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1. What environmental issue are you most concerned about? Why? Vấn đề môi
trường nào bạn quan tâm nhất? Tại sao?
Water pollution is a huge concern for us and our environment. Not only is polluted water
a huge financial strain but is also killing both humans and marine life. With oil spills, an
abundance of plastic waste and toxic chemicals entering our waterways, we're damaging the
most valuable resource our planet has to offer.

2. Do you believe that climate change is a serious problem? Why? Bạn có tin rằng
biến đổi khí hậu là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng? Tại sao?
I do believe that climate change is a serious issue. Within the past few decades,
temperatures have been rising, weather events have gotten more extreme, and our planet has
constantly been changing, but not for the better.
While Earth’s climate has always been changing, it now appears that humans and human
activity have been negatively influencing the more recent changes.
This is because of the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Humans are
changing the natural greenhouse by doing things like burning fossil fuels which is resulting in
warmer conditions on Earth.

3. Are you interested in environmental issues? Why/ Why not? Bạn có quan tâm
đến vấn đề môi trường không? Tại sao tại sao không?
Yes, I am really interested in environment, I think that we all have a responsibility to do
something to prevent the deterioration of the environment. Ever little bit that we can do as
individuals could help, for example by recycling our household waste, donating clothes to
charity, going on litter clean-ups, and using reusable shopping bags. I always use cotton bags for
my grocery shopping instead of plastic bags and recycle as much as I can.

4. What environmental issue are people in your city concerned about? Why? Người
dân ở thành phố của bạn quan tâm đến vấn đề môi trường nào? Tại sao? (Tương tự câu 1)
In my city, an environmental issue that people are concerned about is water pollution.
Water pollution is a huge concern for us and our environment. Not only is polluted water a huge
financial strain but is also killing both humans and marine life. With oil spills, an abundance of
plastic waste and toxic chemicals entering our waterways, we're damaging the most valuable
resource our planet has to offer.
5. How would the world be different today if the Internet had never been invented?
Thế giới ngày nay sẽ khác như thế nào nếu Internet chưa bao giờ được phát minh?
Without the Internet, our present life is much different as the following examples:
Firstly, Instead of taking 10 seconds, it could take you a whole month to send a letter
Secondly, Economic disaster will happen immediately. A series of businesses, companies,
banks all depend on the Internet... all will be in chaos. There will not be any international
banking transactions, transactions must be done manually through postal and
telecommunications services, couriers.
Thirly, Update information at slow speed. The Internet is considered a huge sea of
information. Therefore, without the Internet, you will not be able to access or find information
on the Internet. Instead of sitting at home clicking, you will have to go to the library or
bookstore to find all relevant books to find the information you are looking for.
Last but not least, no Internet means no SMS, no phone
So let's enjoy the conveniences that the Internet has brought to our lives.

6. How important is the Internet to you?How often do you use the Internet? What
do you often do on the Internet? Internet quan trọng như thế nào đối với bạn? Bạn sử
dụng Internet có thường xuyên không? Bạn thường làm gì trên Internet?
For me, the Internet has the following benefits:
-Look up and learn a huge store of information online
-Link friends and relatives via social networks like Facebook, Zalo, and Viber
-Send and receive mail, read online news
-Watch movies, listen to music online, play entertaining games
-Using social networking apps
I usually use the Internet 4 hours a day and repeat it every day of the week.
The benefits I mentioned above are the things that I do every day on the Internet to serve
my study, my work, and entertainment.

7. What are your favourite websites? Talk about one of your favourite website.
Trang web yêu thích của bạn là gì? Nói về một trong những trang web yêu thích của bạn.
I have many favorite websites such as Duolingo, Google, and Vnexpress,... And one of my
favorite websites is Duolingo.This is an American linguistics website and mobile app, as well as
a digital language proficiency test. It also has courses in English, Italian, Spanish, and
Vietnamese,... It has a lot of functions like Duolingo Plus, learning through story, arena, ....
Duolingo mascot is one the green owl represents knowledge. As of October 13, 2020, the
language learning website and app have offered 98 different language courses in 38 languages.
The application has more than 300 million registered users
8. Why did you choose to do your current job? Tại sao bạn lại chọn làm công việc
hiện tại?
Firstly, I chose this job because it is suitable for my capacity and experience.
Secondly, I also fit the company culture as well as the working environment.
Thirdly, this job gives me a stable source of income, besides, I meet more friends and
expand my relationships.
Last but not least, I am able to contribute my value to the development of my company.

