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Falling in the hole

As I walked through the forest, the crisp autumn air kissed my cheeks, filling my lungs with its
invigorating scent. The vibrant colors of the falling leaves danced around me, painting the
ground in hues of gold and crimson. Lost in the beauty of nature, I failed to notice the gaping
hole concealed beneath a blanket of fallen foliage until it was too late.

With a startled cry, I tumbled into the darkness, my heart pounding in my chest as I plummeted
downward. The air rushed past me, whipping at my clothes as I fell further and further into the
unknown abyss.
Time seemed to stretch and contort as I descended, my mind racing with a whirlwind of
thoughts and emotions. Fear gripped me like icy fingers, sending shivers down my spine. What
awaited me at the bottom of this seemingly endless pit? Would I ever see the light of day again?

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, my free fall came to an abrupt halt as I landed with a
heavy thud at the bottom of the pit. Pain shot through my body as I lay there, stunned and
disoriented, trying to make sense of my surroundings.

Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the dim light, revealing the rocky walls that surrounded me on all
sides. The air was thick with the musty scent of earth and decay, and a chill seeped into my
bones as I struggled to push myself upright.

Panic clawed at the edges of my mind as I realized the gravity of my situation. Trapped in this
desolate pit, with no way out and no one to hear my cries for help. I was alone, at the mercy of
the darkness that enveloped me.

But even in the depths of despair, a spark of determination flickered within me. I refused to
succumb to fear and hopelessness. With gritted teeth and trembling limbs, I forced myself to
stand, casting my gaze upwards towards the faint glimmer of light that beckoned from above.

There was no clear light to guide me but I used my courage to cautiously make my way through
the dark abyss.
Am I dead?
My throat was bone dry as I extended my travels deeper into the blackness. With my head
throbbing it was impossible to search this massive hole, All I could do was question myself:
What am I doing?

Despite my doubt I kept pushing forward, until the sense of someone watching me devoured my

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