Effects of Long Term Storage On Stingless Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) Honey

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Effects of long term storage on stingless bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae:

Meliponini) honey

Article in Journal of Apicultural Research · June 2016

DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2016.1186404


40 2,702

4 authors:

Bajaree Chuttong Yaowaluk Chanbang

Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai University


Korawan Sringarm Michael D. Burgett

Chiang Mai University Oregon State University


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Journal of Apicultural Research

ISSN: 0021-8839 (Print) 2078-6913 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tjar20

Effects of long term storage on stingless bee

(Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) honey

Bajaree Chuttong, Yaowaluk Chanbang, Korawan Sringarm & Michael


To cite this article: Bajaree Chuttong, Yaowaluk Chanbang, Korawan Sringarm & Michael
Burgett (2016): Effects of long term storage on stingless bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae:
Meliponini) honey, Journal of Apicultural Research, DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2016.1186404

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Published online: 13 Jun 2016.

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Journal of Apicultural Research, 2016


Effects of long term storage on stingless bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)
Bajaree Chuttonga,b*, Yaowaluk Chanbanga,c, Korawan Sringarmd and Michael Burgette
Postharvest Technology Research Institute, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand; bScience and Technology Research Institute, Chiang
Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand; cFaculty of Agriculture, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Chiang Mai University, Chiang
Mai, Thailand; dFaculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal and Aquatic Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand; eDepartment
of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
(Received 15 April 2015; accepted 27 October 2015)

The long term storage effects on stingless bee (Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni) honey from SE Asia (Thailand) were exam-
ined using physicochemical parameters. Fresh stingless bee honey was stored at 4, 30, and 45 ˚C for 6 and 12 months.
The results show that the moisture, ash, and electrical conductivity change little over time and temperature storage.
The total acidity increased when stored for 6 and 12 months. pH, diastase, and HMF demonstrated statistically signifi-
Downloaded by [Dr Bajaree Chuttong] at 10:31 13 June 2016

cant changes for both time and temperature storage. The carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, and maltose) decreased
during time and temperature storage, but the changes were not statistically significant. Storage for the longest time
period (12 months) and highest temperature (45 ˚C) resulted in the greatest changes. Storage at 4 ˚C for 12 months
resulted in the least change and the honey was, by and large, unchanged from fresh honey.

Efectos del almacenamiento a largo plazo en la miel de abejas sin aguijón (Hymenoptera: Meliponini: Apidae)

Los efectos del almacenamiento a largo plazo de la miel de la abeja sin aguijón (Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni) de
sureste de Asia (Tailandia) han sido examinados mediante el uso de parámetros fı́sico-quı́micos. La miel de abejas
sin aguijón fresca se almacenó a 4 ˚C, 30 ˚C y 45 ˚C durante 6 y 12 meses. Los resultados muestran que la
humedad, las cenizas y la conductividad eléctrica cambian poco con el tiempo y la temperatura de almacenamiento.
La acidez total se incrementó cuando se almacena durante 6 y 12 meses. El pH, la concentración de diastasa y el
HMF demostraron cambios estadı́sticamente significativos en relación con el tiempo y la temperatura de almace-
namiento. Los hidratos de carbono (fructosa, glucosa y maltosa) disminuyeron durante el tiempo y la temperatura
de almacenamiento, pero los cambios no fueron estadı́sticamente significativos. El almacenamiento durante un
perı́odo mayor de tiempo (12 meses) y a temperatura más alta (45 ˚C) originaron los mayores cambios. El alma-
cenamiento a 4 ˚C durante 12 meses originó el menor cambio y la miel varió, en general, mucho menos en
relación con la miel fresca.
Keywords: honey storage; physicochemical analysis; Meliponini; stingless bee; Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni; South East

Introduction carbohydrates) are important parameters for determin-

Honey from the western honey bee Apis mellifera L. pre- ing honey quality. For stingless bee honey, there are no
sently dominates the world trade market. Honey is, published quality standards, although in a comprehensive
however, produced by a large number of social insect analysis (Souza et al., 2006) recommendations have been
species in the order Hymenoptera, including wasps, ants put forward.
and most especially bees in the family Apidae (Burgett, The physicochemistry of honey is best known for
1974; Burgett & Young, 1974; Michener, 1974; Wilson, the western honey bee (Crane, 1975, 1999; White,
1971). The consumption of honey pre-dates human his- 1994; White, Riethof, Subers, & Kushnir, 1962). While
tory (Crane, 1999). It has been suggested that the first generally recognized as a stable product and capable of
honeys incorporated into the human diet came from long-term storage, the effects of time and temperature
stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini) in the neo-tropics of can markedly reduce honey quality (Castro-Vazquez,
Central and South America (Vit, Pedro, & Roubik, 2013) Diaz-Maroto, Gonzalez-Vinas, de la Fuente, & Perez-
several millennia in the past. Coello, 2008; White et al., 1962). From the view point
According to Codex (2001) and IHC (2009) honey of honey as a product in the world trade market, quality
standards developed for the western honey bee, A. mel- is the most frequently measured using several parame-
lifera, (moisture, ash, pH, acidity, electrical conductivity ters including the presence of HMF and the enzyme
(EC), diastase, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), and diastase, although the use of diastase as a metric for

