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When you discover the latent abilities that lie within your When you embrace the fate of carrying an intelligent
mind, the next time you level up you may choose this weapon, the next time you level up you may choose to
move: gain this move:


When you project your mind from your body choose two You are bonded to your weapon. Write a new bond with
to describe your mind’s form (it’s always insubstantial): your weapon. From now on, when you write new bonds,
you may write them with your weapon instead of a player
It’s invisible
character. Your weapon cannot leave your possession. Your
It moves quickly
weapon will make its desires known to you in a manner
Its senses are not clouded
befitting its construction and purpose. When you
Your mental form can roam the physical world for as long accomplish something your weapon desires, it bestows
as you like. While it does your body lies comatose. While in boons on you—choose as many different boons as you
your mental form you have no access to your body’s have bonds with your weapon:
The weapon restores your health: heal 3d6 HP
The weapon grants you knowledge, the GM will
If you have expanded consciousness, these count as
describe it
class moves for you; you can choose from them when
The weapon bestows insight, mark XP
you level up:
The weapon does not intrude on you, for a time
If your weapon resists your actions, take -bonds with that
TALISMAN weapon to any rolls made for that action.
Choose an item of importance to you. From now on you
can hear the thoughts of whomever holds that item.
If you have the move whosoever holdeth, these count
as class moves for you; you can choose from them
SLEEP WALK WITH ME when you level up:
When your mental form passes through the body of a
sleeping person you may choose to inhabit their body.
Your control is limited as if they were sleepwalking:
Add your bonds with your weapon to any damage you
movement, maybe even simple conversations at most. The
deal with your weapon.
eyes of the body you inhabit never open; if they do open
you are immediately expelled.
When you roll a 12+ while wielding your weapon you gain
THOUGHTS BEYOND some insight into the origin, history, or purpose of your
While you unleash your expanded consciousness, you can
weapon. The GM will describe it.
choose 1 of these:
You hear nearby thoughts instead of sounds.
You can move small physical objects that have recently
When you use your weapon (including its history and
been touched by someone.
reputation) for leverage, you can parley with +bonds with
You can communicate with the minds of people you are
your weapon instead of +Cha.


When you would take your last breath while wielding your
When you touch a willing or sleeping subject your senses
weapon you instead have a choice: give up your weapon
are tuned to their thoughts. The GM will give you an
and take your last breath, or take a permanent debility of
impression of what’s going on inside their head.
the weapon’s choice as it returns you to life.
When you are engulfed by a slime, ooze, or pudding, and When you drink the still-warm heart-blood of a dragon the
some of it stays with you, the next time you level up you next time you level up you may choose this move:
may choose this move:
AMBEOID OVERLORD You gain a new stat called Blood, which starts at +1. When
A piece of the thing that engulfed you is now yours to you call on your dragon blood for strength you take
command. Treat it as your character: you say what it does +Blood forward to Str rolls. Then roll 1d4, if the result is
and it triggers basic moves as a character would. Slime, less than or equal to your Blood you must give in to
ooze, or pudding characters have +1 STR, +0 DEX, +2 Con, dragon nature: greed, wrath, or disdain. When you drink
and no Int, Wis, or CHA (they cannot make moves with the still burning heart-blood of a dragon your Blood
those stats). They have d4 damage and 4 HP but if they increases by 1.
reach 0 HP they splatter and become inert instead of dying
—scoop it together again and it’ll be fine. They do not gain If you are dovahkiin, these count as class moves for
XP. you; you can choose from them when you level up:

If you have ambeoid overlord these count as class

moves for you; you can choose from them when you
When you unleash the fire in your belly you breath fire:
level up:
deal your damage to all creatures in the path of the flames
and to yourself. Then roll 1d4, if the result is less than or
SCUZZY METAMORPHOSIS equal to your Blood you must give in to dragon nature:
You can turn yourself into an ooze. While in ooze form you greed, wrath, or disdain.
can squeeze and slide like an ooze (fitting through any
space a mouse could) and you gain +1 armor, but you take
-1 ongoing to Int, Wis, and Cha.
You speak the language of dragons. Any creature of this
world will understand what you say, and you can
SLIME RECRUITER understand them.
You can keep a piece of any slime, ooze, or pudding you
defeat and use it as your minion. It becomes your
character, as described in ambeoid overlord. You can
The sick debility no longer applies to you. If something
command at most 2+Cha slime minions. If your Cha
would cause you to become sick you get the debility, but it
changes such that you can’t control some of your minions
gives you no penalty.
you choose which to lose control of—they act as slimes
would, though you may still be able to convince them to
do as you say. FURY
When you call on your dragon blood for strength your next
attack also becomes messy, forceful, and +1 piercing.
When you spend time in communion with your slime
minions you may adapt their stats. For each slime minion, FIERY VEINS
choose one of Str, Dex, or Con to be +2, the others are +1. Heat and flame can no longer harm you (though they can
Your slime minions never have Int, Wis, or Cha scores. still burn or melt your possessions).


You can create slime copies of yourself. Each copy reduces When you parley using greed, wrath, or disdain, take
your Int, Wis, and Cha by -1. Your copies are your +Blood to the roll.
characters: you get to say what they do and they use your
stats, but they cannot use any moves based on Int, Wis, or
Cha. You can only create more copies so long as one of
your Int, Wis, or Cha is +1 or greater.
