Spotlight June 2021 NZE 0

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Net-Zero Energy Isn’t the

Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why

Paula Melton
Editorial Director

Brent Ehrlich
Nadav Malin
Candace Pearson
Alex Wilson

Graphic Design
Amie Walter
Julia Eva Bacon

Cover Photo
Lubber Run Community Center
Photo: Tom Holdsworth

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BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

Net-Zero Energy Isn’t the Real

Goal: 8 Reasons Why
Net-zero-energy buildings don’t always reduce carbon emissions.
These are the tweaks we need to ensure they do.
By Candace Pearson and Nadav Malin

Karina Hershberg’s transition from fo-

cusing on energy to focusing on carbon
began six years ago. An electrical engi-
neer at PAE Consulting, Hershberg was
working on a project with deep sustain-
ability goals. Net-zero energy (NZE) was
a given. The team was considering tak-
ing the project entirely off grid and was
thinking about a 300-year time horizon.

That timeframe got them looking at re-

placement cycles for photovoltaics (PV)
and batteries, and questioning the wis-
dom of organizing around net-zero en-
ergy as the primary goal. They switched
to focusing on emissions instead, and
they haven’t looked back. “Where my
research has landed shows that we need
to focus on carbon emissions,” Hersh-
berg says. “Energy can sometimes be a
proxy for it, but sometimes it isn’t.
Photo: Tom Holdsworth
“The blunt instrument of [NZE] is kind
of an outdated concept,” says Commis- This increase in renewable energy The battery storage at Lubber
Run Community Center (an
sioner Andrew McAllister of the Califor- sources both hastens the need for NZE NZE project) is programmed to
nia Energy Commission. If the “real goal buildings to become partners in that dispatch at a time of day when
is carbon-free energy and decarboniza- transition and exacerbates the ways that the grid is dirtiest, displacing
traditional NZE buildings will fall short more carbon emissions than a
tion,” he says, net energy use over the
PV system alone.
course of a year may not be that helpful on reducing carbon emissions. NZE proj-
as a metric. ects are a big step in the right direction,
but we must start designing and oper-
What’s driving this re-think? The U.S. is ating them differently to accelerate the
now adding renewable energy genera- transition away from carbon emissions
tion faster than any other source, which in the building sector.
is putting us on a path to rapidly decar-
bonize the electric grid. In some parts Below we list eight ways that NZE proj-
of the U.S., the grid is already relative- ects miss the mark on climate goals,
ly clean. And Biden’s Clean Electricity including how they affect the electrici-
Standard proposed through his Infra- ty grid, transportation, embodied car-
structure Plan would set us on a path bon, and resilience, and how we can
toward 80% clean energy on the grid by course-correct to achieve our goals.

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 1

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

1. NZE Buildings Use and hydro power may be available,

but those sorts of power plants can’t be
Energy at the Wrong Time ramped up or down quickly enough to
Under the net-zero-energy scheme, it compensate for the sudden loss of solar
doesn’t matter when net-zero-energy energy or sudden increase in demand.
buildings pull energy from the grid as
long as each kilowatt-hour consumed is During these hours, utilities almost ex-
offset with a kilowatt-hour of renewable clusively use fossil-fuel-powered “peak-
energy generation over the course of a ing generators,” which translates to a
year. In practice, however, most NZE dirtier emissions profile. As an exam-
buildings produce a lot of renewable ple, on May 10, 2021, the California grid
energy from solar photovoltaic panels emitted 158 grams of CO2 equivalent
during the day and then draw from the for each kWh generated at 10:30 a.m.,
grid when the sun is down. Their “load but that nearly doubled to 275 grams at
profile” therefore, has two peaks with a 11:00 p.m., according to Electricity Map.
big dip in the middle of the day. Because NZE buildings draw from the
grid whenever they can’t produce their
own energy onsite, they often end up re-
The climate downside lying on the grid just when it is dirtiest.
That’s a problem because these peaks “The carbon-intensity and grid-infra-
can align with times when overall de- structure needs of net-zero-energy
mand increases on the grid and when buildings actually could be comparable
renewable energy is in shortest supply. to standard buildings, causing the grid
There will always be hours of the day to draw on dirty, peaking power-gen-
when grid-scale solar energy isn’t being eration sources at times of peak de-
generated and wind is variable. Nuclear mand,” wrote Cara Carmichael of Rocky

Graph: RMI courtesy of Cara Carmichael

A typical net-zero-energy building will have a load curve similar to an energy efficient building with solar pv: two
peaks with a large dip in the middle. Smoothing that curve brings carbon emission reductions.

