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Practice Guidelines

Managing Chronic Hypertension

in Pregnant Women:​ACOG Releases
Updated Practice Bulletin
outcomes, and approaches for management based on
Key Points for Practice
new evidence.
• Medical treatment of chronic hypertension in pregnancy,
that is, hypertension present before 20 weeks’ gestation, Recommendations
is recommended at 160 mm Hg systolic or 110 mm Hg
diastolic with labetalol or extended-release nifedip- When assessing patients diagnosed with hypertension
ine, treating to 120 to 159 mm Hg systolic and 80 to before pregnancy or when they present for pregnancy care,
109 mm Hg diastolic. a complete blood count and measurements of transami-
• The decision of whether to treat chronic hypertension at nase, creatinine, electrolyte, and blood urea nitrogen levels
lower blood pressure levels should be based on a discus- should be obtained as well as a spot urine protein/creatinine
sion with the patient as well as the presence of comorbid
ratio, with a 24-hour urine test for total protein if elevated.
conditions that might warrant lower blood pressure.
Electrocardiography or echocardiography may be helpful
• Low-dose aspirin is recommended in patients with
chronic hypertension in pregnancy from between 12 and
in patients with signs of decreased cardiac function. Some
28 weeks’ gestation to delivery. tests are affected by the physiologic changes of pregnancy,
• Without other indications, pregnant women with chronic so are better performed before pregnancy.
hypertension should not be induced for delivery before Antihypertensive medications safe for the treatment of
37 weeks’ gestation. chronic hypertension during pregnancy include:​
From the AFP Editors • Labetalol, two times daily up to 2,400 mg per day in
women without asthma, myocardial disease, decreased car-
diac function, heart block, or bradycardia;​
In pregnancy, chronic hypertension is defined as • Extended-release nifedipine, up to 120 mg daily in
hypertension diagnosed before 20 weeks’ gestation. Up women without tachycardia;​
to 1.5% of pregnant women have chronic hypertension, • Methyldopa, two or three times daily up to 3,000 mg
which can result in harm to the mother and infant. The per day;​or
rates of chronic hypertension are increasing and are pre- • Hydrochlorothiazide, 12.5 to 25 mg daily.
dicted to continue because of obesity and older maternal Labetalol and nifedipine are the preferred medications
age. Superimposed preeclampsia, the development of pre- and hydrochlorothiazide and methyldopa are considered
eclampsia in a patient with chronic hypertension, occurs secondary options. Methyldopa has a long history of use
in 20% to 50% of pregnancies complicated by chronic in pregnancy, but has limited effectiveness and significant
hypertension. The American College of Obstetricians adverse effects. Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme
and Gynecologists (ACOG) has released an updated prac- inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, renin inhibi-
tice bulletin to outline diagnosis, effects on pregnancy tors, and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists should be
avoided in pregnancy.

Coverage of guidelines from other organizations does not STRONG EVIDENCE

imply endorsement by AFP or the AAFP.
Women with chronic hypertension should take 81 mg of
This series is coordinated by Sumi Sexton, MD,
aspirin daily from 12 to 28 weeks’ gestation until delivery.
A collection of Practice Guidelines published in AFP is avail-
able at https://​w
Blood pressure control in pregnancy is challenging because
CME This clinical content conforms to AAFP criteria for
continuing medical education (CME). See CME Quiz on of the uncertain risks of mild hypertension and potential
page 738. uteroplacental insufficiency with overtreatment. Preg-
Author disclosure:​ No relevant financial affiliations. nant women with chronic hypertension should start anti­
hypertensive medication when their blood pressure reaches

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160 mm Hg systolic or 110 mm Hg diastolic, are taking medications to treat chronic hyper-
although it may be initiated earlier if the patient tension should have blood pressure goals set at
has concerning comorbidities or impaired renal 120 to 159 mm Hg systolic and 80 to 109 mm Hg
function. diastolic.
In the absence of other indications, women Women with chronic hypertension requiring
with chronic hypertension requiring medication medication or who have comorbidities that could
should deliver between 37 and 39 weeks’ gesta- affect fetal outcomes, fetal growth restriction, or
tion, and those not requiring medication should superimposed preeclampsia are recommended
deliver between 38 and 39 weeks’ gestation. for antenatal fetal testing, although evidence is
Acute hypertensive episodes in pregnancy lacking on timing of testing. Because there is a
can be dangerous to mother and infant. Preg- higher risk of growth restriction in women with
nant women presenting with blood pressures chronic hypertension, ultrasonography to assess
higher than 160 mm Hg systolic or 110 mm Hg fetal growth should be performed in the third
diastolic for 15 minutes should be given an anti- trimester.
hypertensive medication as soon as possible, but Women with superimposed preeclampsia
at least within one hour. Women with severe without severe features can be expectantly man-
acute hypertension resistant to medical treat- aged until 37 weeks’ gestation, if close monitor-
ment or superimposed preeclampsia with severe ing can be provided.
features who are at 34 weeks’ gestation or more Acute blood pressure elevations in pregnant
should proceed to delivery. In superimposed pre- women with chronic hypertension require hos-
eclampsia, patients with severe and uncontrolled pital evaluation for superimposed preeclampsia
hypertension, eclampsia, pulmonary edema, with hematocrit, platelet, creatinine, and serum
intravascular coagulation, renal insufficiency uric acid levels;​liver function testing;​and an
that continues to progress, placental abruption, or evaluation for proteinuria as well as a fetal assess-
abnormal results on fetal testing should proceed ment. If maternal testing identifies hemocon-
to delivery regardless of gestational age. Super- centration, thrombocytopenia, proteinuria, or
imposed preeclampsia is linked to an increased increased creatinine or liver transaminase levels,
risk of adverse outcomes for mother and infant, a diagnosis of preeclampsia is likely. Monitoring
including a 50% risk of fetal growth restriction as blood pressure over four to eight hours can be
well as increased preterm delivery and perinatal beneficial for distinguishing acute severe from
mortality. In some situations, women who pres- transient elevations.
ent before 34 weeks’ gestation and have superim- Guideline source:​ American College of Obstetricians
posed preeclampsia with severe features can be and Gynecologists
expectantly managed until 34 weeks’ gestation if Evidence rating system used? Yes
admitted to a facility with appropriate resources Systematic literature search described? Yes
to care for mother and infant. Guideline developed by participants without
relevant financial ties to industry? Not reported
CONSENSUS OR EXPERT OPINION Recommendations based on patient-oriented
Women with chronic hypertension should outcomes? Yes
undergo an evaluation before becoming preg- Published source:​ Obstet Gynecol. January 2019;​
nant to evaluate for end-organ damage or comor- 133(1):​215-219
bidities that will need to be managed before and Available at:​ https://​
during the pregnancy. It also may be beneficial to fulltext/2019/01000/ACOG_Practice_Bulletin_
assess for secondary hypertension, which occurs No__203_Summary__Chronic.43.aspx
in 11% to 14% of pregnant women with chronic Lisa Croke
hypertension. Those who become pregnant and AFP Senior Associate Editor ■

December 15, 2019 ◆ Volume 100, Number 12 American Family Physician 783

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