9. Which jobs are the most respected in your country? Why? Công việc nào được
tôn trọng nhất ở đất nước của bạn? Tại sao?
According to statistics in Vietnam, the 3 most respected professions are: Doctor,
Police, and Teacher
- Firstly, About Doctors, Regardless of the era, we can't deny the great role of the medical
and pharmaceutical industry in human health. Therefore, doctor is always respected by society
and people and is a job that has a more important position than any other profession.
-Secondly, about Police, To ensure security and peace in all aspects for the country, the
police are divided into two main forces:
Police: protect and maintain social order and safety.
Security: protect national security, protect the socialist regime, protect the Party, the
government, the armed forces and the people.
Because of these great roles, this job is highly valued in Vietnam.
- Thirdly, about Teacher, The teacher is the person who transmits human civilization to
generations of students. The teacher's labor product is not only a specific product but also an
invaluable asset in terms of morality, personality and intelligence of the students. Teachers are
also respected and trusted by society

10. Do you work or study? What are your responsibilities? Bạn đi làm hay đi học?
Trách nhiệm của bạn là gì?
I graduated many years ago and I’m now in full-time employment. I’m currently a teacher
working for the school in Dak Lak.
All of the teachers’ main responsibility is to plan good lessons and then teach their
students to the best of their ability. On top of that, we have several admins tasks to carry out like
marking homework, filling out attendance sheets, and writing reports.
11. Do you enjoy your work? Why/ Why not? Bạn có thích công việc của mình
không? Tại sao/tại sao không?
I graduated many years ago and I’m now in full-time employment. I’m currently a teacher
working for the school in Dak Lak.
All of the teachers’ main responsibility is to plan good lessons and then teach their
students to the best of their ability. On top of that, we have several admins tasks to carry out like
marking homework, filling out attendance sheets, and writing reports
I enjoy the job most of the time and It’s very rewarding to be able to help people every
day, the students here are very hardworking and fun to teach, but you sometimes have lessons
that do go so well and the money could always be better.

12. How popular do you think holidays in space will become over the next twenty
years? Bạn nghĩ kỳ nghỉ trong không gian sẽ trở nên phổ biến như thế nào trong vòng 20
năm tới?
Well, you may not be able to go to the Moon, but you could consider a space tour! This
kind of holiday allows people to stay in space in a space station. Of course, it's very expensive
and you would have to be a millionaire to afford it!
First of all, it costs 30 million dollars! Secondly, there's a pretty long waiting list - there are
no free places for some years. Finally, you have to be very fit and healthy and do a lot of
training to prepare yourself before you can go on this kind of holiday.
For the reasons above, I think holidays in spacewill probably be popular among certain
classes and be in small numbers.

13. What would be the best and worst things about a holiday in space? Give your
own opinion and say why. Điều tuyệt vời nhất và tồi tệ nhất về một kỳ nghỉ trong không
gian là gì? Đưa ra ý kiến của riêng bạn và nói tại sao.
One of the biggest advantages of space tourism as an emerging industry is its reliability.
It attracts a lot of public attention with every big step it makes. This in turn creates a lot of
interest in investors' space tourism projects, allowing the companies involved to sustain
themselves until the actual tours are delivered. The nascent industry also benefits from the
cutting-edge technology required for its operations, allowing it to become a leader in innovation
and research.
One of the major limitations of space tourism is the very high initial setup costs. What the
industry is trying to do, safely send people into space and return them regularly, has never been
done by a private organization before. The cost of technology to do so remains unbelievably
high. Space is also an extremely hostile environment. Even if the plans of companies are related
to safety first, the possibility of catastrophic disasters that can take human lives cannot be
brushed aside.
14. Would you be interested in spending your holiday in space? Why? / Why not?
Bạn có muốn dành kỳ nghỉ của mình trong không gian không? Tại sao? / Tại sao không?
Not really. Although it sounds like it would be great fun to travel to outer space, it would
be a lot of work, too. Traveling to outer space takes lots and lots of preparation. Everything has
to be planned carefully in advance. Why? Because once you leave Earth's surface, you're on
your own with what you have in your spaceship. There's no store to go to in space!See how
carefully you have to plan for a trip to outer space? Not only do you have to think about all the
things you'll need, you have to consider the consequences of those things in terms of the wastes
they create.Therefore, I don't feel ready for a space vacation.

