пр passive

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Change the following sentences from active to passive.

1. They say that he is a strict disciplinarian.

2. Who delivered that parcel?
3. The porter carries heavy suitcases for the passengers of trains
4. The waitress serves breakfast at 7 o’clock.
5. Who did they give the prize to?
6. The news seemed to have shocked him.
7. People believe that he is in favour of the change.
8. The teacher has sent him out of the classroom.
9. The translator has edited the text of the contract for Ron
10. The mayor will open the new sports centre next month.
11. Many parents influence their children strongly.
12. They were pulling down the building when I walked by.
13. The technician will complete all the repairs in my basement in time
14. People say that this plant is a remedy for cancer.
15. Has anyone collected the rubbish yet?
16. Andy’s roommate is explaining the problem to him
17. They kill elephants for ivory.
18. People cut down a lot of trees every year.
19. The government will introduce new measures against crime.
20. They say that his company is in trouble.
21. They told us not to come back.
22. Someone has stolen Michael’s bike.
23. Your friend collected your books
24. They are building the bridge at the moment.
25. Someone has broken into Anne’s house.
26. When would you like me to deliver the new bed?
27. Your neighbor has fed your dog already
28. I didn’t leave the restaurant until I had paid the bill.
29. Bad weather may delay your flight.
30. They say that these kinds of dogs are very aggressive.
31. They did not allow me to visit my husband.
32. The president will give a speech next Monday.
33. You must repair this car.
34. The plumber will repair your drains immediately
35. He is going to publish a new book.
36. Someone has fixed Liam’s phone
37. They say that he is a strict disciplinarian.
38. Have they surprised you?
39. Where were they taking the taxis?
40. We have to sign all the documents.
41. Nobody can lift that stone.
42. My sister has solved all my maths exercises already
43. The student had cleaned the board before the teacher came in.
44. People believe that he is in favour of the change.
45. They are serving dinner now.
46. The teacher punished the pupils.
47. People say that this plant is a remedy for cancer.
48. The porter will bring your luggage
49. Jimmy walks the dogs every day.
50. Heavy rain had caused the flood.
51. They say that his company is in trouble.
52. A spokesman gave an interview to the reporters.
53. A guide will take you to your seat.
54. We are going to announce the results on Friday.
55. We will park John’s car outside the house
56. They say that these kinds of dogs are very aggressive.
57. They clean the windows every week.
58. They had invited him to the cinema.
59. The courier has delivered the parcel to my house
60. The police are questioning him now.
61. They say that these kinds of dogs are very aggressive.
62. Somebody has stolen Jack's car recently.
63. Nobody has seen the Queen since July.
64. Someone should help the old woman across the street.
65. The gardener takes care of my flower beds every day
66. They say that he is a strict disciplinarian.
67. They do not allow taking pictures here.
68. They haven't started the game yet.
69. Did they sign the contract?
70. They were showing a new film for us at that time

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