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DOSEN PENGAMPU : Deasy Chrisnia Natalia, S.E, M.M.


1. Siti Maulidiyatul Mahmudah (233140500111104)

2. Muhammad Taqi (233140500111105)
3. Aulia Rahmadhini Amdika P. (233140500111106)
4. Indana Zulva Isnaini (233140500111107)
5. Muhammad Yudhistira A. (233140500111108)
6. Fanesya Reshitadewi (233140500111109)

Example of a Business Negotiation Situation :
Pinkflash is a beauty product brand from China, which wants to establish
cooperation regarding product offerings with PT Beauty Indo. The
conversation starts with the company proposing a special discount to PT
Beauty Indo. In this conversation both parties are bargaining for a
mutually beneficial deal and contractual terms in order to reach a
successful agreement.
Scenario :
Pinkflas is a company that produces environmentally friendly cosmetic
packaging and is negotiating with PT Beauty Indo to work together to
increase product offerings with various high discounts.
Conversation in English :
- Opening
"Good morning, everyone. Thank you for taking the time to join this
meeting today. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss our products and
explore potential collaboration with your team. In today's meeting, we
aim to dive into the details of our product offerings, address any
questions or concerns you may have, and work towards finding a
mutually beneficial arrangement that aligns with both of our goals.
I believe that there is great potential for us to work together and create
value for our respective customers. Let's use this time to exchange
ideas, explore possibilities, and see how we can move forward with a
partnership that benefits both parties.
I encourage open communication, feedback, and collaboration
throughout this meeting. Let's work together towards a fruitful
discussion and hopefully reach an agreement that is beneficial for all
involved. Once again, thank you for being here today. I look forward to
a productive and engaging discussion. Shall we begin?"
Pink Flash : Good morning, PT Beauty Indo. I am from Pink
Flash, would like to propose a special discount on
our products to your company. We believe our
products can be a value addition to your business.
PT Beauty Indo : Good morning, Pink Flash. Thank you for the
offer. Can you explain in more detail about the
products that will be discounted?
Pink Flash : Of course! Our product range includes a wide
variety of cosmetics and beauty care products. From
lipsticks to skincare, we provide a selection of high-
quality products with a wide range of colours and
formulas that are in line with the latest trends.
PT Beauty Indo : That's very interesting. What is the amount of
discount offered by Pink Flash?
- Bargaining
Pink Flash : We would like to give a special 20% discount for
every purchase of Pink Flash products above IDR
1,000,000. In addition, we are also ready to provide
additional bonuses for large purchases or long-term
cooperation programmes.
PT Beauty Indo : 20% discount is quite tempting. Are there any
special conditions or specific periods to get this
Pink Flash : This discount is valid for purchases within the next
1 month, and we are ready to assist in terms of
shipping and order handling to facilitate the
transaction process for PT. Beauty Indo.
- Closing
PT Beauty Indo : Thank you for your explanation. We will consider
this offer from Pink Flash and provide further
response soon. Once again, thank you for the
Pink Flash : Thank you also for this opportunity, PT Beauty
Indo. We look forward to working together in
enhancing our offering of superior and quality
beauty products for your customers.

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