*Corresponding author. Email: bajaree@yahoo.com

© 2016 International Bee Research Association

2 B. Chuttong et al.

honey quality has been questioned (White, 1994). The of the three Thai provinces (n = 10; Chiang Mai 3,
presence of HMF is felt to be a reflection of heat expo- Chanthaburi 5, Trat 2).
sure over longer term storage (Ajlouni & Sujirapinyokul,
2010; Fallico, Zappala, Arena, & Verzera, 2004; White,
Kushnir, & Subers, 1964). Treatments
In a cosmopolitan sense, stingless bee honey produc- Each of the 10 honey samples was divided into seven
tion and consumption have historically been highly local- 50 g aliquots; one portion being devoted to immediate
ized. From a commercial perspective, international trade physicochemical analysis (in natura). The remaining 6
in meliponine honey is miniscule relative to honey from portions were assigned to 3 constant temperatures (4,
A. mellifera. However, an international trade market, 30 and 45˚ C) and 2 storage times (6 and 12 months).
albeit small, has developed for stingless bee honey Honey samples were held in incubators/environmental
(Chuttong, Chanbang, & Burgett, 2014; Guzman, Balboa, chambers maintained at the 3 temperatures (Sanyo
Vandame, Albores, & Gonzalez-Acereto, 2011). Incubator MIR-153).
Thailand is known to possess 32 species of stingless
bees (Rasmussen, 2008), of which ca. Five species are
managed both for the pollination benefit and the extrac- Analytical methods
tion of honey. For those stingless bee species that are The following honey parameters were examined: mois-
involved in Thai meliponiculture, one species complex ture (g/100 g), ash (g/100 g), EC (mS/cm), pH, total acid-
(T. laeviceps-pagdeni) is the most frequently encountered ity (mEq/kg), diastase (Schade units), HMF (mg/kg) and
Downloaded by [Dr Bajaree Chuttong] at 10:31 13 June 2016

(Chuttong et al., 2014). While the physicochemistry of the individual carbohydrates fructose, glucose, maltose
stingless bee honey is much less studied than the west- and sucrose (g/100 g). Analytical methods follow those
ern honey bee, there is a developing literature, largely of AOAC. All analyses were performed in duplicate.
from stingless bee species of the neo-tropics, which Moisture (AOAC method 919.38, 2006) was deter-
addresses honey quality issues (Vit et al., 2013). One mined by refractometry, using an Atago (Japan) model
major objective of stingless bee honey research is to N-3E hand held refractometer. All measurements were
see the creation of national and international standards, performed at 20 ˚C. Ash content (AOAC method
which presently do not exist. 920.181, 2006) was measured by placing a crucible in a
As stated by Menezes, Vollet-Neto, Contrera, Ven- 100 ˚C oven for one hour. After cooling, it was
turieri, and Imperatriz-Fonseca (2013), there is a near weighed. Aliquots of 5 g of honey were placed into the
absence of studies that analyze the changes in stingless crucible and then incinerated in Muffle furnace at
bee honey over the course of time and is necessary for 500 ˚C to constant weight (overnight) and then
understanding changes in honey physicochemistry result- reweighed. Ash percentage was calculated. For measur-
ing from longer term storage. It is this specific issue we ing EC (IHC, 2009), a solution of 20 g dry matter of
address with this research on the physicochemical honey in 100 ml of distilled water was measured using
changes occurring in stingless bee honey over time and an EC cell (Cyberscan waterproof (Singapore) model
at three temperature storage regimes. For our analyses, PC300 Series digital conductometer). For pH and total
we have chosen honey from one stingless bee species acidity (AOAC method 962.19, 2006), total acidity was
complex (T. laeviceps-pagdeni) as it presently dominates determined by the titrimetric method. Ten g of honey
stingless bee honey production in Thailand. was dissolved in 75 ml of distilled water, and this solu-
tion was titrated with .05 M NaOH solution until the
pH reached 8.5. Ten ml of .05 M NaOH was added
Material and methods
immediately, and back-titrated with .05 M HCl solution
Sample collection until the pH reached 8.3 (lactone acidity) to determine
Honey samples of the stingless bee species complex T. the acidity. A Cyberscan waterproof (Singapore) model
laeviceps-pagdeni were collected from stingless bee colo- PC300 Series digital pH meter was used to measure pH.
nies in both natural nests and managed hives within the Diastase activity (AOAC method 958.09, 2006) was
three Thai provinces of Chiang Mai, Chanthaburi, and determined by placing 5 g of honey into a 20-ml beaker
Trat. Sample collections took place during 2013. Honey and diluting with 10 ml of distilled water and 2.5 ml of
storage pots were pierced with a sharp tool, and the acetate buffer (1.59 M, pH 5.3). It was transferred to a
honey was strained via gravity through fine cloth 25-ml volumetric flask containing 1.5 ml of .5 M NaCl
(gauze). Alternately, syringe extraction of individual and solution. Ten ml of honey solution was incubated in a
collective honey pots was done. Honey samples were thermostatic bath at 40 ˚C along with a second flask
immediately stored at 4˚ C in sealed glass jars kept in containing 100 ml of 1% (w/v) starch solution. After
the dark. A total of 5 kg of honey was field collected 5 min, 5 ml of starch solution was added to the honey
from 50 stingless bee colonies from the provinces of solution. After 5 min, 1 ml of the mixture was mixed
Chiang Mai, Chanthaburi, and Trat. Individual samples with 10 ml of .0007 M diluted iodine solution, and
represent honey pooled from several colonies in each measured at 660 nm in a spectrophotometer (Shimadzu
Long term storage of stingless bee honey 3

