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Here are 15 basic Linux commands that are essential for everyday use:

1. **`ls`**: Lists directory contents.


2. **`cd`**: Changes the current directory.

cd /path/to/directory

3. **`pwd`**: Prints the current working directory.


4. **`cp`**: Copies files or directories.

cp source_file destination_file

5. **`mv`**: Moves or renames files or directories.

mv old_name new_name

6. **`rm`**: Removes files or directories.

rm file_name

7. **`mkdir`**: Creates a new directory.

mkdir new_directory

8. **`rmdir`**: Removes an empty directory.

rmdir directory_name

9. **`touch`**: Creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file.

touch file_name

10. **`cat`**: Concatenates and displays the content of files.

cat file_name

11. **`nano`**: Opens the nano text editor to edit files.

nano file_name

12. **`chmod`**: Changes file permissions.

chmod 755 file_name

13. **`chown`**: Changes file owner and group.

chown user:group file_name

14. **`ps`**: Displays information about running processes.

ps aux

15. **`top`**: Displays real-time system information including running processes.


These commands form the basis for navigating and manipulating files, directories, and
system processes in a Linux environment.

Creating a file in Unix can be done using several different commands, depending on
your needs. Here are a few common methods:

1. **Using the `touch` command**: This creates an empty file or updates the timestamp
of an existing file.

touch filename

2. **Using the `echo` command**: This can create a file with some initial content.

echo "Initial content" > filename

3. **Using the `cat` command**: This allows you to type content into a file.

cat > filename

After entering the above command, type your content and then press `Ctrl+D` to
save and exit.

4. **Using the `nano` command**: This opens the nano text editor to create and edit a

nano filename

After entering your content, press `Ctrl+O` to write out (save) the file, then `Ctrl+X`
to exit nano.

5. **Using the `vi` or `vim` command**: This opens the vi or vim text editor to create
and edit a file.

vi filename

Once in vi, press `i` to enter insert mode, type your content, then press `Esc` to exit
insert mode. Type `:wq` and press Enter to write (save) the file and quit vi.
6. **Using the `>` operator**: This creates an empty file.

> filename

Each method has its own advantages, whether you need an empty file, want to add
some initial content, or prefer to edit the file interactively.


echo "Hello, World!"

# User input script

echo "Enter your name:"

read NAME

echo "Hello, $NAME!"

# Loop script

for i in {1..5}; do

echo "Iteration $i"


# Simple calculator script

echo "Enter first number:"

read num1

echo "Enter second number:"

read num2
echo "Choose operation: + - * /"

read operation

case $operation in

+) result=$((num1 + num2)) ;;

-) result=$((num1 - num2)) ;;

*) result=$((num1 * num2)) ;;

/) result=$((num1 / num2)) ;;

*) echo "Invalid operation" ;;


echo "Result: $result"

Running the Scripts

Save the script to a file, e.g.,

Make the script executable:

chmod +x

Run the script:


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