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Subject: Technology on Livelihood Education

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: Enumerate the guidelines in plating desserts, Appreciate the

importance of the guidelines in plating desserts, and Apply the guidelines in
plating desserts

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) Mathematics - measuring ingredients accurately for desserts

2) Science - understanding the chemical reactions in baking

3) English - writing recipes for desserts

- Across:

1) Home Economics - applying cooking techniques to dessert making

2) Health - understanding the nutritional value of desserts

3) Art - utilizing creative plating techniques for desserts


Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming

Instructional Materials: None

Anecdote 1: Sharing family dessert traditions during special occasions

Anecdote 2: Exploring popular Filipino desserts and their cultural significance

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Plating tools and ingredients

1) Idea: Role-play as professional pastry chefs in a plating competition

2) Idea: Create a dessert plating Pinterest board for inspiration


Activity 1: Plating Techniques Workshop

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Materials: Various desserts, plating tools

Significance: Practice different plating techniques


1) Watch a demonstration on dessert plating techniques

2) Practice plating desserts using the guidelines

3) Present your plated dessert for evaluation by peers


- Neatness and presentation - 15 pts.

- Creativity in plating - 10 pts.

- Adherence to guidelines - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is proper plating important in the food industry?

2) What are some guidelines for plating desserts?

3) How can you improve your plating skills?

Activity 2: Dessert Plating Design Challenge

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Materials: Assorted desserts and ingredients

Significance: Apply creativity and critical thinking in plating


1) Given a mystery dessert, design a plating presentation

2) Justify your plating choices based on guidelines discussed

3) Present your design and explain your concept


- Originality of design - 15 pts.

- Justification of choices - 10 pts.

- Execution of plating - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How can you incorporate the elements of design in dessert plating?

2) Why is it important to consider balance and symmetry in plating?

3) How did your design incorporate the guidelines discussed?

Inclusive Activity 3: Dessert Plating Reflection

Teaching Strategy: Reflection

Materials: None

Significance: Reflect on the importance of plating in dessert presentation


1) Write a reflection on your experience in plating desserts

2) Discuss the impact of proper plating on the overall dining experience

3) Share your insights and learnings from the activity


- Depth of reflection - 15 pts.

- Connection to guidelines - 10 pts.

- Personal learning - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is it important to follow guidelines in plating desserts?

2) How do plating techniques enhance the visual appeal of desserts?

3) What was the most valuable lesson you learned from the plating activity?


Activity 1 - Students will participate in a hands-on plating workshop to practice

various techniques.

Activity 2 - Students will engage in a design challenge to apply their knowledge of

plating guidelines in a creative way.

Activity 3 - Students will reflect on the significance of proper plating in dessert


Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Task 1: Apply the plating guidelines to create a dessert plating design for a special

Task 2: Conduct a taste test survey to gather feedback on the impact of plating on
dessert enjoyment

Supporting Material 1: Article on the psychology of food presentation

Supporting Material 2: Video tutorial on advanced plating techniques


Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Instructional Materials: Rubrics, assessment questions

Question 1: How does proper plating enhance the dining experience?

Question 2: Discuss the role of visual appeal in dessert presentation.

Question 3: How can you apply the plating guidelines to create a memorable
dessert experience?


Question 1: Analyze how cultural influences affect dessert plating styles.

Answer 1: Cultural traditions and aesthetics play a significant role in shaping dessert
presentation, reflecting unique culinary identities.

Question 2: Evaluate the impact of color psychology on dessert plating choices.

Answer 2: Colors can evoke specific emotions and enhance the sensory experience
of desserts, influencing consumer perception.

Question 3: Propose innovative plating techniques to showcase desserts in a

creative way.

Answer 3: Experimenting with unconventional presentation styles can elevate

dessert offerings and attract customer interest.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Use-case 1: Design a dessert plating concept for a themed event, considering visual
appeal and culinary creativity

Use-case 2: Collaborate with local pastry chefs to create a dessert menu that
highlights innovative plating techniques


1) Research and create a visual portfolio of dessert plating designs inspired by

different cultural cuisines.

2) Develop a dessert plating tutorial video showcasing your creative plating skills and

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