‘ i x ap ere? ay “al ston times yn oxidenamopaticle-based negative T2 contrat agents yercome jon time images s a oil ee go acguisition? : ignal inter jay io MRI B. It measures the relaxation properties of tissues ce PI D. It stores the final processed MRI image E, To enhance sig? r Q54. What role does rege re sont Delis ation image A, It generates MR Cit diretly 2h neo @© REDMINOTE 8 PRO NOM me wre a1. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Supervision and Scie 2 Stage: Third 32 Scientific Evaluation Subject: Radiation PBYS! 2 ject: Radiatio! Allowed Time: 3 hows Exam Dateie 4/9/2024 Evaluation Exam for Health and Medical Technique Colleges Final Exam / Academic Year 2993 5, 2024 IG55, The net magnetization vector pointing in the same direct, . ————_ ‘A. Larmor magnetization B. Transverse magnetization" isis called? ; D, In-phase magnetization E, Radial magnetization ‘ongitudinal magnetization Q56. What is the reciprocal of frequency in the context Of Ultrasoyng Wavelength B.Amplitude — C. Period D. Velocity. "*¥68? QS7. What characteristic of ultrasound determines intensity in a putseq pea nq PPAR mn? A. Pulse rate B, Pulse duration C. Duty factor —D, Pres Q58. What is the ‘om of sound above which it is considereg cee E. Temporal period ie A. 15 Hz (B) 20 kz C2sMHz D.40G, ™ Q59. What factor etfases the loss of energy as the ultrasound wave passes thy, e 1a ‘A. Refraction Absorption C. Scattering. Relat g ne ee sion Q60. How does attenuation limit the depth of ultrasound examination? E. Treo: A. By increasing the viscosity B. By reducing the frequency C. By incre a8 D. By decreasing the penetration depth _E. By increasing the quality ee s Q61, What is the main principle of ultrasound imaging based on in the "pulse-echo” principle? ‘A. Refraction B. Diffraction C.Reflection —D. Transmission _E. absorption Q62. What is the reflection coefficient formula for ultrasound waves? A.R=(Z1 +2Z2)/ (Zl - 22) B.R=(Z1-Z2)/(21+22) C.R=(Z1 x Z2)/(Z1 +22) D.R=(Z1 + Z2)/ (Zl * 22) E.R=(Z1-Z2)/(Z1* 22) Q63, What does a large difference in acoustic impedances between ‘materials at a houndary cause? ‘A, Greater absorption of sound B, Greater transmission of sound = C. Greater reflection of sound D. Lower transmission coefficient E, Lower reflection coefficient \64. What does perfusion refer to in physiology? q A, Breathing : B. Blood circulation C. Digestion D. ‘Muscle movement Se ie Q65, Which of the following is another term for M-mode, offen used interchangeably imaging? : Rice nae 87 5. Time-Motion mode (Q) Motiontime mode, F D.Mode-Motion mode _E. Time-Mode mode ee deed lo bbSI6L5 Q66. What factor most directly affeets the axial resolution of aise ea A. Transducer shape B.Beam intensity —C- gan y lg es D. Duration of the ultrasound pulse E. Transducer aml in i .d imaginy 17. Whi the frequency ranges used in medical ultrasoun? OL MEe, tS 10MHz —C.5-10MHz_ 2 We ; Q68. What are the sufficient parameters to deseribe continuoms ation rate pulse Frequency, period, wavelength, propagation speed B. Cees ts, compcesiom rare! AC voltage, pressure waveform, ti D. Bea ee. E, Amplitude, vibration, propagelict, ae! Pes ee her said uDStaRepgulaton Q69. What physical property of qual unique a ane ais ene faction pressure - eo x ee of electric charge under soe Cees ol we 1 indivi Jes of crystal deseril Q70. How are individual eee < ted eet P Yemen ostaie ae CO Al QUAD CAMERA Stage: Third Subject: Radiation Physics2 Allowed Time: 3 hours Exam Date:-eVf /2024 'm for Health and Medical Technique Colleges (ByThe abiticy a aa ing materials to generate ee current i ths dee nat HOn-conducting materials to generate electric cu zs et.8 the abil oral materials to generare electric current Gg Slee lb 18b5 E. The ability of sag ‘0 generate mechanical stress 5 Q72. What is the function of use let oe ho wedge? 