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How to EnabIe / Running Programs On Computer With Keyboard Keys
Windows OS

There's an easy trick to help us enable or run programs on a computer application
windows just by massaging / pressing three keys on the keyboard as a shortcut key
alias shortcut keys that can be setup in accordance with our wishes.
Here are the steps for setting shortcut keys on the keyboard:

1. Right click on the shortcut icon and select "properties". Examples such as
Windows Media Player shortcut on the start menu or on the desktop / main
2. n the field "shortcut key" content with just the push of a button we want. For
example press a letter key once on your keyboard. Later it will automatically
structured code such as "Ctrl + Alt + A".
3. Select "Ok" at the bottom.
4. From now on if you press three buttons simultaneously, namely the Ctrl, Alt and A
then Windows Media Player program will be active.

1). how to activate the program by pressing the Media Player in beramaan?
nswer : Namely the Ctrl, Alt and A
2). Mention the steps for Setting a shortcut on the keyboard?
Answer : The following is the steps:
Right-click on the shortcut icon and select "properties". Examples such as
Windows Media Player shortcut on the start menu or on the desktop / main screen.
n the field "shortcut key" content with just the push of a button we want. For
example press a letter key once on your keyboard. Later it will automatically
structured code such as "Ctrl + Alt + A".
Select "Ok" at the bottom.
From now on if you press three buttons simultaneously, namely the Ctrl, Alt and A
then Windows Media Player program will be active.
3). What is the title of the above discussion?
Answer : How to Enable / Running Programs On Computer With Keyboard Keys
Windows OS
4). Options if after clicking the shortcut icon?
Answer : That option Propeties
5). In the Shortcut Key field can press a single button that we want?
Answer : es, in the Shortcut key field can press a single button that we want

The procedure to create video from photos
1. Prepare beerapa image file format jpg or bmp
2. Prepare to be a background song mp3 video clip

Windows movie maker has its limitations, can not recognize the mp3 audio files or
songs. Mp3 song can be inserted so that it must be converted to wav format, can
dilhat guide here

3. Open the windows movie maker
Select mport pictures, insert a picture or photograph

4. n the task window select pictures tiger then Ctrl + A to select all images
Right click and choose Add to Storyboard
5. Add video effects
There are several ways
a. manually select the securities that exist in the task window and then the drag to
the story board one by one
b. select all images that are on the storyboard (use Ctrl + A to select automatically all
Right click on video effects that exist in the task window select add to the storyboard
(see picture step 4)
6. video transition
There are several ways
a. manually select a video transition in the task window and then drag it onto the
story board one by one
b. select all images that are on the storyboard (use Ctrl + A to select automatically all
Right-click on Video Transitions in the task window select add to the storyboard (see
picture step 4)
7. Furthermore, import audio or music,
8. Add title and credits
9. Click Save to my computer to save the video clip file.
Just follow the default option, then Next-next to the finish.

"uestion ...!!!
. What is the title of the discussion above?
Answer : How to create video from photo
2. What applications are used to create video from photos?
Answer : Application Window Movie Maker
3. ow do I insert a Song Mp3 to Window Move marker?
Answer :That must be converted to wav format
4. Does Save to my computer used to store video files chips
Answer : es, save to my computer in use for video file menyimpam chip
5. Step-by-Step Procedure Mention how to make a video of the photo?
Answer :
1 Prepare beerapa image file format jpg or bmp
2. Prepare to be a background song mp3 video clip
3. Open the windows movie maker Select mport pictures, insert a picture or
4. n the task window select pictures tiger then Ctrl + A to select all images
Right click and choose Add to Storyboard
6. video transition

7. Furthermore, import audio or music,
8. Furthermore, import audio or music,
9. Click Save to my computer to save the video clip file.
How To Change A Car Tire Leaks

Here are the steps to change a car tire (leaky Ilat tire):
- Take the car equipment (tools) that are stored in the car.
- Loosen the nut 4 tires with the direction oI the leIt (to right to put it back) with one oI the
existing tools. II not a strong hand (usually are not strong) please do not hesitate to use the
legs to increase strength.
- To stick the jack, plug-in connection to connect a variety oI tools that (more or less there
will be 4 tools. II conIused please see picture).
- Position the jack under the car near the position oI the tire to be replaced (iI conIused please
see picture).
- Then start the car is liIted upwards mendongrak.
- Once is enough, continue to loosen 4 nuts until the tire was completely lost.

Question ..?
1. What is the title of the above discussion?
Answer: How to Replace a Leaking Car Tire
. Which direction to loosen the nut the correct way?
Answer: to the leIt to mengendurkanya by using existing tools
. In the direction where the steps to install the nut a good tire?
Answer: Go right to replace it with one oI the existing tools.
. What is the first step must be done to change a flat tire
Answer: take car parts, which are stored in the car
5. There are how many tools are mounted in a dial-menyambunguntuk club jack?
Answer: There are 4 more or less a tool used to stick the jack

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