15. Are you a fan of science fiction stories? What do you like or dislike about them?
Bạn có phải là fan của truyện khoa học viễn tưởng không? Bạn thích hay không thích điều
gì ở họ?
That's a really great question. Actually, I am not a fan of science fiction stories., I don't
like reading fiction stories because they can be a bit dry and uneventful. It can be too far away
from real life that I may not be able to really sink into the story.

16. Have you ever joined a campaign to protect the environment? Talk about one you
have joined. Bạn đã từng tham gia chiến dịch bảo vệ môi trường chưa? Nói về một trong
những bạn đã tham gia.
Bạn đã bao giờ tham gia một chiến dịch nào đó để bảo vệ môi trường chưa?
✓ Oh, yes. When I was a student at university, I took part in many environmental
campaigns such as collecting litter, riding my bicycle around the city, turning off lights at Earth
hour, etc. And now I still do whenever I can.
Ồ, có. Khi còn là sinh viên đại học, tôi đã tham gia rất nhiều các chiến dịch môi trường ví
dụ như thu gom rác, đạp xe quanh thành phố, tắt điện giờ trái đất… Và bây giờ tôi cũng vẫn
tham gia bất cứ khi nào tôi có thể.
✓ Uhm, actually not yet. I'm quite busy with my work and a bit shy to join a campaign
which has many people.
Um, thực ra là chưa. Tôi khá bận với công việc của mình và cũng khá rụt rè khi tham gia
một chiến dịch có đông người.

17. What can individuals do to help protect the environment? Cá nhân có thể làm gì
để góp phần bảo vệ môi trường?
Các cá nhân có thể làm gì để giúp bảo vệ môi trường?
✓ Um, I think we can contribute to conserve our planet by switching off unnecessary
lights, riding a bicycle, using public transport, using less petrol and electricity, or saving on
water, recycling our rubbish … In this way, we all can help to protect our environment.
18. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the
environment? Why/ Why not? Bạn có nghĩ rằng trách nhiệm của chính phủ là bảo vệ môi
trường không? Tại sao/ tại sao không?
Of course not! I think it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment. Sure, the
government has the power to enact laws and craft policies but how good is the law if nobody
respects it.
We simply could not go on with our lives throwing our wastes irresponsibly and expect the
government to just clean it up. There is nothing left to clean up in the first place if only we
dispose of things properly, it wastes both time and resources.

19. Do you think large companies and business organizations should be more
environmentally friendly? Why? How? Bạn có nghĩ rằng các công ty lớn và các tổ chức
kinh doanh nên thân thiện hơn với môi trường? Tại sao? Làm sao?
Development is good; sometimes it is a necessity to survive in today’s world. Businesses
need profit, but they should not do so at the expense of the environment. Sustainable
development is the key, the needs of the present have to be met without compromising the
ability of future generations to sustain life on this planet.

20. Do you think you use the Internet too much? What do you use it for? Bạn có nghĩ
rằng mình sử dụng Internet quá nhiều không? Bạn sử dụng chúng để làm gì?
The internet plays an important role in my everyday life. I go on the internet lot of time. I
use the internet for many kinds of stuff, for example whenever I encounter difficulty or
whatever I don’t know, I look it up on the internet. It helps me a lot in resolving plenty of my
problems and questions and staying in touch with my family, relatives, and friends on social
I regularly use the Internet to check out the smallest issues, review various sites, and
improve my knowledge. It cheers me up when I am bored or even sad, just simply by watching
funny videos, movies, inspirational videos, and playing online video games.
21. How will the Internet develop in the future? Internet sẽ phát triển như thế nào
trong tương lai?
In 5 years, we will not only connect to the internet by smartphone or tablet, but all the
appliances in our house will also be connected to the internet. For example, a refrigerator
equipped with a sensor can detect that your milk bottle has expired and immediately send a
notification to your phone.
Moreover, in the next 10 years, the internet will contribute to blurring the boundaries
between countries and cultures. Even according to an expert like David Hughes, the culture of a
country will have less impact on the people of that country, instead they tend to receive culture
from outside more.
In the next 15 years, the Internet will not only be covered on the ground, but will extend
into space and even reach Mars. According to Elon Musk, internet coverage in space will
probably be done in 2030, when humans set foot on Mars.

