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【Year 5】 •BI Comprehension 2023 Week 7

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�ead the timetable below and answer the questions that follow. Read the story and answer the questions that follow.
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Qhalif's Timetable A long time ago, the zebras were said to be all white. They were so beautiful
6:30 a.m: Had breakfast - Mum cooked nasi lemak that people would always try to catch and tame them. However, it was very difficult
to catch one.
7:00 a.m. · s at the workshop
Went to school by bus - Dad's car wa One day, a young zebra went for a walk near a village. The vi.llcigers saw the
2:00 p.m.
Came back home
Had lunch with Mum and Aleeya
young zebra and wanted to catch it. They immediately chased it.
The zebra got scared. In its attempt to get away, it-knocked over a pot of
black paint. The paint got splattered over some long grass, turning them black.
2:30 p.m. Took a nap The zebra tripped and fell on the grass. When it got up, it saw that the blackened
3:25p.m. Arrived at the violin class with a few minutes to spare - Practised grass had left black stripes all over its body.
last week's lesson When the villagers saw that the zebrci had black stripes on its body, they
4:45p.m. Played football with friends thought that it had turned ugly. They no longer wanted to catch it. The· zebra was
so happy. It galloped back to its herd and told them what had happened. All the
7:00 p.m. Had dinner zebras then painted black stripes over their white bodies. After some time, - their . i
I 8:00 p.m. young were even born white with black stripes!
Did homework and revision
10:00 p.m. Went to bed
Tick(✓) the correct answer.
I. Why did people try to catch the white zebras? It was because ____

Write 'True' or 'False'. ----
1. Qhalif went to school by bus because his father's car broke down. (:::::====:::::) they wanted to sell them I they wanted to tame them ·

2. Qholif was at home between 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

(-___) 2. What happened to the black paint in the pot? It was ---�
Wriie your answer in the space provided.
3. What do you understand by the phrase 'a few minutes to spare'?
a situation in which you have a small but sufficient amount
[ washed away
I spilt over the grass
Write your answer in the space provided.
of time to do something 3. What happened when the young zebra tried to run away?
The zebra knoked over pot of black paint, the paint got splattered over some
4. Where did Qhalif go after the violin class? long grass, thezebra tripped and the blackended grass had left black stripes all
He went to play football with friends over its body -
4. What did the villagers think when they saw the black stripes on the zebr�'s body? ·
The villagers thought that the zebra had turned ugly.

5. Do you thiryk Qhalif is an _active boy? Why? ewm§J Evcluation 5. Do you think the zebra is a beautiful animal? Why? � Eval�atiolT
He is an active boy because he has a lot of hobbies such as playing violin and Yes, becase ther black and white stripes are distincly patterned.
playing football. .J

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