4 Wo i Tasound gel i .chn i fe wand go COO! down the skin "4 8¢1 im diagnostic te BA diet ere iaeenn ort skin is used to transmit and rook Iti ibrations in the skin Bo io reaarr tke wages, Di ltie ued ogmante iain Q73. How is relative ampl ‘ultraneh the sl taencliattiae ae a Coe : ude of ultrasound Dulses often expressed in diagnostic applications? Q74. In the context olempig Joules cee cee i ia oe ee © ratios, with an increase'in amplitude, does the relative pulse amplitude Lose Gainer on . Remain newt 275. What is the relationship Tetons deep 11%? A. -1dBB. 243 Q76. How can the total reduction in ampli Cannot be determined from the text, None of the above ibels and amplitude ratios when the amplitude is reduced by C. 308 +1dB E4243 ee tude of an ultrasound pulse passing through tissue be < Adding all the amplitude ratios B. Multiply it viding ats ‘. . ltipl; the decibel losses C. Dit the wavelen; Guan the shortest period a eeoca E. Subtracting the amplitudes Q77. What factor results in a +6 dB increase in pulse amplitude? Amplitude ratio of 0.5 B. Amplitude ratio of 1 C. Amplitude ratio of 2 . Amplitude ratio of 1.5 E.Noweof dic above Q78. What is the unit for measuring the acoustic power? A. Joules (B)Watts —C. Kilowatts._D. Herz E-Newion . How is infensity defined in terms of ultrasound energy? dere per eae Energy per square centimeter C. Rate of energy transfer D. Pressure amplitude E. Average power \ i sorption of the ultrasound beam’? (Q80. What factor increases absorption oft od ne A. Decreased viscosity ofthe medium B.Deretsed Feqvency of the ulsasund © Increased frequency of the ultrasound D. Insreased ly E, Increase the viscosity ofthe medium Q81. What is the Doppler shift in ultraso tude (B) Moving re blood cell velocity and insonation A. Transmitted wavelength ans Ser ‘ound velocity in tissue and blood flow direction i i je and ultrasot sitivity C. Reflection ee and transduce maging applications? = Z E. Angle of rei duty factor in ultrasound MAG C. The fraction of time ultrasound is produced ess 82. What is the du imaging B. se duration ‘A. Equal to 1 for pulsed imaging E Reiaied tp pulse ae ied to thermal effects from ultrasound exposure? ional to closely rel |-peak intensit C. Pulse-average intensity cs, wee pe or mei eae bao sf E, Pulse repetition period intensity i intensity iotenstY Temporal peak in average 3 Spatial-peak: a @O REDMI NOTE 8 PRO CO Al QUAD CAMERA Ministry of Higher Education and Scientifi Scientific Research e i pnssie? Supervision and Scientific E age’ tio” fic Evaluatio ‘ 8 Radiat Avpsras ten Sth a Evaluation Exam for Health and - : h and Medi am Datez a! Technique Colleges ‘dical Exam Dates Final Year 2023-2024 14, What are the diff re — orm Sreerent rape meson bent hep tio gS IT Cs Isls a refract ’ Reflection, transmission, absorption ecg ttenuation, absorption, reflecti 2 Prranmtasion, sbsorpticn, reflection, retrain, dif E, Absorption, reflection, transmission, Se acomaaierig: . the total attenuatic “| ; ce. vcefh ee peice a ofan os beam in a medium expressed? ‘ransmission coefficient ie 50% > Ae Ee ac eh E, Reflection ratio 2 at measurement does the constructi i eae truction sealer ines depend on? . The average propagation speed of soft tissue D. Wavelength of the ace ~~ E, The amplitude of the ultrasound wave a Q87. What is one advantage of diagnostic ultrasound over other imaging modalities? Ises ionizing radiation B. High.gost C. Slow imaging process Significant preparation of patients ‘No known side effects Q88. Which ‘material offers the least resistance to ultrasound waves? ‘A Metal B.Bone C.Air —_D. Muscle ater Q89, What is the relation between the attenuation coefficient and the frequency of ultrasound waves? Indirectly proportional _B. Not related C, Directly proportional Inversely proportional E. Linear Q90. Which structyre in the body has the highest attenuation rate? "A.Muscle B.Lung _C. Fluid-filled cysts. Bladder @yrat Q91. Which of the following best deseribes the main advantage “of Pulsed Wave Doppler (PW Doppler) in