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① Reading : 20 8(2 unana

② Vocab + Grammar

Final Preparation English 102
Essential Vocabulary
Unit 3: Connections

- internet access (n.) การเข้าถึงอินเตอร์เน็ต

- current affairs (n.) สถานการณ์ปัจจุบน

- recess (n.) ช่วงพัก

- entertainment (n.) ความบันเทิง

- exploitation (n.) การหาผลประโยชน์ใส่ตวั

- features (n.) สารคดี

- auditory (adj.) เกียวกับการได้ยิน

- national news (n.) ข่าวในประเทศ

- legible (adj.) ทีอ่านออกได้งา่ ย

- politics and society (n.) การเมืองและสังคม

- isolated (adj.) โดดเดียว / ทีแยกตัวออกมา / ห่างไกล

- instant messaging (n.) ระบบส่งข้อความทันที

- rural (adj) เกียวกับชนบน

- search engines (n.) โปรแกรมค้นหา

- viable (adj.) ซึงเป็ นไปได้ / ซึงทําได้

- digital divide (n.) ความเหลื่อมล้ าในสังคมที่เกิดจาก

- grasp (v.) คว้า / ฉวย / เข้าใจ

- connect (v.) เชือมต่อ
- media organizations (n.) องค์กรสือ
- emphasize (v.) เน้นยํา / ตอกยํา
- traditional media (n.) สือแบบเก่า
- stay in touch (v.) ติดต่อกัน
- community journalism (n.) วารสารศาสตร์ชม
ุ ชน

- affordable technology (n.) เทคโนโลยีราคาไม่แพง

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Unit 4: Expert

- expert (n.) ผูเ้ ชี่ยวชาญ - attraction (n.) สิ่ งดึงดูดใจ

- expedition (n.) คณะเดินทาง / ผูเ้ ดินทาง - intense (adj.) ตรึ งเครี ยด / รุ นแรง

- frostbite (n.) บาดแผลจากการถูกความเย็นจัด - aggressive (adj.) ที่กา้ วร้าว

- sledge (n.) ล้อเลื่อนหิ มะ - exhausted (adj.) เหนื่อยล้า

- starvation (n.) ภาวะการขาดอาหาร / ความอดอยาก - battle -weary (adj.) เหนื่อยจากการออกรบ

- experienced (adj.) ที่มีประสบการณ์ - fierce (adj.) ดุร้าย / โหดเหี้ยม

- polite (adj.) สุ ภาพ มีมารยาท - unaccompanied (adj.) ตามลาพัง / คนเดียว

- comfortable (adj.) สบาย / ผ่อนคลาย - appeal (v.) ดึงดูด / ทาให้สนใจ

- formal (adj.) ที่เป็ นทางการ - conscript (n.) ทหารเกณฑ์

- army (n.) กองทัพ / กองทหาร - elite (adj.) (n.) ที่มีอภิสิทธิ์ / กลุ่มคนที่ร่ ารวย

- unarmed (adj.) ไม่ติดอาวุธ

Words Focus: Go
- enemy (n.) ศัตรู / คู่อริ - go into battle (v.) ต่อสู ้

- overcome (v.) รับมือกับ / ควบคุม / เอาชนะ - go well (v.) ราบรื่ น / ไปได้ดี / ประสบความสาเร็ จดี
- predator (n.) ผูล้ ่า - go into decline (v.) เสื่ อมลง / มือตก
- camouflage (v.) การอาพลางตัว - go back in time (v.) ย้อนเวลา

- extinct (adj.) ที่สูญพันธุ์ - go ahead with (v.) เริ่ มทาบางสิ่ งบางอย่าง

- martial arts (n.) ศิลปะป้องกันตัว

- go on (v.) ดาเนินต่อไปเรื่ อยๆ

- go up (v.) เพิ่มขึ้น

- have a go at sth (v.) พยายามทา / ลองทา

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Reported Speech
I Direct Speech คือ การนําคําพูดคนอืนมากล่าวโดยตรง โดยใส่ไว ้ในเครืองหมาย Quotation “________”
Ex. John said, “I will go to the cinema with my friends.”
1226629 My mom asked, “Where did you go last week?”