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 2

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

Mountain Institute in GreenBiz. In oth- rooftop solar, battery storage, backup

er words, as the grid gets cleaner, the generators, or other technologies that
carbon difference between a standard generate or discharge electricity.
building drawing from the grid during GridOptimal was first introduced
However, realizing this potential will re- in 2018. It was integrated into
the day and an NZE building produc- LEED as an “alternative compli-
ing clean energy onsite becomes trivi- quire that designers and engineers take ance path” Pilot Credit in Febru-
al. Meanwhile, NZE projects are often time-of-use data into account to opti- ary 2021. It can be used to earn
mize passive strategies for the grid. Grid one or both of the LEED points
no better than conventional projects in
geeks are fond of saying, “It doesn’t just available under the original LEED
how much they draw from the grid at credit, plus a third “exemplary
night. Carbon-wise, it could be a wash.   matter how much energy you use, but performance” point for showing
when you use it.” Yet the metric that’s the even better results. The LEED
basis for the NZE buildings, EUI, doesn’t credit that this alternative com-
The solution pliance path applies to is called
reflect this timing aspect at all.
“Demand Response” in LEED
The strategies to address this problem version 4 and “Grid Harmoniza-
are relatively straightforward, but they The GridOptimal program from New tion” in LEED version 4.1.
do require that we start measuring per- Buildings Institute (NBI) and U.S. Green
Much of the intent of GridOpti-
formance with more than just annual Building Council (USGBC) seeks to
mal is already included in v4.1’s
energy use intensity (EUI). The first step change that. It encourages practitioners Grid Harmonization credit; the
is familiar: focus on efficiency. The tim- to use two metrics to measure how well GridOptimal Pilot Credit basically
the building’s energy-use patterns align provides more structure and
ing disconnect with NZE buildings is ex-
guidance for teams on how to
acerbated if the project uses (and gener- with the grid’s expected ability to deliv- earn those points, including
ates) a lot of energy. er low-carbon energy: a spreadsheet for calculating
scores on eight different metrics.
The usual passive design strategies can • grid carbon alignment: the degree GridOptimal also provides an
to which the building demand incentive for project teams to
be used to reduce peak demand and shift
just start thinking about these
loads to times when the grid is less dirty. contributes to upstream grid carbon
issues: there is a point available
“Everything we’ve done with massing, emissions over the course of a year for using the calculator and
passive design, orientation is still im- reporting the scores regardless
• grid peak contribution: the degree of how good they are.
portant,” says Ted Tiffany, director of to which a building’s demand con-
sustainability at Guttmann & Blaevoet tributes to load on the grid during How carbon intensive is that
Consulting Engineers. By harnessing electricity anyway?
system peak hours
passive solar energy or utilizing shad-
One of the reasons that GridOp-
ing, you can delay or avoid the need for All the data one needs about one’s re-
timal includes a handful of dif-
active conditioning during peak hours. gional grid have been forecasted by ferent metrics instead of just one
Tiffany says optimizing for passive win- NREL’s Cambium tool—including de- is that there are different ways of
mand forecasts by state for every hour calculating the carbon emissions
ter warm-up will become increasing-
of a kilowatt-hour of electricity.
ly valuable as the grid gets cleaner, so of the year. Using a calculator provided
The simplest approach is to just
strategies like thermal mass should be by NBI, practitioners can calculate the take the average of all the dif-
evaluated. above metrics after inputting a design’s ferent sources of electricity that
net demand profile from its energy are providing power to the grid.
These average “grid emission
These elements are so important that model. factors” are widely available for
the U.S. Department of Energy has an- locations around the world.
nounced a goal of tripling the energy “Static measures” like orientation, ther-
mal mass, and passive solar heat gain But the reality, as noted above,
efficiency and demand flexibility of the
is that these factors are changing
building sector by 2030 relative to 2020 “can make a real difference for making all the time as different power
levels. It estimates that doing so would the building less peaky,” says Alexi Mill- sources come online or shut
save between $8 billion and $18 bil- er, lead engineer at NBI. NZE buildings down. So those numbers can be
just need to optimize for that in addi- seasonal or can be reported in
lion annually by 2030, with annual CO2
real time down to the hour or
emission reductions reaching 80 mil- tion to energy efficiency. The calculator even to the minute.
lion tons (about 6% of total power sec- allows designers to “run a couple of de-
tor emissions) by 2030. These estimates sign cases” and see “broad trends” indi-
are based on efficiency and demand cating which design strategies are best
response alone, and do not account for for the grid, says Miller.

