Course Title Year 7 English - Term 3 Advertising Addicts

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Course Title: Year 7 English - Term 3: Advertising Addicts

Course Overview:
In Term 3, Year 7 English students will explore the captivating world of advertising and its
significant impact on globalization. This course will delve into how globalization influences
advertisements and fosters different perspectives and points of view. Through critical analysis,
creative expression, and effective communication, students will develop a deeper understanding
of advertising, its role in shaping our world, and how it can be used to convey diverse

Statement of Inquiry:
"Globalization influences Adverts and encourages different perspectives and points of

Unit Title: Advertising Addicts

Course Objectives:
By the end of this term, students will:

● Understand the concept of globalization and its role in the advertising industry.
● Analyze advertisements from various perspectives, including cultural, social, and
● Recognize the techniques and strategies used in advertising to convey messages and
persuade audiences.
● Develop critical thinking skills by examining the ethical implications of advertising.
● Create their own advertisements that reflect different perspectives and worldviews.
● Improve their written and oral communication skills through class discussions,
presentations, and written assignments.
● Develop media literacy skills to differentiate between factual information and persuasion
in advertisements.

Assessment Criteria:
Assessment in this course will be based on the following criteria:

● Active participation in class discussions and activities.

● Critical analysis of advertisements through written assignments.
● Creation of original advertisements that demonstrate an understanding of different
● Effective communication skills demonstrated through presentations.
● Ethical analysis of advertising practices.
● End-of-term project and presentation.
Course Outline:

Week 1-2: Introduction to Globalization and Advertising

● Define globalization and its impact on various aspects of society.

● Examine the historical development of advertising.
● Explore the globalization of advertising and its effects on culture and society.
● Analyze a selection of global advertisements to identify key themes.

Week 3-4: Techniques and Strategies in Advertising

● Investigate the psychological and emotional aspects of advertising.

● Study common advertising techniques such as pathos, ethos, logos, and bandwagon.
● Analyze advertisements to identify these techniques.
● Begin developing critical thinking skills related to media literacy.

Week 5-6: Cultural and Ethical Perspectives in Advertising

● Explore how culture influences advertising content and strategies.

● Discuss ethical considerations in advertising.
● Analyze advertisements to identify cultural and ethical dimensions.
● Engage in debates and discussions on ethical advertising practices.

Week 7-8: Creating Persuasive Advertisements

● Introduce the principles of creating effective advertisements.

● Collaboratively brainstorm and develop a class advertising campaign.
● Students work in groups to create their own advertisements, considering different global
● Present and evaluate the effectiveness of their advertisements.

Week 9-10: Final Projects and Presentations

● Students choose a real-world issue and create a multimedia advertising campaign that
reflects multiple perspectives.
● Present their campaigns to the class, emphasizing the global influence on their
● Reflect on the learning outcomes of the term.
Week 11: Course Review and Assessment Preparation

● Review key concepts and skills learned throughout the term.

● Prepare for the end-of-term assessment.
● Address any questions or concerns.

Week 12: End-of-Term Assessment

● Complete the end-of-term assessment, which may include written assignments,

presentations, or group projects.
● Reflect on personal growth and learning experiences throughout the term.

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