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Where in the Quran is the punishment of the grave mentioned?

Rezaul Haque

, former Chief Engineer, FEWA at United Arab Emirates

Updated Nov 3, 2021
Nowhere! The Quran does not say anything about punishment in the grave whatsoever.
Here are the verses to ponder:

“And the trumpet shall be blown, and lo! from the graves they will hasten on to
their Lord.

They will say to one another, `O woe to us! who has raised us from our PLACE OF
SLEEP? This is what the Gracious God had promised, and the Messengers, indeed,
spoke the truth.” (Al Quran# 36:51-52)

It is apparent from the verses mentioned that people would be sleeping in the grave-
the PLACE OF SLEEP. When the trumpet would be blowing, they would awake, and all
would rush to their Lord.

Here is the point to ponder; in these Verses, God describes the people who used to be
non-compliant- deniers of the Truth. But they would be in sleep in the grave too. To
note further, these deniers of the Truth would prefer to sleep in the grave as they used
to be, rather than facing God because of the sins they had committed on the earth. So,
these two Verses categorically prove that there is no punishment in the grave before the
Day of Judgment.

One might ask, does time exist between the two events- the moment a man dies and the
day of resurrection?

In our perspective - yes, time exists between these two events; maybe 10000 years, or
100000 years, depending on which point of time the man died. But who is dead, time
does not exist for him; it is a timeless state, or Barzakh mentioned in the Quran. Here is
the Verse to ponder:

“When death comes to any of them, he says, My Lord, send me back; so that I may
do good works in the world I have left behind.
Never! It is indeed but a meaningless word that he utters. A BARRIER (Barzakh)
shall stand behind such people till the Day they are raised up again” (Al
Time is Timeless- standstill there in Barzakh; time is a reality in the physical world we live
in, but not in the Barzakh.

If you are a student of Theoretical Physics, or you have studied Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity, you would understand how time slows down or becomes a standstill.
Advanced science explains how God’s laws work. As such, God says- only those who
possess intelligence will take heed (Al Quran# 13:19, 39:9). Einstein justifiably said:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

If you sleep in an isolated closed room and do not have any watch, you cannot even say
how long you have slept. The same happened with the companions of the cave in
Surah 18-Kahf. They had slept for 309 years, but after, when they had awakened, they
could not even guess how long they had slept. Time became a standstill for them but
not for the people around them. Here is the verse to ponder:

“And so, We awakened them so that they might question one another. One of
them exclaimed, “How long have you remained ˹asleep˺?” Some replied, “Perhaps
a day, or part of a day.” They said ˹to one another˺, “Your Lord knows best how
long you have remained. So, send one of you with these silver coins of yours to the
city, and let him find which food is the purest, and then bring you provisions from it. Let
him be ˹exceptionally˺ cautious, and do not let him give you away.”( Al Quran# 18:19)

So, the story of the Ashabul Kahf- the Companions of the Cave, is an example how the
people would be in the state of Barzakh, after death.

After Barzakh there comes the Day of Judgment. God says:

“It shall be but one sound of the trumpet, and behold, they shall be all assembled
before us” (Al Quran# 36:53)

And then:

“He will ask, How many years did you stay on earth

They will say, We stayed a day or part of a day. Ask those who have kept count

He will say, You only stayed for a little while, if only you knew” ( Al Quran# 23:112-

So, people will not even remember exactly how long they had stayed on earth, let alone
the time passed in the Barzakh. It is because they passed the time after death until
resurrection without any sense of the surroundings, in a Timeless state.

And then God will say:

“So Today no soul will be wronged in the least. Nor will you be rewarded except
for the deeds you used to do.” (Al Quran # 36:54)
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“ Do They not Ponder and Reflect?”

· 6mo
Punishment of the grave: A Quranic perspective
By: A. Muhammad

The concept of the "punishment of the grave" finds its roots in hadith, but does not have
any Quranic authorisation. All what the proponents of this concept rely on to add
Quranic legality is an incorrect interpretation of one Quranic verse. This will be analysed
together as well as the hadith which promotes this concept. According to a hadith
narrated by Abu Huraira in Al-Tirmidhi, it is claimed that the messenger of God said:

After the dead person is buried, two angels come to him, one called al Munkar and the
other called al Nakeer, and interrogate him. If he says the correct answers his grave is
widened for him to the extent of seventy cubits by seventy, then it is made light for him for
his comfort, then he is told to sleep until Allah raises him. But if he found to be a hypocrite,
it is said to the earth: 'Crush him', so he is crushed until his cross over and he remains in
the state of torture until Allah raises him.
Other hadith about the same topic elaborate further and contain more details, however
the hadith above is a good representation in promoting the concept of the "punishment
of the grave".

Violations of the Quran, and other hadith absurdities:

1- It is stated in the Quran that God takes the 'nafs' (self) at time of death and also when
people sleep:

God takes back the 'anfus' (selves) at the time of their death, and also of those who have
not died during their sleep. Then He retains those for whom He has decreed death and
sends the others back for a specified term. In that are signs for people who reflect. 39:42

As for the body, it decays and becomes dust. Nothing remains in the grave except dust
and bones. How can anyone be tortured in the grave when his body no longer exists
and his 'nafs' (self) is not in the grave but with God?

2- The Quran states that all humans will be judged fairly on the Day of Judgement.

How would it be an act of justice from God who is the "Best Judge" (10:109) to commit
people to punishment (in the grave) before Judgement Day when their trial is meant to
take place?

Punishment before conviction is injustice. Equally, conviction before trial is injustice. The
punishment of the grave would eradicate the concept of justice and would render the
Day of Judgement meaningless!

3- The Quran states categorically that it is God alone who will judge all humans, but as
per the hadith we see that it was two angels who, not only judged the dead person in his
grave, but also dished out the punishment/reward!

4- The Quran states that no one knows the 'ghayb' (the unseen and the future) except

No one in the heavens and the earth knows the ghayb (unseen) except God. 27:65

In another verse, prophet Muhammad was commanded by God to specifically declare to

the people that he does not know the ghayb:

I (Muhammad) do not say to you that I have at my disposal the treasuries of God, or that
I know the unseen (future, etc), nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I follow nothing
other than what is revealed to me." Say, "Is the blind the same as the seer? Do you not
reflect?" 6:50

And in yet a third verse, prophet Muhammad was commanded by God to declare to the
people that he does not know what will happen to himself nor to anyone else:
Say (O Muhammad), "I am not a novelty among the messengers, nor do I know what will
happen to me or to you. I follow nothing other than what is revealed to me. I am no more
than a clear warner." 46:9

It follows that the hadith above, and other similar hadith, which go to great lengths in
prophesying what will happen to people after they die, clearly violate the truth of all
three Quranic verses above (27:65, 6:50 and 46:9).

5- Not everyone who dies is buried in a grave, some are cremated, some are frozen on
the tips of mountains (e.g. unsuccessful climbs), some are blown to pieces in aviation
accidents, some drown in the sea and others are eaten by wild animals. If the wicked
were to receive a punishment in their grave, what about the wicked who were never
placed in graves? Are they to be the lucky ones who escape the "punishment of the

6- We read in the above hadith that the dead believer was rewarded with a widening of
his grave to the extent of seventy cubits by seventy, then he was sent to sleep!
Considering that the physical body, which was merely a shell to house the soul for the
duration of life on earth, decays and becomes dust, what benefit is the widening of the
grave for what is no longer of the physical world? As for those who still cannot
comprehend these matters, why don't they make sure that their dead are buried in
spacious graves so as to save the angels the trouble? Needless to say, the rationale of
such hadith is naive at best, and absolutely absurd for all who care to reflect!

7- The suggestion that the believer will sleep in his grave until God raises him from the
grave violates the Quranic truth once again. The Quran tells us that the righteous
believers are not sleeping in their graves but alive and being provided for in Paradise:

Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead. Rather, they are
alive at their Lord, being provided for. 3:169

They are the ones whom the angels take back in a state of righteousness, saying, "Peace
be upon you. Enter Paradise in return for what you used to do. 16:32

And do not say about those who are killed in the cause of God, "They are dead!"
No, they are alive, but you do not perceive." 2:154

It was said, "Enter Paradise." He said, "I wish my people would know about what my Lord
has forgiven for me, and that He made me among the honoured." 36:26-27

The words of God clearly say that the righteous believers are alive and being provided
for in Paradise, they are not sleeping in "widened" graves!

