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Assessment Brief – Report & Presentation

This assessment has two parts: Part A is a group report and Part B is group presentation.

Contents Type of Deadlines Requirements Note
Progress-check Group 30/05/2024 10-minute All members will
presentation presentation group contribute and the
presentation scores will be their
assignment scores.
Part A: Marketing Plan Group report 24/06/2024 3500-word All members will
for the next year written plan contribute and the
scores will be their
GROUP report scores.
Part B: Presentation of Group 15/07/2024 20-minute All members will
the Plan presentation group contribute and the
presentation scores will be their
GROUP presentation

Part A – Group Report

As a group, you will choose and analyze the marketing mix (4Ps) of an existing business
operating in Vietnam which you are familiar with. Your task is to investigate, articulate and
evaluate the elements of the marketing environment, targeting and positioning strategy, and
marketing mix of the chosen business. Based on your analysis and the theories acquired from this
course, you will develop the marketing plan of the company/ organisation for the next year of

The input for the assignment must be based on your observation, research, direct interviews with
managers and/or staff of that company, and the company's documents.

Additionally, in Week 4, your groups will have a progress-check presentation. In this 10-minute
presentation, you will need to identify your chosen business, the micro-environment and macro-
environment, some brief information about it and your plan of how you will implement the
assignment (why you choose the business, who will you interview/observe, will you conduct
primary research, etc.). Then the groups will adjust your work based on the lecturer’s feedback.
Although this presentation is completed by the entire groups, grades will be counted as your
individual assignment, which accounts for 10% of your final grade.

How to Start

- Choose a company, please make sure that the company/ organization* is different from
other groups.

*It is highly recommended that you contact a real (small) company/ organisation who needs a
marketing campaign. They can provide you practical issues, necessary data of the market and
real-life experiences, which will help you build a better and more practical plan.

- Mapping the current environment conditions, which include macro and micro-
environment, and analyzing its influence on the marketing strategy of your company/
- Identifying, analyzing and evaluating the target market and positioning of the business
- Analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of the marketing mix
- Suggesting the marketing plan for your company/ business

The marketing analysis report should include (but not limited to) these following components:

1. Introduction/ Overview of the company, i.e., the history of the organization/corporation

and aspects related to their product
2. Marketing environment analysis, i.e., macro-environment and micro-environment analysis
3. Target customers and Positioning, i.e., consumer behavior analysis and how the company
executes Segmentation/Differentiation/Targeting/Positioning
4. Analysis of the marketing mix, i.e., 4P (Price/Product/Promotion/Place)
5. Marketing plan for the next year
6. Conclusion
7. References
8. Appendices

The report must be presented and complied with:
- Font: Times New Roman, 11-point font, double-spaced.
- Word count: 3500 words (+/-10%) (maximum of 10 pages), excluding references and
- Report cover must include course name and code (MARKETING PRINCIPLES –
MKT101), title of the report, information of group and students (name, ID).

You must
• Use a minimum of 5 references in your paper.
• Observe service processes, and/or direct interviews with the chosen company’s internal
stakeholders to gain real insights. Therefore, it is recommended that you should focus on
small and medium businesses to easily get access to the information needed, rather than
analysing big companies that provide limited information for you to analyse. Internal
stakeholders can provide you with practical issues, necessary data of the market and real-
life experiences, which will help you build a better and more practical campaign. Reports
without interview/observation part will be only given up to 4 points at maximum.

• Try to tell a "story" with a clear message/ lesson. For instance, you can:
• Analyse its current STDP and marketing mix strategy and evaluate if it's successful or
not. Remember that all your analyses should be supported by evidence (e.g., information
from credible sources) and/ or specific examples.
• Apply theories learnt in class to analyse a case study of an organisation to explore
reasons behind its success or failure; and provide recommendations for its future
marketing plan.
• Be as detailed as possible with your recommendations. Avoid giving general
recommendations without clear rationales and key activities to perform the recommended
• Be focused and be coherent!!! Avoid "saying" one thing in one paragraph and
recommending a different thing in the marketing plan!


1. Papers with incorrect referencing will receive no more than a 6.0 grade
2. Papers with no in-text citations will receive no more than a 4.5 grade.
3. Papers with no reference list at the end of the assignment will receive no more than a 4.5
4. You must make reference to at least 5 academic sources, one of which should be the
“Principles of Marketing” book.
5. Any Referencing Styles are accepted but be consistent throughout the paper!
6. Footnotes must not be used as a referencing style.
7. Wikipedia is not to be used as a reference.
8. Plagiarism is taken very seriously in this course.

Marking Rubric for Report

Part B: Presentation

As a group, you will deliver a presentation of Part A. Teams are required to allocate roles and
ensure effective time management and flow of content. Students will be assessed on their ability
to deliver a maximum 20-minute presentation in an engaging, timely, and professional manner.
The group will have 10 minutes to field questions from the audience.


Communicating your message - This assessment task is about delivering engaging presentation.
Your verbal and non-verbal delivery is just as important as the content that you provide.

Verbal communication – is about how you project your voice (speaking clearly and confidently),
how quickly you speak and how you pronounce and engage your audience with words. If you are
reading out your part, you will find it very difficult to engage the audience. Instead,
communicate through lively examples, stories, interesting facts/quotes, etc (i.e., make use of
rhetorical strategies).

Non-verbal communication: Body language – are you enthusiastic and confident? You will need
to make your audience feel comfortable and you can do this by making eye contact & addressing
the audience with positive body language.

Visuals – You may use electronic aids such as PowerPoint, Prezi or other presentation programs
to support your visual delivery. However, please refrain from text-heavy slides - be creative in
their design. Ensure that during delivery, the slides of team members and transitions are coherent
and flow in a logical manner.

Marking Rubric for Presentation

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