ultrasound imaging? “Accurately measures high blood flow velocities re ides ¢ real-time, two-dimensional representation of blood flow ‘Allows for selective measurement of Doppler shift data from a small sample volume D. Produces a continuous wave of ultrasound for continuous Doppler evaluation E. Minimizes aliasing effects in blood flow velocity measurements t 992, What material is the piezoelectric element filled with to create a smooth surface in non-tovnant transducers? sanpber B.epoxy C-resin — G.ylastic _E, Glass Q93, What major advantage does B-Mode ultrasound imaging offer A. Directional information B, Real-time 3-dimension’l VOW - Measurement of echo loudness D. Visualization of changes ove He Real-time 2-dimensional view A Q94. What is the effect of ultrasound frequency on the Doppler frequency’ "A. Higher ultrasound frequencies result in decreased Doppler frequeneY B, Lower ultrasound frequencies result in higher Doppler frequency Ultrasound frequency does not affect the Doppler frequency Po rissa Udon actencles result in increased Doppler freque™’Y GOUATOUAD CAMERA as result in fluctuated Doppler frequen’). refraction compare to A-Mode ultrasound? ‘Research s it Radiation Physics? Supervision and Scientific Evaluation ; 23 hours Evaluation Exam for Health and Medical pie eee Technique Colleges Final Exam / Academic Year 2023-2024 Os Taleeinonle imaging, what is the returned signal a combination of? ly the harmonic signal ¢ : if fs fan 35 CO The transmitted ina Sade d oe eusig saul! Gites tests ee echoes from the tissue E, The reflected fundamental frequency and the harmonic 96, How can the diameter of the ultrasound beam at the focal point be. modified? D. By reducing the fon aueers material B. By additional focusing CC)’ By adjusting the pulse energy cate E. By using good matching material : Tula to express the relative intensity of two pulses in decibels? oa ‘ie ne ae dd B. Relative Intensity = 10log = IhD. Relative Intensity = 2Iog Iy/, i =Slog Q98. What is the effect of air on ultrasound ee ae C. Relative Intensity ‘lit tion A Fncilitaies a a B. Causes absorption —_C. Leads to reflection D. Forms # virtually impenetrable barrier E. Causes scattering (299..What happens to the sound intensity with deep soft tissue? Bi increases linearly B. Tt decreases linearly _G Itremains constant ae _E. It decreases exponentially cise, Nia ee ees tens be amplified by an ultrasound system to compensate for attenuation? B: Devth pain composi Frequency adjustment C. Time gain compensation . Penetration boost E. Attenuation cancellation Q101. In which scenario does Rayleigh seatterin; iM "5 , ring commonly occur? A, Interfaces with large dimensions CBs faces with high heat production C. Interfaces with slow sound speed Interfaces involving small structures E, Interfaces with high acoustic impedance Q102. In what areas are convex transducers typically used? A. Echocardiography B, Vascular ultrasound Ybstetrics ultrasound CD. Urological ultrasound E, Lung ultrasound Q103, What is the material used to send and receive sound waves in ultrasound examinations? uartz crystals B. Ceramics C. Ultrasound gel D. Topaz _E, Cane sugar i ic imp thematically defined? Q10, Nay? 5 C.Z=ptv D.Z=p-v EZ=p/v - - i yedance values”? QUIS, How is reflection toss ee jaan me Reflection loss = 20log (22 -Z) / @2 + Z1) Reflection Lie * Bor (22-21) (22+ 2) D. Reflection loss = 30log (22 - ZL) /(Z2 + Zi) C. Reflection loss = Slob O77) ca +21) . Reflection loss = 4 in ultrasonic transducers? j - se of acoustic Impeanes eulirasound waves C, Toessess sound reflection Q106. What is the purpo: i i dina medium fo) . 2 — ev alirasound transducers e ce sitet images? fer . To icity of microbul " contrast wi Q107, How does the echogeniel'Y °° ceases siortion C. Reduces Ea “Decreases ae E, Reduces sesolut 8) Increases reflect! a VuaNVO GYND IV CO Chto Mec amen |

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