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Answer the questions correctly.

1. What is the form of the product?

A. Fluid C. Capsules
B. Bars D. Granules
2. Who will use the product?
A. Pastry chef C. Waiters/ waitresses
B. Nutritionists D. Cheese lovers
3. By reading the text, we know the …. of a product.
A. directions of use and warning
B. uses and nutrition facts
C. nutrition facts and brand
D. ingredients and direction of use
Read the text.

Sea anemones are stinging polyps that spend most of their time attached to rocks on the sea bottom or on coral
reefs. They are waiting for fish to pass close enough to get ensnared in their venom-filled tentacles. There are
more than 1,000 sea anemone species found throughout the world's oceans at various depths, although the
largest and most varied occur in coastal tropical waters. They run the full spectrum of colors and can be as
small as half an inch (1.25 centimeters) or as large as 6 feet (1.8 meters) across.

Their bodies are composed of an adhesive pedal disc, or foot, a cylindrical body, and an array of tentacles
surrounding a central mouth. The tentacles are triggered by the slightest touch, firing a harpoon-like filament
into their victim and injecting a paralyzing neurotoxin. The helpless prey is then guided into the mouth by the

Several sea anemones establish symbiotic relationships with green algae. The sea anemones provide safe harbor
and exposure to sunlight for the algae and the anemone receives oxygen and sugar, the bi-products of the algae's
photosynthesis. They form another, more famous symbiotic alliance with clown fish, which are protected by a
mucus layer that makes them immune to the anemone's sting. Clown fish live within the anemone's tentacles,
getting protection from predators, and the anemone snacks on the scraps from the clown fish's meals.

4. Paragraph three talks about …

A. The description of sea anemones
B. The habitat of the sea anemones
C. The symbiotic of sea anemones with other creatures
D. The food of sea anemones
5. Where do sea anemones live?
A. On the sand on the seabed
B. On the rock on the seashore
C. On the beach
D. On coral reef
6. How do sea anemones weaken their prey?
A. Pulling the prey with their tentacles
B. Injecting a paralyzing neurotoxin
C. Hitting with their tentacles
D. Swarming the prey
7. “ … the anemone snacks on the scraps from the clown fish’s meals.” (last sentence)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Dirt
B. Prey
C. Feed
D. Leftovers
Once upon a time in Kalimantan, there lived a mother with her daughter. The daughter was really a
beautiful girl. But, she was arrogant, lazy girl. She never helped her mother to do some chores. She always
admired her beauty every day. The girl was also a spoiled girl. Her mother had to work day and night, but
she was doing nothing.
One day, the girl and her mother went out. They wanted to buy something at the market. They had to
walk miles away because the location of the market was really far from home. The girl was walking in front
of her mother and she wore a beautiful dress. Meanwhile, her mother was walking behind the girl. The
mother's dress was dirty and ugly. She brought an umbrella. No one expected that the two people. who
walked was a mother and her daughter. When they entered a village, the villagers saw the girl and admired
her. But, when they saw the woman who walked behind the girl they wondered. Who was the old woman?
"Hey, beautiful girl. Is that your mother who walks behind you?" asked one of the villagers.
"Of course no, she is my maid," said the girl.
The girl and the mother met other people. Again they asked who the woman behind the beautiful girl
was and the girl answered that she was her servant.
Her mother was really disappointed with her daughter and she couldn't bear the pain. The girl's
saying hurt her heart. The poor mother finally prayed to God to punish her daughter. Suddenly the girl's
gradually turned into a stone. The changes started from the leg and the other parts of the body. The girl
"Please forgive me mother... forgive my attitude.. please mother ... please help me," she cried and
asked her mother to forgive her.
However, it's too late. Her whole body finally turned into a stone. Until now, people can see tears on
the stone. People call it 'batu menangis', meaning a crying stone.

8. What is the story about?

A. A simple and kind mother

B. A beautiful and obedient daughter
C. A patient old mother
D. A rebellious daughter
9. The girl wasn’t willing to recognize the old woman as her mother because …
A. she was the most beautiful girl in her village
B. she was ashamed of her mother’s simplicity
C. her mother often treated her badly
D. her mother was a widow
10. What finally happened to the happened to the girl?
A. She turned into a crying stone
B. She lived happily with her mother
C. She apologized to her mother
D. She married a handsome prince
11. From the story we can learn that …
A. we should do our best
B. we should respect our mother
C. we should walk behind our mother
D. we should treat other people well

Read the following text.