UV-1601 UV/VIS, Japan) compared with a water blank. T. laeviceps-pagdeni honey in natura
A plot of absorbance against time was used to deter- Our analyses (Table 1) provide the summary of the
mine the time at which the specified absorbance of .235 baseline analysis of fresh T. laeviceps-pagdeni honey for
was reach. all parameters measured. Relative to established national
HMF contents in honey were determined according and international standards set for the western honey
to AOAC method 980.23, 2006 by High performance bee A. mellifera, honey from T. laeviceps-pagdeni is higher
liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to UV spec- in moisture, acidity, and ash; lower in fructose, glucose,
trometry. A 5% (w/v) solution of honey in distilled and diastase. The disaccharide maltose is present in
water and filtered through .45 m filter paper and higher concentrations, frequently being the dominant
injected into HPLC system (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan), carbohydrate.
which was equipped with a LC-10AD VP pump, a 7125
Rheodyne injector, SCL 10 AVP system controller, a
diode array detector SPD-M10A, and class VP controller Treatment effects
software. Isocratic elution was performed on a
Tables 2 and 3 present the results of treatment effects
reversed-phase Ultra aqueous C18 column (5 m,
on T. laeviceps-pagdeni honey. For the parameters of
250 4.6 mm) (Restex, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, USA),
moisture, ash, EC, and total acidity, the effects of time
using as mobile phase methanol-water (10:90, v/v) at a
temperature storage reveal no statistically significant dif-
flow rate of 1.2 ml/min. The injection volume was 20 l,
ferences (Table 2) For pH, significance is shown by the
the column temperature 25 ˚C and the detection at
Downloaded by [Dr Bajaree Chuttong] at 10:31 13 June 2016

effect of time (p < .01) and time temperature (p < .05)

