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Start with a brief introduction to the product, highlighting its significance and relevance in the
Between 2022 and 2023, there were several reported cases of food poisoning, predominantly
stemming from spoiled and contaminated foods. In response, our group set out to develop a
product aimed at addressing these concerns and ensuring consumer safety. While various
technologies exist for testing food, they are often inaccessible to the average person, and many
individuals may not even be aware of their existence or lack the time to utilize them regularly.

Our product is designed as a combination of different tools that facilitate the assessment of
various factors contributing to food spoilage. It is made portable for ease of use, enabling
consumers to quickly determine the freshness and safety of their food, thereby reducing the risk
of consuming spoiled or contaminated items. Additionally, our product serves as an educational
tool, empowering consumers with knowledge about what signs to look out for when assessing
the quality of their food.

2. Describe the product in detail, including its name, category, and its primary function or purpose
Product Name: Electronic Spoilage Tester (Tentative Name)

The primary function of this product is to assess the freshness of various types of food (raw
ingredients, cooked dishes, or canned items) by testing for key indicators such as acidity, sugar
content, and volatile compounds. These factors help determine if the food has reached its
expiration period, ensuring consumer safety and food quality.

The product utilizes the concept of a pH meter to identify the acidity of the food. Acidity plays a
crucial role in preventing the growth of spoilage and pathogenic microbes, making it an essential
parameter for assessing food freshness.

Additionally, the Electronic Spoilage Tester incorporates the use of a refractometer to determine
the sugar content of food. Sugar content influences microbial growth by reducing water activity
in a product through dehydration and osmosis, thereby inhibiting microbial proliferation.

Furthermore, the device employs the concept of an Electric Nose to detect certain smells
associated with food. Smell is often an early indicator of spoilage, allowing consumers to detect
potential issues before they become apparent through other means. By combining these
technologies, the Electronic Spoilage Tester offers a comprehensive solution for assessing food
quality and safety.

3. Highlight the Unique features and capabilities that differentiate the product from competitors
a. Explain these features address specific needs or pain points of the target market

Unique Features and Capabilities:

All-in-One Functionality:

 Integrates the use of a pH meter, refractometer, and Electric nose.

 Enables comprehensive spoilage testing for raw ingredients, cooked food, or canned


 Inspired by portable health monitors like blood pressure and blood sugar monitors.
 Compact design resembling a portable blood pressure monitor.
 Includes a long cord attached to the sensor for mobility.


 Not limited to food safety assessment.

 Doubles as a learning system suitable for academic settings.
 Offers educational exploration opportunities for students and professionals alike.

Flexibility of Use:

 Suitable for both home settings and local eateries.

 Provides convenience and practicality for various environments and applications.

After doing research on recent materials, there hasn’t been any similar idea or a product with
the same function from any other company or manufacturer.

4. Define the Target market segments for the product

a. Provide demographic information, such as age, gender, income level, geographic
location, etc.
The target market for the Electronic Spoilage Tester encompasses a diverse range of individuals
and businesses involved in food handling, preservation, and preparation, particularly those who
lack access to specialized testing equipment. This segment includes:

a. Household Owners: Concerned about food safety and quality, household owners seek
convenient solutions to ensure the freshness of their food purchases and leftovers.

b. Local Eatery Owners: Small restaurant and food stall owners prioritize food safety and customer
satisfaction, relying on accessible tools to maintain the quality of their offerings.

c. Food Preservation Enthusiasts: Individuals engaged in home food preservation activities, such as
canning and pickling, value tools that assist in monitoring the effectiveness of their preservation

d. Food Sellers at Markets or Events: Vendors at local markets, fairs, and events require reliable
means to assess the freshness of their food products, enhancing customer trust and satisfaction.

e. School Cafeteria Cooks: School cafeteria staff aim to provide safe and nutritious meals to
students, utilizing accessible tools to monitor the quality of ingredients and prepared dishes.
f. Educational Institutions: Schools and universities incorporate the Electronic Spoilage Tester into
their science curriculum, providing students with hands-on experience in food safety and quality
control practices.

Overall, the Electronic Spoilage Tester caters to a broad audience seeking practical, user-friendly
solutions for ensuring food freshness and safety in various settings, from home kitchens to
educational laboratories and small food businesses.

5. Clearly articulate the value proposition of the product – what makes it valuable to customer?
a. Explain how the product meets the needs or desires of the target market better than
existing alternatives.

The Electronic Spoilage Tester offers a range of benefits for both individuals and businesses
involved in food handling and preparation. Here's how it delivers value:

 Convenience and Accessibility: By combining multiple testing functions into one portable
device, the Electronic Spoilage Tester is easy to use for a variety of users, including
households, small businesses, and schools. Its simple design fits seamlessly into
everyday food routines.
 Comprehensive Assessment: With features like pH testing, refractometry, and odor
detection, the Electronic Spoilage Tester provides a complete picture of food quality and
safety. Users can quickly identify spoilage indicators and take proactive steps to prevent
consuming spoiled or expired food.
 Risk Reduction: Early detection of spoilage indicators helps reduce the risk of foodborne
illnesses and product waste. By spotting potential issues before they become a problem,
users can protect their health and minimize financial losses.
 Educational Value: The Electronic Spoilage Tester doubles as a learning tool for students
and professionals in the food industry. Its use in academic settings provides hands-on
experience in food quality assessment, promoting greater understanding of food science
 Enhanced Reputation: For businesses, incorporating the Electronic Spoilage Tester
demonstrates a commitment to food safety and quality. By using advanced testing
methods, they can build trust with customers and foster loyalty by ensuring the
freshness and safety of their products.

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