8- The Quran consistently tells us that the concept of 'Time' is a dimension only of the
physical universe we live in. Outside this physical universe, there is no such thing as
'Time' in the sense we know it. In an existence void of 'Time' there is no meaning to such
terms as yesterday or tomorrow, nor do the words 'waiting' and 'delaying' have much

Various Quranic verses elude to this reality such as those that state that people in the
Hereafter will realise that the seemingly long years they lived on earth, were in reality no
more than a day or part of a day (23:113).

Other verses speak about events on Judgement Day, which for us is a future event, and
are worded in the past tense. God does not make grammatical mistakes! These verses
are deliberately worded in that manner to indicate to us that outside the bubble we live
in (physical universe), there is no such thing as future and past.

Scientific theories have only caught up with this reality in the beginning of the 20th
century when the theory of relativity was put forward. The subsequent theory of the Big
Bang confirmed that at the initial moment of creation (Big Bang), space, matter and also
'Time' were all created. Before the Big Bang there was no space, no matter and no 'Time'.

Since 'Time' is a dimension only of the physical universe, it follows that outside the
physical universe, there is no 'Time'. Once we die and we are detached from the physical
universe, we would not be subject to such things as 'waiting' or 'passage of time'.

We have seen in point 7 above that those destined to Paradise are not in a waiting stage,
nor are they sleeping in graves, but they have already been admitted into Paradise as
soon as the angels put them to death.

Likewise, we have Quranic verses that tell us that the wicked disbelievers are not 'waiting'
in their graves or anywhere but have already been admitted to the fire of Hell upon
death. The following verse speaks of the wicked people of Noah who have already been
admitted (past tense) to Hell:

Because of their sins, they were drowned and admitted into a Fire. They found for
themselves no helpers besides God. 71:25

In Sura 16 we read how the angels, while putting the wicked ones to death, they tell
them "enter the gates of Hell".

Those whom the angels take back in a state of wronging themselves will submit and say,
"We did not do anything wrong!" Not so! God is Knowledgeable of what you used to do.

So enter the gates of Hell wherein you shall permanently remain. What a miserable home
for the arrogant! 16:28-29

And in Sura 8, we read the same scenario: as the angels put the disbelievers to death,
they tell them, "taste the punishment of the Fire":

If you could see when the angels take back those who disbelieved; beating their faces
and their rear ends: "Taste the punishment of the Fire." 8:50
When we read verses from 68 to the end of Sura 39, we find that all the events of
Judgement Day are worded in the past tense. These are not grammatical errors but very
deliberate words from God to tell us that the whole event has happened already.

All the above verses refute the false concept of dead people existing in their graves in a
'waiting period', be they believers or disbelievers.

9- It remains to incorporate the concept of Judgement Day into this framework.

According to the above verses, people get to their destination, be it Paradise or Hell,
upon dying. There is no waiting for the rest of humanity to join them. This immediately
begs the following questions:

- How can those who died ahead of us be admitted to Paradise or Hell beforeJudgement

- Does that mean they are admitted to Paradise or Hell before being judged?

- Since the Quran speaks of only one Judgement Day, do those who die not have
to wait for all humans to die when Judgement Day takes place for everyone?

There seems to be a contradiction somewhere, but in fact there is none.

To ask such questions indicates that we are asking questions about the non-physical
existence, but asking them with the mentality of the physical world! We must understand
that the rules are different.

It is like person A asking person B a question, yet the 2 of them speak different
languages! The result is that neither the question from A will make sense to B, nor will
the answer from B makes sense to A.

If we are able to free our minds from the 'Time' mentality, and think of our life on earth
as it is portrayed in the Quran, a mere illusion, encased in a 'timed bubble', we may have
a better understanding of this seemingly paradoxical situation.
Let us look at the following words:

Every self tastes death and it is only on the Day of Resurrection that you will be paid your
rewards in full. Whoever is nudged away from the Fire, and admitted into Paradise, has
indeed won. The worldly life is no more than the enjoyment of delusion. 3:185 (also in

The underlined words tell us that our life on earth, which seems very real to us, is no
more than an illusion! How can that be? The nearest example would be to think of a
dream we have in our sleep. While we are dreaming, the dream seems very real to us.
We do not find out that it was an illusion until we wake up.

Could it be that we don't find out that this whole life on earth was an illusion, like the
Quran tells us, until after we die?
Why else would God tell us that this life on earth is an illusion?

Why else would God tell us that the Hereafter is the 'real' life as opposed to the 'illusion'
of the earthly life?

This worldly life is no more than fun and play, while the Abode of the Hereafter is the real
life if they only knew. 29:64

Note how God ends the verse with the words "if they only knew"!

Recently, there has been a number of notable scientists who are in fact presenting a case
not any different from the input of 3:185 and 57:20.

What their theory suggests is that our life on earth is no more than a simulation of an
event that has already taken place.

Since we are delving in the realm of the 'ghayb' (unseen/unknown), there will always be
more questions than answers. Our knowledge is limited, so we can only go by the
Quranic knowledge we have at hand. The Quranic verses tell us that, not only are we
living in a bubble bound by 'Time' but that the whole event may have already happened
in a flash, and that we are living merely a re-run, or a playback of the event, and it is
being played at an exaggerated slow speed.

Once the delusion (life on earth) is over, there is no waiting, there is no past, no future.
Once we cross over, we will not find some people have died and some are still on earth,
we will find that everything has already happened.

The outcome of all that is that, strange as it may sound, we are all already in Paradise or
in Hell. What we are living on earth is a re-run of an event that already happened. No
wonder God speaks of life on earth as an illusion in many verses:

The worldly life is no more than the enjoyment of delusion. 57:20

Verses 68 to 75 of Sura 39 are very significant in affirming this truth. These verses speak
about the events on Judgement Day. Each one of these verses are worded in the past
tense. Sadly, many translators of the Quran changed the tense of these verses from the
past to the future tense! By doing so, they destroyed the significance of God's deliberate
use of the past tense in telling us that it all already happened.
Rezaul Haque

· 6mo

Thanks for posting this in the comment. You could post it as an answer to the question
topic as well.

It is indeed a well-written answer; the author has also beautifully explained the timeless
state in the Barzakh.

But in point # 7 he has said:

<< The suggestion that the believer will sleep in his grave until God raises him from the
grave violates the Quranic truth once again>>

I wonder how the author corroborates his statement with the Verses below, which I have
quoted in my answer:

“And the trumpet shall be blown, and lo! from the graves they will hasten on to
their Lord.

They will say to one another, `O woe to us! who has raised us from our PLACE OF
SLEEP? This is what the Gracious God had promised, and the Messengers, indeed,
spoke the truth.” (Al Quran# 36:51-52)

So, the Trumpet will be blown at a certain point in the future, and the Creation will be
destroyed. The people will be raised from their graves where they would be in SLEEP, as
mentioned in the Verse.

Would you please explain?

“ Do They not Ponder and Reflect?”

· 6mo

What is in the grave is our bodies but our nafs ( soul ) is with God.

Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead. Rather, they are
alive at their Lord, being provided for. 3:169

They are the ones whom the angels take back in a state of righteousness, saying, "Peace
be upon you. Enter Paradise in return for what you used to do. 16:32

And do not say about those who are killed in the cause of God, "They are dead!"
No, they are alive, but you do not perceive." 2:154

It was said, "Enter Paradise." He said, "I wish my people would know about what my Lord
has forgiven for me, and that He made me among the honoured." 36:26-27

The words of God clearly say that the righteous believers are alive and being provided
for in Paradise, they are not sleeping in "widened" graves!

God is taking care of the believers. God is not in the grave therefore the believers are
with God being taken care of in Paradise. What's in the grave is our bodies.
Rezaul Haque

· 6mo
Dr. Tahir Al Qadri has interpreted Verse 3:169 a little differently, as below:

"And do not (ever) think that those who are slain in the way of Allah are dead. Rather,
they are alive in the presence of their Lord. They are served with sustenance (comprising
bounties of Paradise)"

So, one could logically infer that those who die for the cause of God are alive, with God,
in heaven with their physical body, hence, provided with sustenance - typical in heaven
God has promised. Does a soul need sustenance? Isn't the body and soul together need

So, isn’t Verse # 36:51-52 “….They will say to one another, `O woe to us! who has raised
us from our PLACE OF SLEEP…?” clearly says that they were in sleep in their grave?

“ Do They not Ponder and Reflect?”