280 nm. (Mendes, Proença, Ferreira, & Ferreira, 1998).
(Table 2 and Figure 1(a)). Total acidity is shown by the
Honey sugar contents (fructose, glucose, maltose,
effect of time only (p < .05) (Table 2 and Figure 1(a)).
and sucrose) were determined according to AOAC
Diastase displays statistical significance by the effect of
method 977.20, 2006 by HPLC coupled to refractive
both time and temperature (p < .05) (Table 2 and Fig-
Index detector (RID). A 5% (w/v) solution of honey in
ure 2). HMF was the measure that displayed the most
distilled water and filtered through .45 m filter paper
dramatic effects of time and temperature and showed a
and injected into HPLC system (Shimadzu, Kyoto,
high degree of statistical significance (p < .01) for both
Japan), which was equipped with a LC-10AD pump,
time and temperature. The HMF level after 12 months
CBM-10A system controller, a RID-10A RID coupled to
of storage at 45 ˚C was amplified from the fresh honey
a computer with class LC10 controller software. For
HMF average by a factor of 171 (Table 2). From the
the determination of sugars, an Inersil NH2 column
analyses of fructose, glucose, and maltose, the effects of
(5 m, 250 4.6 mm) (GL science Inc., Japan), mobile
temperature and storage time revealed no statistically
phase with HPLC acetonitrile/water (72:25) was used at
significant changes (Table 3 and Figure 3). Sucrose was
a flow rate 1 ml/min, with an oven temperature of
detected only in the fresh honey samples at a low level
40 ˚C (Mendes et al., 1998).
(.95 mg/kg) and was undetected following all time and
temperature treatments.
Statistical analysis
Comparative data were subjected to the Duncan’s mul-
tiple-range test (Statistica 6.0) to determine the signifi-
cance between time and temperature treatments. Our observations are in general agreement with previ-
ous descriptions of stingless bee honey from both SE
Asia (Sawattham, Vaithanomsat, & Tadakittisarn, 2009;
Results Suntiparapop, Prapaipong, & Chantawannakul, 2012) and
The physiochemical and organoleptic qualities of honey the neo-tropics (Vit et al., 2013).
are predominated by the nectar resources gathered by The value of the moisture content to the physical
colony foragers (Crane, 1975). Additional factors exert- properties of honey is related to shelf life (Bogdanov,
ing influence are biogeographic, climate, and annual sea- Ruoff, & Persano Oddo, 2004; Oddo & Piro, 2004). The
sonality. Angiosperms produce nectar for the function international standard of moisture content in A. mellifera
of attracting pollinators and plant species have been honey is not more than 20 g/100 g (Codex, 2001). For
shown exhibit qualitative differences in nectar con- stingless bee honey, a suggested moisture standard is
stituents most especially the carbohydrates (Crane, 25 g/100 g (Souza et al., 2006). Stingless bee honey is
1975). Therefore, a given honey from a stingless bee known to possess higher levels of moisture relative to
species represents a chemical profile uniquely represent- A. mellifera honey (Suntiparapop et al., 2012; Vit et al.,
ing the botanical resources, climate, and time of year 2013). When using the western honey bee comparator,
when the bees elaborated the nectars to honey within our result for fresh T. laeviceps-pagdeni honey is charac-
the confines of the colony environment. No single terized as higher in moisture (24.7 ± 1.7 g/100 g); how-
honey analysis can be said to completely represent the ever, this is within the recommended standard for
variability in chemical complexity. stingless bee honey (Souza et al., 2006).
4 B. Chuttong et al.

Table 1. Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni fresh honey sample analyses.

Moisture EC Total acidity (Schade Fructose Glucose Maltose (g/ Sucrose Total Sugar
Location (g/100 g) Ash (g/100 g) (mS/cm) pH (mEq/kg) units) HMF (mg/kg) (g/100 g) (g/100 g) 100 g) (g/100 g) (g/100 g)

CM1 23.0 .98 2.1 3.3 118.0 4.8 56.2 15.3 11.2 40.6 ND 67.0
CM2 26.1 .64 1.5 3.5 109.0 1.1 5.9 13.0 9.3 44.6 ND 66.9
CM3 21.0 .69 1.3 3.9 105.0 1.7 36.0 12.2 6.8 53.3 ND 72.3
CH1 25.3 .28 .6 3.9 117.0 1.5 3.6 22.1 19.0 32.1 1.5 74.7
CH2 25.9 .31 .7 3.6 110.0 ND 27.0 24.0 21.2 25.8 1.3 72.3
CH3 25.8 .51 1.3 4.0 97.0 ND 66.0 29.1 27.1 11.7 .7 68.6
CH4 26.8 .16 .8 3.4 115.5 ND 2.2 22.2 21.7 29.1 ND 73.0
CH5 23.7 .26 .6 3.9 110.0 .8 6.7 23.4 22.1 26.3 .3 72.1
TR1 24.9 .26 .7 4.1 91.0 4.6 68.8 22.2 19.3 29.9 ND 71.4
TR2 24.5 .28 .7 3.6 78.5 ND 58.0 18.0 16.5 39.8 ND 74.3
Average ± SD 24.7 ± 1.7 .44 ± .26 1.0 ± .5 3.7 ± .3 105.1 ± 12.7 2.4 ± 1.8 33.0 ± 27.5 20.2 ± 5.4 17.4 ± 6.4 33.3 ± 11.7 1.0 ± .5 71.3 ± 2.8

Notes: CM = Chiang Mai province (3 samples), CH = Chanthaburi province (5 samples), TR = Trat province (2 samples), ND = Not detected.

Ash and EC are parameters related to the mineral nized standards for A. mellifera honey. But our results
content in honey (Bogdanov et al., 2004). The average fall in the same range of 45.06–190.90 mEq/kg for Plebeia
Downloaded by [Dr Bajaree Chuttong] at 10:31 13 June 2016