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 3

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

2. NZE Buildings Lack the The solution There are also questions about
how widely we define the area
Flexibility to Shift Loads There are many technologies that en- served by the grid in any partic-
ular region. The U.S. electricity
in Real Time able buildings to actively shift when
grid is made up of three me-
they consume energy. Some are already ga-regions: eastern U.S., western
Another consequence of not considering in place as part of demand-response U.S., and most of Texas. (Texas’
when a NZE project pulls energy from programs and could be utilized more isolation from the other two
the grid is that these projects rarely regularly to reduce energy demand at
regions is part of the reason that
have active systems for shifting demand its grid failed so dramatically in
high-carbon hours. One estimate from February 2021.) But within these
loads to other parts of the day. the U.S. Department of Energy predicts three major regions are a host
that around 15.6 GW of new, dispatch- of subregions, and the amount
of power that can flow between
The climate downside able peak-reduction capability will be these subregions is limited. So
added by 2030, with 6.3 GW provided “average” pounds of CO2 per
As previously discussed, pulling ener- kilowatt-hour can be more or
by residential buildings and 9.3 GW by
gy from the grid at the wrong time has less local.
commercial buildings. That’s around 1.5
implications for carbon emissions. NZE
times more than today’s programs pro- Even a very local and timely
buildings pull energy when solar ener- average doesn’t give the most
gy isn’t available onsite anymore, which relevant number, however.
often coincides when the grid is dirtiest. In most places, there aren’t yet policies That’s because when a building
uses more energy, or stops using
But the grid is also a changing, dynamic or rate structures to encourage regular energy, it affects the demand
thing. The dirtiest hour on the grid cer- load shifting, but they are coming, says for more power plants to come
tainly shifts over seasons and, with elec- Hershberg. “Right now, it is about de- online, or to shut down. And
trification of vehicles and buildings, may if the plants starting up are
signing dynamic systems” that can be
burning fossil gas and emitting
change drastically over time. Therefore, programmed as those policies develop, lots of CO2, you could argue that
static design strategies for shifting loads she says. a building’s ability to use less
can’t completely solve the problem. energy affects not the average
Carmichael agrees. And even before CO2 on the grid, but the CO2
By one estimate, having the ability to emissions of those plants on the
policies supporting dynamic pricing
margin; the ones coming online
actively flex loads on demand would become widespread, changes in how or going offline. These “marginal”
enable an all-electric office building in energy is generated and used will cause emission rates tell a very differ-
New York City to reduce emissions up to the timing of peak demand charges to ent story than the averages—and
they’re the ones that figure into
10%, according to Rocky Mountain Insti- fluctuate: “Peaks are going to shift all
the GridOptimal metrics.
tute, based on the grid mix expected by around,” notes Carmichael “Having
2030. As we near a fully decarbonized some level of flexibility will help [own-
grid, the same office building could re- ers] manage costs.”
duce emissions by 40% just by flexing its
demand. Thermal storage is one system for the
job. For space heating and cooling, ice
From a project perspective, this is ex- has been used for thermal energy stor-
citing because demand flexibility could age for a few decades (see Buildings on
bridge the gap between net-zero energy Ice: Making the Case for Thermal Ener-
and net-zero carbon, or even make the gy Storage), but hot water can also store
latter more affordable. “Projects could thermal energy and then be used for
be [net-zero carbon] with less solar than space heating. These systems are not al-
it would take to be [net-zero energy] if ways “synonymous with energy efficien-
storage or other load shaping were used cy,” says Brian Turner of CMTA, since it
to optimize the [time-of-use] carbon im- takes energy to run these supplemental
pact of energy consumption or renew- systems. But they save owners money
able production” says Joshua Radoff, through reduced demand charges, and
zero carbon cities advisor for Local Gov- if they get more efficient, they could sig-
ernments for Sustainability (ICLEI). nificantly reduce carbon emissions.

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 4

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

In terms of plug loads, many appliances

can load shift with a smart plug. Dish-
washers, refrigerators, and water heat-
ers could all be timed to run at 1 p.m.
instead of 6 p.m. Meanwhile, smart ther-
mostats can instruct our heating or cool-
ing systems to condition the space when
solar energy is coursing through the grid
and apply a wider temperature range to
ease up on demand at other times.

We have the technology to direct our

“symphony of devices to match produc-
tion,” says McAllister. But without an in-
centive structure, few are stepping up to
be the conductor.

A notable exception is the company Photo: Paul Reitano

OhmConnect, an aggregator that signs In this Vermont home, an additional buffer tank (right) is ready to be installed, which
up end users to control the demand of will add more thermal storage for the home's air-to-water heat pump system.
tens of thousands of devices. OhmCon-
nect has proven that it can reliably dial don’t have a full-time building manager.
down the demand of these devices when Plus, utility-controlled demand response
called upon. Instead of firing up a pow- has the potential to reduce total system
er plant to meet demand, grid operators cost and make demand flexing more of
can have OhmConnect simply eliminate a firm resource, she says. They’ve just
that demand instead. This equivalency been slow to innovate in this arena.
has allowed OhmConnect to bid into the
energy markets as if it were a 150-mega- Each model has implications for how to
watt power plant. Instead of paying for design a load flexing system, so design
fuel to burn, like a gas-fired power plant, teams need to be fluent in the options
OhmConnect pays end users for the abil- available in order to decide what’s best
ity to delay their water heater or refrig- for the client.
erator from kicking on, often by as little
In terms of designing and specifying
as fifteen minutes.
those systems, GridOptimal has metrics
OhmConnect’s business model has filled for gauging active load flexibility, too:
a void—especially in the residential
• short-term demand flexibility:
market. “Occupants are not in the busi-
the building’s ability to reduce
ness of managing energy use,” says Car-
demand (shed) for one hour
michael. “It needs to be automated and
done in real time for them.” • long-term demand flexibility:
the building’s ability to reduce
OhmConnect provides this service as a
demand (shed) for four hours
third party between the energy consum-
er and the utility company. But in some • dispatchable flexibility: the
situations, either the consumer or the building’s ability to automatically
utility might want to manage demand reduce demand for 15 minutes,
themselves. “There may be some build- controlled by a utility or third
ing managers that want visibility,” says party
Carmichael, even though the majority
of buildings are small- or mid-sized and