You touched the mind of god. That cloak of phasing tickled When you are granted a hold by your betters, you may
that rift of chaos just right, and in that moment before you choose this move when you level up:
rematerialized a slice of the foundation of reality was
captured within you. The next time you level up you can
choose to take this move:
You own a stronghold. Give it a name! Add it to the world
map as a keep steading with these tags: Poor, Steady,
BIND Guard, Oath (protection for nearby lands). Choose 2
When you call upon the fundamental force within yourself benefits:
while touching two objects no heavier than yourself, Taxation: Your stronghold provides income, roughly
roll+Con. ✴On a 10+ choose 3. ✴On a 7-9 choose 2. one coin per family within its domain per year.
The objects are attracted to each other like Newton’s Fortified: Your stronghold is nearly impregnable, its
apple to the ground walls and siege defenses are strong.
The bond lasts until you choose to break it Garrisoned: Your stronghold is Garrison instead of
You are able to weaken the bond without breaking it Guard.
There are no adverse side effects Prestigious: Your stronghold is well-known and
therefore you are too. Add Personage (you).
If you took bind, these count as class moves for you; Skilled: Your stronghold has people with exceptional
you can choose from them when you level up: skills, such as blacksmithing or magic. Add Craft.
The GM will also give you one complication:
BINDING FIELD Infested: There are monsters about
You can bind any two objects you can see, not just those Unrest: The people are unhappy with the stronghold
you touch. Disputed: Someone else has a claim to your stronghold
Magnetism pulses from your flesh stirring loose the charge If you are landed, these count as class moves for you;
that lives in all metal. When you stir the charge within a you can choose from them when you level up:
weapon you hold it does +1d4 damage ongoing. Until you
dismiss this effect you take -1 to bind. DIPLOMAT
When you send a letter requesting a person’s presence in
REPEL your stronghold, roll+Cha. On a 10+ they agree to visit
When you bind two objects you can choose to have them with the expectation of hospitality. On a 7–9 they name
repel each other instead of attracting each other. The force some terms, you must meet them or they refuse.
is the same.
DUE NORTH When you recruit from your stronghold or the lands it
You always know where you are with respect to the protects you cannot get a 6-, treat that as a 7–9.
northernmost point of the world.
SUBTLE SENSE When you hold court and hear the problems of the people
When you discern realities you can also choose to ask the GM will tell you of at least one opportunity within you
“what nearby is metal?” stronghold or the areas surrounding it.


You can volley with any object up to 2 weight by repelling No matter where you are, you always know either a long
it from youself. Objects launched this way are far range and safe way or a shorter and more dangerous road home
only. When volleying this way use Con instead of Dex. to your stronghold. Your choice.


When you either successfully deal with a problem in your
realm set forth by the GM or successfully pursue an
opportunity you heard while holding court, change any
one tag for your stronghold.
When you return from the wraith lands the next time you When you reach the lowest level of at least two different
level up you can embrace your experience and choose this dungeons, this compendium class becomes available.
FROM THE FORBIDDEN LAND RETURNED When you use your senses to assess a subterranean area,
You bear a mark of your time in the wraith lands. Choose a ask the GM 2 questions from the list below.
part of your body that takes on the visible aspects of death Which way lies the nearest danger?
while remaining fully functional: Which way lies the nearest treasure?
Eye: When you touch a corpse you see what it saw in Which way leads to the nearest exit?
its last moments. The GM will describe it. Which way will take me deeper?
Tongue: You may lace any spell, prayer, or oath with What lies hidden here?
a link to the forbidden land. Its effects on the dying
or dead will be amplified, as described by the GM. After you have chosen “Sniff the Air”, these count as
Arm: Any weapon you grasp flows into the other class moves for you; you can choose from them when
world. It gains +2 piercing against living creatures. you level up:
Legs: Your passing leaves no mark or scent as a living
person would. PACK SMART
Dead spirits see your mark and know you as their own. Any When you use the last of your adventuring gear, you get 2
dead spirit that still clings to the mortal plane will speak uses instead of 1, but you have to say what they both are,
with you, sharing openly. The living, especially the devout, right now.
see your mark as a sign of sin. You take -1 ongoing to Cha
rolls with the devout who see your mark.
When you find yourself in utter darkness underground, roll
If you are from the forbidden land returned, these
+WIS: 10+ Hold 3. 7-9 Hold 2. 6- Hold 1, mark XP, and the
count as class moves for you; you can choose from
GM makes a move.
them when you level up:
As long as this darkness persists, you may spend your hold,
1-for-1, to do the following:
FINAL TETHER Know exactly where any one thing is in the near vicinity
When you speak to a dead spirit you take +1 forward with
Make any one move, without suffering consequences
all who knew that spirit in life.
due to the darkness
Remain still and undetectable by mundane means until
INDELIBLE you move or make noise
The mark of the wraith lands grows such that it may not
be concealed, describe it. The dead will seek you out,
giving you what aid they can. The undead will not harm
When you seek edible fungus and lichens underground,
you. The devout will treat you as a heretic.
you may Forage. Whether or not anyone else wants to eat
what you find is another matter.