· 6mo

The thing about assumptions and putting words in brackets means we are saying God
forgot to say it. We must take the words of God as is.

The Quran does not contain contradictions.

1. The physical body is different from the nafs (soul)

2. In verse 3:169, Yarzakoon -being provided for does not have to mean
substances. For example, when you are given a child, this is Rizk - you are
provided with a blessing. Any blessing is a Rizk.
3. God tells us the believer is alive and being provided for; therefore, we can’t be
asleep at the same time. The body is asleep in the grave, but our NAFS (soul),
the real us, is with God. The body will be resurrected from the grave.
Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead. Rather, they are
alive at their Lord, being provided for. 3:169 - This is a word-for-word translation, no
interpretation - nothing added- nothing assumed. We are to take God’s words and
understand them as is. And the Quran does not contradict itself.

Rezaul Haque

· 6mo
Can the body talk without a soul in it- if the body is in the grave and the soul is in
heaven with God? Is Verse 36:51–52 saying of soul or body?

Here are some more translations/interpretations of Verse 3;169 where Rizq has been
interpreted as provisions, nourishment, sustenance synonymously:

Ayah al-Imran (The Family of Imran, The House of Imran) 3:169

“ Do They not Ponder and Reflect?”

· 6mo

In verse 36:51:52 The body is resurrected and awake when it speaks so it, therefore, has
been reunited with the soul.

Have you ever seen a dead body talking? The answer is no - but the resurrected body
talks because it is united with the nafs (self) - the ones talking saying who awoke us from
our sleep are the resurrected body with its nafs- all the time it was in the grave (body
without nafs) it did not talk

[36:51] The horn was blown, whereupon they scrambled from the graves towards their

[36:52] They said, "Woe to us! Who resurrected us from our resting place? This is what
the Almighty had promised. The messengers were indeed truthful."

In verse 39:42 we see how when the body is sleeping God takes the soul which proves
they separate.

[39:42] God takes back the selves at the time of their death, and also of those who have
not died during their sleep. Then He retains those for whom He has decreed death and
sends the others back for a specified term. Indeed, in that are signs for people who

Provision is any blessing it doesn’t have to be only food. We can see this in the verses

1. [4:8] If the distribution is attended by the relatives, the orphans and the needy,
provide for them from it and say kind words to them.
Here God says Give the orphans part of Rizk, it’s not talking about food. It’s speaking
about the distribution of the inheritance and God is not talking about distributing food
inherited by the dead person. It can be any blessing such as money, land.. or any other

2. [17:30] Indeed, your Lord extends the provision to whom He wills and withholds it.
Indeed, He is All-Aware and Seer of His servants.

Here it says God provides for whom He wills and withholds it. These are all good things.
All blessings. God is not necessarily talking about distributing food but distributing any
blessings to whom he wills.

3. [45:5] And the alternation of the night and the day, and what God brings down from
the sky of provision whereby He brings the land to life after it has died, and the
diversifying winds, there are signs for people who reason.

Here it talks about the provision which God brings down from the sky; food does not
come down from the sky.

What I was trying to say to you is in verse 3:169, Yarzakoon -being provided for does not
have to mean food. As you can see in the above verses. . Any blessing is a Rizk.

Rezaul Haque

· 6mo
Yes, Rizq here means not only food but all kind of nourishments - sustenance, available
in Jannah - a physical body and soul needs, but not the soul.

So, after death, a good soul is enjoying Rizq in heaven without body, and the bad soul is
suffering the torment of hell, but when the trumpet will be blown, the souls will enter the
body, and they both will be resurrected, but they will not remember what was happening
with them; it will be as if they were sleeping- is that what you want to mean?

deletedSeptember 27, 2021

Rezaul Haque

· 1y
Most of the translators have tried to reflect their own pre-conceived views about the
‘punishment of grave’ in the interpretation/understanding of this verse.

One must keep in mind that here in this verse God is narrating about an event in the
past, about Pharaoh who died around 3000 years before the Quran was revealed. So, if
there is a ‘punishment in the grave’ then it must have begun in the past for the Pharaoh.
But many translators have interpreted it to be a future event as in the translations below:

“The Fire, which they WILL BE EXPOSED to morning and evening, and on the Day
when the Hour is established: "Admit the people of Pharaoh into the most severe
of the retribution. (Al Quran # verse 40:46, Translation- The Monothiestic Group)

Wahiduddin Khan “they WILL BE BROUGHT before the Fire morning and evening.
On the Day the Hour comes, [a voice will cry], Mete out to Pharaoh’s people the
harshest punishment

Safi Kaskas “the Fire, to which they WILL BE EXPOSED morning and evening. On the
Day the Hour comes [it will be said], "Admit Pharaoh's clan to the most intense

You will find many other translators who have chosen to interpret the verse as a future
event, not as an event that had begun with Pharaoh’s death – in the grave.

But one thing you must keep in mind that life in Barzakh is a state where there is no
existence of day and night, morning, and evening; morning and evening are the
phenomena in a physical world, not in a ‘Timeless world’.

So, in my humble understanding, the phrase morning and evening in this verse is
idiomatic rather than literal; it means ‘repeatedly’. As such, I agree most with the
translation/interpretation of Mohammad Shafi below:
Mohammad Shafi: “The Fire — they (Pharaoh's people) were warned about it morning
and evening. And the day the Hour (the time when the present world will end and the
Hereafter begin arrives, it will be said,) "Put Pharaoh's people to the most severe
punishment." (Al Quran# 40:46)

Shabbir Ahmed’s translation below is also worth pondering:

“The Fire which they had been warned, day-in and day-out and then faced it (as
long as they lived in this world- 7:133, 28:42) And on the Day when the Hour dawns, it
will be said, "Cast Pharaoh's folk into the toughest penalty." (Al Quran# 40:46)

Anyway, one verse/verses of the Quran clarify the other. So, verses 36:51-52 I have
mentioned in my answer explain the doubts; I have said, in absence of any other proof,
the verses 36:51-52 are enough as a proof that the people will be in a Timeless ‘sleep’ in
the grave- there is no punishment there.

Ashley Bakar

· 1y
Awesome mr Rezaul..these are the teachings that had brainwashed everyone of us
muslims..alhamdullillah your views are the same as my Arifbillah..thanks again for your
Ahmet Oruc

· 11mo
I love how you portray your information about the Quran will love to learn more can I
follow you on Facebook I have shared it on mine Ahmet oruc from Melbourne and have
had some heated discussion.
Mohd Nasarruddin Ahmad

· 1y
There are lots of hadith sahih regarding punishment of the grave eg punishment for
those who neglect their prayers(salat). Please google them. Islam is based on Quran and

Don Wilson

· 1y
The Quran is complete and fully detailed, easy to read and understand;

29:51. Then is it not sufficient for them that We sent the [Qur'an] down to you which is
recited to them? Indeed there is a mercy and reminder in that for a people who believe -

45:6. Such are the Signs of Allah, that We recite to thee in Truth; then in what hadith
other than God and His revelations do they believe?

6:114. Say: "Shall I seek for judge other than Allah? - when He it is Who hath sent unto
you the Book, explained in detail." They know full well, to whom We have given the
Book, that it hath been sent down from thy Lord in truth. Never be then of those who

75:16-19. "Move not thy tongue concerning the (Qur'an) to make haste therewith. It is
for Us to collect it and to promulgate it: But when We have promulgated it, follow thou
its recital (as promulgated): Nay more, it is for Us to explain it.

As-salamu alaykum.

· Apr 27
Salam, I had thought such too. However what do you think about 60:13 sir?

Comment deletedSeptember 27, 2021

Rezaul Haque

· 1y
Most of the translators have tried to reflect their own pre-conceived views about the
‘punishment of grave’ in the interpretation/understanding of this verse.

One must keep in mind that here in this verse God is narrating about an event in the
past, about Pharaoh who died around 3000 years before the Quran was revealed. So, if
there is a ‘punishment in the grave’ then it must have begun in the past for the Pharaoh.
But many translators have interpreted it to be a future event as in the translations below:

“The Fire, which they WILL BE EXPOSED to morning and evening, and on the Day
when the Hour is established: "Admit the people of Pharaoh into the most severe
of the retribution. (Al Quran # verse 40:46, Translation- The Monothiestic Group)

Wahiduddin Khan “they WILL BE BROUGHT before the Fire morning and evening.
On the Day the Hour comes, [a voice will cry], Mete out to Pharaoh’s people the
harshest punishment

Safi Kaskas “the Fire, to which they WILL BE EXPOSED morning and evening. On the
Day the Hour comes [it will be said], "Admit Pharaoh's clan to the most intense

You will find many other translators who have chosen to interpret the verse as a future
event, not as an event that had begun with Pharaoh’s death – in the grave.

