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7, JULY 2009 937

Guest Editorial
Challenges and Solutions in the Development
of Automotive Systems

UTOMOTIVE systems are today the epitome of distrib- nents can be supplied from multiple sources, integrated on the
A uted complex embedded systems and, as such, offer an
ideal domain to inspire research in methodologies and tools, as
same hardware platform or physically distributed and possibly
moved from one CPU to another without loss of functional
well as a rich test case for embedded system developers. and time correctness and providing a guaranteed level of reli-
The overall size of the software that is embedded in automo- ability. This shift decouples software design from the hardware
biles today is in the millions of lines of code, and it is forecast platform and provides opportunities for the optimization of ar-
to significantly increase to accommodate additional functional chitecture configuration, increased extensibility, flexibility, and
content, from powertrain and chassis control, to infotainment. modularity. ECUs can physically be integrated, with significant
In addition to sheer software size, the complexity of automotive cost and dependability benefits and a reduction in the number of
systems is constantly growing due to tight requirements for communication wires and connection harnesses. The possibility
increased safety and performance, reduced pollution, and over- of defining components (subsystems) at higher levels of ab-
all efficiency. Cost and time-to-market pressure pose additional straction and with well-defined interfaces also allows separation
burden to the designers for achieving an efficient use of system of concerns and improves modularity and reusability.
resources. Alongside the appetite for consumer electronics and Methods and tools are needed for the design–time analysis
communication devices that the car buyers are demonstrating, of the result of the system-level integration, including the
there is also a growing concern about the number of lives verification of safety constraints and, in general, the capability
that are lost in our roads due to accidents. Both in the U.S. of predicting system-level functional, reliability, and timing
and Europe, regulatory pressures on safety are evident. Safety properties.
concerns are a major driving force for automakers. To discuss these trends and to provide a glimpse at the future
To cope with these problems, major advances are required at of automotive systems, we organized a full special day at the
all levels in the architecture stack of automotive systems, from DATE 08 Conference.1 This Special Section on Automotive
innovative chip architectures and sensors, to new standards Systems collects some of the presentations given at the special
for communications, to methods, tools, and standards for the day. The papers in this Special Section address several problems
development of middle-ware and application-level software in the architecture stack, from physical (sensor device) designs,
components. to software architectures, to methods and tools for timing and
One such advance is a fundamental shift in architecture de- performance analysis.
sign that is taking place. Today’s automobile electronic systems At the level of the physical architecture, IC technology
are based on the concept of federated architecture, where each allows the development of ICs with an unprecedented degree of
function is deployed to an autonomous electronic control unit integration. Higher computational speeds and multicore tech-
(ECU), which is developed as a black-box integrated subsystem nologies are already readily available to architecture designers
by Tier-1 suppliers. Because of the increased complexity and and will be even more so in the future. IC technology is
distribution of active-safety and future safety-critical functions, also offering sensors with capabilities and prices unthinkable
including by-wire systems, and the interdependence of these a few years ago. Intelligent sensors are needed to measure all
functions that gives rise to unexpected and undesired emerging kinds of environmental conditions that have an effect on the
behaviors, systems are becoming very difficult to test and safety of passengers and drivers, whereas wireless technology
validate. Furthermore, there is limited understanding of how is removing barriers to their layout and to the possibility of
to control the nonfunctional behavior of interacting modules, retrofits.
including timing and reliability properties emerging from the The tire is one of the most important components of the vehi-
composition. Last but not least, the number of ECUs and cle from many aspects—handling, fuel consumption, comfort,
busses is growing to unreasonable levels due to the need of ac- and safety—and yet, it still remains one last crucial component
commodating new functionalities in the federated architecture of the car that is intrinsically passive. A first step in making it a
paradigm, causing cost and reliability problems. richer component has been the introduction of tyre-pressure-
This situation has interested the automotive industrial sector monitoring systems. The paper by Coleri et al. describes an
to look at integrated architectures, in which software compo-

1 Special Day on Automotive, Proceedings of Design, Automation, and Test

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCAD.2009.2024982 in Europe (DATE 2008), Munich, Germany, April 2008.