ash content of our fresh T. laeviceps-pagdeni honey is wittmanni honey from Argentina (Sgariglia, Vattuone,
.44 ± .26 g/100 g with a range of .16–.98. The results Vattuone, Soberón, & Sampietro, 2010).
reveal a higher level than A. mellifera honey (.17 g/100 g) For A. mellifera honey, diastase is considered useful as
(White et al., 1962) and higher than the ash content an indicator for freshness (Babacan, Pivarnik, & Rand,
previously reported for T. laeviceps-pagdeni honey (.22 2002). The variability of the amounts of enzyme present
± .08 g/100 g) (Chuttong, Chanbang, Sringarm, & Bur- in honey and the influence of temperature on enzyme
gett, 2016) and T. laeviceps honey (.33 ± .03 g/100 g) activity has been the focus of research (Babacan et al.,
(Suntiparapop et al., 2012) from Thailand and other stin- 2002 Sancho, Muniategui, Huidobro, & Lozano, 1992;
gless bee species, i.e., Melipona favosa (.10 ± .02) (Vit, White, 1994; White, Riethof, & Kushnir, 1961). The dias-
2013) from Venezuela. Souza et al. (2006) list the values tase in honey originates from the saliva secretions of
of ash content for stingless bee honey at .01–1.18 bees (Stadelmeier & Bergner, 1986) and also relevant to
g/100 g with our results falling in that range. The result the particular enzymatic profile of each bee species
for EC of the fresh stingless bee honey (1.0 ± .5 mS/cm) (Fuenmayor, Diaz-Moreno, Zuluaga-Dominguez, &
is higher than that reported by Suntiparapop et al. Quicazan, 2013). The enzymes are added by honey bee
(2012) (.71 mS/cm); Guerrini et al. (2009) (.48 ± during the collection and ripening of the nectar into
.06 mS/cm) for stingless bee honeys from Thailand and honey. Some nectar is obviously much thicker than
Ecuador, respectively. The botanical origin of honey is others, so they need less modification by the bees
regularly classified into blossom and honeydew honey (White, 1994). For stingless bee, honey diastase activity
and the difference of the EC values are possibly due to is usually very low (Souza et al., 2006; Vit, Medina, &
the differences in the botanical origin of honey (Bog- Eunice Enrı́quez, 2004). Diastase levels in A. mellifera
danov, Halbimann, Luginbuh, & Gallmann, 2007). Our honey exhibit large variation but the standard is not less
honey samples are multifloral honey collected from two than 8 Schade units (Codex, 2001). White et al. (1962)
geographical (north and southeast regions) of Thailand. reported a range for A. mellifera honey from 3.1 to 22.2
EC is correlated to the ash and acid content of honey. Schade units. For stingless bee, honey diastase also varies
With increases in ash and acidity, there is an expected with a range of 2.4–21.3 Schade units and .9–23.0 Schade
corresponding increase in EC (Vorwohl, 1964). units from the reports of Vit et al. (2013) and Souza
Honey is an acidic medium with a pH range between et al. (2006), respectively. Our observations of diastase
3.5 and 5.5. Both flavor and antimicrobial properties of in fresh T. laeviceps-pagdeni honey showed a range of not
honey are influenced by the presence of organic acids in detected to 4.8 Schade units; when present, the average
honey (Bogdanov et al., 2004). In our finding, pH was diastase was (2.4 ± 1.8 Schade units). We did not detect
(3.7 ± .3) similar to the report of Suntiparapop et al. diastase in 3 of 5 honey samples from Chanthaburi and 1
(2012) (3.76 ± .01) for T. laeviceps honey but slightly of 2 samples from Trat (Honey samples from southeast
lower than reported by Vit et al. (2013) (3.9 ± .6) for region of Thailand). Gonnet et al. (1964) cited in Vit,
neo-tropical stingless bee honeys. Our samples, derived Bogdanov, and Kilchenman (1994) also found no diastase
from 50 separate stingless bee colonies, resulted in an activity in stingless bee (Melipona) honeys.
average acidity for fresh honey of 105.1 ± 12.7 mEq/kg HMF is the major quality factor used to evaluate the
with a range of 78.5 to 118.0 mEq/kg which is higher heating history of honey. HMF is thought not to be pre-
than reported for T. laeviceps honey (Suntiparapop et al., sent in fresh A. mellifera honey as stored in the colony
2012) (72.84 ± .61 mEq/kg) and higher than the recog- (Bogdanov, Martin, & Lullmann, 1997; White, 1994). The
Downloaded by [Dr Bajaree Chuttong] at 10:31 13 June 2016

Table 2. Treatment effects of time and temperature on the physicochemical composition of Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni honey (N = 10).