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 5

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

3. NZE Buildings Supply and 10,000,000 kWh generated), but the

solar array only avoids 88% of the car-
Energy to the Grid at the bon emissions caused by the building’s
Wrong Time energy use.
Producing renewable energy onsite is
In the cleanest grids, adding more solar
foundational to NZE buildings. Since
energy onto the grid could also contrib-
they have to generate enough energy in
ute to some renewable energy sources
the few hours that renewable energy is
being curtailed—literally blocked from
available to offset the amount of energy
sending electricity to the grid. Some-
they consume year round, they often ex-
times users are paid to use curtailed
port excess renewable energy to the grid
energy, but often the resource is just
whenever the sun is shining.
wasted, hurting the bottom line of re-
newable energy providers. Almost 1.6
The climate downside terawatt-hours (million mWh) were cur-
tailed in California in 2020, according to
For grids that get a majority of their re-
California ISO, and that number is in-
newable energy from solar, NZE build-
creasing dramatically every year.
ings are often exporting energy when
the grid is already at its cleanest. From The net-zero-energy framework doesn’t
a carbon perspective, this means that take into account these carbon or grid
solar generation is not displacing as impacts, instead focusing on a kWh-for-
much carbon as is associated with the kWh exchange.
power that the building draws from
the grid. Henry Richardson from Watt-
Time gives an example in this webinar
The solution
of a net-zero-energy project in Califor- From a grid perspective, what’s needed
nia where the kilowatt-hours net out is a way to access renewable energy at
perfectly (10,000,000 kWh consumed times in the day when it can displace

Rendering: EHDD
The Sonoma Clean Power Headquarters building is a GridOptimal pilot project. The retrofit will include high efficiency rooftop heat
pumps and smart VAV diffusers, both of which can be controlled for demand reduction.

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 6

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

those fossil fuel peaking plants and All of these uses are likely to increase
more of it can be accommodated on the the carbon savings of an NZE project
grid. over one without a battery because they
expand the time when renewable ener-
This need is already justifying some to gy can be utilized. But only the last use
install solar photovoltaics on an east- case is what’s ideal from a carbon stand-
west orientation, instead of facing south. point. That’s because current rate struc-
The panels might generate less total en- tures and energy markets optimize for
ergy, but they’ll be generating at times cost, not for carbon. For example, time-
when the grid needs more clean energy.
of-use rates reflect how expensive the
“We’re doing more and more projects
energy is to generate, not how carbon
with east/west racking,” says Hershberg.
intensive it is—and those don’t always
“It extends the time range for PVs.”
match up. However, without a carbon
The other solution to extending the life price, it is hard to see what financial in-
of renewable energy is batteries. centive anyone would have to use a bat-
tery strictly for carbon arbitrage.
Adding a battery to an NZE project
makes the system a virtual power plant Nevertheless, there are examples of
capable of providing renewable ener- projects experimenting with carbon ar-
gy when it’s most beneficial. However, bitrage. Lubber Run is a net-zero-energy
exactly when the battery discharges re- community center in Arlington, Virgin-
newable energy, and who it is beneficial ia. Instead of adding a backup genera-
for, depends on how it is being used. tor, the project chose battery backup.
The battery only provides power for
• Reduce demand charges: the bat- critical uses during a power outage, but
tery discharges during the building’s “we were still able to get rid of the gen-
period of peak demand to smooth erator all together,” says Turner.
out the building’s load profile. The
building owner will thus realize That left the question, “How are we go-
savings on their energy bill. ing to dispatch this resource the other
99.9% of the time?” according to Turn-
• Respond to time-of-use rates: the
er. Since the project was a government
battery discharges when the cost of
building, it had negotiated a special
energy is highest in order to reduce
rate with the utility. Without a time-of-
demand during those times. Building
use rate or demand charge, there was
owners save on their energy bill.
no financial benefit to dispatching the
• Participate in an aggregator pro- battery on a regular basis. But with cli-
gram: a service like OhmConnect mate already a central theme for the
links the capacity of thousands of NZE project, the engineers programmed
batteries and bids that capacity the battery to charge when the solar PV
into the market, just like a small system was generating energy and then
power plant would. The building discharge five or six hours later. “Solar
owner is paid for participating. dominates the emission factors in that
market,” says Turner. It would be better
• Perform carbon arbitrage: the
to get a signal from the grid about the
battery is charged when renewable
carbon content hour by hour, but the
energy is available and discharges
capability didn’t exist. So the engineers
when the marginal emissions rate
took what they knew about the grid and
of the grid is high, specifically to
did what they thought would displace
displace as much carbon emissions
the most carbon emissions. “It is crude
as possible. The building owner
but still effective,” says Turner.
may not realize any direct sav-
ings compared to net metering.