0278-0070/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE


integrated solution that leverages advances in sensors and wire- system integration time, but also for providing guidance and
less communication to make tires intelligent, using devices support to the designer in the evaluation and selection of the
placed inside the tire to enable collection of data on the dynam- electronics and software architectures.
ics of the vehicle with unprecedented precision and allowing Architecture evaluation and selection is a vital stage with
the development of sophisticated controls. The challenges of a tremendous impact on the cost, performance, and quality
placing electronic components inside a tire are daunting, but of a vehicle. It is typically performed years in advance of
the payoffs are invaluable. Many technical problems have to subsystem development and integration. In this stage, models
be addressed and solved to reach this goal, from miniaturized of the functions and of the possible solutions for the physical
sensors’ technologies, to microelectronics, packaging, energy architecture need to be defined and matched to evaluate the
scavenging and management, radio technologies, mechanical quality and select the best possible hardware platform with
engineering, data processing, modeling, control systems, chem- respect to performance, reliability, and cost metrics and con-
ical engineering, and physics. straints. For timing-related metrics (including end-to-end la-
The paper by Obermaisser et al. addresses the architecture tency, signal jitter, and bus/CPU utilization), the schedulability
shift from federated to integrated systems and discusses the analysis theory can provide the formal evaluation of the worst-
development of components and subsystem integration for safe case timing behavior.
and predictable systems. The focus is on the concepts of en- Careful timing analysis is also required to avoid timing faults
capsulation, fault isolation, and error containment, both at the when scheduling tasks and messages either by priority or in a
functional and temporal levels. time-triggered scheduling environment, provided an estimate of
This is probably the hottest topic in automotive systems the worst-case execution times (WCETs) of all application tasks
development today. The establishment of an infrastructure and operating system services is available.
based on standardized interfaces for software components that In the context of (worst-case) timing analysis, a number of
allows open interoperability, modularity, scalability, transfer- additional issues need to be considered.
ability, and reusability of functions is very important, so that Extensibility and (to some degree) tolerance with respect
AUTOSAR, a worldwide development partnership including to unexpectedly large resource requirements from tasks and
almost all players in the automotive domain electronics supply messages that are allowed by priority-based scheduling comes
chain, has been created with the purpose of developing an open at the price of additional jitter and latency and lack of timing
industry standard. isolation.
The AUTOSAR project has been focused on the concepts Future applications, including safety critical (x-by-wire) and
of location independence, standardization of interfaces, and active safety, need shorter latency and time determinism (re-
portability of code. However, the definition of a component- duced jitter) because of increased performance. The current
based design methodology for complex systems, as character- model for the propagation of information, based on communi-
ized by functional and nonfunctional properties, assumptions, cation by periodic sampling among nonsynchronized nodes has
and constraints, requires formal models and languages for the very high latency in the worst case, and a large amount of jitter
definition of the components’ contracts. The component model between the best-case and the worst-case delays. In these de-
must guarantee that a component property is preserved across signs, time determinism is typically disrupted, and the applica-
integration (i.e., composability) and must allow one to deduce tion must be able to tolerate the large latency caused by random
global properties (of the composed object) from the properties sampling delays. In a time-triggered system, the scheduling of
of its components (i.e., compositionality). the tasks and messages can be arranged in such a way that
To this objective, there are technical and business challenges latency and jitter are controlled and are possibly much shorter.
to overcome. In particular, from the technical point of view, the One of the major downsides of priority-based scheduling of
sharing of safety-critical and hard real-time software requires resources is that faulty high-priority computation or commu-
substantial improvements in design methods and technology. nication flows can easily obtain the control of the ECU or the
Several issues need to be solved for function partitioning and bus, subtracting time from lower priority tasks or messages. In
subsystem integration, including time predictability, that is, the future scenario, in which application tasks from multiple
the capability of predicting the system-level timing behavior Tier-1 suppliers are integrated into the same ECU, leveraging
(latency and jitter) resulting from the synchronization between the standardization of interfaces allowed by AUTOSAR, timing
tasks and messages, and dependability with fault containment, isolation will be required to provide for separation of concerns
both at the functional and timing levels. and protection.
In the future scenario, in which application tasks from mul- Time-based schedulers, including those supported by the
tiple Tier-1 suppliers are integrated into the same ECU, lever- FlexRay and OSEKTime standards, force context switches on
aging the standardization of interfaces allowed by AUTOSAR, the ECUs and the assignment of the communication bus at
and protecting the tasks of each IP from the functional and predefined points in time, regardless of the outstanding requests
timing errors of other IPs will be of fundamental importance. from the tasks for computation and communication bandwidth.
Timing isolation is therefore required to provide for additional Therefore, they are better suited to provide temporal protection,
separation of concerns and protection. except that the enforcement of a strict time window for execu-
New system-level modeling and analysis methods and tools tion and communication requires a much better capability of the
are needed not only for predictability and composability when designer in predicting the WCETs of tasks so that the execution
partitioning end-to-end functions at design time and later at window can appropriately be sized, and guardians are needed