But one thing you must keep in mind that life in Barzakh is a state where there is no
existence of day and night, morning, and evening; morning and evening are the
phenomena in a physical world, not in a ‘Timeless world’.

So, in my humble understanding, the phrase morning and evening in this verse is
idiomatic rather than literal; it means ‘repeatedly’. As such, I agree most with the
translation/interpretation of Mohammad Shafi below:

Mohammad Shafi: “The Fire — they (Pharaoh's people) were warned about it morning
and evening. And the day the Hour (the time when the present world will end and the
Hereafter begin arrives, it will be said,) "Put Pharaoh's people to the most severe
punishment." (Al Quran# 40:46)

Shabbir Ahmed’s translation below is also worth pondering:

“The Fire which they had been warned, day-in and day-out and then faced it (as
long as they lived in this world- 7:133, 28:42) And on the Day when the Hour dawns, it
will be said, "Cast Pharaoh's folk into the toughest penalty." (Al Quran# 40:46)

Anyway, one verse/verses of the Quran clarify the other. So, verses 36:51-52 I have
mentioned in my answer explain the doubts; I have said, in absence of any other proof,
the verses 36:51-52 are enough as a proof that the people will be in a Timeless ‘sleep’ in
the grave- there is no punishment there.

Ashley Bakar

· 1y
Awesome mr Rezaul..these are the teachings that had brainwashed everyone of us
muslims..alhamdullillah your views are the same as my Arifbillah..thanks again for your
Ahmet Oruc

· 11mo
I love how you portray your information about the Quran will love to learn more can I
follow you on Facebook I have shared it on mine Ahmet oruc from Melbourne and have
had some heated discussion.

Where in the Quran is the punishment of the grave mentioned?

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, Quran, Sunnah, according to the earliest predecessors.

Answered Mar 23, 2021
Some people have taken the verses of Quran completely out of context trying to fit them
with their ideology.

Punishment of the grave is proven from the Quran and the Ahadith (Only if one learn to
read and understand properly). Alhamdulillah for the explanations of Prophet
Muhammad sal Allahu Alayhi Wa Salam and Sahaba Radiallahu Anhum.

It is to be noted that everything that we have today including the Quran and the Ahadith
has been passed on to us because of the Noble and Distinguished Sahaba.

Please fear Allah by giving your opinions as Allah will take retribution for being astray
and getting others astray.

“The Fire, they are exposed to it, morning and afternoon. And on the Day when the Hour
will be established (it will be said to the angels): ‘Cause Fir‘awn’s (Pharaoh) people to
enter the severest torment!’”[Ghaafir 40:46]

👆 First sentence is talking about what is happening in the grave and 2nd sentence about
what WILL happen.

This is why NEVER believe anyone who rejects Ahadith because they are rejecting Quran

Ibn Katheer said:

This aayah is the main basis of the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah in the torment of al-barzakh,
as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“The Fire, they are exposed to it, morning and afternoon” [Ghaafir 40:46].

(Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 4/82)

According to the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her), the wife of the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to pray in his salaah (prayer), “Allaahumma
inni a’oodhu bika min ‘adhaab il-qabr, wa a’oodhu bika min fitnat il-maseeh il-dajjaal, wa
a’oodhu bika min fitnat il-mahyaa wa fitnat il-mamaat, Allaahumma ini a’oodhu bika min
al-ma’tham wa’l-maghram (O Allaah, I seek refuge in You from the torment of the grave,
I seek refuge in You from the tribulation of the Dajjaal, I seek refuge in You from the
trials of life and death, O Allaah, I seek refuge in You from sin and loss).”

(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 798; Muslim, 589)

One can go on and on but the statements below should suffice.

The Messenger of Allah [peace and blessings be upon him] said:

"The grave is either a garden from the gardens of Paradise or a pit from the pits of
Hell" [Reported by al-Tirmdhi].

Thus, the Prophet's words, 'or a pit from the pits of Hell' proves that punishment in the
grave is true and established.

- Zir Ibn Hubaysh also narrated through ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) that he

"We were uncertain about torment in the grave till this chapter was revealed:


"Striving for more distracts you until you go into your graves. No indeed! You will come
to know" [98:1-3], meaning inside the graves.

- Bukhari, Muslim and Ibn Shaybah reported through ‘A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with
her) who narrated that the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him] said:

“Verily, they are greatly tortured in their graves and the animals hear it” [Musnad

- Bukhari, Muslim and Ibn Shaybah also reported through Ibn ‘Abbas who said:

"The Messenger of Allah [peace and blessings be upon him] happened to pass by two
graves, then said: “These two people are being tortured and not for a major sin.
One of them did not make sure that he was free of traces of urine, while the other
engaged in tale-bearing.” Then, he took a fresh stalk of a palm-tree, split it into two and
planted one on each grave.

They asked: “O Messenger of Allah, why did you do that?”

He said: "So that their punishment might be reduced as long as these stalks remain

- Abu Hurairah said:

"The grave constricts on the disbeliever to the point that his ribs spilt apart, and this is
the life of great hardship [Ar. dunk]."

- Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah [peace and blessings be upon
him] asked:

"Do you know what is a life of great hardship [Ar. dunk]?"

They replied: “Allah and His Messenger know best.”

He said: “It is the disbeliever’s torment in the grave. By Him in whose hands is my life, he
(the disbeliever) will be inflicted with ninety-nine dragons. Do you know what the
dragons are? They are ninety-nine serpents, each with nine heads, assigned to inject
their venom into his body and to bite and scratch him till Resurrection Day whereupon
he will be brought blind from his grave to stand before Allah.”

Similarly these Quranists who reject Ahadith and mislead masses will come to know. The
readers should protect themselves by having the core belief of a Muslim. The Creed of
Ahl Sunnah wal Jammah.

A Muslim must believe in Quran and the authentic Ahadith.

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Oussama Mout

Answered Jan 10, 2018


It is mentioned that people in the grave (i.e. dead people) are in simple sleep like state
before the day of judgement:


Quran chapter 36 :

51 - And the Horn will be blown; and at once from the graves to their Lord they will

52- They will say, "O woe to us! Who has raised us up from our sleeping place? This
is what the Most Merciful had promised, and the messengers told the truth."

53- It will not be but one blast, and at once they are all brought present before Us.
54- So today no soul will be wronged at all, and you will not be recompensed
except for what you used to do.

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Tamara Slaughter

· 4y
SubhanALLAH set…jazahkALLAH swt Khair I'm so glad someone told the truth. We can
speculate from scholar to student, but what did ALLAH swt day? HE said the dead know
nothing I believe there is suffering and pain beforehand, once one realizes the truth of
their disbelief before passing from this earth.…
Oussama Mout

· 4y
Jazak Allah Khair you too.

I agree with your replay, And as prophet Noah said :My Lord, I seek refuge in You
from asking that of which I have no knowledge. And unless You forgive me and
have mercy upon me, I will be among the losers.

Tamara Slaughter
Al hamdu ALLAH swt ASA wRwB
Abdullah Ali Abbasi

· 4y
Are you an expert of Islamic studies? Do you have a grip on the subject including
hadeeth? If not try not to deviate from the path i-e of the knowledgeable Aslaaf.

Remy H.

· 6mo
There is no need for any expert in Islamic studies. The Quran is clear, period! Allah swt
opens up our hearts if we ask Him to.
Abdullah Ali Abbasi

· 6mo
So, why were prophets sent?

Remy H.

· 6mo
To convey Allahs swt message, as stated in the book itself.
Abdullah Ali Abbasi

· 6mo
The Quran is clear, period! Allah swt opens up our hearts if we ask Him to.
Why Prophets are necessary than? When your heart is at the epitome of “self
consciousness” and understanding?

Remy H.
· 6mo
Prophets are the ones who convey the message. If Allah swt willed, He could have sent
made us all muslims. We are tested though our obedience brother, and the Qurans
states that it is complete, but then men come with things that our beloved Rasool SAW
did not approve of (namely hadith, or foretelling the future, which the Prophet SAW did
not have any knowledge about).