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 7

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

4. NZE Buildings Make Elec- burned in buildings and vehicles, on the

other hand, will always emit carbon.
trification More Expensive
Because NZE buildings use energy at the However, electrifying more things
wrong time and lack the ability to flex means more demand for electricity.
loads, they could drive peak load on the There are two ways the grid can meet
grid higher. As electrification adds de- that demand. One is cheap, and the oth-
mand to the electrical grid, peak load er is expensive.
will determine how much energy prices
Contrary to what one might assume, the
will rise.
cost of the electric grid is not driven by
how many kilowatt-hours are consumed
The climate downside over the course of the year, but mainly
by the peak demand that that grid must
There’s broad consensus now that elec-
serve. There must be enough power gen-
trifying buildings and the transportation
erators, transmission lines, and substa-
sector is the fastest path towards decar-
tions to deliver whatever power is need-
bonization. That’s because the grid is
ed on the hottest or coldest (depending
moving toward more carbon-free sourc-
on the climate) day of the year. More in-
es of electricity, so electricity used in
frastructure must be added if that peak
buildings and vehicles is getting cleaner
goes up, but not much more infrastruc-
all the time. Any gas or other fossil fuels
ture needs to be added if there are six

Graph: U.S. Department of Energy from the report “A National Roadmap for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings.”
License: Public domain
The U.S. The Department of Energy has analyzed which efficiency interventions are most likely to drive peak
demand savings. The answer seems to be HVAC and envelope efficiency. Here, CAC stands for central air

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 8

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

days that approach peak load instead of it seems clear that demand flexibility is
three. In fact, it’s more cost effective if key to affordable, system-wide decar-
we use the assets that are already paid bonization.

For that reason, the most affordable The solution

path to electrification is adding new The solutions described above—for
electric demand at non-peak times. In shifting the times when a building uses
the process, we’d be increasing the total energy and when it delivers energy
amount of electricity consumed but flat- generated on-site to the grid—all apply
tening the load curve. here. But there are additional opportu-
nities as buildings and vehicles get elec-
The expensive path would be to contin-
trified, because much of the additional
ue to add new electric demand during
load added by that electric equipment
peak demand times, in which case the
can be time-flexible.
grid would need significant infrastruc-
ture upgrades to serve a higher peak Heat pumps for space and water heat-
load. ing—the biggest energy loads to switch
from gas to electric in most buildings—
A study by Vibrant Clean Energy found
are prime candidates for time shifting.
that if we committed to reduce electric
Water heaters store hot water, so they
grid emissions by 95% from 1990 levels
can easily build up some extra heat when
by 2050, it would cost $473 billion less to
power is plentiful and coast through the
reach that goal by implementing energy
times when it’s not. Heat pumps respond
efficiency, demand-side management,
to a thermostat. Expanding the dead
demand response, distributed storage,
zone in that thermostat extends the time
and distributed generation than with-
that the system can coast between runs.
out these distributed energy resources.
With the right algorithms, those down-
“The striking result is that the cost sav-
times can be at least partially aligned
ings come with relatively little change
with peak demand on the grid.
in the macro-scale view of installed ca-
pacities and generation stack,” write The biggest opportunity is in electric
the authors. “This is because a small vehicles, which are effectively big bat-
change in the tails of production and teries on wheels. They rarely need to be
demand can have amplified cost impli- charging every minute they’re plugged
cations throughout the system.” In oth- in; they can usually be set to charge
er words, having a little more control when it works best for the grid and pro-
over the shape of the grid’s load profile, vide cost savings for the customer in
a.k.a. changing the “tails of production the process. Vermont’s Green Mountain
and demand,” is what would enable us Power currently provides a free Level
to decarbonize with roughly the same 2 charger to any Vermont resident who
amount of grid infrastructure that we buys an electric vehicle and gives pre-
have today. ferred pricing to customers who allow
the utility to delay charging during en-
Cisco DeVries, chief executive officer at
ergy peak events (usually five to seven
OhmConnect, puts it more starkly. “If we
times per month lasting a few hours).
don’t learn to flex demand in real time,
as if it were dispatchable power in the But timing the charge of electric vehicles
same way we manage supply, we will is just the beginning. On the near-term
blow up the grid long before we get to horizon is vehicle-to-grid or bi-direc-
zero carbon.” Whether we would actu- tional charging, which lets a homeown-
ally “blow up the grid” or just pay more, er, building manager, or even the utility