Storage Moisture Ash EC Total acidity Diastase HMF

Storage time (months) temperature (˚C) (g/100 g) SD (g/100 g) SD (mS/cm) SD pH SD (mEq/kg) SD (Schade units) SD (mg/kg) SD
Fresh 24.7 1.7 .44 .3 1.04 .5 3.7a .3 105.1 12.7 2.4a 1.8 33.0c 27.5
6 4 24.8 2.0 .43 .3 1.19 .6 3.6ab .2 110.3 45.3 2.3a 1.7 35.1c 30.4
30 25.6 2.3 .42 .3 .20 .6 3.6ab .2 126.6 54.5 1.3ab 1.4 212.2c 87.0
45 25.4 1.9 .43 .3 1.16 .6 3.5ab .2 146.1 54.3 .4b .4 3,881.0b 1,023.7
12 4 24.7 1.9 .42 .3 .21 .6 3.6ab .2 117.3 36.6 2.2a 1.9 35.1c 30.7
30 25.5 1.9 .41 .3 1.21 .6 3.5ab .1 122.3 45.3 .5b .3 411.3c 166.4
45 25.4 1.7 .39 .2 1.16 .5 3.4b .1 147.2 53.6 .4b .5 5,667.5a 1,627.3
Storage time NS NS NS <.01 <.05 <.05 <.01
Storage temperature NS NS NS NS NS <.05 <.01
Time x temperature NS NS NS <.05 NS <.05 <.01
Notes: Column values that do not share a common letter are significantly different (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test). Columns without letters display no significant difference.
Long term storage of stingless bee honey
6 B. Chuttong et al.

Table 3. Treatment effects of time and temperature on the carbohydrates of Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni honey.

Storage time (months) Storage temperature (˚C) Fructose (g/100 g) SD Glucose (g/100 g) SD Maltose (g/100 g) SD
Fresh 20.2 5.4 17.4 6.4 33.3 11.7
6 4 19.6 5.4 16.6 6.7 31.4 10.7
30 19.3 4.8 16.5 7.1 28.8 9.2
45 18.7 4.6 14.9 7.1 25.6 7.2
12 4 18.2 4.9 15.1 6.3 31.1 10.8
30 17.8 4.0 14.7 6.1 27.6 9.1
45 17.7 3.8 14.2 6.3 26.8 7.9
Storage time NS NS NS
Storage temperature NS NS NS
Time x temperature NS NS NS

(a) 4 °C 30 °C 45° C (b) 180

3.7 4 °C 30 °C 45° C

total acidity (mEq/kg)

Downloaded by [Dr Bajaree Chuttong] at 10:31 13 June 2016



3.3 80
0 6 12 0 6 12
Storage time (months) Storage time (months)

Figure 1. Changes in pH and total acidity content of Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni honey during the time and temperature storage
(N = 10).

3.0 4 °C 30 °C 45° C
in the hive also influence to HMF content. It has been
known for many years that HMF is produced from
simple sugars, especially fructose by the action of acid.
diastase (Schade unit)

2.0 Vit et al. (1994) state the high water content and acidity
values could increase the HMF content to a greater
level than A. mellifera honey. For our fresh T. laeviceps-
1.0 pagdeni honey, the HMF averaged 33.0 ± 27.5 mg/kg
with a range of 2.2–68.8 mg/kg which is higher than
reported for T. laeviceps honey from Thailand (.25
0.0 ± .04 mg/kg) Suntiparapop et al. (2012). Souza et al.
0 6 12 (2006) report HMF content of stingless bee honey with
Storage time (months) a range of .4–78.5 mg/kg. The variation of HMF content
in honey would be influenced by the time and
Figure 2. Changes in diastase of Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni temperature condition of honey stored in hive prior to
honey during the time and temperature storage (N = 6). harvesting.
Carbohydrates are the major component of honey.
Codex (2001) standard for A. mellifera honey specifies The Codex (2001) standard for A. mellifera honey sets a
that the HMF content shall not be more than 40 mg/kg criterion for fructose and glucose of ≥60 g/100 g. For
with the exception of honeys originating from tropical stingless bee honey, Vit et al. (2013) reported a range
regions, not more than 80 mg/kg. White et al. (1964) of 29.7–77.8 g/100 g of fructose and glucose from sting-
report the HMF content increases during storage at rel- less bee honeys of the neo-tropics. Our observations of
atively low temperatures, indicating that honey from fresh T. laeviceps-pagdeni honey show it to be lower in
subtropical regions could naturally have high HMF fructose and glucose with an average fructose content
content without being overheated or adulterated. White of 20.2 ± 5.4 g/100 g with a range of 12.2–29.1 g/100 g
(1994) suggests that the time and temperature condi- and the glucose average being 17.4 ± 6.4 g/100 g with a
tions during the ripening and maintaining of the honey range of 6.8–27.1 g/100 g. These data are lower than
Long term storage of stingless bee honey 7

(a) 21 (b) 21
4 °C
20 20
30 °C
fructose (g/100g)

19 19
45° C

glucose (g/100g)
18 18
17 17
16 4 °C 16
15 30 °C 15
14 14
45° C
13 13
0 6 12 0 6 12
Storage time (months) Storage time (months)