When another player character meets death you may
immediately resolve a bond you have with them, marking
When you clean and dress a fresh monster carcass for
XP and writing a new bond (maybe “___ knows something
consumption, roll its damage and gain that many specious
about death I do not, they will tell me”) as usual.
rations. When you or anyone else eats a specious ration,
the eater rolls +CON:
BRANDED 10+ Not good... but not awful. Counts as 1 normal ration
Choose another body part for from the forbidden land consumed. 7-9 It counts as a ration, but choose 1 from the
returned. list below. 6- Mark XP, and the GM makes a move.
You become sick and acquire a monstrous characteristic
until you recover (the GM will tell you what).
1D6 of your remaining specious rations have spoiled.
Nobody wants to be near you until the next time you
Make Camp, and your followers suffer -1 Loyalty.
When you enlist the support of a powerful patron to When you live for a week off only rations you have hunted NOTES
reward your forays into the unknown, this compendium yourself, this compendium class becomes available.
class becomes available.
PATRON LOG YOUR FINDINGS When you encounter tracks or spoor and take time to
You have the support of a powerful individual or group, You have a logbook or other external and portable examine the scene, the GM will describe the sign, and tell
who will reward you for the delivery of certain things repository of information that is always with you. Say what you how long ago it was made. Then, you may ask the GM
gathered from foreign climes. Choose 1 patron, and the it is. When you encounter a new and notable Danger or 2 questions about it, as long as the GM agrees the
thing they want: Discovery, write it down (a brief note will do). This counts questions are reasonable.
as an entry in your log. When you share your findings with
Church: evidence of church’s history, divine presence
the inhabitants of a steading, choose an entry you want to After you have chosen “Track”, these count as class
or opposing deity
share, and roll +CHA: moves for you; you can choose from them when you
Guild: location and proof of materials useful to the
10+ Choose 2 from the list below. 7-9 Choose 1 from the level up:
list below. 6- Mark XP, and GM makes a move.
Historian: evidence of historic events
Jeweler: gemstones Someone here can tell you more about it—ask the GM STALK
Magnate: evidence of natural resources and their who, and what they know When you follow a trail left by a creature in order to locate
location Someone here is interested in this information—ask the it, that creature becomes your quarry. Take +1 to any move
Wizard: magical items, or evidence and locations of GM who, and what they’ll offer for it in trade made while pursuing, hiding from, subduing, or attacking
magical places Someone here will respond strongly to this finding—ask your quarry. You may only have one quarry at a time.
the GM who, and whether they’ll be impressed,
Your patron will provide you with supplies for any
frightened, or otherwise affected
expedition you undertake on their behalf, within reason.
Mark XP
When you deliver the desired news or goods to your When you Volley at a target that is neither alert nor aware
patron, you are compensated. Negotiate your of your presence, and roll a 10+, deal your damage +1d6.
compensation with the GM, based on the nature of your NOTES
If you have a patron, these count as class moves for When you take the time to reduce a freshly slain creature
you; you can choose from them when you level up: to its constituent parts as efficiently as possible, roll +INT:
10+ All 3 from the list below apply. 7-9 Choose 2 from the
list below. 6- Mark XP, and choose 1 from the list below.
PLANT YOUR FLAG You extract the maximum number of edible rations
When you claim a place in your own name or that of your
from the carcass.
patron, plant a flag or standard, and mark the place on
You preserve everything of potential value (hide, musk
your map. Whenever you lead an expedition to that place,
glands, etc.)
you find it unerringly, and you take +1 ongoing to Hack
You gain some insight into the creature’s history or
and Slash or Defend as long as you are in sight of your
behavior (ask the GM what)
flag. These effects apply only to the last place you planted
your flag.
When you take the time to establish a shelter in the wild,
THRILL OF DISCOVERY say what it looks like, how it takes advantage of the local
When you come upon a previously undocumented and
landscape, and roll +WIS:
notable Discovery, choose 1:
10+ All 3 tags below apply. 7-9 Choose 2 tags from the list
The excitement of the moment grants you +1 forward below. 6- Mark XP, and choose 1 tag from the list below.
Mark XP at the end of the session (max. once per
Ambuscade: your shelter cannot be found by anyone
who doesn’t know to look for it
Vantage Point: when anyone Stays Sharp in your shelter,
they always succeed as if they rolled a 10+
Sanctuary: when anyone Makes Camp in your shelter,
they take +1
You may have only one active shelter per region; as soon
as you establish a new shelter in a given region, any
previous shelter of yours in that region is abandoned.
When you return to civilization from any journey on which When you have Scouted Ahead on at least three forays
you had at least two followers, none of them abandoned into the wild and back, this compendium class becomes
you, and all of them survived, this compendium class available.
becomes available.
GIVE ORDERS This move may be taken multiple times. Each time you take
When you command a friend or follower to take a this move, choose 1 region in which you have spent at
particular course of action in the face of danger, roll +CHA: least a week traveling. This region is considered familiar to
10+ They take +1 ongoing as long as they’re acting on you. When you Spout Lore about a familiar region, roll
your orders. 7-9 They take +1 forward to execute your +WIS instead of +INT.
orders. 6- Mark XP, and GM makes a move.