I Indirect Speech คือ การนําคําพูดคนอืนไปเล่าต่อ ข ้อความทีนําไปเล่าต่อส่วนใหญ่จะเขียนในรูปอดีต

Ex. John said (that) he would go to the cinema with his friends.
zien My mom asked where I had gone the week before.
*Met /El oben
การเปลียนประโยคเป็น Reported Speech Ve ·
1. เปลียน Tense ให ้เป็ นอดีตกว่า Va · Had Vz
Direct Indirect
Present Simple S + Ves ,
ess Past Simple SV2
Present Continuous Stisram/are + V .

ing Past Continuous

St was, were
Present Perfect St has have + V .
3 Past Perfect Sthad + V .

Past Simple S+ Vz Past Perfect St had + V 3 .

Past Continuous St waswere + Ving Past Perfect continuous Sthadt been

Modal Modal in the past
can · could
will/shall > would must) have to a had to
may might
Direct speech: Smith said, “I went to the cinema yesterday.”
Reported speech: had been to the cinema the previous day.
Smith said that he ____________

Direct speech: Susie said, “The children will come late.”

Reported speech: would
Susie said that the children ______________ come late.

Direct speech: Teacher said, “Jack has already finished his homework.”
Reported speech: had
already finishedhis homework.
Teacher said that Jack ________________

Note 1: ไม่เปลียน Tense หากประโยคทีเล่าต่อเป็ น Facts

Direct speech: Laula said to her students, “Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand.”
Reported speech: Laula told her students that Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand.

FB: อังกฤษหมู หมู กับครู พี่บอม 3

2. เปลียน Pronoun
Direct Indirect
I he / she
We they

3. เปลียน Adjective ~ 66529 & .

Direct Indirect
my his / her
our their

Direct speech: Ploy told me, “I have lost my car key.19
-k I
Reported speech: Ploy told me that she had lost her car key.

4. เปลียนคําบอกระยะ/สถานที Toled
Direct Indirect
this that T
these those
here there

5. เปลียน Time
Direct Indirect
now then
today tonight that day ~ that
tomorrow the next day the following day
yesterday the previous day the day before
ago before

last week/month the previous week the week before

next week the following week

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Reported Question
M18 ye
กริยานํ า asked, inquired, wondered, wanted to know
วลี Do you know … ? / Can you tell me …? / Could you tell me …?

D Wh-words

· if whether
3 sVisotin *
~ do Marion

Types of Question
Wh -9
+ Vie S Vipe

1. Wh-question *** wh-word เชือม *** S Vier Vint Vi

Vie S Vint
direct does like I
She asked, “What does Jimmy like?”
. Ms 1802 S U2
She asked what Jimmy liked.
Jimmydd Va
2. Yes / No question *** if / whether เชือม ***
Vire 5Vint Susan did enjoy -

I wondered, “Did Susan enjoy the party?” I

V M2
Iosi S V Susan had enjoyed
I wondered if/whether Susan had enjoyed the party.

*** Note: หลังคําเชือม wh-word หรือ if /whether จะต ้องเป็ นประโยคบอกเล่าเสมอ (S+V) ***

Situation: On the phone
A: Hello, can I speak with Mr. Jason, please?
B: I’m sorry Mr. Jason is out of the office now.
A: Bosi SV
Can I ask _____________________
B: He is visiting a new client.

a. where is he going? b. where he is going?
c. where he did go?
d. where has he gone?

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· Reporting Verbs
กริยาทีใช ้ในการรายงานมีรูปแบบการใช ้ทีแตกต่างกัน ดังนันต ้องจําการใช ้ของแต่ละตัว
To + Vint SV

Mogg remind
tell + (that) SV
④ (not) to V inf +


advise , warn · me
, you, us, them, him , her

Isinos promise
* a promise 3 + (nots to vinta think (that) + SV

1. Tell S + told + Object pronoun + (that) …

Direct Speech: She said to them, ‘I can’t sleep’

Reported Speech: She told them (that) she couldn’t sleep.

