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Largest cave in the world – best places for speleologists

[worlds largest caves) - podnaslov

[largest cave] - fokus
[largest cave in the world

Rarely what can be measured with the beauty of the underwater caves. Beautiful colors, sights and real
adventure is what motivates speleologists to go into exploring caves. Today you'll learn where you can
find the (largest cave in the world).We present five deepest caves in the world, a true delight for all
speleologists and adventurers.

World's largest caves

Mammoth Cave: the world's largest cave located in Kentucky, USA. This cave was discovered by Frank
Houchin who lived in another cave nearby. The cave, which is 630 kilometers long and it`s located within
Mammoth Cave National Park, established in 1941. The upper sandstone member is known as the Big
Clifty Sandston thin, sparse layers of limestone interspersed within the sandstones give rise to an
epikarstic zone , in which tiny conduits are dissolved by the natural acidity of groundwater. The epikarstic
zone concentrates local flows of runoff into high-elevation springs which emerge at the edges of ridges.
The resurgent water from these springs typically flows briefly on the surface before sinking underground
again at elevation of the contact between the sandstone caprock and the underlying massive limestones.
It is in these underlying massive limestone layers that the human explorable caves of the region have
naturally developed.

The Cave of precious stones: the second largest cave in the world visited by average a whopping 109,000
people each year. This cave, which is 244 km long, is located in South Dakota, USA. The cave was
discovered in 1900 and right now it`s known as one of the major landmarks of the United States.A
peculiar feature connected with "byon" is its occurrence in caves in the limestones. These can be traced
for miles underground, now as wide and high chambers or vaults, now as small crevices and narrow
cracks. These caves are either wholly or in part filled with the "byon", which is usually covered over with
a thick deposit of calcareous tufa in stalactites and stalagmites of the most fantastic shapes.

Optimistic cave: This cave, which is on the third place on this list is located in Ternopil, Ukraine. It is 225
km long and it`s the largest gypsum cave in the world.The entire cave lies under a 2 km square area in a
layer of Upper Tertiary gypsum that is less than 20 m thick. The passages tend to be low and often
choked with mud. They comprise a dense network on several levels, making Optymistychna what is
known as a "maze cave."

Wind Cave: Fourth biggest cave in the world, which is also located in South Dakota, USA is 219 kilometers
long. This cave has over 500,000 visitors each year.Swaying prairie grasses, forested hillsides, and an
array of wildlife such as bison, elk, and prairie dogs welcome visitors to one of our country’s oldest
national parks and one of its few remaining intact prairies. Secreted beneath is one of the world’s longest
caves, Wind Cave. Named for barometric winds at its entrance, this complex labyrinth of passages
contains a unique formation – boxwork.

Lechuguilla Cave: This cave is located in New Mexico and is 203 km long. In this cave you will find
gypsum, sulfur, speleothems, hydro-magnesium and many other things.

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