A three star hotel requires the following HOUSE FOR SALE Malware/Trojan/Virus
engineering staff
1. Electrical engineer 2 bedrooms removal, Repairs, Build
- 2 years experience in hotel Close to town New Computer,
business/related industry Near grocery store Peripherals, Data
- Plant equipment and installation Rp. 200M 65m² Transfer, Installation
Call 0086354859183 RENO TECH
2. Mechanical Engineer FLATS FOR RENT AC SERVICE
- 2 years experience in hotel
business/related industry
- Plant equipment and 6 left Repair, Maintenance,
installation Close to the university Installation,
area Replacement 24/7
Send your latest CV, application, No pets Call 0084758672344
and photograph to :
Wisma Persada Raya, Jl. Tektonik
Rp 500k/month +
No.4 , Kuta utilizes
HP 0082273645958 Call 0084958274638

12. Please decide whether the statement is true (T) or false (F).
A. The text is about several advertisement.
B. We will find such a text in a novel.
C. It advertises job vacancies, a house for sale, flats or rent, computer and AC services.
D. The sentences are long and taken too much spaces
Read the following text.
Many of our daily activities in the home produce waste. Families, just like ours, buy things and bring them
home in plastic bags. The we throw away the bags. We cut and clean vegetables, fish and meat. We throw away things
we do not eat. Then we have the empty bottles, boxes, and tins that we throw away. The re are the old newspapers and
old magazines we throw away. All these things are the rubbish from the home.
Beside these, we also throw away all the old leaves and cuttings from the garden. All the waste materials are
thrown away. Most of them end up the rubbish tip (hole) in the ground. Some of them end up in the streets as litter.
With more and more homes being built the quantity of rubbish will increase. Pollution will become a very great
problem for human beings.

13. What is the main idea of the passage above?

A. People like to litter in the streets
B. Empty bottles, boxes and tins are thrown away
C. We also throw away all the old leaves and cuttings from the garden
D. Many of our daily activities in the home produce waste
14. Find a word in the text which has a similar meaning to amount?
A. produce C. end up
B. quantity D. rubbish
15. Why is the amount of rubbish increase? Because …
A. Our daily activities produce waste
B. We throw away rubbish
C. We leave empty bottles and tins in the garden
D. More and more homes are built
Read the text below.
It was the beginning of July, my parents and I were in a plane heading home from our vacation.
A crew announced to the passengers that we were going to land in the airport in a few minutes. While
listening to the announcement, I was looking outside through the window and saw how dark the sky was. It was
raining heavily and lightning sparked here and there.
Suddenly, I felt the plane went bumpy. The impact was low at the beginning. However, it gradually
became terrible. Everything shook terribly. People started to scream in fear. I hold my parents’ hands. I heard my
Dad was praying while Mom tried to soothe me.
Fortunately, our plane landed safely at the airport under that extreme weather. I thanked God for saving
my parents and I.
16. The turbulence was caused by …
A. The bad weather
B. The height of the flight
C. The size of the plane
D. The damage to one of the machines
17. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. The writer was enjoying the announcement made by the crew.
B. The weather was bad outside when the crew announced the plane was going to land
C. A crew was announcing that they were going to land soon
D. The lightning outside scared the writer
18. The impact was low at the beginning. However it gradually became terrible. (par 3)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. quickly C. bit by bit
B. significantly D. steadily
Read and complete dialog below.
Intan : Agung, how’s your art project?
Agung : It is going well. I (19) … my work through.
Intan : What do you make?
Agung : I make a painting using eggshells.
Intan : That’s nice. Where did you (20) … the eggshells? It must be difficult.
Agung : Not really. My neighbor, Mr. Adi, runs a food stall. I asked him to give me some of his eggshells.
Intan : I see. That’s really smart.
Agung : Thanks. What about you? Have you finished your project?
Intan : I have. It’s not as unique as yours.
Agung : What did you make?
Intan : I (21) … a diorama using Styrofoam and cardboard statues.
Agung : That’s great.
19. A. have finish B. have finishes C. have not finish D. have not finished
20. A. get B. got C. gets D. getting
21. A. create B. created C. creates D. creating
Complete the following paragraph with suitable forms of the verbs.
Sand is composed of loose, stony grains between 1/16 mm in diameter. Larger particles (22. categorize) … as
gravel and smaller as sit or clay. Sand (23. usually create) … by the breakdown of rocks transported by wind and
water. Then, it (24. form) … soil, beaches, dunes and underwater fans or deltas. Deposits of sand are often
cemented together over time to form sandstones.
22. ….
23. ….
24. ….

25. Read the following text.

Iko : Wow! What a unique souvenir!
Nindy : Thanks. It is called a small noken.
Iko : Um … wait. I’ve ever heard that name before. Is it a traditional bag from Papua?
Nindy : Yeah! It is made of wood or leaf fiber. Only Papuans are allowed to make nokens. You know, the
making of nokens symbolizes a woman’s maturity.
Iko : Then, what do Papuan people use nokens for?
Nindy : They are used for carrying agricultural products, such as vegetables. They can also be used for carrying
merchandises. Large nokens can also be used to carry items, such as firewood, crop yields, and grocery
Iko : It is said that the method of carrying the bag is unique.
Nindy : You are right. A woman hangs it on her head or forehead, back towards her body and back over her
a. Through the conversation, the speakers are talking about …
b. The items are limited because …

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