Abdullah Ali Abbasi

· 6mo
1: You are not addressing the point. I am saying that if you want to say that every tom,
jack, and harry can interpret and understand Quran and its essence, I mean to say that
he might understand, but s/he won’t be able to reach undecisive conclusions.
Every ayat has a visible meaning, that delivers everything but when it comes to matters
of legislative importance, one must know when, why, and where an Ayat was revealed.
And the most important thing is, “How Rasool ALLAH (saw) interpreted it?”

This is a serious concern. Don’t take it without caution.

2: I meant: If you think that we just need Quran and no interpretation. You are doing two
a: You are discrediting the importance of “Khabar” or the real medium of conveyance of
the knowledge of deen (religion). For example, how do you know if Quran is correct or
not? Why are there certificates from a Qari at the end of every Quran?
Logic: Quran was revealed on Khatimun-Nabiyyeen, Rasool ALLAH (saw) and he recited it
to people. Thus the medium of Quran was primarily “memorization” and secondarily
“writing.” And Islam pays much importance to righteous people that are the custodian of
truth. They than read the copies of Quran and verify that it is correct as per the
revelation reveled on Rasool ALLAH (saw). [It is not the only medium of verification of
Quranic script, but let’s move on)
b: you are also discrediting sunnnah in one way or another. The sunnah is the
understanding of Quran reveled along with Quran on Khatamun-Nabiyyeen Rasool
ALLAH (saw), and it was primarily undertaken by companions of Rasool ALLAH (saw), and
secondarily by the books of Ahadeeth. That is why there is a chain of narration stamped
with each hadeeth.

So, the point I am trying to make here is, you cannot discredit the importance of the
people or the chains of narrations or the righteous people, who are the custodian of
truth and are usually “unsung heroes.”

Rezaul Haque

, former Chief Engineer, FEWA at United Arab Emirates

Updated Nov 3, 2021
Nowhere! The Quran does not say anything about punishment in the grave whatsoever.
Here are the verses to ponder:

“And the trumpet shall be blown, and lo! from the graves they will hasten on to
their Lord.

They will say to one another, `O woe to us! who has raised us from our PLACE OF
SLEEP? This is what the Gracious God had promised, and the Messengers, indeed,
spoke the truth.” (Al Quran# 36:51-52)

It is apparent from the verses mentioned that people would be sleeping in the grave-
the PLACE OF SLEEP. When the trumpet would be blowing, they would awake, and all
would rush to their Lord.

Here is the point to ponder; in these Verses, God describes the people who used to be
non-compliant- deniers of the Truth. But they would be in sleep in the grave too. To
note further, these deniers of the Truth would prefer to sleep in the grave as they used
to be, rather than facing God because of the sins they had committed on the earth. So,
these two Verses categorically prove that there is no punishment in the grave before the
Day of Judgment.

One might ask, does time exist between the two events- the moment a man dies and the
day of resurrection?

In our perspective - yes, time exists between these two events; maybe 10000 years, or
100000 years, depending on which point of time the man died. But who is dead, time
does not exist for him; it is a timeless state, or Barzakh mentioned in the Quran. Here is
the Verse to ponder:
“When death comes to any of them, he says, My Lord, send me back; so that I may
do good works in the world I have left behind.
Never! It is indeed but a meaningless word that he utters. A BARRIER (Barzakh)
shall stand behind such people till the Day they are raised up again” (Al

Time is Timeless- standstill there in Barzakh; time is a reality in the physical world we live
in, but not in the Barzakh.

If you are a student of Theoretical Physics, or you have studied Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity, you would understand how time slows down or becomes a standstill.
Advanced science explains how God’s laws work. As such, God says- only those who
possess intelligence will take heed (Al Quran# 13:19, 39:9). Einstein justifiably said:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

If you sleep in an isolated closed room and do not have any watch, you cannot even say
how long you have slept. The same happened with the companions of the cave in
Surah 18-Kahf. They had slept for 309 years, but after, when they had awakened, they
could not even guess how long they had slept. Time became a standstill for them but
not for the people around them. Here is the verse to ponder:

“And so, We awakened them so that they might question one another. One of
them exclaimed, “How long have you remained ˹asleep˺?” Some replied, “Perhaps
a day, or part of a day.” They said ˹to one another˺, “Your Lord knows best how
long you have remained. So, send one of you with these silver coins of yours to the
city, and let him find which food is the purest, and then bring you provisions from it. Let
him be ˹exceptionally˺ cautious, and do not let him give you away.”( Al Quran# 18:19)

So, the story of the Ashabul Kahf- the Companions of the Cave, is an example how the
people would be in the state of Barzakh, after death.

After Barzakh there comes the Day of Judgment. God says:

“It shall be but one sound of the trumpet, and behold, they shall be all assembled
before us” (Al Quran# 36:53)

And then:

“He will ask, How many years did you stay on earth

They will say, We stayed a day or part of a day. Ask those who have kept count

He will say, You only stayed for a little while, if only you knew” ( Al Quran# 23:112-
So, people will not even remember exactly how long they had stayed on earth, let alone
the time passed in the Barzakh. It is because they passed the time after death until
resurrection without any sense of the surroundings, in a Timeless state.

And then God will say:

“So Today no soul will be wronged in the least. Nor will you be rewarded except
for the deeds you used to do.” (Al Quran # 36:54)

Ian Hunt

, B.A. Islamic Sharia Law & Islamic Creed, Global University (2015)
Answered Jan 10, 2018
Generally speaking, the torture in the grave is confirmed in the Hadith. It is also a matter
of consensus (meaning that the top scholars unanimously agreed that it is true), and
therefore we are not permitted to disagree with it.

However, since you asked about the Qur’an, I’ll tell you the torture in the grave is not
mentioned EXPLICITLY in the Qur’an. However, scholars have traditionally regarded the
verse in TaHa [20:124] as INDIRECTLY mentioning the torture in the grave. In it it says
that a person will have a life that is spatially restricted (ie., squished into a narrow place,
like in a grave), and that AFTER THAT Allah will gather them on the Day of Judgment, etc.
So the verse confirms that the life of compressed space comes before the Day of
Judgment. Since it is not talking about a torture on the Day of Judgment (nor after it), it
must be talking about a torture BEFORE the Day of Judgment. That only leaves two
possibilities, the life of this world, or the life of the Barzakh (ie., the period between one’s
death and the Day of Judgment). And since the life of this world is not spatially
compressed (quite the opposite, the Qur’an confirms that the Earth is expansive), we
must conclude that this verse is talking about the Barzakh.

More specifically, we conclude that it is talking about the torture of the grave (one
aspect of the Barzakh), due to the Hadith that specifically mentions that one of the
tortures of the grave is that the grave will compress a person until the ribs on one side of
his body get interlocked with the ribs on the other side. The description in the Qur’an
matches the description in the Hadith, and while the Qur’an doesn’t give any particular
name to this torture, the Hadith names it “torture of the grave.” So the proper
interpretation of the Qur’anic verse is that the torture it describes is one of the tortures
of the grave.

[Note: The reason why we are not permitted to go against the consensus is because the
Hadith declares that the Ummah will never agree on something that’s wrong, so if
consensus is reached in any era, then we know it to be correct, and disagreeing with it to
be misguidance. The Qur’an also mentions that straying from the “path of the believers”
leads to Hellfire. And if the scholars are unanimous about something, then for sure it is
the path of the believers.]
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Angeldan Serrano

· 3y
If it is not found in the Quran, then it is fake news! Allah said if we follow most of
mankind they will lead us to the fire of hell.

Ian Hunt

· 3y
Allah said that those who do not follow the path of the believers will go to Hell. And the
believers have been following Hadith since the time of the Sahabah. Denying Hadith is a
new thing that didn't exist 100 years ago. It is foreign to the Muslims.

It is clear which path is the path of the believers. If you choose to follow a different path,
then you will pay for it on the Day of Judgment.

Angeldan Serrano

· 3y
Ian, the path of the believers is to follow what God has revealed. You cannot deny that
the Jews deviated from the Torah in much the same way as multitudes are doing now
with the Quran. It is no wonder that the Messenger laments on the day of Judgement

Ian Hunt

· 3y
Where did you hear that! It seems that once again, you are making things up. You Hadith
deniers are gonna suffer enormously for your arrogance.

It's true that the path of the believers is to follow what God revealed. But it says in the
Quran that what the prophet says is revelation as well. And it commands us to obey him.
That is why the early Muslims have been passing down his instructions alongside the
Quran since the very beginning.