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 9

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

tap into those car batteries when need- The climate downside
ed to meet peak electricity demand. Giv-
Fossil-fuel-powered generators emit CO2
en the huge avoided cost of adding infra-
whenever they’re running, which is not
structure to meet those peak loads, just
just when there is a disruption but also
tapping into those batteries a few times
for regular testing. In addition, just hav-
a year could be very lucrative for every-
ing them onsite perpetuates the need for
one involved. And if future generations
fossil-fuel supply lines: gas lines or die-
of solid-state or other batteries are not
sel tanks and delivery contracts.
as sensitive to cycling as today’s lithi-
um-ion cells, drawing from car batteries At the same time, one impact of climate
could become a more frequent practice change in many parts of the world is
with deeper potential peak-load reduc- more frequent storms, wildfires, and
tions. other conditions leading to disruptions
of the electricity grid, so the need for
back-up power is increasing.
5. NZE Buildings Are Not
Resilient to Power Outages
The solution
The onsite photovoltaics in most net-ze-
ro-energy buildings have to shut down The high-performing enclosure of
when the grid goes down to protect line net-zero-energy buildings gives them
workers from being electrified by power some inherent resilience in the form of
coming from the “wrong” direction. As a passive survivability: they can remain
result, despite having solar panels gen- habitable without power much longer
erating power, they can’t use it when the than conventional buildings. And their
grid goes down and have to shut down low power loads make them good candi-
entirely or rely on back-up generators. dates for battery back-up systems, which

Photo: Alabama Power

Reynold's Landing is a development of 62 single-family homes in suburban Birmingham, Alabama, with its own microgrid. The solar
photovoltaics, battery storage system, and 1MW natural gas-fired power generation nearby mean this community could continue to
operate indefinitely in the case of a grid-level power outage.

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 10

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

can power at least essential equipment the other NZE programs, ignores trans-
when the grid goes down. The rest of portation energy, but LEED Zero Car-
the year, those batteries can help shift bon certification includes it based on
building loads and supply. the methodology in USGBC’s Arc data
reporting platform. So there is prece-
The range of those back-up systems can dent for adding estimates of transporta-
be extended significantly if the power tion-related emissions to make the pic-
inverters on the PV system are “island- ture more complete and to counter the
able”—meaning that they can be safely incentive for NZE buildings to contrib-
isolated from the electric grid so that the ute to suburban sprawl. Short of that,
PVs can continue to charge the batteries NZE buildings can still contribute to the
and supply the facility when the grid is decarbonization of the transportation
down. sector if they make space for electric
vehicles—both on the grid and on the
6. NZE Buildings Don’t ground.

Account for Transportation All the solutions mentioned thus far for
Energy shifting loads and extending the avail-
ability of renewable energy would help
NZE is much easier to achieve in subur-
maximize our existing grid infrastruc-
ban locations, where there’s more room
ture for new EV charging loads. Making
for solar panels and they aren’t likely to
space on the existing grid for these new
be shaded by adjacent structures. But
loads will be crucial for keeping electric
with suburban development come more
rates affordable as more people make
commuting and more cars on the road
the switch.
spewing emissions.
Building developments can also support
Net-zero certification programs all try
EVs by spatially providing for parking
to correct for the suburban incentive by
and charging infrastructure. McKinsey
providing a pathway for buildings in ur-
& Company estimates that between 11
ban centers to claim offsite renewables
and 30 million passenger car chargers
as part of their supply. But these are
will be needed by 2030. Retrofits cost
stretching the conventional understand-
more than installing chargers at new
ing of what it means for a building to be
developments because they involve
net-zero energy and still don’t account
upgrading panels and circuit breakers,
for transportation energy.
purchasing new cables and wiring, and
engaging in trenching and boring to run
The climate downside electrical conduit. Installing this infra-
structure upfront would both reduce
Transportation energy used to commute
overall costs and speed up EV adop-
to office buildings generally exceeds op-
tion—both of which ultimately helps de-
erating energy use, according to calcu-
carbonize the transportation sector.
lations done by BuildingGreen. It might
not be much more—11% more than the
energy used in a new code-compliant 7. NZE Buildings Use
office building, and 16% more than the
average existing building. But rarely do
More Embodied Carbon
people consider transportation energy NZE emphasizes energy efficiency in
intensity. operations but doesn’t take into account
embodied carbon. In fact, high-perfor-
mance building assemblies typically
The solution
have higher embodied carbon by virtue
LEED Zero Energy certification, like all of having more components and thicker