After you have chosen “Know the Land”, these count as
Once you have taken “Give Orders”, these count as class moves for you; you can choose from them when
class moves for you; you can choose from them when you level up:
you level up:
INSPIRE When you survey the territory ahead from a good vantage
When you give an encouraging speech to your allies point, roll +WIS:
before facing a known threat, stand up, say your piece, and 10+ The GM must answer all 3 questions from the list
roll +CHA: below. 7-9 Ask the GM 2 questions from the list below. 6-
10+ Hold 3. 7-9 Hold 2. 6- Mark XP, and hold 1. Mark XP, and ask 1 question.
While your allies face the threat, you may spend your hold, What danger lies ahead?
1-for-1, to grant a friend or follower one of these tags: What is the safest route across this territory?
Fearless: they stand fast and remain stable when they Where ahead will I find refuge?
would otherwise hesitate, falter, or flee In any case, take +1 forward to the next time you act on
Invincible: they ignore all damage from a single damage any answer.
roll that would otherwise reduce them to 0 HP
Vengeful: they take +1 ongoing against the threat, as
soon as you are incapacitated by it (maximum of +1 BE THE LAND
ongoing per character) When you conceal yourself in a familiar region, say how
you do it and roll +DEX:
You may spend hold for this move even after you’re
10+ You become nigh invisible, and difficult to locate even
incapacitated or have passed through Death’s Black Gates.
with senses other than sight, as long as you do not attract
attention to yourself. 7-9 As above, but you must remain
IMPRESS THE LOCALS still to go unnoticed. 6- Mark XP, and GM makes a move.
When you Recruit, roll +CHA instead of +nothing.
BRING ‘EM BACK ALIVE When you are subject to an imminent but unseen threat,
When you return to civilization after a dangerous the GM must tell you; then, roll +WIS:
expedition, and everyone who left with you survives intact, 10+ The GM tells you which way it’s coming from, and you
each of your followers gains 1 Loyalty (maximum of +3), can do two things before the threat manifests. 7-9 As
your reputation in the area improves, and you gain 1 XP. above, but you only get to do one thing. 6- Mark XP, and
the GM makes a move.
When you ensure the last rites of a fallen comrade are
conducted in a manner befitting their station and
accomplishments, say some kind words about them and
roll +CHA:
10+ Each follower present gains 1 Loyalty (maximum of
+3) 7-9 One follower of the GM’s choice gains 1 Loyalty
(maximum of +3) 6- Mark XP, and the GM makes a move.
Once you have trained for a year at the feet of a master When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose Once you have fully explored a legendary cave, this When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose
bard and passed the examination by proving your from these moves: compendium class becomes available. from these moves:
knowledge, this compendium class becomes available.
Replaces: Bamboozle When you defy danger to get through a difficult or When you use the natural formations of a cave to your
BARDIC LORE When you parley with someone, on a hit, you also take +1 dangerous passageway, on a hit, you may bring one of advantage, take +1 to defend and defy danger.
Choose an area of expertise: forward with them and get to ask their player one question your companions through with you safely. Whatever you
which they must answer truthfully. roll, you may sacrifice a piece of your gear to ignore a
A Bestiary of Creatures Unusual.
consequence—whichever piece is most readily at hand or
The Dead and Undead. Requires: Tremors
makes the most sense. If this is adventuring gear that is still
Gods and their Servants. AN EAR FOR MAGIC undefined, say what it is now.
When you ask a cave about someone or something else
Grand Histories of the Known World. When you hear an enemy cast a spell, the GM will tell you inside it, roll+INT. On a 10+, the cave tells where it is, what
Legends of Heroes Past. the name of the spell and its effects. Take +1 forward when it’s doing, and answers any one question you ask about it.
After you have chosen “Dungeon Crawl”, these count
The Planar Spheres. acting on the answers. On a 7-9, the cave tells you either where it is or what it’s
as class moves for you; you can choose from them
Spells and Magicks. doing.
when you level up:
When you first encounter an important creature, location, REPUTATION
or item (your call) covered by your bardic lore, you can ask When you first meet someone who’s heard of you, BUG EATER STRANGE MEDICINE
the GM any one question about it; the GM will answer roll+CHA. On a 10+, tell the GM two things they’ve heard Requires: Bug Eater
truthfully. The GM may then ask you what legend, song, or When you make camp in a cave, or undertake a perilous
about you. On a 7-9, tell the GM one thing they’ve heard, When you have time to gather supplies in a natural cave,
tale you heard that information in. journey through a cave, you do not need to consume any
and the GM tells you one thing. you can prepare a poultice that will heal one debility next
rations. If you act as quartermaster underground, you
time you make camp.
automatically succeed as if you had rolled a 10+, and you
A PORT IN THE STORM UNFORGETTABLE FACE may take on a second job as well.
When you return to a civilized settlement you’ve visited When you meet someone you’ve met before (your call)
before, tell the GM when you were last here. They’ll tell you after some time apart, you take +1 forward against them.
how it’s changed since then. LYNX-EYED, LIKE BURNING COALS
Your eyes cut through the night and you need bring NOTES
Once you have become a Bard, these count as class NOTES neither lamp nor torch to see in even the most Stygian
moves for you; you can choose from them when you darkness.
level up:
BAMBOOZLE You have perfect recall of the places you have explored.
When you parley with someone, on a hit, you also take +1 You can always find your way back to an underground
forward with them. location you have been to, without considering it a perilous
journey. If anything has changed since your last visit, you
spot it right away.