You say you trust the Quran, but you clearly don't know that the quran was passed down
to us via the exact same method that the Hadith was (teacher to student). You can't
reject one and not the other.

Furthermore, it's as if you are saying that all of the Muslims for the past 1400 years were
astray, and somehow only YOU, after all of this time have realized the truth! That's a level
of megalomania and arrogance that may be unrivaled in the history of mankind (aside
from those who claimed to be God).

And to top it off, most Hadith deniers don't even read the Quran because they don't
know classical Arabic. So they are completely unfamiliar with the book they claim to
follow. They trust “translators” but not 1400 years of Quran explanations prior to them.

It's the blind leading the blind. May Allah guide you all.

Angeldan Serrano

· 3y
Take a look at the confused state of the religion today! Some believe in Dajal, some
believe Muhammad will vouch for them on the day of Judgement, so many fake beliefs,
all stemming from Hadiths.

Please do not compare the Quran to the Hadiths! One is from God and the other from
men. Now maybe there are some truthful hadiths, but many are fake, mixing truth with
falsehood. The Quran on the other hand is what I am sure about, it is from God and it
guides humanity from darkness to light.

It needs no supplement, complete book without doubts.

In which Hadith after the Quran will you believe?

Yes, God will punish those who took Bukhari, Muslim and the others as lords besides
him. They followed the Jews who did the same, taking there Rabbis as lords.

The Quran is there to read, knowing Arabic is important and today there are many, many
translations. Besides we have lanes lexicon.

Zayyan Dakhni

· 1y
Allah himself says in the multiple times to follow what the Prophet pbuh said and to take
what the Prophet pbuh gave and stop from what he prohibits the Quran is word of Allah
not the Prophet, the words of the prophet are the hadiths. There are two things that
were given to the prophet pbuh the word of Allah and Wisdom, by definition wisdom is
the application of Knowledge what was it that the prophet pbuh did all of his life, what
practices did he do in his day to day life, was the prophet only preaching the Quran all
the time or did he have a personal life as well? Of course he did. The Prophet pbuh had
wives and children,he had companions, various people came to him for advice on
religious matters. Where is all this written, it's in the seerah and Hadith and not in Quran.
The Quran only mentions some little details about his life, the rest of it has come
through Hadiths and his biography. Of course there are fabricated hadiths that are
present we know that and by the way none equates the Hadiths with the Quran, the
Quran comes first always and then hadiths. Even the basic actions such as prayer and
fasting are not fully detailed in the Quran. What to do?and how to do?, how much to
give? What percentage? it is mentioned in the hadiths in full detail. Even the Quran itself
wasn't in book form back then as paper was very expensive back then, even it was
transmitted from person to person just like the hadiths. and Imam Bukhari and others
imams weren't the first ones to collect,before that Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik R.A
also collected hadiths and this was even before these people were born both of them
belonged to the early generations. Who am i supposed to trust you? Or people who
were much much closer to the prophetpbuh in ways and lifestyle and time as well. In fact
there are many predictions in Hadiths which the prophet said, that have come true in
todays day and age if you read the hadiths about the signs of the day of judgment both
minor and major and many others such as the conquest of persia and other places it's all
there in the Hadiths. Even if you don't trust the Hadiths, logically speaking it is not
possible for a thing to be 100 percent false there must be many things in it that are true
even in the previous books there are things that are still untouched and true it is not
logically possible that all things mentioned in all the six books of hadiths are false as
many of predictions mentioned in them have come true

Safa Aslam

· 1y
Difference is Allah protected Quran and it is your LORD’s promise that this Quran will be
preserved and unchanged. The transmission was very different due to this so you can’t
compare it to how man gives legality and authenticity label on hadith.

“Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian.”

Allah didn’t take any protection of hadith you can cherry pick and follow hadiths and
contradict Quranic verses and support some to ur interpretion of Quranic verses( to back
up hadiths claims) or you can follow all of Quran and reject hadiths upto you. Salam.
Follow good examples hadiths are nothing but narrations/ almost like history books( he
said she said ) through man while Quran is at a different level and protected. This is your
Lords promise and guarantee unlike narration books by sahih bukarhi and others. Allah
says if you take any other book for guidance you’ll find many contradictions. Even all
poets magicians /mankind and jinn can come together to produce a book of guidance
like Quran they can’t! they will only find contradiction if they do and debate amongst
themselve! Allah challenges those people!

“Say: ‘If all mankind and the jinn would come together to produce the like of this
Quran, they could not produce its like even though they exerted all and their
strength in aiding one another.’” (Quran 17:88)
Dewei Shih

, studied All School Subjects at Islamic School

Answered Jul 13, 2018
Surah At-Tawbah [9:101]:

Translation (Sahih International):

And among those around you of the bedouins are hypocrites, and [also] from the people
of Madinah. They have become accustomed to hypocrisy. You, [O Muhammad], do not
know them, [but] We know them. We will punish them twice [in this world]; then they will
be returned to a great punishment.

Commentary from Ma’ariful Qur’an, vol. 4, p. 254:

Mentioned in several previous verses there are hypocrites whose hypocrisy stood
exposed through their words and deeds, and the Holy Prophet ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬did realize
that they were hypocrites. Mentioned in the present verse appearing above there are
hypocrites whose hypocrisy was so perfect in its camouflage that it remained hidden
from the Holy Prophet ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬until then. In this verse, two Divine punishments to
come much before ’Ākhirah upon such diehard hypocrites have been mentioned. In the
first instance, right here in this world, they are consumed by the concern to hide their
hypocrisy and the fear that it may be exposed. Then, no less a punishment is their being
under compulsion to respect and follow Islām and Muslims, at least outwardly, despite
their extreme malice and hostility for them. And then, there is the other punishment, the
punishment of the grave and the punishment of Barzakh (the post-death ~ pre-
resurrection state) that will reach them well before Qiyāmah (doomsday) and ’Ākhirah
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Gregory Waleed Kavalec

, Founder of IslamAwakened
Answered Jan 10, 2018
It isn’t.

The Qur’an speaks of punishment after the Last Day.

The idea of punishment between death and resurrection is a man-made add-on.


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Trevor Griffiths

Answered Jan 10, 2018

According to islam when a person dies and is in their grave they will be asked 3
Questions... Please Note these 3 Questions apply to EVERYONE!!!

(1) Who is your god

(2) What is your Religion

(3) Who is your prophet or (what is your faith about this person Muhammad.... )

Now as this according to Muslims applies to ever Human on the planet...

My Question is this .....

If a Spartan Warrior died at the Battle of Thermopylae 480 BCE .... Do Muslims believe he
would have been asked the same 3 Questions...

This is NOT actually in the Quran so may be in the HADITHS..


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Abdul Fattah

Answered Jan 10, 2018

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 40 Surah Mumin verses 45-46:

45 At last, Allah saved the believer from all those evil plots that the people devised
against him, and the companions of Pharaoh themselves were encompassed by the
horrible scourge.

46 It is the Fire of Hell before which they are presented morning and evening. And
when the Hour of Resurrection comes, it will be commanded: Admit the People of
Pharaoh to the severest torment.

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 8 Surah Anfaal verses 49-51:

49 Lo! the hypocrites say and those in whose hearts is a disease: "these people--their
religion has misled them." But if any trust in Allah, behold! Allah is Exalted in Might,

50 If thou couldst (only) see when the Angels take the souls of the unbelievers (at
death) (how) they smite their faces and their backs (saying): "Taste the penalty of
the blazing fire.

51 because of (the deeds) which your (own) hands sent forth: for Allah is never unjust to
His servants:

In the above Aayahs of Surah Anfaal, it is clearly declared that the Angels of Allah punish
the disbelievers immediately after taking their souls at their times of death. This is again
proof that the punishment between ones death and the Day of Resurrection warned by
the Messenger of Allah (saws) is absolutely in accordance with the guidance of the
Glorious Quran.

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 47 Surah Muhammad verses 25-28:

25 Those who turn back as apostates after Guidance was clearly shown to them, the
Shaytaan has instigated them and buoyed them up with false hopes.

26 This because they said to those who hate what Allah has Revealed "We will obey you
in part of (this) matter"; but Allah knows their (inner) secrets.