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 11

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

walls that use more structural materials over a baseline. One net-zero project did
and contain more insulation. slightly better, representing a 46%–55%
improvement. But the other net-zero
project did slightly worse, at 31%–44%.
The climate downside
Part of that was because Virginia re-
Practitioners are beginning to under- cently adopted a clean energy standard,
stand that there is a tipping point where which means electricity will be cleaner
certain energy-efficiency features begin for everyone, closing the gap between
contributing more carbon emissions in an NZE building and a conventional
embodied carbon than they’ll save over one. But the rest was due to fairly high
the course of the building’s operation. embodied carbon tallies on the net-ze-
ro-energy projects compared to the
Designers at PAE found this to be true third project, which was an extension of
when they estimated the greenhouse an existing building.
gas emissions associated with two 30
EUI, 40,000 square-foot buildings just
200 miles away from each other—one in The solution
a low-emissions grid region and the oth- Amt’s conclusion? That net zero ener-
er in a high-emissions grid region. The gy “isn’t the home run that we think it
building connected to the low-emissions is.” She thinks the goal still makes sense
grid would contribute annual green- for some typologies, especially schools,
house gas (GHG) emissions of 14,000 where benefits like the operational sav-
pounds of CO2e, whereas the identical ings and opportunities to enrich the
building on the high-emissions grid learning environment fit perfectly. “But
would contribute a staggering 612,000 the enthusiasm has been tempered,” she
pounds of CO2e on an annual basis. “That says. “We’ve started to say, ‘Let’s be real
started to change the discussion around about what this means for climate ac-
energy efficiency,” says Hershberg. For tion.’” The firm now thinks more about
the building on the low-emissions grid, the value of renovation and “the conver-
using a lot of insulation just to cut a few sation about embodied carbon” is hap-
EUI points didn’t really improve total pening earlier, says Amt.
carbon emissions, whereas the emis-
sions cost to improve efficiency in the
high emissions grid “paid for itself.” By 8. NZE Buildings Don’t
getting too focused on EUI, practitioners Serve the Collective
might pursue efficiency without realiz-
ing they’re in the zone of diminishing NZE is all about offsetting the building’s
returns, says Hershberg. impact with energy resources that can
be found onsite. However, there might
Michelle Amt of VMDO recently con- be opportunities that are missed when
ducted a carbon analysis of three of we focus building by building.
her firm’s projects—two of which were
net-zero-energy projects, and one of
which was designed to be energy effi-
The climate downside
cient but less aspirational. She was sur- NZE buildings have and do “contribute
prised to find that the net-zero-energy on the climate front,” says Radoff. But
projects didn’t save much more carbon the approach is insular. It seems to be
than the other project. asking, “What can I do for me?” accord-
ing to Radoff. “If you assume you can
Amt estimated that, by 2030, the ener- clean your load while the rest of the grid
gy-efficient building represented about is dirty, you are under false pretenses.
a 45% improvement in GHG emissions You should be focused on cleaning the

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 12

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

grid for everyone.” Others have ex- system installed in Virginia would offset
pressed a similar sentiment, using the the project’s operational carbon emis-
term “grid citizen” to convey that each sions two times over—a total of 261%.
building should be geared toward serv- If climate change is a global, collective
ing the needs of the collective. problem, should we relax the emphasis
on onsite production in order to maxi-
Take the fact that NZE prioritizes onsite mize climate impact?
renewable energy production but still
allows for fossil-fuel-based energy sys-
tems. An NZE building might be offset- The solution
ting most of its own carbon emissions, If our true goal is decarbonization of the
but by relying on gas, it continues to jus- entire energy system, Radoff wonders
tify the gas infrastructure that serves its if the first priority should be electrifica-
surrounding community. tion. “Our primary responsibility is to
stop combusting,” he says.
There’s also a potential problem with
NZEs limiting the carbon impact of re- Currently, the GridOptimal program
newable energy systems by encouraging does not ban combustion, and in some
those systems to be onsite. A PV system cases, it is possible that switching from
installed on a dirty grid prevents far a gas to an all-electric building might
more CO2 from being emitted than one cause a design’s GridOptimal scores to
on a clean grid. Take the example from go down. That’s because the GridOp-
Henry Richardson of the PV system in timal program is focused solely on the
California that was sized to offset 100% needs of the electricity grid. The elec-
of the project’s energy consumption but tricity grid doesn’t value the emissions
only offset 88% of the project’s opera- impact of switching from gas to electric;
tional carbon emissions because of the it just sees increased electricity demand,
relatively clean grid. The same-sized PV which might cause higher peak demand

Graph: U.S. Department of Energy from the report “A National Roadmap for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings.” License: Public domain

This graph shows the emissions reduction associated with a MWh of energy savings for each grid region. The takeaway
is that, carbon-wise, regions with dirtier grids (e.g. the upper Midwest) benefit the most from energy efficiency and
demand flexibility.