Choose a second area of expertise from the bardic lore list.
With time and room to use your rope, you can safely
FOUNT OF KNOWLEDGE traverse a dangerous environment (don’t roll) and take
When you spout lore about something no one else has any others with you, provided they follow your instructions.
clue about, take +1. You can also use your rope as a weapon (reach, near,
forceful) that does stun damage.
When you successfully aid someone, you take +1 forward TREMORS
as well. You can feel vibrations echoing through the earth. You can
never be ambushed or surprised underground, even in the
dark. When an enemy, trap, or accident would get the drop
on you, you get to act first unless they never touch the
Once you have successfully built a machine, this When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose Once you have done something so blusteringly idiotic that When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose
compendium class becomes available. from these moves: everyone around you is stunned speechless in amazement, from these moves:
this compendium class becomes available.
When you build a machine, the GM will name one When you prepare materials in order to demolish or LUCKY CHARM When you make camp, reset your Luck to 4 instead of 3.
requirement for each function the machine will perform: destroy a location, the GM will choose one or two You have a blessed charm that grants you great Luck, When you take damage, you may lower your Luck by 1 to
requirements: which is an extra stat for you. When you make camp, reset ignore it. Describe the comedic, contrived, or outright
It will take a long time.
your Luck to 3. When you roll and miss, you may lower miraculous circumstances that saved you from harm.
You need help or someone else’s expertise. These materials will have to be applied very carefully.
your Luck by 1 to re-roll. Take the second result, and if it is
You need materials above and beyond what you have These materials will have to be transported very
a hit, explain how you succeeded only through sheer luck.
now. carefully.
When your Luck is zero, you may not lower it further, and
You need to build something else first. You need arcane ingredients to harm this location. You can lower your Luck by 1 to deal 1d10 damage to an
you take -1 ongoing until you gain more.
You need to take something else apart to build it. You need to spend a lot of coin on these ingredients. enemy. Describe how you embarrass, humiliate, or
Once you meet the requirements, roll+INT. On a hit, it Meet the requirements and your compounds will get rid of accidentally clobber them.
After you have chosen “Lucky Charm”, these count as
works like you want it to, as far as the materials it is made this location or change it irrevocably. class moves for you; you can choose from them when
out of can handle, but on a 7-9, there is also a flaw in your you level up:
design. The GM will tell you what. On a miss, it doesn’t
work the way you want it to.
Requires: Mechanical Aptitude CURIOSITY NOTES
You may study machines and mechanisms as if they were When you put yourself at risk to check something out, ask
Once you have taken “Mother of Invention”, these
people. When you do, you may discern realities with INT the GM any one question related to the risks and roll+Luck.
count as class moves for you; you can choose from
instead of WIS. On a 12+, you may ask any three questions On a 10+, the GM will answer it, as clearly as the
them when you level up:
you like, not limited to the list. circumstances allow. On a 7-9, the GM will tell you what
more you need to do to find the answer yourself.
When you search or survey a location, roll+INT. On a 10+,
you may ask the GM three questions from the list below.
When you make alterations to an existing structure, natural A FOOL AND THEIR MONEY
or built, roll+INT. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose When you pay too much for something, the GM will tell
On a 7-9, ask two. On a miss, ask one anyway, but you may
one: you something useful and interesting about the item you
not like the answer much. Take +1 forward when you act
on the answers. Your work contains hidden elements. bought, and you take +1 forward when using it—even
Your work is artfully done, exquisite, or extravagantly though you were swindled.
How could this place be ruined?
Is there a way out, past, or through?
What here could cause someone harm?
Your work is durable and will last. LUCKY FOR YOU!
Who else has been here and what were they doing? If you have spent either a great deal of coin or an When you take damage that was intended for someone
unreasonable amount of time, you can choose one extra else, you get +1 Luck. You may not spend Luck to negate
option. this damage.
You may study machines and mechanisms as if they were
people. When you do, you may discern realities with INT NOTES THE MOUTHS OF BABES
instead of WIS. If you blurt out whatever comes into your head when you
spout lore, take +1 to your roll.

When you discern realities underground, the GM will also
tell you about any natural hazards nearby, such as
flooding, gas, or the risk of a cave in.
Once you save a person’s life, with no thought to the When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose Once you take possession of a vast estate and acquire the When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose
consequences or of profit, this compendium class becomes from these moves: staff to run it, this compendium class becomes available. from these moves:
CHARMING AND OPEN Requires: Mechanical Aptitude You are the master of wealthy estates, either tracks of land, Replaces: A Long and Storied History
When you speak frankly with someone, you can ask their When you give a receptive NPC heartfelt advice about mercantile operations, or governmental offices. When you When you spout lore about your house and its lands, take
player a question from the list below. They must answer it what they should do, roll+WIS. On a 12+, they do exactly request an expensive item from your estates, as long as it +1. On a 12+, the GM will ask you one question about the
truthfully, then they may ask you a question from the list what you tell them to do. On a 10-11, they follow your is not unique, roll+WIS. On a 10+, your estates supply you topic. Whatever you answer, it is the truth.
