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The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns
when the noun is specific or particular. The signals that the
noun is definite, that it refers to a particular member of a
group. For example:
"The dog that bit me ran away." Here, we're talking about
a specific dog, the dog that bit me.
"I was happy to see the policeman who saved my cat!" Here,
we're talking about a particular policeman. Even if we don't
know the policeman's name, it's still a particular policeman
because it is the one who saved the cat.
"I saw the elephant at the zoo which was spotless white."
Here, we're talking about a specific noun. Probably there is
only one elephant at the zoo.


The can be used with uncountable nouns, or the article can
be omitted entirely.
 "I love to sail over the water" in Arabian Sea.(some
specific body of water) or "I love to sail over water" (any
 "He spilled the milk which was there in his mug, all over
the floor" or "He spilled milk all over the floor" (any milk).
"A/an" can be used only with countable nouns.
 "I need a bottle of water."
 "I need a new glass of milk."
Most of the time, you can say, "She wants water," unless
you're implying, say, a bottle of water.
She wants the water from the big bottle lying on the table.


The first
The second
The last
The only
The best
The worst
The funniest
The most beautiful girl


There are some specific rules for using the with geographical
Do not use the before:
 names of most countries/territories: Italy, Mexico,
Bolivia; however, the Netherlands, the Dominican
Republic, the Philippines, the United States, the United
Kingdoms (KINGDOMS)
 names of cities, towns, or states: Seoul, Manitoba,
 names of streets: Washington Blvd., Main St.
 names of lakes and bays: Lake Titicaca, Lake
Erie except with a group of lakes like the Great Lakes
 names of mountains: Mount Everest, Mount
Fuji except with ranges of mountains
like the Andes or the Rockies or unusual names
like the Matterhorn
 names of continents (Asia, Europe)
 names of islands (Easter Island, Maui, Key West)
except with island chains
like the Aleutians, the Hebrides, or the Canary Islands ,
the Lakshadweep islands

Use the before:

 names of rivers, oceans and seas: the Nile, the Pacific
 points on the globe: the Equator, the North Pole
 geographical areas: the Middle East, the West
 deserts, forests, gulfs, and
peninsulas: the Sahara, the Persian Gulf, the Black
Forest, the Iberian Peninsula
 Heavenly bodies- the moon, the sun , the stars, the sky

Some common types of nouns that don't take an article are:
 Names of languages and nationalities: Chinese, English,
Spanish, Russian (unless you are referring to the people
of the nation: "The Spanish are known for their warm
 The Indian are very religious.
 Names of sports: volleyball, hockey, baseball
 Names of academic subjects: Mathematics, Biology,
History, Computer Science
1. ‘The’ is used before a particular or specific person, place or thing,

1. Let us go to the club.

2. This is the boy who won last match.

2. ‘The’ is used before common nouns which are names of things unique of
their kind,

1. The Earth is our planet.

2. The world is a pieasant place.
3. The Sun gives us life.

3. ‘The’ is used before name of directions and dates of months.


1. The Sun sets in the West.

2. I got my dream job on the 10th of May.

4. ‘The’ is used before name of rivers, seas, canals, oceans, valleys,

deserts and forests,

1. The Atlantic Ocean

2. The Ganges

5. ‘The’ is used before names of mountain ranges,


1. The Himalayas
2. The Alps

Note: Never use ‘the’ before names of single mountains or hills,

1. Montblanc (Not the Mont blanc)
2. Everest (Not the Everest)

6. ‘The’ is used before superlative degrees of an adjective.


1. You are the best boy in my class.

2. Kashmir is the most beautiful state of India.

7. ‘The’ is used before a whole class,


1. The cow is a pet animal.

2. The horse runs very fast.

8. ‘The’ is used before names of races or nations,


1. The English ruled over the Indians.

2. The Muslims believe in the Kuran/ Quran.

9. ‘The’ is used before names of newspapers, holy books, famous

buildings, ships, historical events,

1. I read the Hindustan newspaper.

2. The Ramayana is a famous book.

10. ‘The’ is used before proper nouns, common nouns, abstract nouns and
material nouns to make them common nouns.

1. Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.

2. The milk of our dairy is pure.

11. ‘The’ is used before name of musical instruments,


1. Rani plays the guitar.

2. Ranjan plays the harmonium.
12. ‘The’ is used before name of inventions,

1. The water is useful for us.

2. Who invented the television?

13. ‘The’ is used before parts of body.


1. He was hit by the rod in the back.

2. He got an injury in the head.

14. ‘The’ is used before political parties,


1. The Congress Party.

2. The Bhartiya Janata Party.


1. The sun is in fact ___________ star in the universe.
2. I first met him ___________ year ago.
3. It is ___________ island of great beauty.
4. To me, it is ___________ only island of great beauty.
5. ___________ horse is ___________ wild horse.
6. Riding ___________ horse is ___________ great experience.
7. Lion is ___________ king of beasts.
8. His mother told him, “You are ___________ untidy boy.
9. ___________ European was called at my office yesterday.
10. She is waiting for ………………………. bus.
11. I am reading ………………………… novel.
12. We are waiting for ……………………….. results.
13. I brought home ……………………….. puppy last week.
14. She told me ……………………….. lie.
15. If you are hungry, you can eat ………………apple.
16. .…… mangoes I bought yesterday were very sweet.
17. ________reindeer is a native of Norway.
18. I am ----- M.A.
19. Are you ----- daughter of ---- S.P?

HARD LEVEL Exercise-2

Fill in the blanks with a/an or the:

1. We enjoyed our holiday in a hotel. ……… hotel was very nice,

2. Can I ask…………… question?
3. You look very tired. You need……………… holiday.
4. ’Where is Om? ‘He is in ……………bathroom.’
5. Rita is……………… interesting person. You must meet her
6. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to……. city centre?
B: Yes, go straight on and then take………… next turning left.
7. A: Shall we go out for …………….dinner this evening?
B: Yes, that is…………………. good idea.
8. It is …………nice morning. Let us go for…… walk.
9. Sushma is……………..student. When she finishes her studies,
she wants to be …………………journalist.
10. Sushma lives with two friends in…… flat near……….. college
where she is studying. .………….flat is small but she likes it.
11. Rakesh and Reena have got two children,….. boy and ………girl.
……boy is ten years old and ……….girl is three.
12. Mohan works in ……factory. Meeta has not got ……job at the
13. ……… man and ……woman were sitting opposite me ..……man
was American but I think ……….woman was British.
Exercise 3

Put in a, an or the wherever necessary. Don’t use any article

where it is not necessary.

1. My father is………………. M.A. in ………….Mathematics.

2. ……Mumbai is…………. London of India.
3. We are going to………….. cinema.
4. Yesterday I met…………. European playing
with……………….Indian boy.
5. I have got ………headache.
6. ……..Ganga is……………….holy river.
7. ……….Quran is read by ………..Muslims.
8. Rohit is ………..unique boy.
9. He is ……….most intelligent boy in the class.
10. I know how to play …………..sitar.
11. I live in …………Delhi.

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