22. Are there any negative things about the Internet? Có điều gì tiêu cực về Internet
In my opinion, there are 3 main negative effects from the Internet as follows:
First, Reduce human-to-human interaction. Social media addiction not only makes you
spend less time with real people around you, but also makes them sad when you value "virtual"
friends more than what's in front of you.
Second, Insomnia. The light emitted from the screens of electronic devices will trick your
brain, causing circadian rhythm disturbances. That leads to poor sleep, which seriously affects
health and spirit.
Third, Distracting personal goals
Too much focus on social media can easily make people forget the real purpose of life.
Instead of focusing on finding future jobs by learning the necessary skills, young people just
focus on becoming "keyboard heroes" and become famous online.

23. Do you do any shopping on the Internet? What do you often buy? Bạn có mua
sắm trên Internet không? Bạn thường mua gì?
Yes, I’m a fan. For somebody that doesn’t like to drive like me, online shopping is
wonderful. It’s so convenient because I can lie on my bed and shop with my phone. A lot of
retailers now have the 2-day or even 2-hour delivery option, which saves me so much time and
is just awesome.
Most of the time, I buy clothes. I get bored easily so I always want to see a new me every
day. That’s why I buy a lot of clothes so I never have to wear the same outfit for a whole month.
Bad habit I know.
24. What are the most interesting and difficult parts of your job? Phần thú vị và khó
khăn nhất trong công việc của bạn là gì?
The most difficult part for me would be striking a balance between the time I give to my
family/friends and to work. Sometimes the other challenge is the tasks that are being assigned
may become overwhelming, but overcoming those has its own charm.
Besides, The most interesting part of my job is the versatility of being able to do a variety
of tasks. Being able to work virtually. Having a forward-thinking, supportive company that
realizes employees are their greatest asset. Working collaboratively with people for successful

25. What do you dislike about your job? What do you like about your job? Bạn
không thích điều gì ở công việc của mình? Bạn thích điều gì ở công việc của mình?
I liked the professional attitude and the workplace environment that was provided to me.
Another thing I liked was the close-knit and interpersonal communications that were prevalent
between managers and employees. Besides, I found that there was no more scope for career
growth in the company after reaching a certain level. The company had a stagnant point where
they would simply retain employees without continuing to develop their potential in order to
move the company forward.

26. Is there some other kind of work you would rather do? What is it? Có loại công
việc nào khác mà bạn muốn làm hơn không? Nó là gì?
For the next 2 years, I don't think I can devote myself to anything other than this. Really,
for me, the experience and opportunities I can get are very important. If I can after 2 years, I will
choose jobs with higher promotion such as marketing, sales, ...

27. What can be learned from space exploration? Có thể học được gì từ việc khám
phá không gian?
Space exploration allows us to prove or disprove scientific theories developed on Earth.
Studying the solar system, for example, has brought us insights into such phenomena as gravity,
the magnetosphere, the atmosphere, fluid dynamics, and the geological evolution of other
Exploring space is an opportunity not only to discover new worlds and build advanced
technologies, but to work together toward a larger goal irrespective of nationality, race, or
gender. If we stop exploring, we stop being human.

28. How dangerous is space travel? Du hành vũ trụ nguy hiểm như thế nào?
As the research I have studied before, there are two types of risk, they are radiation and
altered gravity, which come simply from being in space. Research has shown that both can have
major negative effects on the body, and even the brain.
There are the risks presented simply by being a long way from Earth. The farther humans
get from the Earth, the riskier living in space becomes in almost every way.