(c) 34 4 °C 30 °C 45° C

maltose (g/100g)


Downloaded by [Dr Bajaree Chuttong] at 10:31 13 June 2016


0 6 12
Storage time (months)

Figure 3. Changes in carbohydrates content of Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni honey during the time and temperature storage
(N = 10).

those reported for T. laeviceps honey (Suntiparapop origin of meliponine honey at the genus level. There-
et al., 2012) and for A. mellifera honey (White et al., fore, this difference is considered to be bee-related.
1962). Our findings for all 10 T. laeviceps-pagdeni honey Our result shows a lower level of sucrose when
samples present values below the standard of A. mellifera compared to Suntiparapop et al. (2012) (19.45 ± .12
honey. Our honey samples exhibit much higher levels of g/100 g). When present, sucrose averaged 1.0 ± .5
maltose which averaged 33.3 ± 11.7 g/100 g with a range g/100 g and ranged from not detected (6 of 10 honey
of 11.7–53.3 g/100 g than those reported for A. mellifera samples) to 1.5 g/100 g which is slightly lower than Tet-
honeys, or from T. carbonaria from Australia (20.3 ragonula carbonaria honey (1.8 ± .4 g/100 g) from Aus-
± 2.9 g/100 g) (Oddo et al., 2008). For stingless bee tralia (Oddo et al., 2008).
honeys from the neo-tropics, maltose is reported to In general, the quality of honey decreases with time
range from 2.5 to 32.2 g/100 g (Vit et al., 2013). For A. and temperature storage. These conditions can impose
mellifera honey, many honeydew honeys have high an effect on the physicochemical and organoleptic char-
amount of non-reducing oligosaccharides (Bogdanov acteristics of honey (Castro-Vazquez et al., 2008).
et al., 1999). The maltose found in honey does not orig- For both temperature and time effects, moisture
inate in the nectar but after the action of transglycosyla- displayed no statistical significance. When stored at 4 ˚C
tion enzymes added by bees (Low, Nelson, & Sporns, for 6 and 12 months moisture was stable. When stored
1988). Bogdanov and Vit (unpubl. Data) cited in Vit at 30 and 45 ˚C for 6 months, there was a very small
et al. (1994) found maltose was also the dominant sugar incremental trend upward (Figure 4(a)). Our results
(32.2 ± 11.4 g/100 g) in 8 samples of Frieseomelitta exhibit a similar moisture trend to that reported by
honeys from Venezuela. Vit, Fernandez-Maeso, and Castro-Vazquez et al. (2008) for A. mellifera honey from
Ortiz-Valbuena (1998) studied the three frequently Spain.
occurring sugars (fructose, glucose, and maltose) in stin- In our trials, ash levels increased under all conditions
gless bee honey to predict the entomological origin; it but were so slight that no significant differences
was found that the maltose content was very high in were shown for time or temperature (Table 2 and
Terragonisca angustula, Frieseomelitta nigra pauper, Figure 4(b)). EC is influenced by mineral and acid con-
Fieseomelitta aff. Varia, and Nannotrigona sp. honeys tent of honey, i.e., EC increases with increasing ash and
(23.96–56.39 g/100 g) and very low in Melipona sp. acidity (Codex, 1993). In stored A. mellifera honey, the
honeys (.88–2.02 g/100 g). This study suggests maltose EC is frequently higher when compared to fresh honey
could be a useful marker to identify the entomological (Castro-Vazquez et al., 2008). The EC revealed a small
8 B. Chuttong et al.

(a) moisture (g/100g)

26 4 °C 30 °C 45° C


0 6 12
Storage time (months)

(b) 0.50 4 °C 30 °C 45° C (c) 1.3 4 °C 30 °C 45° C

electrical conductivity (mS/cm)

ash (g/100g)

0.45 1.2

0.40 1.1
Downloaded by [Dr Bajaree Chuttong] at 10:31 13 June 2016

0.35 1.0
0 6 12 0 6 12
Storage time (months) Storage time (months)

Figure 4. Changes in moisture, ash, and electrical conductivity content of Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni honey during the time and
temperature storage (N = 10).

