Eye-Gaze-Communication-System PPT Final

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Eye-Gaze Communication System

Eye gaze communication systems allow individuals with physical

disabilities to communicate using eye movements. This technology has
revolutionized the way we perceive communication and has opened
up a whole new world for those who otherwise would not be able to
communicate effectively.
- Introduction

- Literature Survey

- Problem Statement

- Objectives

- Methodology

- Block Diagram

- Implementation

- Result

- Discussion

- Conclusion
How it Works
Literature Survey
A literature survey on eye gaze communication systems reveals a growing body of research and development
in this field, with a focus on improving communication and accessibility for individuals with severe physical
disabilities. Here is an overview of some key studies and findings:

 Eye Gaze Technology as a Communication Aid

 Eye Gaze Control for Computer Access

 Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Systems

 Eye Gaze in Education

 Gaze-Based Virtual Reality Interaction

 Game Accessibility

 Clinical and Medical Applications

 User Experience and Usability Studies

 Ethical Considerations and Privacy Issues

 Future Directions and Emerging Trends

Problem Statements
1 Communication Limited Mobility
Physical disabilities can limit
Individuals with physical an individual's ability to
disabilities may have interact with their
difficulty communicating environment and perform
with others. activities of daily living.

Social Isolation

Those with physical disabilities may face social isolation due to lack of
communication abilities.

1 Increase
Communication Abilities

Enhance Independence The main goal of eye gaze

2 communication systems is to improve the
By enabling individuals to control their
ability of individuals with physical
environment and communicate with
disabilities to communicate effectively.
others, eye gaze systems promote
independence and autonomy.
Improve Quality of Life
Greater independence, communication
abilities and social interaction can all lead
to an improved quality of life for
individuals with physical disabilities.

Research Labs Clinical Assessments

Eye gaze communication systems are developed and Evaluation by clinicians and specialized therapists
improved through extensive research and is crucial in selecting and fitting the right eye gaze
development in specialized labs around the world. communication system for each individual.

User Feedback

Feedback from users and their families is essential in

improving the design and functionality of eye gaze
communication systems.
Block Diagram

Figure 1 Block Diagram Of Eye Gaze Communication System


The clinician and specialized therapists work together to select an eye gaze system that
meets the individual's specific needs and abilities.


Training is provided to both the user and their caregivers to ensure that they can effectively use
and maintain the eye gaze system.


Regular maintenance is required to ensure that the eye gaze system continues to function
effectively and reliably.


Upgrades to the system's software and hardware are necessary to ensure that the system remains
up-to-date and functions as best as possible.

User Success Stories Research Findings

Many individuals with physical disabilities who The use of eye gaze communication systems has been
use eye gaze communication systems have shown to lead to better cognitive and socio-
reported increased independence and better emotional development in individuals with physical
quality of life. disabilities.
1 Future Limitations New Applications
Eye gaze communication Eye gaze communication
Eye gaze communication systems are still relatively technology is being
systems continue to be expensive and can be integrated into other
developed, with new difficult to obtain. assistive technologies,
features and improved such as powered
performance being wheelchairs.
introduced regularly.
Eye gaze communication technology has revolutionized the way we perceive
communication and has allowed for greater independence, communication
abilities, and an overall improved quality of life for individuals with physical
disabilities. As this technology continues to develop, we can expect to see many
more benefits and applications in the years to come.

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