2. Say S + said + Object pronoun + (that) …

Direct Speech: She said, ‘I can’t sleep’

Reported Speech: She said (that) she couldn’t sleep.

3. Other verbs S + ask, remind, invite, tell+ person + (not) to V.inf

Direct Speech: She asked me, ‘Can you send me a pencil?’

Reported Speech: She asked me to send her a pencil.

Direct Speech: Ajarn reminded the students, ‘Don’t forget to do homework’

Reported Speech: Ajarn reminded the students not to forget to do homework

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4. Promise & Offer S + promise, offer + person + (not) to V.inf

Direct Speech: Dad promised, ‘I will but you a new iPhone?’

Reported Speech: Dad promised to buy me a new iPhone.

Direct Speech: Jane said to me, ‘Would you like me to pick you up?’
Reported Speech: Jane offered to pick me up.

สามารถใช ้ S + promise (that) + Clause

Direct Speech: John said, ‘I won’t be late again?’

Reported Speech: John promised that he wouldn’t be late again.

5. To report “Thought” S + think, realize, know + (that) + Clause

Direct Speech: He realized, ‘I forgot my bag.’

Reported Speech: He realized (that) he had forgot his bag.
says to B
ask & to Vint
Exercise: Circle the correct option
V M18 Posi S V
ask (k) 1808 SV

1 2
1. Noah wanted to know why the printer didn’t work / didn’t the printer work.
V M2 . Ve S Vint 1802s V
2. Ava asked him 1do you use / 2if he used Twitter.
Yesterday Vz
1 2
X / said that he was too tired to come over that night.
3. Dylan said me

4. Isabella said that she 1left / 2had left several messages on my voicemail the previous day. Had
V G.
18oz T
5. I wondered what 1was all the media hype about / 2all the media hype was about.
6. They warned us 1do not leave files unprotected / 2not to leave files unprotected.
7. She 1told that / 2said that she would arrive slightly later than planned.
Viola 102 S V
8. Hanna asked how expensive 1was the application / 2the application was.
Vo Vict 2
X know / if we had known the exact time of the appointment.
9. Julian asked 1if we did
y -

10. Olivia promised that she 1will call / 2would call round later.
11. He advised us 1to not upload / 2not to upload our photos on the internet.

Es Vin X
12. Milly promised that she 1wouldn’t be late / 2not to be late again.
Vir +

FB: อังกฤษหมู หมู กับครู พี่บอม 7

Reporting Verbs: Choose theto
appropriate answer (2 options are possible)
1. He _________ me to stop buying so much stuff online.
a. said X b. told c. thought X d. realized X
2. John promised _________ to class late again.
a. doesn’t come b. didn’t come c. not to come d. to come
3. He asked _________ to
fix his car. Vimz(k)16oz SV ask & to Vint
Wto help
a. to help X b. me X I help
c. that
& to Vintour dictionaries when we have writing exam.
4. They reminded _________
d. I help

& to bring
a. that b. us to bring X to bring
c. we d. to bring

5. He realized (that) SV his bag at home.

had V
a. to g
b. that he’d left X to leave
c. him
d. leaving
& to Vinton holiday with us.
6. We invited _________

↑ that to go
a. them
r to go
b. them X
c. that they go d. to go
7. Danny: “I’m going to be late.”
q that he _________
Danny told me was
Y going
to be late.
a. is going O
b. was going c. had gone d. would be

8. George: “I can’t chat because I’m working.”
I chat
couldn't because he was working.
George said that he _________
(that) S
Viz8) +I st

a. cannot chat b. didn’t chat -

c. couldn’t chat d. didn’t chat
④ to Vint
(that) John to have special dinner with her family.
9. Jennie ________
a. invited + to Vint b. said (that) SV c. promised (that) SV d. knew (that) SV
to V inf the gas bill before the end of the month?
10. Will you remind Jackie ________ .

a. paying

b. that pay
(that) S
c. to pay

d. to paying
Vy his friendsEhe was sorry that he’d burnt the dinner.
11. Henry ________

to Vint Vonsi isi SV to V. inf

a. offered X b. said (that) sux c. asked d. told k
(that) SV ④ to V inf .