upward trend over our treatment times and tempera- honey stored at 30 ˚C for 6 and 12 months also
tures (Table 2 and Figure 4(c)), however, no statistical decreased continuously. The largest change in diastase
significance was shown for either time or temperature, was honey stored at 45 ˚C for 12 months (.4 ± .5
which is dissimilar to reports for EC from A. mellifera Schade units). Diastase when stored at 4 ˚C for 6 and
honey (Castro-Vazquez et al., 2008). 12 months decreased by 6 and 16% relative to fresh
Under our experimental treatments, pH showed a honey. At 30 and 45 ˚C of storage, diastase at 6 and
significant downward trend with increasing time (Table 2 12 months was diminished by 45 and 78%; 80 and 82%,
and Figure 1(a)) which is in contrast to reports for A. respectively. When we observed the individual fresh
mellifera honey during storage (Castro-Vazquez et al., honey samples, the levels of diastase in fresh honey
2008; Gulati & Kumari, 2005; Moreira, De Maria, samples were not associated with the HMF content.
Pietroluongo, & Trugo, 2007). Stingless bee honey is Some honey samples where HMF was not detected or
characterized as being more acidic when compared to showed low levels of diastase then show high level of
honey from the western honey bee. While the acidity HMF following storage and temperature exposure.
did increase with time and temperature, it was statisti- Honey samples showing higher levels of diastase
cally significant for time but not temperature (Table 2 displayed high levels of HMF.
and Figure 1(b)). Our findings are in agreement with In honey, HMF is produced from simple sugars,
those of Castro-Vazquez et al. (2008) who show a especially fructose, by acidification over time (Bogdanov
significant increase in acidity over time for A. mellifera et al., 1997; White, 1994). HMF is influenced by time,
honey. temperature storage, and pH (White et al., 1962). Previ-
Storage and heating are known to affect the diastase ous reports of HMF for presumed fresh stingless bee
activity in honey (Bogdanov et al., 1997). Our results honeys from South America give a range of not
reveal a significant downward trend of diastase during detected to 25 mg/kg (Vit et al., 2013, appendix 1) and
time and temperature storage which is not similar to not detected to 78.5 mg/kg (Souza et al., 2006, Table 2).
the reports of Castro-Vazquez et al. (2008); Sahinler In our observations, HMF was the parameter most
and Gul (2005) (Table 2 and Figure 2). Diastase in our affected by time and temperature treatments. As fresh,
honey samples stored at 4 ˚C was slightly decreased at T. laeviceps-pagdeni honey HMF varied from 2.2 to
6 and 12 months and averaged 2.3 ± 1.7 Schade units 68.8 mg/kg (Table 1). Honey stored at 4 ˚C for both 6
and 2.0 ± 1.9 Schade units, respectively. The diastase of and 12 months show the smallest change in HMF. When
Long term storage of stingless bee honey 9

200 our results. The results differ from those of Biluca et al.
(2014) who found HMF to be absent from fresh sting-
140 y = 0.0403x - 61.743 less bee honey (species not given) from Brazil and was
Acidity (mEq/kg)

120 generated only under a condition of 75 ˚C for 24 h. We

100 assume that the higher total acidity of T. laeviceps-
pagdeni fresh honey would be a significant influence in
40 the dramatic HMF increase we observed over increasing
20 time and temperature.
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 While displaying no statistical significance, the
HMF (mg/kg) monosaccharides (fructose and glucose) and the disac-
charide maltose did experience a downward trend over
Figure 5. Correlation in changes of total acidity and HMF time (Figure 2) which was more pronounced with an
content of Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni honey during 45 ˚C increase in temperature. Stingless bee honey stored at
storage for 6 months (r = .7491; n = 7). 45 ˚C exhibited the largest, albeit small reductions, in
fructose, glucose, and maltose. Our result is similar to
the report of Castro-Vazquez et al. (2008) where
200 A. mellifera honey stored at 10, 20, and 40 ˚C for
160 y = 0.0209x - 18.241 12 months shows a decrease in fructose and glucose.
However, these findings for stingless bee honey are con-
Downloaded by [Dr Bajaree Chuttong] at 10:31 13 June 2016

Acidity (mEq/kg)

120 trary to the report of White et al. (1961) which showed

100 prolonged storage to increase invert sugars (fructose and
0 Acknowledgments
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000
HMF (mg/kg)
The authors wish to thank the Science and Technology
Research Institute, Chiang Mai University for financial support
to the senior author. We gratefully thank all the meliponicul-
Figure 6. Correlation in changes of total acidity and HMF turists who assisted us in the collection of stingless bee honey
content of Tetragonula laeviceps-pagdeni honey during 45 ˚C samples and also the Agriculture Occupation Promotion and
storage for 12 months (r = .6200; n = 7). Development Center, (Bees) (DOAE) in Chanthaburi for their
collaboration with our field research.

we observed the correlation of individual samples of

honey stored for 6 and 12 months, our results show Disclosure statement
the trend of correlation in changes of acidity and HMF. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Three honey samples collected from Chiang Mai pro-
vince located in the north of Thailand show the trend
of correlation between total acidity and HMF; these Funding
honey samples when stored at 45 ˚C had the highest This work was supported by the Science and Technology
change in total acidity also show the greatest change in Research Institute, Chiang Mai University to the senior author.
HMF. For 7 honey samples collected from Chanthaburi
and Trat provinces located in the southeast Thailand,
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