Holger Reply

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Dear Holger, I have been discussing with the organizers from The Senate Public Audience on 2014 FIFA

Cup and they really want from us a review on the theme Legacy which they think is the key to understand future problems and possible advantages from that 2014 mega-event in Brazil. Certainly, your items 1 to 6 from your message below are synchronized to what The Senate wants. However, I suggest that your number 7 item put the focus on the need of scientific research support to
really detect and attribute the legacy to / from the World Cup 2014 as you clarified. I prefer the expression scientific research support despite having a similar meaning with scholarly work just because it is more

meaningful as far as it encompasses many methodological tools and areas of knowledge than economy and urbanism, the main academic disciplines involved in studies of mega-events legacies in present days. Furthermore, I suggest you present a list of data that should be available in order to extract general interpretations and provide particular scholarly works similar to 2006 and 2010 FIFA Cup. Of course, this kind of list must be a clear and direct consolidation of your previous 5 and 6 items with more specific needs of data collection. Behind this list there is the black box that FIFA and the Brazilian Football Confederation CBF are often accused to organize in order to keep researchers and journalists outside their domains. Anyway, I trust in your diplomatic ability in dismissing accusations but insisting that the Football Cup have been increasingly supported by public money and so it must provide public information otherwise the legacy concerns from governments will remain inaccessible.

In this case, the black box is a common grounds of all institutions involved with 2014 Cup in Brazil: FIFA, CBF, local governments (States and Municipalities), clubs (there two sites among 12 that are managed by clubs), Ministry of Sports-ME and National Bank of Economic Development BNDES. Thus far, one sound, productive and urgent proposal should stand in the creation of a Data Center as a result of this Senates Seminar. This Data Center may be located in BNDES or in ME from where most of the financial resources are delivered. Besides this practical proposal you might finish your 30 minutes with conclusive remarks related to lessons taken from Germany and South Africa that can also happen in Brazil. Again, items 5 and 6 are the basis for these final comments including your Financial Impact Studies conducted in Germany and S. Africa, an issue that the Senates Public audience want to hear It is important to mention that there are many information and data circulating about 2014 Cup but without credibility. Last month Ferran Brunet was in my university and we had a joint Seminar with CEOUAB from Barcelona. One conclusion from that event was the lack of trustful data detected in official studies, specially from the Ministry of Sport. Those studies were mostly made by international consulting enterprises and probably they could not found reliable sources and so they simply created numbers I am not suggesting that we are going to introduce the wikileaks model in the world of sports but we have to stress the urgent need of a central control of data collection.

In regards to my participation, I will go through the following approaches: (1) The scientific research support provided by my university
and its collaborative platform of researchers and universities from Brazil and abroad are concentrated now in the topics of climate changes and management of megaevents. There are other prospect topics in negotiation specially in economy and

cultural program of the Olympic Games / Street Fun FIFA Cup. (2) Examples of these ongoing fact-finding studies will be delivered with additional comments on the re-definition of legacy as the reverse legacy vs momentum legacy.An ongoing experience of reverse legacy from University Gama Filho is the adaptation of the Joao Havelange Stadium Rio de Janeiro to an university campus for sport and health related bachelor courses. Thisstadium is already included in 2014 Cup sites. (3) Final proposal is to expand the stadiumcampusexperience to other sites of 2014 Cup.

Finally, the meeting at Sept. 27 before our flight to Brasilia is expected tobe a negotiation with you about collaborative research works with youruniversity and Gama Filho. Is this ok to your expectations? By the way,Neise is interested to participate in these future collaborative future works. We will be in touch up to your arrival in Rio at Sept. 26th, local time: 06,08. Cheers,

De: Para: Preu, Dr. Holger <preuss@uni-mainz.de>
Preu, Dr. Holger

Enviado: Sb 17/09/11 16:24 Prioridade: Normal

"lamartine@terra.com.br" <lamartine@terra.com.br>

Assunto: AW: Dr. H. Preuss on the way - URGENT

Dear Lamartine, I am starting to prepare my presentation for Brasilia yet. From the material I got, I can only see that they want me to present 30 minutes on the Legacy (I guess of Football World Cups). But you also talk on the legacy and we should coordinate what we say. Additionally I need your advice on what you think is most interesting for them to learn. In regards to legacy there is not much to tell them now other than: 1) Awaking an understanding on what a Legacy is (clear definition) 2) Explaining the process to leverage a legacy effect (and telling indirectly that they have to start now or it is too late to leverage legacies)
3) Awaking the understanding that there are two types of legacy: one is from the

World Cup which will be left overs in terms of money (economic impact), the infrastructure built, the image/awareness and the world cup memories. However, the money will soon disappear after the World Cup and the infrastructure may cause costs. The other legacies are driven from the changing of things/location (I call it location factors). But these can be positive and negative. 4) Stressing the point that some legacies will come automatically and some can be leveraged or opportunities have to be used to create and leverage positive legacies and to avoid negative legacies. Those that come automatically will have different effects to different stakeholders and that this cannot be avoided but should be clear to address the negative legacies. 5) Delivering some clear legacies from Germany and South Africa to illustrate my examples.
6) Presenting the financial legacy and the additional tax income and Job creation of

World Cups. I can present the financial impact studies I have conducted in Germany and South Africa (that might be what they want to hear?) BUT that is related to my point 3 argument 1. 7) Understanding the difficulty to access the legacy and that scholarly work is needed if the interest is to really detect and attribute the legacy to /from the World Cup 2014.

What I cannot do BUT you could certainly do is the announcement of Legacies that the government and the bidding committee have made, the plans and actual status of trying to create legacies so far. You could provide examples on what already happened as a pregnancy effect of legacy. Please advise what you like me to focus most on. And please tell me what you expect from me in regards to the Olympic Meeting in Rio. What can shall I prepare All the best from Olympia- I am currently at the Academy. Yours Holger
Von: dacosta8@terra.com.br [mailto:dacosta8@terra.com.br] Gesendet: Montag, 5. September 2011 03:44 An: Preu, Dr. Holger Betreff: Dr. H. Preuss on the way URGENT

Figure 1
Sport Mega-events Power Pyramid The case of Brazil for 2014 and 2016

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