12. My boyfriend _________ other girls to go to the theater.

to Vint ④ T (that) SV

a. said ↑
to Vint
b. invited c. offered X d. promised X
13. Jane offered _________ and look after the children the following day. Ving
& V 3

- .

a. to come b. coming c. come d. to be come
to Vint too much alcohol after the operation.
14. The doctor warns the patients __________
x take
a. don’t b. not taking
x c. to not take d. not to take
15. Every time I come to class late, professor advises me Vint of college.

a. dropping b. drops X c. to drop out
d. dropped
Vi Va/Viz

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SV if S
Third Conditional Sentence

If-Clause Type 3: Unreal Past ใช ้พูดถึงเหตุการณ์ทตรงกั

ี นข ้ามอดีต (แก ้ไขอดีตไม่ได ้แล ้ว)

e could
, might, should (not)
โครงสร้าง If + S + had V.3 , S + would + have V.3
ed id
asizin If John had studied harder, he would have passed his exam.

n 833
. (John didn’t study hard and he didn’t pass his exam)

 Jessica could have been on time if she had driven a car.

 I’d have come to the party if you’d told me.

would had V

Viz Vz.

Should have done & Could have done

 Should have เสียใจ / เสียดาย / วิจารณ์ 6627

- should have V.3 น่าจะ/ควรจะทําในอดีต

I should have bought you a flower on Valentine’s Day.

- shouldn’t have V.3 ไม่น่าจะ/ไม่ควรจะทําในอดีต

Clark was injured in a car accident last night. He shouldn’t have driven so fast.

 Could have ความเป็ นไปได ้ / ความสามารถ

- could have V.3 น่าจะเป็ นไปได ้ในอดีต

Why did Smith drive so fast? He could have got an accident.

- couldn’t have V.3 ไม่มท

ี างทีจะเป็ นไปได ้ในอดีต

A: I think I saw Susie with someone two hours ago at Maya.

B: That’s impossible. She’s gone to Phuket. You couldn’t have seen her.

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Useful Expression
Telephone Conversation

 May I / Can I speak/talk to _____________?
 q
Could you put me through _____________? it nice
 I’d like to speak/talk to (with ④
 ④
Is _____________ there?
 name
This is _____________ speaking.
 Who’s calling? informal

May I/ Can I know who’s calling?
Can I have/take your name, please?
↳ marzo

t Can 
I take a message? *


I wonder if I could leave a message. X
 Do you want to leave a message?
4 Would you like to leave a message?

 I’m on _____________.
IV *
was the
 My number is _____________.

& Borrowing
Hold the line, please.
 Hold on, please. Hang up (V) 28
 Hang on, please.

voin/M Vote .

Making and Accepting Apologies

 SV
I’m really sorry that _____________.
 There is no need to apologize. · No worries
. That's fine
 N
/ Ving
I do apologize for _____________.
 It’s my fault.
 I slipped
I couldn’t help it – _____________.
 Don’t blame me – _____________. ↑
 Look, it was an accident! It could have happened to anyone.
 It’s not your fault. _____________.
 V inf
I’m so sorry to _____________.

 N/ V
Sorry about _____________. .

 It’s2)
just one of those things – _____________.
irregular/ illegal
M/P Dim informal unforgetable
prefix in im
iril (notis
, ,
im indecisive unlockable

possible (adj) IziTuTa immature

impossible (adj) itetusit

Y FB: อังกฤษหมู หมู กับครู พี่บอม 10
Mock Final Exam English 102
· shortage deficiency insufficiency inadequacy
, , ,
Part I: Reading
Passes hinder obstruct
Instruction: Read the article and choose the correct answer.
EmePromalies -

M Vie

questi n .

