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Divine Source of Inspiration Creator & Organiser

Swami Shree Nityaswarupdasji

A Historicaly Dignified and Cultural City Bhavnagar, Was became more sacred, when Bhagwan swaminarayan
was came bhavnagar In year 1799, few days he was stayed here. In year 1829 by the invitation from Maharaja
Vajesinhji he was came again in bhavnagar and blessed him.

Swami shree nityaswarupdasji is welknown Orator of swaminarayan sect. He Built mandirs “To preserve
culture, spread harmony, universal peace, nationality, Unity and Exemption of addiction in society” is the vision
of swamiji. in last 15 years Swamiji complated more than 80 mandirs in gujarat.
He selflessly serves thousends of people through his divine and selfless love and compession, he selflessly
helped thousedns of families to educate his childs, and transformed the life of Conuntless people and femilies
through his Preachings.

With the blessings Of H.H.Acharyamharaj, and to fulfill vision of H.H. Bhavi acharyamaharaj, a construction
work started in january 2016, Mandir located at the entrance of city.
The Supreme, Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan
Successor of Supreme

H.H. 1008 Shree Acharya H.H. 108 Shree BhaviAcharya

Ajendraprasadji Maharaj Nrugendraprasadji Maharaj
The focal point of entire campus is the grand mandir,
which will be built from pink sand stone and white
marble. Measuring 108 ft high, 295 ft long and 253 ft
wide it stands on 45000 sq ft basement and 236
columns of Marble.

Main fuatures of mandir

● 5 elegant ant intricatly carved shikhars
● Huge Magnificent central dome and 3 small domes
● 13 small sikhars
● 128 intricately carved pillars
● 42 Beautyfully carved celings
● 25 superbly carved murals
● Over 1000 superbly sculpted figures
● Double Parikrama Path
it revives the ancient architecture tradition of india.
Marvelous Attractions Modern Facilities

Gajendra Pith Modern Assambly Hall

365 ft long Gajendra Peeth, which 100 ft wide & 350 ft Long, Assambly
comprises sculpted stone elephants, Hall wll be built for religios events, it
and dozens of other sculptures of is free for every one.
people, animals

Murals Modern accomodations

25 beautifully Carved Murals on the without any charges, Any pilgrims will
life story of great persons. stay here in Rooms and Dormitorys.

Multinedia Exhibition Dining Hall

75min Exhibition which comprises without any charges, Any pilgrims or
Audio visual films, light and sound any persone will get pure and holy
shows with 3D Diorama. on the life meals .
of Bhagwan Swaminarayan
Absolutly Free And Selfless Services For Collegian Students

Grand Hostel buildings for 5000 Collegian Students

Pure & Holy Meals Bus’s to go to college Note books & bags Reading Hall Inspirational seminar Scolarship
Construction work progress

With construction of temple, Thousands of people have been transformed his life through daily satsang
Swaminarayan main mandir
Rajkot highway, yard,
Chitra, Bhavnagar, Gujarat - 364004
0278 2444333
9099999645, 9898025251

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