27 But how (will it be) when the Angels take their souls at death, and smite their
faces and their backs?

28 This because they followed that which called forth the Wrath of Allah, and they hated
Allah's good pleasure; so He made their deeds of no effect.[1]

[1] Punishment of grave from Quran - Encyclopedia of searchable Islamic Q & A -

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Fatima Zahra Mansouriya

, Skilled worker Information Systems and Technology (2010)

Answered Jan 12, 2018
“The Fire, they are exposed to it morning and evening. And the Day the Hour appears [it
will be said], "Make the people of Pharaoh enter the severest punishment. (Quran 40:46)

It refers to a punishment in the grave, although it seems like hell fire. But it talks about a
punishment before the hour. The hour is the day or resurrection.

Most other narrations were made by prophet about it in ahadith. Especially in the
ahadith about al-isra wal-miraj.
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Joseph Abraham

, Studied Islam & Qur'an

Answered Apr 24, 2018
“The Day their plan will not avail them at all, nor will they be helped. And indeed, for
those who have wronged is a punishment before that, but most of them do not know.”
- The Holy Qur’an 52: 46–47)

The term “punishment before that” refers that before the ultimate judgement day
disbelievers and wrongdoers will face torment and punishment in their graves.

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Wessam Ahmed

, Muslim by definition
Answered Jul 10, 2016

Do good non-Muslims get sent to hell?
Originally Answered: To Muslims: Do good non-Muslims get sent to Hell?
We don't know.

Do you think that when we accept Islam and say the shahada we're attended by a fallen
angel at midnight sent from God who explains to us hidden secrets of the universe and
lets us in on the fate of people we don't know in the Afterlife?

No. We haven't the slightest clue. We know that as Muslims, we need to pray, fast, help
the needy, and do Hajj (if financially capable). We don't know what other people are
required to do if they aren't Muslim because it's just none of our business, nor is it a
requirement to judge other people by our own standards that don't apply to them at all.
Yes, there are implications in the Qur'an about "great punishment" that awaits many
people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, but how can I really pick you out of a line and
say "you're going to hell"? Because I'm Muslim?

Quite simply, that's exactly what God forbids us from doing - judgment is for Him alone,
and isn't to be preemptively administered by us humans on earth unless it's a crime
against humanity (murder and doing mischiefs). Being Muslim doesn't buy you a ticket
to judge anyone, that's a cultural flaw and not one of religion.

If any Muslim says they know what the fate of anyone is in the Afterlife, stop listening to
them immediately. That is ghayb (unknown), not even the Prophet knew ghayb.
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A. Khan

· 5y
With all due respect and as a Muslim, this answer is factually incorrect. This is a very
liberal answer where you have shown only the good part. You have not mentioned what
Koran actually says about those who have received the message of Islam but denied to
follow yet stayed good humans. They will be going to hell.

Let's just be accurate and call things for what they are. We need to show true face of
Islam so that we can promote secularism. We can't keep on going painting a sweet,
liberal picture of Islam because it is NOT liberal. And that is when we will be able to get
rid of Islamic fundamentalism. You erase religion from their hearts, you tackle religious
fundamentalism. Simple as that!

And this won't happen if we keep on promoting how awesome Islam is, because no! It is
not! It is just like any other religion which has outdated us and need radical reformation.

With your knowledge you would know what verses I am talking about so I will not waste
our time but here is one verse among many:

‫َيا َأُّيَها الَّنِبُّي َج اِهِد اْل ُك َّفاَر َو اْل ُم َناِفِقيَن َو اْغ ُلْظ َع َلْي ِهْم ۚ َو َم ْأ َو اُهْم َج َهَّنُم ۖ َو ِبْئ َس اْل َمِص يُر‬

O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And
their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination.

Surah At-Tawbah [9:73]

Edit: I see comments here who are trying to defend violent verses by giving excuses. Truth
is, this is just one verse. There are so many more violent verses. Like I said, if you want to
solve a problem, the first step is to recognise that there is a problem
Wessam Ahmed

· 5y
I don't understand what's factually incorrect about it.

Muslims believe in the Afterlife, they don't know what their fate is, let alone that of
others. What's so controversial?

Kemal Kurniawan

· 5y
Sorry, as far as I know this verse refers to the hypocrites that were the enemies of the
Prophet pbuh. This verse specifically calls out to the Prophet, not us Muslims. So, this
does not applicable to us in present time. Waallahualam.
Ankit Sharma
Some Quranic verses are not applicable now ? Let us remove them then..
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Easha Ejaz

· 5y
‫ال اله اال هللا محمد الرسول ہللا‬
"There is no god but Allah and Muhammad SAWW is his messenger". These are the
keywords to heaven. Athiests or disbelievers get the rewards of their good deeds in this
life. No one can enter in jannah unless he says kalmah e shahadat in this life and spends
his life according to the teachings of Islam this is clearly declared by Allah SWT in Quran.

What are some good Quran tafsir books?

Rezaul Haque

, former Chief Engineer, FEWA at United Arab Emirates

Updated Apr 4
There is none!

Notably, God says in the Quran that the Quran is the best Tafseer- ‫َأْح َسَن َتْف ِس يًر ا‬.

If the ‘Tafseer’s produced by the scholars were required, God could have written the
same narratives of the Tafseer books in the Quran rather than the Verses. God doesn’t
run short of words or time. So, God says:

“And no question do they bring to you but We bring to you the Truth and the best
explanation - ‫(“َأْح َسَن َتْف ِس يًر ا‬Al Quran # 25:33).
As such, here are some verses of the Quran you might think over and over before you
end up thinking that you need a Tafseer:

‘Say: "Shall I seek for judge other than Allah - when He, it is Who hath sent unto you the
Book, explained in detail (Mufassala)" They know full well, to whom We have given the
Book, that it hath been sent down from thy Lord in truth. Never be then of those who
doubt.’ ( Al Quran # 6:114)

And the verse:

“Those are the Revelations of God that We recite to you with the truth. In what other
statement, if not in God and His Revelations, will they, then, believe?” (Al Quran # 45:6)

So, if you know Arabic very well, then why do you think you need a separate explanatory
book to understand the Quran?

Allah has never said that He has given anybody any ‘secret knowledge’ which authorizes
him to explain the Quran.

The best way to understand the Quran is to think and think about the Verses of the
Quran, as Allah says:

“Do they not ponder on what the Qur’an says? Or have their hearts been sealed
with locks?” ( Al Quran# 47:24)

Allah didn’t even say to the Prophet to explain the Quran; He only said him to recite the
Quran to the people without changing any of its words, as in the Verse below:

“And recite the Book of your Lord which has been divinely revealed to you; there is
none who can change His Words, and you will never find a refuge besides Him.” (Al
Quran # 18:27).

But Allah has said the way to study the Quran- regularly during the night- as in the
following Verses:

“O thou wrapped up in thy mantle,” ( Al Quran # 73:1)

“Keep awake at night, all but a small part” (Al Quran - 73:2)

“Half of it, - or a little less,” ( Al Quran - 73:3)

“Or add to it; and recite the Qur’an calmly and distinctly, with thy mind attuned to
its meaning.” (Al Quran - 73:4)

“Rising at night has a stronger effect and is more conducive to concentration.”(#


As God has said that the Quran is easy to understand and explained in detail, we must
endeavor to understand the Quran ourselves; if we are misguided by the
misinterpretation of any of the scholars, we are responsible. God has given us senses and
has made us accountable for their use.


Reading multiple translations might help.

But, even if you read multiple translations and Tafseer, you will find they are not the
same but sometimes diametrically opposite, so which one to agree with?

So, in the end, you have to rely on your sense of reason, and intellect which God has also
commanded us to use and has made us responsible for its use.

There are also comments that the Quran does not say how to Pray and the timings, so
you need Tafseer/ Hadith.

It is true, but reading the Tafseer/Hadith books, won’t help you either, because you need
a demonstration, video, or pictures of the Prayer postures absent in the books of

In this regard, please read my answer in the link below:

Jan M Savage

I disagree with your rather purist opinion. The last Noble Verse you quoted yourself
(73:4) already confirms that understanding the meaning of our Noble Book is something

Rezaul Haque

Yes, you need to know the true meaning, but not the opinionated meaning

Omar Omar
How do you know the true meaning? You think you can just read it and understand it
yourself? That's the same ideology the Khawarij used in the time of the Companions.
They left the companions thought they could just read the Quran and follow it however
they saw fit. And you know what that led to? The Killing of Uthman RA, Ali RA and the
grandsons of the Prophet RAJ. Also the Quran says “And We sent not before you except
men to whom We revealed [Our message]. So ask the people of the message if you do
not know.” 16:43. The Prophet is no longer with us but we have works of great scholars
who learned directly from the Companions of the Prophet and other Scholars who
continue to learn from them. But you believe you can just sit down and put whatever
meaning you want into the Quran like these crazy terrorists and liberals alike.