(1) Poor internet connection and lack of digital device accessibility are still impeding distance
epidemic outbreak

learning as the pandemic continues. According to Education and Culture Ministry data, 51 percent of early
remote areas
education to middle school students living in the outermost, border and disadvantage (3T) areas do not
wiltodo. : good
have a reliable internet connection. In addition, 27.8 percent of them said they had access to a laptop or
not good rain
computer, but the devices were also unreliable. Meanwhile, 20 percent and 18 percent of students outside

of 3T areas also do not have access to computers and smartphones, respectively.

change : n .
I was
(2) “The education sector is one of the sectors that talk about digital transformation the most, but

it is among sectors with low digitalization,” said the ministry’s data and education technology development

expert, Gogot Suharwoto, during the Pintek EduTalk webinar on Monday.

continue on
(3) He went on to say that by providing better internet connection and devices for students and
teachers to improve digital learning, Indonesia could see improved human capital and technology

readiness, which in turn would support the country’s position as the fifth-largest economy by 2045.

(4) Indonesia’s internet economy is the biggest in Southeast Asia at US$44 billion this year, and is

expected to reach $124 billion in 2025, according to the e-Conomy SEA 2020 study by Google, Temasek

and Bain & Co.

Tips Eg 1278912
(5) The study also suggests that education technology (EdTech) is among blooming sectors
M Po
the slowdown of internet economy growth due to the pandemic. EdTech tools adoption
has more than

tripled during the coronavirus outbreak in the Southeast Asia region, the report said.

(6) Schools nationwide have moved to online learning following President Joko Widodo’s
es M M5: 0181/TY We

instruction in March for people to work, study and pray at home to curb the coronavirus spread.

i for CHrP
posttes , o he
navez ,

FB: อังกฤษหมู หมู กับครู พี่บอม 11

With q
(7) Education and Culture Minister Nadiem Makarim announced on November 20 that he would
give 29 22 36120 ·zi
grant local administrations, schools and parents the authority to decide whether they would resume in-
m m
M Fo

person instruction for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year, which ends in July of next year.
(8) “Even when schools gradually reopen next year, schools are facing cashflow
problems to keep

up with operations,” said fintech platform for education Pintek cofounder and president director Tommy

Worsen (v) itmigos
↳ Malinow
nospe -

(9) Lack of funding will further deteriorate the schools and students access to better internet and
os site 726652847 tit
devices. Early findings of a joint study by Pintek and non-profit organizations Edufinance and RISE shows
because see
that schools need more accessible funding as they are heavily relying
on school operational assistance
je/E Minos
funds, which is disbursed in four stages. Additionally, he said parents' ability to pay tuition had also
decreased by 30 to 50 percent due to the pandemic.

(10) “Moving forward with education 4.0 is a must for Indonesia. Schools can help the process by

training teachers and school administrators in digital literacy,” Tommy said. “The government should also
W E1E Pre Tassiste
expand internet access and provide better infrastructure as it is still limited in some areas.”

Questions q

1. What is the main idea of this passage?

a. Poor internet connection and lack of devices hinder online learning.
b. The spread of COVID-19 causes online learning’s problems.
c. Teaching staff do not have enough digital literacy. a .

Enisait digital
d. Lack of funding makes educational system fail.

2. In paragraph 1, what is the main problem that students in remote areas are experiencing during
the pandemic?
a. online learning
b. lack of technological facilities 98128 & .
: 8 : My
c. distance from schools to their homes
4 211E

d. conflicts between children and parents

FB: อังกฤษหมู หมู กับครู พี่บอม 12

3. Which statement best implies Gogot Suharwoto’s perspective?
a. Indonesia’s economy will become the fifth largest by 2045.
b. None of the students and teachers in Indonesia do not have the ability to exploit technology.
c. Although digital transformation is the mainly discussed topic, Indonesia still lacks technology
readiness, especially in education system.
d. Education system is the lowest sector with digitalization in Indonesia.

4. Which word has the closest meaning to ‘went on’ in paragraph 3?

a. decrease Gill & b. improve i Get
c. emphasize zig G
d. continue

5. Which word has the closest meaning to ‘curb’ in paragraph 6?

a. protect umtos b. control M2WD 2
c. escape ente d. relieve WIN1

6. In paragraph 7, what does Nadiem Makarim suggest about?

a. Education and Culture Ministry support onsite learning for the remainder of 2020-2021
school year.
b. Schools and parents agree that in-person class should continue for the remainder of the
school year.
c. Local organizations, schools, and parents can make their own decision to continue or
discontinue onsite class for the rest of the 2020-2021 school year.
d. On-site learning is still not allowed during 2020-2021 school year.

