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EqqRqrtq ergaa enftr

Univerity Gronls (ommission

(frEn {xrdq, qna rrcn)
(Minislry of tdutolion, C,ovt. ol lndio)
flr-ie{rr l{5ffi4 q-siE qqi
{6grcn6 qI6{ qr{, i{ ffi-rroooz
fr. rwfter +{ Bohodur Shoh Zolor llorg, New 0elhi-l l0$2
{F€ Ph., 0l I -2323628823239337
tor 0l l-2323 8858
Prof. Rajnish Jain [-moil :

F. No.3-5/2o22(DEB-Ill) Argart,2o22
u / ?0?7
Equivaleace of desree obtalned through ODL and Oaliae mode with deqree
obtained through conventlonal aode

The Regulation 22 of t}:,e University Grants Commission (Open and Distance

t earning Programmes and Online Programrnes) Regulations, 2O2O stipulates as

"Equlvalenceof quallflcatloa acqulred through Conventioaal or Oper aad

Dlstance Learaing and Oallae modes.- Degrees at undergraduate and
postgraduate level in conformity with UGC notification on Specifrcation of Degrees,
2014 and, post graduate diplomas awarded through Open and Distance trarning
mode ald/or Online mode by Higher Educational Institutions, recognised by tJre
Commission under these regulations, shall be treated as equivalent to tlre
corresponding awards of the Degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate level and
post graduate diplomas olfered through conventional mode."

This is for information of the general public, students and other


(Raj n1 Jain)

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