Learning Objective

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My learning objective for HBW course is to understand various factors influencing human

behavior with the aim of improving my decision-making abilities in an organizational setting.

The self-reflection document highlights how the learnings from the various sessions have
provided a comprehensive understanding of factors influencing human behavior in
organizational settings. This understanding has contributed to improving decision-making
abilities by offering insights into social dynamics, perceptions, emotions, self-awareness,
communication, cognitive biases, and motivational factors.

The importance of social acknowledgement was demonstrated through the case study “Meeting
the new boss”, where simple gestures of recognition boosted confidence, fostered collaboration,
and created a supportive work environment. Through the case study “Brussels and Bradshaw”,
the learnings about perceptual shortcuts, stereotyping, and self-serving bias shed light on how
preconceived notions and biases can distort reality and lead to misjudgments in decision-
making, emphasizing the need for open communication and considering multiple perspectives.

The anecdote about the client presentation in the self-reflection article highlighted the
significance of emotional intelligence, understanding emotional biases like self-serving bias, and
choosing a path that balances assertiveness with understanding. We understood how emotional
regulation aids in navigating complex situations and making informed decisions. Through the
case study “Autobiography of a Manager” and my experience with the challenging client project
demonstrated the importance of self-awareness, acknowledging strengths and weaknesses,
and adapting approaches accordingly, which is crucial for effective decision-making and

The learnings about Erikson's psychological stages helped in recognizing the personal journey
of self-discovery and finding purpose, which can influence decision-making and career choices.
The example of the poorly structured email illustrated the importance of clear communication,
overcoming barriers, and fostering trust, which is essential for making informed decisions and
avoiding misunderstandings in organizations.

The personal dilemma about sweets and health illustrated the concept of cognitive dissonance,
which can influence decision-making and behavior. Understanding this psychological
phenomenon can aid in making more aligned choices. The learnings about job design theories,
such as the Golem effect and lack of acknowledgement, helped in understanding the factors
that contributed to job dissatisfaction and the decision to pursue an MBA, providing insights into
better job design and motivational strategies for retaining and engaging employees.

Overall, the learnings from the sessions have provided a holistic understanding of leaderships
through various factors influencing human behavior, equipping with the knowledge to consider
multiple perspectives, overcome biases, foster emotional intelligence, and create supportive and
motivating work environments, ultimately contributing to improved decision-making abilities and
become effective team players in organizational settings.

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