(which you must answer truthfully): advice in whatever way they think is most beneficial for with your heart’s desire. On a 7-9, you are supplied with
them. On a 7-9, they only follow your advice if you back the item, but your estates are exhausted until you put them
How can I get you to __________?
them up and help them do it. back in order, by doing any one of the following: MORTGAGES
What are you feeling right now? When you leverage your estates to purchase something
What do you most desire? Close out an old, presumably-problematic account. ridiculously expensive (an army, ship, or castle, say), take -1
What do you wish I’d do? TOUGH LOVE Set up a new profitable venture. forward to dominion and roll+WIS. On a 10+, it is yours.
Whom do you serve? When you tell another PC that they did something wrong, Spend time in your offices reorganizing your accounts. On a 7-9, it is mostly yours but there are strings attached
they take +1 forward to fixing it. Take a tour of your estates, correcting any errors you and your estates are exhausted.
Once you have taken “Charming and Open”, these encounter.
count as class moves for you; you can choose from
them when you level up:
VERY HELPFUL Once you put your estates back in order, you can once THIS IS MY DOMAIN
Replaces: Helpful again use this move. On a miss, your estates are in disarray.
Replaces: Cultured Host
When you aid another PC, you don’t roll. They take +1 to
ASK ME ANYTHING their roll and if you would share in the consequences of After you have chosen “Dominion”, these count as class When you provide hospitality to someone, take +1
moves for you; you can choose from them when you ongoing to discern realities about them or parley with
When another PC comes to you for advice about a difficult their actions, you always get a chance to defend yourself
level up: them while they stay with you, and take +1 forward against
problem, if you tell them what you really think they should first.
them when they leave.
do, they take +1 forward if they follow your advice, and
you mark XP if they succeed.
When you provide hospitality to someone, take +1 forward NOTES
HELPFUL to discern realities about them or parley with them.
When you aid another PC, treat a miss as a 7-9 result. They
always take +1 to their roll. A LONG AND STORIED HISTORY
When you spout lore about your house and its lands, take
When you successfully aid someone, you take +1 forward
When you return to your estates after an absence,
SHOW ME THE WAY roll+WIS. On a hit, your estates have produced surplus
When you give a receptive NPC heartfelt advice about income for you. On a 10+, take 2 income. On a 7-9, take 1
what they should do, roll+WIS. On a 10+, they follow your income. You can spend your income this session to put
advice in whatever way they think is most beneficial for your estates back in order or purchase a moderately
them. On a 7-9, they only follow your advice if you back expensive item, like a house, from someone else.
them up and help them do it.
Once you attract a permanent entourage, either by hiring Once you have your Entourage, these count as class Once you acquire a stable supply of goods and a customer
retainers or becoming famous and admired, this moves for you; you can choose from them when you base you can sell them to, this compendium class becomes
When you consult your contacts before undertaking a
compendium class becomes available. Take two moves: level up: available.
journey to another settlement, the GM will tell you about a
person there who can help you.
You can surround yourself with up to a dozen or so When you are accompanied by your entourage, you get You have two or three business ventures:
minions who will back you up, follow your orders, impress +1 armour.
Apothecary or barber shop (medicine / malpractice). When you parley with someone or discern realities
people, and help you conduct your business. Choose what Brothel (influence or secrets / disease or scandal). connected to them, on a hit you can also ask the GM one
type of people compose your entourage: DOGS OF WAR Contracting service (influence / betrayal or scandal). of these question:
Noble Courtiers: Dissent +2, Eloquence +1, Fighting When you attack with your entourage, your base damage Extortion racket (influence / turf war).
What does this person really want from me?
+1, Learning +1. is d8. Grain mill (influence / fire).
What does this person value most?
Obedient Servants: Dissent +0, Eloquence +0, Inn (secrets / scandal).
What is the most valuable thing here?
Fighting +1, Learning +1. Silver mine (silver / flood or strike).
Savvy Clerks: Dissent +1, Eloquence +1, Fighting +0,
PRESTIGIOUS COMPANIONS Smithy (arms and armour / strike or theft).
Your entourage gets another pick from accoutrements and When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose
Learning +2. Trade ships (exotic spices / a ship sinks).
another skill, which can be whatever you want. from these moves:
Seasoned Mercenaries: Dissent +1, Eloquence +1, Transportation service (secrets / lost goods).
Fighting +2, Learning +0. When you set up a new venture, add it to this list, along
Talented Artistes: Dissent +1, Eloquence +2, Fighting When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose
with what it produces and possible disasters it could
from these moves:
+0, Learning +1. When you meet with someone on business, you may ask
experience. If a venture goes under, remove it from your
the GM two questions from the list below:
You can order individuals around like hirelings if you want list. When you have downtime or at the beginning of a
them to do things other than act as part of your entourage. INFLUENCER session, choose up to three of your ventures to tend to and Is there an ambush waiting for me?
If they are obedient servants, take +1 to order them. If they When you parley with someone, on a 12+, not only do roll+CHA. What are they really feeling?
are noble courtiers, take -1 to order them. they do what you want, they change their mind about you On a 10+, each venture you chose produces either its What is my best way out of this?
and become your ally. They will no longer advance the surplus or money for you and you take +1 forward to Who is watching?
Choose your entourage’s accoutrements, as many as their GM’s dangers and will instead support your plans. making requests of your domain. On a 7-9, only one of
dissent or fighting:
your ventures produces surplus or money for you, and one
Books and instruments Metal armour I MUST HAVE IT!