· raten
7. Which of the following statement is NOT an obstacle mentioned in the passage?
M .
a. financial crisis problem
b. digital literacy
c. deficiency in digital technology and internet access
d. school opening date "sinta/ aliralli

support (v)

8. What is the best meaning of ‘deteriorate’ in paragraph 9? promote

a. support b. enhance enhance
c. weaken d. strengthen sinPublis

FB: อังกฤษหมู หมู กับครู พี่บอม 13

9. According to the passage, which statement is NOT TRUE?
a. While the outbreak exits, poor internet connection and shortage of digital device accessibility
obstruct distance learning.
b. Students both in 3T areas and outside 3T areas are faced with internet connection problem
and device accessibility problem.
c. Schooling technology is becoming popular during the reduction in internet economy expansion
d. Despite the pandemic, parents were still able to fully pay for their children’s school expenses.

10. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

a. There are enough funds which schools can access to.
b. School teachers and administrators need help with digital literacy.
c. Limitation of infrastructure and internet access is still found only in outermost areas.
d. Schools and students can access to internet and reliable devices without funds’ assistance.

Part II: Grammar & Vocabulary & Expression

Situation: On the phone

WIMITE Jessi: Good morning. High Speed Net Company, Jessi speaking. How may I help you?
nainset Bill: *
Good morning, Jessi. _______11_______, a head of technical service.

Jessi: I’m afraid that _______12_______. He is out of the office. Can I ask who is calling please?

Bill: This is Bill, a client with whom he has been dealing.

V M18

1808 SV
Jessi: Thank you, Mr. Bill. I want to know _______13_______.
tell V
to Vint
Bill: No, thank you. Could you please _____14_____ him to

call me back later?

Jessi: Of course, that won’t be a problem. I’ll let him know that you rang.

2 hours later

Jason: Hello Mr. Bill. I’m Jason from High-Speed Net Company. Is there anything I can do for you?

Bill: Hi Mr. Jason. Thank you for calling me back. I’d like you to check my _______15_______. It
lig o a g
It has not been stable since you first installed.

Jason: Have you tried turning a wireless router off?

Bill: I’ve tried many times, but _______16_______.

FB: อังกฤษหมู หมู กับครู พี่บอม 14

might T

Jason: Well… let me check a minute. …10 minutes later … I’ve found that there was a problem with a

main internet transmitter due to rainstorm last night. I’m having a/an _____17_____ fix this

problem now. I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.

Bill: There’s no need to apologize – _______18_______. Anyway, how long does it take?

Jason: Around half an hour. I’ll inform you as soon as the problem is reached.

11. a. I’m waiting for Mr. Jason b. I’m calling to speak with Mr. Jason
c. I’mX
Bill. How can I help you? d. I’m calling to make an appointment

12. a. Mr. Jason isn’t available nowf X now
b. Mr. Jason is available

c. Mr. Jason isn’t our employee Mon d. Mr. Jason has just resigned *1007

Va Bill mosme
X a message
13. a. whether you took b. whether you would like to leave a message

c. whether you received a message d. whether you would like to take a message

14. a. offer X b. say X

c. invite ④ to V .
inf d. tell i to V inf

M .
Poste 5: Ul
15. a. communication system b. internet technology

c. internet signal To e d. website address

16. a. it still doesn’t work X

b. it’s still working

c. I can reach my solution 11 Yes d. I come up with a solution

17. a. journalist Ensez b. expert wirersze


c. commentator ni d. ruler ESUMROS

18. a. it’s a really big problem X b. it’s not a big problem

c. it shouldn’t happen againX d. it should be more careful

FB: อังกฤษหมู หมู กับครู พี่บอม 15

Passage 1
Social media is a powerful _____19_____ medium, with widespread influence over cities as well
w.n .
as remote areas. As of 2019, there were 3.2 million social media users, and today, there are roughly 4.5

