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2025 Q UIZ SERIES #ic tfromabc

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Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu
Information and Communication Technology
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Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu
f;dr;=r e yd ikak sf õok ;dlaI Kh
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Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc Ravindu Bandaranayake - ictfromabc eeeeeeee

2025 QUIZ NO 04 ictfromabc
Ravindu Bandaranayake

1. What was the technology behind the creation of UNIVAC – 1?

UNIVAC – 1 ksm oùug mdol jQ ;dlaIKh l=ulao@
1) Vaccum Tubes ßla;l k<
2) Transistor g%dkaisiagr
3) Micro Processor laIqø ilikh
4) Intergrated Circuit wkql,s; mßm;
5) Abacus wenlih

2. What is the answer when the following are arranged in ascending order
my; ixLHd wdfrdayK ms<sf j,g ilia l< úg ,efnk ms<s;=r l=ulao@
a.AB16 b.101010102 c .17910 d.2618
1) a,b,c,d 2) a,c,b,d 3) b,c,a,d
4) c,b,d,a 5) b,a,d,c

3. Which of the following is correct?

my; tAjdhska l=ula i;Hfõo@
1) Two’s complement of ( +1110 ) is ( 111101002 ). ( +1110 ) ys foflys wkqm Qrlh ( 111101002 )fõ.
2) Two’s complement of ( +1110 ) is ( 111001012 ).( +1110 ) ys foflys wkqm Qrlh ( 111001012 )fõ.
3) One’s complement of ( +1110 ) is ( 111101002 ).( +1110 ) ys tflys wkqm Qrlh ( 111101002 )fõ.
4) One’s complement of ( +1110 ) is ( 111101012 ).( +1110 ) ys tflys wkqm Qrlh ( 111101012 )fõ.
5) One’s complement of ( +1110 ) is ( 000010112 ).( +1110 ) ys tflys wkqm Qrlh ( 000010112 )fõ.

4. Which of the following is correct when converting ( 1A816 )?

( 1A816 ) mßj¾;kh lsÍfïÈ my; ioyka foaj,ska ksje/È jkafka l=ulao@
A. ( 1A816 ) = (1101010002 )
B. ( 1A816 ) = ( 6508 )
C. ( 1A816 ) = ( 42410 )
1) A & C only 2) A only 3) B & C only
4) C only 5) All are the correct

5. What is the answer that shows the 1210 as BCD and 12F16 as a binary value respectively?
ms,sf j,ska 1210 fhys BCD iy 12F16 oaõuh w.hla f,i fmkajk ms,s;=r l=ulao@
1) 11002 , 110011112
2) 111011102 ,001100002
3) 11002 ,111111112
4) 000100102 , 1001011112
5) 000100102 , 1001011112

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