Costumes and props Mounts
A MANY-HEADED BEAST venture experiences disaster, such as bankruptcy, legal
Requires: Eye for Loot
Choose an additional entourage type. You may surround problems, or the disaster listed. On a miss, all the ventures
Finery and riches, Samples of your wares When you use your eye for loot, on a 12+, ask the GM an
yourself with companions from either type of entourage, you chose experience disasters. Ventures you choose not
Many weapons Travelling gear additional question, any question, about the thing you
but for ex officio you can only use the stats of whichever is to tend to do not produce for you and do not suffer
Choose their skills, as many as their eloquence or learning: most numerous. You can switch between the two types by disasters, but may still experience changes. If a venture
dismissing some companions and summoning others. produces money, your take is 1d6×100 coins.
Accounting Music and poetry
Appraisal Politics
After you have chosen “Entrepreneur”, these count as When you parley with someone, on a 12+, not only do
Crime Rhetoric PALACE GUARD class moves for you; you can choose from them when they do what you want, they change their mind about you
Diplomacy Science Replaces: Dogs of War you level up: and become your ally. They will no longer advance the
Hospitality Soldiering When you attack with your entourage, your base damage GM’s dangers and will instead support your plans.
Hunting is d12.
Choose their weaknesses, as many as their dissent:
When you see or come to know about a thing you want, WEALTHY ENTREPRENEUR
Arrogant Greedy VERSATILE COMPANIONS roll+INT. On a 10+, ask the GM three questions about it. When a venture produces money for you, you may take 1
Careless Hedonistic Requires: Prestigious Companions On a 7-9, ask two. On a miss, ask one anyway, but your income instead of cashing out. Spend 1 income to get the
Cowardly Insular Choose a move from another class or specialty. You may desire is betrayed to everyone who cares (and some who 10+ result from your domain without rolling. Any income
Dead inside Obsequious use this move as long as you are accompanied by your don’t): left over at the end of a session is converted into coins as
Feuding Religious heresy entourage. normal. You can spend income from profitable estates in
What happened to it recently?
Gossiping Treacherous the same way.
What is it really worth, all things considered?
NOTES What protects it and keeps it where it is?
EX OFFICIO Who will try to keep it from me? NOTES
When you’re surrounded by your entourage… Who will want it once it is mine?
and you attack the same target, add both their dissent
and their fighting to your damage. I KNOW PEOPLE WHO KNOW PEOPLE
and you defend the same target, add their fighting to When you put the word out that you need someone with
your roll. certain skills or experience, roll+CHA. On a 10+, you find
and you parley, add their eloquence to your roll. someone suitable or a hireling with +2 skill points. On a
and you spout lore, add their learning to your roll. 7-9, you find someone with similar experience or a hireling
and someone interferes with you, add your entourage’s with +1 skill points.
dissent to their roll.
Once you find out your ancestry includes people you think When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose Once you have mastered the works of the eight immortals, When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose
are monsters, this compendium class becomes available. from these moves: this compendium class becomes available. from these moves:
Take two moves:
ANCESTRAL HERITAGE Choose another type of creature that has contributed to When another PC comes to you for advice about When you meet someone important (your call), say what
You have a mixed heritage. Decide on your species, your heritage. Gain one of their moves, in addition to your something important and you tell them what you honestly you’ve heard about them and roll+WIS. On a hit, the GM
ethnicity, and cultural heritage, choosing anything or any other heritage moves, and you may change any other think is best, they get +1 forward when following your will tell you more details. On a 10+, the GM’s details will
combination of things that sounds interesting to you. Then heritage moves to moves from this new heritage, if you advice. At theend of a session, if any other PCs benefited complement yours. On a 7-9, the GM’s details may
choose up to three heritage moves to start with, from the wish. from following your advice, you can mark XP. contradict your own information, and how you discover the
monster moves that best match your heritage. How do you truth is your own affair. On a miss, you are wrong about
honour your people and invoke your rights of blood and After you have chosen “Consult Sage”, these count as something important.
tradition? Choose one:
FLEXIBLE TRADITIONS class moves for you; you can choose from them when
Requires: Interpreting Tradition
you level up:
Building things for your people. Choose a third way you can honour your people. EVIDENCE OF FAITH
Charity. When you see divine magic as it happens, you can ask the
Enforcing your peoples’ code of honour. BUDDY MOVIE GM which deity granted the spell and its effects. Take +1
Fighting for your people. MONSTER BLOOD You have a trusty sidekick or partner, who supports you in when acting on the answers.
Obeying your elders. When you roll for blood and tradition, on a hit, you get +1 all that you do. Describe them and give them a name
Sacrifice. hold. (Adam, Monkey King, or Sarah, for example). They count as
a hireling with loyalty +2 and skill points equal to your
Requires: Buddy Movie
BLOOD AND TRADITION NOTES level+1, with your choice of skills, plus one of the following
Give your trusty sidekick or partner a second ability from
At the beginning of a session, or when you invoke your the list.
rights of blood and tradition, roll+WIS. On a 10+, hold 3. When they help you defend, you get +1 hold.
On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, you still hold 1. Spend a hold When they help you defy danger, take +1.
to make a heritage move, just like that. When they help you fight, you deal +1d4 damage.