Thanish Thahir

thanks you so much sir, you just made me realize that we do not need a thafeer. You
made my day

Mohammed Bala

So how to pray each prayer 5 times a day is in the Qur'an, huh ? Or how to make a
perfect wudhu ? The Qur'an detailed it ?

Sometimes i used to wonder how our people used to THINK as if they are non muslims
or they behave as if they are fighting Islam !
Syeda Faridi
Salaam. Who taught you to pray— your parents or some tafsir books? Same goes for
parents obviously their parents had taught them how to pray. Even converts follow born-
Muslims around them. Scholars are also taught by their parents at initial further they
start studying hadith and references. Secondary sources aren't reliable as the primary
source _the Quran. But if authenticity of sources is known you must agree with it. The
method of praying is something that is handed down generation to generation. No
offense I'm just trying to say he's not fighting. Its his opinion and is very logical . Sorry
for bad English.

Jan M Savage

No, you need Tafsir, as long as it is the correct one—and not the “opinionated” one.

Antony S.

What you suggest will be confusing for beginners. But if one is determined to read
Quran without any assistance, it is best to read it in chronological order, rather than the
way it is traditionally arranged in book form. (I have read Quran in this order as well as
the classical order and I found a chronological order was better to understand the
structure and philosophy of Quran.)
This way Meccan surahs will precede Medinan ones and we can see the gradual
evolution of Islamic instructions. In recent times chronologically ordered Quran has
begun appearing in both print and online formats.

This lists the Revelation Order of Quran

Koran_M_H_Shakir - chronological.pdf (this is entire Quran in reverse chronological

order. authentic and complete except for the surah ordering.)

From Amazon: The Quran in Chronological Order: with index - Kindle edition by Pickthall,
Muhammad Marmaduke, Anderson, Okan. Kindle eBooks @

There are sahih hadiths that support a chronological reading of Quran. Here is one.

Narrated Yusuf bin Mahk: While I was with Aisha, the mother of the Believers, a person
from Iraq came and asked, “What type of shroud is the best?” `Aisha said, “May Allah be
merciful to you! What does it matter?” He said, “O mother of the Believers! Show me (the
copy of) your Qur’an,” She said, “Why?” He said, “In order to compile and arrange the
Qur’an according to it, for people recite it with its Suras not in proper order.” `Aisha said,
“What does it matter which part of it you read first? (Be informed) that the first thing that
was revealed thereof was a Sura from Al-Mufassal , and in it was mentioned Paradise and
the Fire. When the people embraced Islam, the Verses regarding legal and illegal things
were revealed. If the first thing to be revealed was: ‘Do not drink alcoholic drinks.’ people
would have said, ‘We will never leave alcoholic drinks,’ and if there had been revealed, ‘Do
not commit illegal sexual intercourse, ‘they would have said, ‘We will never give up illegal
sexual intercourse.’ While I was a young girl of playing age, the following Verse was
revealed in Mecca to Muhammad: ‘Nay! But the Hour is their appointed time (for their full
recompense), and the Hour will be more grievous and more bitter.’ (54.46) Sura Al-Baqara
(The Cow) and Surat An-Nisa (The Women) were revealed while I was with him.” Then
`Aisha took out the copy of the Qur’an for the man and dictated to him the Verses
of the Suras (in their proper order) . Sahih al-Bukhari 4993 Sayings and Teachings of
Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬

IApart from one line, ( “Aisha said, “What does it matter which part of it you read first?”)
this hadith clearly support chronological reading. Correct me with evidence if I am wrong

Mohammed Bala

It will NOT be confusing to a beginner in the least.

That is why, it is highly recommended that a beginner reads the authentic biography of
the Prophet of Islam FIRST, before you start reading the message of the Qur'an which
the Prophet brought and taught us.

If you had done that, you wouldn't have even posed this question about confusion.
Besides, if you really wanted to understand the Qur'an very deeply, beyond memorising
parts of it to enable you do ritual prayers and other necessities of islam, you MUST
always avail yourself of the tafsir written by more knowledgeable scholars of Islam to
have a deeper understanding. This is not for a beginner. Everything in islam is
huthuwatin huthuwa(as they scholars used to caution me in my hastiness) meaning…
small, small…never be in a rush.

We also learnt that even the sahabas or disciples of the Prophet sometimes studied only
one VERSE for months on end, before they go to the next one. So a beginner should
behave same way if he is serious.

So what kind of a beginner are you talking about? An unserious beginner, i would say.

You want to read and understand the Qur'an very easily? Then follow the way of the
Prophet and HOW he arranged it.

Have you forgotten how most of the verses of the Qur'an came about? It is as a result of
the NEEDS of the people at that time vis a vis understanding the laws of God. The
Prophet would have left the Qur'an just like that, but God commanded him to arrange it
AGAINST your opinionated chronological order.

Reading the Qur'an in chronological order is an innovation that would have made not
ONLY the Prophet ,but even the disciples to be very angry.

Are we trying to SHOW that we are smarter than them or what?

Those who delved into that are absolutely on unfamiliar grounds and therefore, are on
their own. We reject them and their anti Islam.
Antony S.
“The Prophet would have left the Qur'an just like that but God commanded him to
arrange it AGAINST your chronological order.” Mohammed BalaMY chronological
order?!“We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten except that We bring
forth [one] better than it or similar to it. Do you not know that Allah is over all things
competent?” (Al Baqarah 2:106)Unless a reader knows which is the later verse if there is a
conflict, how can he know which is final? Let’s think about it. Why should anyone order a
book non-chronologically? Maybe, if it makes the book clearer and more
understandable. (1) But no, it does the opposite. (2) The present ordering also
contradicts the Quranic assertion that it is easy to understand. (3) It also goes against Al
Baqarah 2:106 and Bukhari 4993. (4) Then there there is a plethora of other evidence
such as several hadiths that mention such and such verses were abrogated. (5) The top
ulema follow the rules of Abrogation which are real and require chronological reading
and followed by scholars, and form the basis of Islamic laws. Otherwise why should
books like Al Suyuti’s Ulum Al Quran be important textbooks in Islamic universities?
There are thus at least Five serious arguments in favor of a chronological reading of
Quran. The Birmingham Quran manuscript consists of just four pages and without any
verse separation or numbering. Even the sanaa manucript which is longer and also dated
to mid-to-late 7th century, is not in the musha’af order. It is not even in the
chronological order. So that too cannot help. The earliest Qurans available in the present
order is dating from 8th century, at least 50–100 years after the Uthman’s arrangement
was made. In ancient times non-chronological arrangement of Quran may have
prevented too much arguments among the believers. But now we live in a knowledge-
based world.

Emina Bakemon

I’m sorry but this is wrong. We need the knowledge of the companions of the prophet
and the scholars that followed them. If you say to grab the book by yourself, then you’re
completely denying everything they did. And if every person understands what they
want with their selfish temporary needs and desires and emotions, then this is a mess.
This is gonna become like Christianity. We need to seek knowledge by ourselves, yes, but
studying and research is always based on previous great works and from there you can
become great too. The Quran itself mentions that we have to seek knowledge and clarity
from the project and his companions and the great people of knowledge.

Rezaul Haque

<<The Quran itself mentions that we have to seek knowledge and clarity from the
project and his companions and the great people of knowledge.>>

Can you quote some Verses of the Quran that says it?

Rather, I know a Verse that says:

“Follow what has been sent down to you by your Lord and do not follow any
protector/masters/guardians/ Aulia other than Him. How seldom you take heed.” (Al
Quran# 7:3)

And the Verses:

“These (are the) Verses, (of) Allah We recite them to you in truth. Then in what statement
after Allah and His Verses will they believe?” (Al Quran# 45:6)

“We have given them a scripture that is fully detailed, with knowledge, guidance, and
mercy for the people who believe.” (Al Quran #7:52]

“Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book
fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from
your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.” (Al Quran 6:114)

What lessons do you take from these Verses?

The things you learn from the ‘scholars’ you cherish, why God chose not to write the
same in the Quran if it is really required? God does not short of words or time.

How can we say the Quran is complete if we need additionally the teachings of these

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