billion internet uses around the world according to Oberlo. This suggests social media has now become an
twin Not
integral part of our lives. People can text anyone across the globe as long as they have a/an _____20_____.
S V rig T
Online communication has allowed people to access more information that previously was
_____21_____. Before social media’s entry to the digital era, _____22_____, namely radio, broadcast
television and billboards, and the government were the only sources of information.
S V octa
Also, social media influences the way all people over the world communicate. One of the biggest
④ Enziawand
changes is the sheer number of people that we can _____23_____ with. Because of social media networks,

we are now able to share information with thousands of people all over the world – this is why we see

people who have thousands of Facebook friends or tens of thousands of Twitter followers. Without social

media, that would be _____24_____. Taisy

Reference: and

note osant
19. a. communication b. organization
c. affair situation d. community Earli

20. a. search engine TUsing Flint b. communication technology

c. community journalism office d. internet connection

Ti wordt Kristi
21. a. unacceptable b. unreachable accessible (adj)
wind de
I 1
c. unexpected d. unhelpful ↑ sig we Egg

sins using · e
a. traditional media Pagegratz b. international news
c. isolated community d. telecommunication 1 .
Goss 8 T Ma
: :

23. a. grasp understand b. highlight emphasize large
c. interact vijzizizit d. debate metzig

24. a. insecure Yeiewondig b. impossible Tsit

T 1
c. inexplicit
Y282182/116W10Y d. undeniable
Y raise Tait
deny regist

FB: อังกฤษหมู หมู กับครู พี่บอม 16

Passage 2

Instagram is a new type of social network platform that was acquired by Facebook in 2012. It is an

online photo-sharing _____25_____ which allows user to edit and _____26_____ photos or short videos
* d
to the internet through a mobile phone. Users can add a caption to each of _____27_____ posts and use

hashtags to index these posts, making them _____28_____ and searchable by many other users.

Moreover, like other platforms, Instagram users can like, _____29_____ on others’ posts and send private

messages to their friends via Instagram Direct feature. Photos can be shared on one or several other

_____30_____ – including Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr – with a single click.

25. a. blog b. entertainment

c. technology d. application

26. a. send b. download

c. upload d. publish

27. a. their b. your

c. this d. them

insez viral rig

28. a. sociable b. viral go

c. rural EWN d. uncontacted Yanizz

29. a. organize b. emphasize

c. comment d. stay in touch

30. a. technological facilities b. social media sites

c. international communities d. search engines

FB: อังกฤษหมู หมู กับครู พี่บอม 17

Passage 3

In ancient times, Greece was not a single country as it is today. It was made up of a lot of smaller

states. These states were always arguing and often went to war. The most well-known and long war is the
had Ve
Peloponnesian War which is a fight between Sparta and Athens. If the Spartans _____31_____ war on

Athens, they might have united more quickly, O

and people would not have died.
M .

&M &12 ~danger

Only the threat of invasion by a foreign _____32_____ made the Greeks forget their inside quarrels
4 .

& & UM M
and _____33_____ on the same side. Their biggest invader were the Persians, who came from a modern-

day Iran.

The Persian kings _____34_____ to conquer Greece a few times between 490 to 449BC, but the

Greeks managed to fight them off. In the end, it was the Greeks who _____35_____ Persia, when

Alexander the Great defeated the Persian Empire in the 330s.

31. a. couldn’t have made b. wouldn’t have made

c. have not made d. had not made

32. O
a. enemy opponent & namssez b. honor instea
c. explorer Einste d. ceremony mess

33. a. went into decline b. went up

c. went into battle d. went back in time
(n) 2 ~888
: effort, endeavor

34. a. discovered ziwer b. attempted NE1818

c. emphasized :
highlight d. socialized imag

35. a. released Virg b. set up ke

c. grasped understand O
d. overcame 18756 : /Ea

defeat beat, conquer

(V )

Good. P'BoM
End of the exam

☺☺ Good luck for your exam ☺☺

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