Essay On Arnold

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[MURRAY KRIEGER Dover, Beach and the Tragic Sense’ of Eternal Recurrence a See Reheat er et re Rosman ta aasn de ste ee See este Denna ee me Saaeeornes a a a cae ea ae een sobre g nrc ouch get Boots curated pe re Send ie se eee Bee Se oe rahertiel alae ae Saeed we atone Sree ge og oat es Sees eee ces toa eee teeeen rt ero ore Sain ome eee eee entaes ay a Se aren cee ge Siedeceormaie stra gr a ge ta pe See Oe ae aimee Secon nee on age einer herman eile ge Tach Arnold's postc imagination serve here t0 Fi Scr wean i any fel sera pean ce im ‘Pessimism and simple melanctoty; i is visiea which he achieves PF oma amin: Boer Be ‘ cei ptt ag cat garhyreatccy mee er ci Tinta omnes sesTetiet eatct ma Sore ene atin EB year were onemee ivy beac oe gype ibs te ie hy cutie tee Sitesi Saye ae ett ‘Foci ineeis ones iieeikt temas (Es mre ager t vocals BS ih Vater toes oe Sit ncearses eee ae Soccerway Eka ainel cote Sit miepecseniansmans ames Sree eileen enews Spices mas armen eerie [Pvel grows inf the soceding coe mito bn ese maa igen wis nied he ge "GS ca ct Se cred ef casei fom te banag Ik Sart nace oa (Geter a esa pect deo tare ttn i, [Sl ions rn eee pense Semi ny wed ntl he ‘ee Eset oe brome te Seno utr bane (tice ofthe cn mg eed by een se ‘St nan ibe shaded woe mea ‘Sir tata we ne esa The svt od ‘wa yl be meng fro ms pou [i tot suns ene cbse me rf ‘Arma and fe te ve eps haa ttt Ror, he pre be Serb muntey hemtieina’s serpent ae a (GETS OM MATTIOW ARWOLD the be preet The abort impeivenn oe ae Becta pine nem of he a ee Sacre el a i Fate ee (Set ee af fae ESTEE nda oe fre bce moped ae Can ee rhch ey bee meant sea ty se. or aii Ly we he word—nraly my neal tn eof e mdse Pu fhe pee Ng ‘Bepedtte present hs the recurrent, of Wich esas) See anda a have ava stodgy eee a pees Tis wy the rcod cane Scie om te pull development abt aha Tee Sivas the pop pple whieh ters ice oe emicy auiutapinwepastever es weremie ito JF img wheal unt ae dem = Be eee ed ser ey nee ea! 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