29. Why has mankind always been fascinated by the idea of space? Tại sao nhân loại
luôn bị thu hút bởi ý tưởng về không gian?
Humans have long been fascinated by outer space, and have wondered if there are
intelligent life-forms elsewhere, which we might be able to contact. Naturally, we’ve all seen
space creatures on our TV and cinema screens, but “aliens” like these owe more to the
convenience of using human actors to play the parts than to any real form of scientific
However, many serious space searchers are now beginning to turn their attention to the
question of what alien life might look like. One early result is Arnold the Alien, designed by the
biologist, Dougal Dixon. This strange being, humans, has its eyes, ears, and limbs in groups of
three instead of pairs but, despite its odd appearance, its behaviors not very different from our

30. What do you think about travelling to space? Bạn nghĩ gì về việc du hành vũ trụ?
Trả lời tương tự câu 14
Although it sounds like it would be great fun to travel to outer space, it would be a lot of
work, too. Traveling to outer space takes lots and lots of preparation. Everything has to be
planned carefully in advance. Why? Because once you leave Earth's surface, you're on your own
with what you have in your spaceship. There's no store to go to in space! See how carefully you
have to plan for a trip to outer space? Not only do you have to think about all the things you'll
need, you have to consider the consequences of those things in terms of the wastes they create.
Therefore, I don't feel ready for a space vacation.

31. Do you care about global warming? Is this phenomenon affecting your life
anyway? Bạn có quan tâm đến sự nóng lên toàn cầu không? Hiện tượng này có ảnh hưởng
đến cuộc sống của bạn không?
To be honest, I am much aware of this phenomenon since it has been negatively affecting
our lives in many ways. Since high school, I have been taught about how our world would be
changed if global warming happens for a long time.
Truth be told, global warming is really impacting not only my life but also my country.
Indeed, as the overall temperature is rising more and more, summers are hotter than ever, which
threatens old people’s health. Moreover, wildfires are happening more frequently, thereby
killing numerous creatures.

32. How did you know about global warming?What are some effects of global
warming? Làm thế nào bạn biết về sự nóng lên toàn cầu? Một số tác động của sự nóng lên
toàn cầu là gì?
If memory serves right, I first got to know this term when I was in high school. It was a
geography class when my teacher was talking about this global phenomenon. After that, I also
hear all kinds of information about this on TV and on the internet. And nowadays, this has
become a heated debate on social media platforms and has been concerned by many people.
As far as I’m concerned, this phenomenon has detrimental effects on our world. First and
foremost, it is changing the climate pattern, which means that arid areas are now flooded, and
tropical regions are turning into deserts. This caprice has laid waste to a host of habitats and
animals living within. What is more, sea level is rising, evading coastal lands and drowning
many livable areas. Therefore, the territory of many nations has shrunk and agricultural lands
along the sea are disappearing.

33. What should we do to solve the problem of global warming? Chúng ta nên làm gì
để giải quyết vấn đề trái đất nóng lên?
From my personal perspective, it is almost too late to do anything about this. However,
there is something that we can do in order to mitigate the problem. One of the measures is that
we limit the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by factories and human activities. Indeed, not
only manufacturing processes but also transportation is releasing a tremendous amount of gases
into the atmosphere on a daily basis, which must be forced to decrease to a great extent. Another
solution to tackle global warming is to educate young generations on the adverse effects of it on
their future, so that they are likely to develop a sense of responsibility to take care of the world
decades later.

34. How do you go onto the Internet?What are the good and bad points about the
Internet? Bạn truy cập Internet bằng cách nào? Điểm tốt và điểm xấu của Internet là gì?
I like to go out and use the Internet so I don't feel like I am being lazy. I usually take my
laptop to a coffee shop, ask the waitress for the password and type it in. If I can't go to a cafe, I
just connect to the web at home.
A good point is that there is a lot of free information. I can easily stay-up-to-date with all
that is happening in the world today. A bad point is that it is sometimes hard to distinguish
between what is fact and what is opinion. One must make sure that the information he or she is
receiving is from a reliable source.