When you spout lore, on a 12+, you ask the GM a
When they help you parley, take +1.
question, but the GM will also ask you a question about
Once you have gained “Ancestral Heritage” and “Blood They do not have their own HP. When they take damage, the subject. Whatever you answer, it is the truth.
and Tradition”, these count as class moves for you; you lower your own HP. If you die or refuse Death’s bargain,
can choose from them when you level up: your buddy can sacrifice their own life so that you may live.
When you gain a new appreciation for your heritage, add a When you spout lore about something no one else has any
new heritage move or change an existing one. clue about, take +1.


Choose a second way you can honour your people. When you encounter an interesting artifact, construction,
or device (your call), roll+WIS. On a hit, you can ask the GM
PASSING questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask two:
You are able to hide your heritage, and pass as a member How could I make this thing do ________?
of another race, as long as you don’t use your heritage How is it weak or vulnerable?
moves. What’s happened to it recently?
What’s it for?
What’s it made of?
Who made it?
On a miss, it is something beyond your knowledge and

When you see the effects of an arcane spell, ask the GM
the name of the spell and its effects. You take +1 when
acting on the answers.
Once you have a shop and some employees to work in it, When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose Once you have visited seven different lands, and in each When you gain a level from 6-10, you may also choose
this compendium class becomes available. from these moves: land visited seven different settlements, this compendium from these moves:
class becomes available. Start with one of these two:
When you check your shop for something you should When you check your shop for something you really A PORT IN THE STORM You now have both A Port in the Storm and Wide-
have, roll+WIS. On a 10+, it’s in stock. On a 7-9, you’re out, shouldn’t have, roll+WIS. On a 10+, you have it, or When you return to a civilized settlement you’ve visited Wanderer. When you return to a civilized settlement you’ve
but somebody owes you some. On a miss, you had it, but something close, although it might cause problems down before, tell the GM when you were last here. They’ll tell you visited before, you may name both someone you met and
somebody stole it or broke it, or stole it and broke it, the the line. On a 7-9, you can get it, or something close, but it how it’s changed since then. Additionally, at your option, something you left behind.
scumbag. will come with strings attached. On a miss, you have it, name a person you met here or something you left behind.
alright, and a world of problems along with it!
Once you have gained “Inventory”, these count as class
moves for you; you can choose from them when you
WIDE-WANDERER When you first meet someone who’s heard songs about

level up:
HIGH CLASS You’ve travelled the wide world over. When you arrive you, roll+CHA. On a 10+, tell the GM two things they’ve
Your shop deals in higher-end, more expensive goods. At someplace, ask the GM about any important traditions, heard about you. On a 7-9, tell the GM one thing they’ve
the beginning of a session, or when there’s downtime, rituals, and so on, they’ll tell you what you need to know.` heard, and the GM tells you one thing.
BUSTLING STOREFRONT roll+CHA. On a 10+, both. On a 7-9, choose one:
When you have time to advertise your services and tend After you have chosen “A Port in the Storm” and “Wide
your storefront, the GM will tell you who has come to
You gain a useful contact from amongst your
Wanderer”, these count as class moves for you; you can
customers. When you meet someone you’ve met before (your call)
spend money at your store. Other players may tell you that choose from them when you level up:
You make 1d6×100 coins in profit. after some time apart, you take +1 forward against them.
their characters have been customers as well. Say which
ones you gave special treatment and roll+CHA. On a 10+,
they were all satisfied. On a 7-9, one of them wasn’t happy MAKE THIS GO AWAY HOBO SIGNS NOTES
When you discern realities in the wilderness or when you
but the rest were. On a miss, none of them are happy. When you give something to one of your underlings and
enter a settlement for the first time, also ask one of these
tell them to get rid of it, roll+CHA. On a 10+, it’s gone and
only the two of you know it was ever there to begin with.
HIRED HELP On a 7-9, it’s common knowledge in and around the shop, How could I be accepted by the people here?
When you recruit from your shop, you attract twice as but no further. On a miss, the thing pops up again at the How could I best attract attention here?
many prospective recruits. worst possible time. How could I gain access to what is secret here?
What here is a source of evil?
IDLE GOSSIP NOTES Where could I best hide around here?
When you ask your staff or regulars about someone If you discern realities about a location, you may ask one of
important (your call), roll+CHA. On a 10+, you can ask the these questions instead of one from the normal list.
GM three questions from the list below. On a 7-9, only two:
How could I get to them, physically or financially? LOCAL CONTACTS
What’s their deal and how’s it working out? When you arrive at a new settlement, roll+CHA. On a hit,
When should I expect to see them next? you know someone here who can help you. They count as
Who do they associate with? a hireling with points according to the settlement size and
Who or what do they cherish most? will accept friendship as payment. Additionally, on a 10+,
On a miss, ask one anyway, but your questions stir up they will rescue you from danger once while you are here.
trouble. On a miss, instead you bring your enemies with you and
find no friends here.


You know places in the wilderness where secret paths lie
unseen. When you travel by a way that is beyond the
mortal world, roll+WIS. On a 10+, it leads where you want
it to. On a 7-9, you or the GM must choose a difficulty:
Others find the way who did not know it before.
The journey takes much longer than it seemed to.
The way is long and hard. Each person who takes it
must consume a ration or gain the debility Weak.
You encounter some danger upon the road.

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