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 13

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

and higher grid-scale emissions. How- “Net-zero-energy buildings are really a

ever, fuel switching isn’t necessarily rebellion against the grid,” says Radoff.
penalized in GridOptimal, says Miller. Building practitioners had little say over
The metrics are calculated in a way that how power was generated and prog-
normalizes building load factors when ress was too slow, so they found ways to
peak demand increases. Miller provided offset dirty grid energy with their own
BuildingGreen with an analysis showing clean energy on an annual basis.   
that electrifying a medium-size office in
four different cities (Atlanta, Chicago, By doing so, building practitioners
Phoenix, and Seattle) actually increased pushed the industry forward, but today
those projects’ GridOptimal scores. the underlying dynamics are changing.
The grid is getting cleaner, and more
“There are certain places where [Gri- of a building’s carbon footprint is in its
dOptimal] can incentivize electrifica- embodied energy. Transportation is be-
tion,” says Miller. For example, provid- ing electrified, adding more demand to
ing a diesel generator “doesn’t cut it” for manage.
the GridOptimal resilience metric. And
there are other mechanisms in the LEED Given these trends, buildings no longer
rating system too. But “the decision was need to rebel against the grid: they need
made early on” that the GridOptimal to facilitate its transition. “Just make
program should be focused on the elec- sure that the buildings are designed so
tricity grid, says Miller. that they’re prepared for what’s com-
ing,” says Hershberg. For NZE buildings,
Regarding the location of renewable that means being able to flex loads pas-
energy systems, there may be good rea- sively and actively—generally becoming
sons to continue to promote onsite gen- good grid citizens looking out for the
eration, says Carmichael. She cites the needs of the entire system. NZE projects
importance of distributed generation also can’t lose track of embodied carbon
for relieving pressure on the second- or transportation carbon because we
ary distribution systems (i.e., neighbor- haven’t made as much progress on those
hood-level power lines). But still, Radoff as we have on operational carbon.
wishes more people thought about “re-
sponding to grid signals” and about the It’s time for NZE buildings, and the cer-
need for storage or energy production in tifications and programs that support
order to locate clean energy generation them, to evolve in support of a decar-
in places where it will have the most bonized future for everyone.

From Rebels to Partners

For a long time, caring about carbon has
meant counteracting the impacts of the
grid. Energy-efficient buildings kept the
grid from adding more power plants.
Grid-tied buildings with solar photovol-
taics cleaned the grid mix. And the com-
bination gave rise to the net-zero-energy

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 14

BuildingGreen Spotlight Report

Continuing Education
To receive continuing education credits, take this quiz
online at

1 AIA HSW and 1 GBCI credits

Course Instructors: Candace Pearson and Nadav Malin

Course Level: Advanced

Instructions Learning Objectives

If you purchased this report, or if you are Upon completion of this course, partici-
a BuildingGreen Premium member, you pants will be able to:
can get continuing education credits by ®

1. Describe why focusing on carbon in-

successfully completing this quiz on our
stead of on energy at the building scale
is a better choice for the environment.
For BuildingGreen to automatically report 2. Name eight reasons why net-zero-
your CEUs, you will need to add your energy buildings are not necessarily
AIA identification info to your profile, at environmentally responsible, and iden- tify solutions for each of the eight

Description 3. Understand the GridOptimal program

and how it contributes to better envi-
Net zero-energy (NZE) projects are a big ronmental outcomes.
step in the right direction, but we must
start designing and operating them dif- 4. Define “demand response” and “de-
ferently to accelerate the transition away mand flexing” and explain how these
strategies can reduce greenhouse gas
from carbon emissions in the building

Below we list eight ways that NZE projects

miss the mark on climate goals, including
how they affect the electricity grid, trans-
portation, embodied carbon, and resil-
ience, and how we can course-correct to
achieve our goals.

Net-Zero Energy Isn't the Real Goal: 8 Reasons Why 15


1. T he U.S. Department of Energy has an- 6. H

 aving the ability to actively flex loads on demand
nounced a goal of ____ the energy efficien- would enable an all-electric office building in New
cy and demand flexibility of the building York City to reduce emissions up to _______%.
sector by 2030 relative to 2020 levels.  a. 5%
 a. Doubling  b. 10%
 b. Tripling  c. 20%
 c. Quadrupling  d. 100%
 d. Maintaining  e. None of the above

2. _ ______ and _______ power plants can’t 7. Hot water and ice can both be used for _______.
be ramped up or down quickly enough
 a. Energy efficiency
to compensate for a sudden loss of solar
energy or sudden increase in demand.  b. Smart thermostats
 c. Thermal storage
 a. Nuclear; hydro
 d. All of the above
 b. Coal; geothermal
 c. Nuclear; coal
8. Which one is the most beneficial for carbon
 d. Coal; hydro savings but doesn’t have direct financial
benefits for owners?:
3. A
 nnual _______ is the wrong performance  a. Reducing demand charges
metric if we want to reduce carbon emis-  b. Responding to time-of-use rates
sions from a building’s electricity use.
 c. Participating in an aggregator program
 a. Net-zero carbon  d. Performing carbon arbitrage
 b. Time of use
 c. Energy use intensity 9. E lectric vehicles are a promising solution for
 d. None of the above which one of the following problems?
 a. Expensive electrification
4. G
 ridOptimal uses which metrics to match a  b. Lack of resilience to power outages
building’s energy-use patterns with the grid’s
 c. Inability to flex loads in real time
expected ability to deliver low-carbon energy?
 d. Not serving the collective
 a. Grid carbon alignment
 b. Grid peak contribution 10. W
 hat is the biggest reason that net-zero
 c. Grid energy use intensity energy is no longer the real goal for buildings?
 d. a&b  a. Passive design is more important
 e. a&c  b. The grid is getting cleaner
 f. All of the above  c. Energy use intensity is a better metric
 d. Embodied carbon is relatively unimportant
5. I n LEED v4.1, the Demand Response cred-
it from v4 was renamed _______:
 a. Grid Harmonization
 b. GridOptimal
 c. Demand Flexibility
 d. Load Management


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