35. Do you think the use of the Internet needs to be controlled? Bạn có nghĩ rằng việc
sử dụng Internet cần phải được kiểm soát?
Yes, I do. There are a lot of mischief makers in the world that can be use the Internet to do
evil things. There are hackers that break into people's computers by using the Internet with the
intent of stealing. Hackers also like to break into government or business sites to disrupt their

36. Do you like online shopping? Why/ Why not? Bạn có thích mua sắm trực tuyến
không? Tại sao tại sao không?
Yes, I do. I go online shopping on a regular basis, especially on famous e-commerce
websites like Shopee. It is highly convenient for me because I don’t need to go to the
supermarket or grocery store. However, I often make impulsive decisions when buying
unnecessary items attractively displayed in Shopee

37. Would you recommend your current job to other people? Bạn có giới thiệu công
việc hiện tại của mình cho người khác không?
Yes, I would recommend it to everybody who is majoring in Business in general.
Copywriting can be stressful sometimes, but I believe that it can enhance your creativity and
imagination to a large extent. If you’re good enough, you can be the trend setter for almost
anything in the market.

38. Do you want to change your job in the future? Bạn có muốn thay đổi công việc
của mình trong tương lai không?
I’m very satisfied with my job, so I guess in the future I will still stick with it. Right now,
I’m doing a master’s degree in teaching, which I think will assist my career a lot. So, you see,
there is no reason for me to quit.

39. What did you do on the first day of your job? Bạn đã làm gì vào ngày đầu tiên đi
In fact, my first day at work was such a unique experience that I will remember it forever.
If I recall my memory of that particular day, I was nervous. It was like being on an alien planet
with no friends or known persons. I sat at my desk and filled up some necessary forms and other
employees came to my desk to greet me. I was intimidated when the HR manager asked me for
a document that I forgot to bring. But I got back my harmony and usual myself when I found
that my boss, the HR manager and other colleagues were very amiable and friendly. My CEO
called me into his room and described my job responsibilities and tried to motivate me. That
was really impressive as it completely erased my fear and anxiety. So I would say I liked my
first day at work very much.

40. Do you make friends with people at your workplace? Bạn có kết bạn với mọi
người ở nơi làm việc không?
Yes, Of course, I feel that it’s hard not to have friends in the workplace. After all, we are
going to spend over one-third of our walking life each week at work, so you know, I don’t want
to be socially isolated during that time, which will have a bad influence on productivity.
Vâng, Tất nhiên, tôi cảm thấy rằng thật khó để không có bạn bè ở nơi làm việc. Sau tất cả,
chúng ta sẽ dành hơn một phần ba thời gian đi bộ mỗi tuần tại nơi làm việc, vì vậy bạn biết đấy,
tôi không muốn bị cô lập về mặt xã hội trong thời gian đó, điều này sẽ ảnh hưởng xấu đến năng

41. What would you prepare on a trip to space?Where would you like to go to if you
could travel to space? Bạn sẽ chuẩn bị gì cho chuyến du hành vũ trụ? Bạn muốn đến đâu
nếu được du hành vũ trụ?
Definitely appropriate astronautical gear, as I’ve seen in pictures. Furthermore, I would
like to bring some kind of camera or video to be able to show my friends on earth what I saw.
Lastly, I would like to bring some kind of gift from the earth just in case I came across
(encountered by accident) another life form there.
The moon or mars! I would say the moon because I’m interested to know what it feels to
lie to walk on it. I’m also curious if the myth that it’s made out of cheese is accurate. On the
other hand, I’ve heard there is water on Mars, suggesting that there could be life there, so I’d be
fascinated to investigate that firsthand.

42. Do you think it’s necessary to see other planets?Do you think it’s worthwhile
looking for life on other planets? Bạn có nghĩ rằng việc nhìn thấy các hành tinh khác là
cần thiết không? Bạn có nghĩ rằng việc tìm kiếm sự sống trên các hành tinh khác là đáng
giá không?
In the first part of the question, I would say it’s a luxury more than a necessity foraverage
people. However, I think it’s necessary for scientists to investigate other planets so that we have
better research and understanding of what is going on around us. Lastly, it’s good for us humans
to realize that Earth isn’t the only planet.
On the others part, I really don’t think that it’s worthwhile looking for life on other
planets. Lots of time, energy, and money are spent on this pointless project when there are
clearly many issues on Earth that need to be resolved first. There may well be aliens in another
galaxy, but we have nothing to gain from contacting them because we have no hope of ever
reaching them. Even reaching the edge of our own solar system would take thousands of years.
Instead, we ought to reverse climate change and end poverty, both of which are ultimately far
more achievable goals than communicating with extra-terrestrials.

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