to ensure that an out-of-time transmission will not disrupt the There, the necessary data of process timing and communication
communication flow on the bus. can be captured, and later refined throughout the development
The paper by Wilhelm et al. focuses on methods for the process. This approach requires new measurement and profiling
determination of upper bounds for the execution times of all techniques and nicely fits with the methods and tools proposed
the tasks of the system. These upper bounds are commonly in the third paper of this issue.
called WCETs. The determination of the WCET of software In conclusion, it is our hope that readers find the research and
is an increasingly complex problem due to the use of processor application results presented in this Special Section exciting.
components such as caches, pipelines, and all kinds of specula- We are sure that the modeling and analysis techniques that are
tion, which make the execution time of an individual instruction being developed for automotive systems will not only continue
locally unpredictable. Such execution times may vary between to develop and flourish for years to come but will also have
a few cycles and several hundred cycles. a profound impact on other application domains that involve
The paper by Wilhelm et al. presents a solution based on distributed real-time systems.
the combination of static program analysis with integer linear We would like to express our sincere thanks to the reviewers
programming. The method has successfully been used to de- for this Special Section. Most of them have been involved
termine precise upper bounds on the execution times of real- in two or three rounds of reviews for each paper, dedicating
time programs. The tools based on it are in routine use in the their time to ensure that this issue contains high-quality papers.
aeronautics and automotive industries. They are accepted as Last but not least, we are grateful to the Editor-in-Chief,
validated tools for time-critical applications by the European Prof. S. Sapatnekar for his timely, continuous, and precious
Airworthiness Authorities and have been used in the certifica- assistance during all the stages of this project.
tion of several time-critical subsystems of the Airbus A380.
The paper also discusses the integration of timing analysis
tools with other tools, possible extensions to the basic WCET
analysis of sequential task code, including the determination Title: The Tire as an Intelligent Sensor
of context-switch costs and modus-specific timing analysis, Authors: Sinem Coleri Ergen, Alberto Sangiovanni-
alternative approaches, and, finally, a set of design guidelines Vincentelli, Xuening Sun, Riccardo Tebano, Sayf Alalusi,
for architecture selection and program coding targeted at guar- Giorgio Audisio, and Marco Sabatini
anteeing the computation of safe bounds on the computa- Title: From a Federated to an Integrated Automotive
tion time. Architecture
Finally, the paper by Schliecker et al. provides insights on Authors: Roman Obermaisser, Christian El Salloum, Bernhard
worst-case system-level end-to-end timing analysis of func- Huber, and Hermann Kopetz
tions. The paper discusses the needs that led to the recent Title: Memory Hierarchies, Pipelines, and Buses for Future
introduction of a timing model in the release 4.0 of AUTOSAR Architectures in Time-Critical Embedded Systems
and summarizes recent results in compositional performance Authors: Reinhard Wilhelm, Daniel Grund, Jan Reineke, Marc
analysis, which can be exploited to analyze automotive net- Schlickling, Markus Pister, and Christian Ferdinand
worked systems. Due to their low computational cost com- Title: System Level Performance Analysis for Real-Time Auto-
pared with simulation, these methods can be applied to design motive Multi-Core and Network Architectures
space exploration in a complex automotive supply chain. The Authors: Simon Schliecker, Jonas Rox, Mircea Negrean, Kai
resulting tools and methods can even be used to optimize the Richter, Marek Jersak, and Rolf Ernst.
robustness of an architecture, which is important to handle
updates and to extend its lifetime.
These tools and methods have indeed been used to improve
Department of Electrical Engineering and
the quality of automotive system and component designs, even
Computer Sciences
for cars that are already in production. The authors discuss the
University of California
consequences of the shift in the verification process caused
Berkeley, CA 94720 USA
by the use of more formal models for the (traditionally con-
servative) automotive industry and conclude that a very good MARCO DI NATALE, Guest Editor
place to start are the early design phases, where analytical Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
approaches based on estimated values have always been used. 56127 Pisa, Italy

Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (F’82) received the “Dottore in Ingegneria” degree (summa

cum laude) in electrical engineering and computer science from the Politecnico di Milano,
Milano, Italy, in 1971.
In 1980–1981, he spent a year as a Visiting Scientist with the Mathematical Sciences
Department, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. In 1987, he was a
Visiting Professor with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. He has held a
number of Visiting Professor positions with Italian Universities, including the Politecnico di
Torino, Torino, Italy; the Universita’ di Roma, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy; the Universita’ di
Roma, Tor Vergata, Rome; the Universita’ di Pavia, Pavia, Italy; the Universita’ di Pisa, Pisa,
Italy; and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa. He was a cofounder of Cadence and Synopsys, the
two leading companies in the area of electronic design automation. He is currently the Chief
Technology Adviser of Cadence. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Cadence and
the Chair of its Technology Committee, UPEK, a company he helped spinning off from ST
Microelectronics, Sonics, and Accent, an ST Microelectronics–Cadence joint venture he helped founding. He was a member
of the HP Strategic Technology Advisory Board and is a member of the Science and Technology Advisory Board of General
Motors and of the Scientific Council of the Tronchetti Provera foundation and of the Snaidero Foundation. He is a member of
the Advisory Board of Walden International, Sofinnova, and Innogest Venture Capital funds and a member of the Investment
Committee of a novel VC fund, Atlante Ventures, by Banca Intesa/San Paolo and of Finlombarda Next Fund. He is the founder
and Scientific Director of the Project on Advanced Research on Architectures and Design of Electronic Systems (PARADES), a
European Group of Economic Interest. He is a member of the High-Level Group, of the Steering Committee, of the Governing
Board, and of the Public Authorities Board of the EU Artemis Joint Technology Initiative. He is a member of the Scientific Council
of the Italian National Science Foundation (CNR) and a member of the Board of Directors of CNR Rete Ventures. He is currently
the Edgar L. and Harold H. Buttner Chair of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences with the University of California,
Berkeley, where he has been on the faculty since 1976. He is the author of more than 800 papers, 15 books, and three patents in
the area of design tools and methodologies, large-scale systems, embedded systems, hybrid systems, and innovation.
Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, which is the highest honor bestowed
upon a U.S. engineer. He was the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award from the University of California in 1981,
the worldwide IEEE Graduate Teaching Award (a Technical Field Award for “inspirational teaching of graduate students”) in
1995, and the Aristotle Award from the Semiconductor Research Corporation in 2002. He was also the recipient of numerous
research awards, including the Guillemin–Cauer Award in 1982–1983, the IEEE Darlington Award in 1987–1988 for the best
paper bridging theory and applications, two awards for the best paper published in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS
Best Paper Awards and one Best Presentation Award at the Design Automation Conference, and other best paper awards at the
Real-Time Systems Symposium and the VLSI Conference. In 2001, he was the recipient of the Kaufman Award of the Electronic
Design Automation Council for “pioneering contributions to EDA.” In 2008, he was the recipient of the IEEE/RSE Wolfson James
Clerk Maxwell Medal “for groundbreaking contributions that have had an exceptional impact on the development of electronics
and electrical engineering or related fields” with the following citation: “For pioneering innovation and leadership in electronic
design automation that have enabled the design of modern electronics systems and their industrial implementation.”

Marco Di Natale (M’03) received the Ph.D. degree from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa,
Italy, in 1991.
He started working in the automotive field in the late 1990s, on the development of an OSEK-
compliant real-time operating systems for muticore platforms, in cooperation with Magneti
Marelli and ST Microelectronics. In 2006, he worked with the General Motors bay area labora-
tories in California and then with General Motors R&D, Warren, MI, where he was a Technical
Lead in the area of architecture exploration and evaluation until 2007. He is currently a member
of the EU ADAMS Project Automotive Expert Group. He was a visiting Researcher with the
University of California, Berkeley, in 2006 and 2008. He is currently an Associate Professor with
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, where he was the Director of the Real-Time Systems (ReTiS) Labo-
ratory from 2003 to 2006. He has been a researcher in the area of real-time systems and embedded
systems for more than 15 years, being the author or coauthor of more than 80 scientific papers.
Prof. Di Natale has served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS. He has served as a Program Committee Member and has been an organizer of
tutorials and special sessions for the main conferences in the area, including the Real-time Systems Symposium, the IEEE/ACM
Design Automation Conference (DAC), the Design Automation and Test in Europe, and the Real-Time Application Symposium, in
which he also served as the Track Chair. In 2006, he was selected by the Italian Ministry of Research as the national representative
in the mirror group of the ARTEMIS European Union Technology platform. He was the recipient of three Best Paper Awards.

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