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Calculation Sheet Title : - Rev.

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17. Barrier Design

17.1 Vehicle Collision from Inside Direction
Barrier is designed to resist impact from vehicle collision as follow :

450 4100 450

Wx W = 22.00 kips (impact load AASHTO Table

450 1200

G 97.86 kN

G = 1.20 m : load height

f = 15.0 : crash angle

Wx = P . cos f = 94.53 kN

Figure 48. Impact on Barrier Mx = Wx . G = 113.43 kN

17.1.1 Moment and Shear Ultimate

Moment ultimate :
MULT = 113.43 x 1.50 = 170.15 kNm
Shear ultimate :
VULT = 94.53 x 1.50 = 141.79 kN

17.1.2 Reinforcement Calculation

Figure 49. Stress - strain and forces diagram

Data :
Concrete Grade f`c = 35 MPa
Section Width bw = 1000 mm
Section Depth h = 450 mm
Cover cov = 75 mm
Tension Bar Diameter D = 19 mm d'
As '
Comp Bar Diameter D' = 16 mm
Shear Rebar dia = 13 mm
Tension Bar Yield fy = 420 MPa
Comp Bar Yield f y' = 420 MPa d"
Shear Rebar Yield f yv = 420 MPa
Mod. of Elasticity Es = 200000 MPa

Eff. Depth of Section d = 450 - 98 = 352 mm

d' = (As' to comp fiber) = 96 mm
d" = (As to tension fiber) = 98 mm

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