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Dot Net Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet

by abyssmint via

Asynch​ronous JavaScript & XML (AJAX) jQuery (cont) Promises in JavaScript

Technique for accessing web servers from a getJSON() - method used to get JSON data usingRepresents
an the eventual completion of an
web page. AJAX HTTP GET request asynch​ronous operation and its resulting
Modifies only a portion of the displayed Syntax: value

page without the need to reload the whole $(selector).getJSON(url,data,success(data,status,xhr)

Examples of 3 methods for handling
document file Example: promises:
$.getJ​SON​("bo​ok.j​son, function -done()
Enables more intera​ctivity not possible in
(result)) {$("​#aa​a").h​tm​l(r​esu​lt.t​‐ -fail()
the tradit​ional web applic​ations using
synchr​onous request and response model
itle); -always()
append() - method to insert specified content at the
Partial Page Update Web API
end of the selected elements. Use prepend() to insert
content at the beginning. REST APIs
A mark up file (.cshtml) that renders HTML
Syntax: - Stands for REpresen​tat​ional State
output wihtin another markup file's rendered
$(selector).append(content) T ranswer
- Operats on HTTP reques​t/R​esponse
each() - method to iterate over DOM elements, arrays
In contro​ller: return​(Pa​rti​alView ("_v​iew​Pag​‐
and objects. Protocol
e", model());
Syntax HTTP Status Code
In .cshtml: <pa​rtial name = "​_vi​ewP​age​"
$(selector).each(function(index, value)) - Sucessful Responses: 200, 201
model = ("codes in here")
$.each(collection, functi​on(​index, value)) - Redire​ction Response: 301
serail​ize() - method to create a URL encoded text - Client Error: 400, 401, 403, 404
string by serial​izing form values. - Server Error: 500
REST APIs Syntax
- Stands for REpresen​tat​ional State $(selector).seralize() Web API
T ranswer
ajax() - method which provides core functi​onality ofREST APIs
- Operats on HTTP reques​t/R​esponse
AJAX - Stands for REpresen​tat​ional State
Syntax: T ranswer
HTTP Status Code $.ajax(url) - Operats on HTTP reques​t/R​esponse
- Sucessful Responses: 200, 201 $.ajax(url, [options]) Protocol
- Redire​ction Response: 301
HTTP Status Code
- Client Error: 400, 401, 403, 404 Promises in JavaScript - Sucessful Responses: 200, 201
- Server Error: 500
Represents the eventual completion of an - Redire​ction Response: 301
API returning object with HTTP Status
asynch​ronous operation and its resulting - Client Error: 400, 401, 403, 404
- IActio​nResult return type like Web App
value - Server Error: 500
Examples of 3 methods for handling
- Able to be return with HTTP response
Media Format Support in WEB API
- XML (eXten​sible Markup Language)
- JSON(J​ava​Script Object Notation)
- BSON(B​inary JSON)
Web API Routing
- Routing maps incoming requests to
specific controller and action
In ApiCon​tro​ller: [Route​("ap​i/(name of
In Browser: http:/​/lo​cal​hos​t/a​pi/​con​troller
jQuery Data Types
- Number
load() - method is used to load data from a
- String
server and puts the returned data into the
- Boolean
selected element.
- Object
- Array
- null
$(sele​cto​r).l​oa​d(URL, data, callback)
- JSON objects are dictionaries.
- Enclosed with curly brackets { }
- Keys and Values can be any data type
- Arrays are Lists
- Enclosed with square brackets { }
- In between, a list of values separated by
- Each of which ma be of any type.

- Nesting Involves putting arrays and
objects inside each other
- Arrays can be put inside objects, objects
inside arrays, and so on.
- A JSON file can be one BIG object with
lots of objects and arrays inside

By abyssmint Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 21st July, 2022. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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