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Diagnostic Test 3T, Activate, 5 & 6, Words Words Words Unit 4

Diagnostic Test Activate 5 & 6, WWW 4

A. Complete the sentences with the correct CONDITIONALS. (10) (T2)
1. If he had been (be) careful, he would not have had that terrible accident.
2. If I were a star, I would help (help) the poor.
3. I’ll go jogging if I wake up (wake up) early.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct word from the list.
You can use the options more than once. (5) (T1)

Few / a few / little / a little / many / much / a lot / none / all

1. We are going to be late. There is too much traffic!
2. I think this time I’ll be a liitle faster than last time, but it won’t be a massive
3. He did alright on his test. He only made a few mistakes.

C Word formation: fill in the correct form of the word in CAPITALS. (5) (R)
1. He must have enjoyed his holiday. I’ve never seen him look so healthy!
2. I prefer skinny jeans over bootcut. SKIN

D Rewrite these sentences using the words in CAPITALS. (6) (T2)

1. I can study all night but I still won’t pass my exam.
EVEN IF: even if I study all night I still won’t pass my exam.
2. The parents will only pay the ransom if they know that their son is alive
UNLESS: The parents won’t pay the ransom unless they know their son is alive.

E Finish the following sentences with ONE word only. (7) (T1)
1. I’m thinking of getting a new phone.
2. The more I think about, the more I worry about her.

VOCABULARY WWW UNIT 3 and 4 (30 pts)

F. Give the correct literary term regarding parts of a book and types of
literature (5) (R)

1. What is the overall term for plays? drama

2. Where can you find who helped with special results? acknowledgement

G. Choose the best option in the following sentences. (5) (T1)

1. I would like to buy a volume / copy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, please.
2. People who write plays like Shakespeare are called playwrights / authors.

H. Explain what type of people are meant by the colloquial term below:(5) (R)

1. a slave-driver – someone who gives a lot of work

2. a miser – he keeps count of every penny and only spends if he must
Diagnostic Test 3T, Activate, 5 & 6, Words Words Words Unit 4

3. a dare-devil – takes dangerous risks

I. What kind of social type is meant by the following descriptions? (5) (R)
1. He’s a pleasant, interesting person to have with you at any time. – good company
2. She’s very wealthy and spends her time between grand social occasions and
luxury holidays in different parts of the world. – a jet-setter

J. Give antonyms (opposites) of the following words.

Do not just add or remove negative prefixes. (5) (R):
1. trustworthy - deceitful
2. awkward - sociable

K. Put the most suitable word in the sentences below. (5) (T1)

angelic - blurb – narrowminded – glossary - exemplary

1. When I first pick up a book, I always read the blurb on the back.
2. It’s no use trying to convince him. He is too narrowminded.


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