Masterofcode C-Collection

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C# Collection Cheat Sheet

by masterofcode via

System.Co​lle​ctions Classes List<T> Methods (cont)

Class Descri​ption List<T​ Sorts the elements or a portion of the parts.S​ort()

ArrayList Represents an array of objects whose size is dynami​‐ >.Sort elements in the List<T> using either ;
cally increased as required. the specified or default ICompa​rer​<T>
implem​ent​ation or a provided Compar​‐
Hashtable Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are
iso​n<T> delegate to compare list
organized based on the hash code of the key.
Queue Represents a first in, first out (FIFO) collection of
For further inform​ation and examples visit this link
Stack Represents a last in, first out (LIFO) collection of
Stack<​T> Class
Namespace: System.Co​lle​cti​ons.Ge​neric
List<T> Class Assembly: System.Co​lle​cti​ons.dll

Namespace: System.Co​lle​cti​ons.Ge​neric
Specifies the type of elements in the stack.
Assembly: System.Co​lle​cti​ons.dll
// Create a stack of strings
Stack<​str​ing> numbers = new Stack<​str​ing​>();
Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. Provides methods
// Add items to the stack
to search, sort, and manipulate lists.
// Create a list of parts.
List<P​art> parts = new List<P​art​>();
// Add parts to the list.
Stack<​T> Methods
parts.A​dd(new Part() { PartName = "​crank arm", PartId = 1234 });
parts.A​dd(new Part() { PartName = "​chain ring", PartIdMethod Usage
= 1334 }); Example
parts.A​dd(new Part() { PartName = "​regular seat", PartId = ‐1434Inserts
}) an object at number​s.P​ush​("on​e");
; T>.P​‐ the top of the
parts.A​dd(new Part() { PartName = "​banana seat", PartId = 1444 Stack<​
}); T>.
parts.A​dd(new Part() { PartName = "​cas​set​te", PartIdStack<​
= 1534‐ Removes and
}); number​s.P​op();
parts.A​dd(new Part() { PartName = "​shift lever", PartId = 1634 returns
}); the object at
the top of the
List<T> Methods Stack<​T>.
Stack<​‐ Represents a first in, number​s.P​ush​("on​e");
T>.P​‐ first out (FIFO)
ush(T) collection of objects.
Stack<​‐ The object at the top number​s.P​eek();
T>.Peek of the Stack<​T>.
Stack<​‐ Determines whether stack2.Co​nta​ins​("fo​u
T>.C​on​‐ an element is in the r");
tai​ns(T) Stack<​T>.
Stack<​‐ Removes all objects stack2.Cl​ear();
T>.C​lear from the Stack<​T>.

For further inform​ation and examples visit this link

Method Usage Example
List<T​‐ Adds an parts.A​dd(new Part() { PartName = "​crank arm", PartId = 1234 })
>.A​‐ object to ;
dd(T) the end of
the List<T​‐
List<T​‐ Removes parts.R​em​ove(new Part() { PartId = 1534, PartName = "​cog​s" })
>.R​‐ the first ;
emo​‐ occurrence
ve(T) of a
object from
the List<T​‐
List<T​‐ Removes parts.C​le​ar();
>.Clear all
from the
List<T​‐ Determines parts.C​on​tai​ns(new Part { PartId = 1734, PartName = "​" }));
>.C​ont​‐ whether an
ains(T) element is
in the

By masterofcode Published 2nd December, 2021. Sponsored by

Last updated 3rd December, 2021. Measure your website readability!
Page 1 of 5.
C# Collection Cheat Sheet
by masterofcode via

HashSe​t<T> Class Queue<​T> Class

Namespace: System.Co​lle​cti​ons.Ge​neric Namespace: System.Co​lle​cti​ons.Ge​neric

Assembly: System.Co​lle​cti​ons.dll Assembly: System.Co​lle​cti​ons.dll

Represents a set of values. Represents a first-in, first-out collection of objects.

HashSe​t<i​nt> evenNu​mbers = new HashSe​t<i​nt>(); Create a queue of strings
HashSe​t<i​nt> oddNumbers = new HashSe​t<i​nt>(); Queue<​str​ing> numbers = new Queue<​str​ing​>();
Add items in the queue
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) number​s.E​nqu​eue​("on​e");
{ number​s.E​nqu​eue​("tw​o");
// Populate numbers with just even numbers. number​s.E​nqu​eue​("th​ree​");
evenNu​mbe​rs.A​dd(i * 2);
Queue<​T> Methods
// Populate oddNumbers with just odd numbers. Method Usage Example
oddNum​ber​s.A​dd((i * 2) + 1);
Queue<​‐ Adds an object to the number​s.E​nqu​eue​("on
T>.E​nq​‐ end of the Queue<​T>. ​e");
HashSe​t<T> Methods
Queue<​‐ Removes and returns number​s.D​equ​eue();
Method Usage Example T>.D​‐ the object at the
HashSe​‐ Adds the specified evenNu​mbe​rs.A​dd(i * equeue beginning of the
t<T​>.A​‐ element to a set. 2); Queue<​T>.
dd(T) Queue<​‐ The object at the number​s.P​eek();
HashSe​‐ Removes all elements number​s.R​emo​ve(0); T>.Peek beginning of the
t<T​>.R​‐ from a HashSe​t<T> Queue<​T>.
emo​‐ object. Queue<​‐ Determines whether number​s.C​ont​ains(0)
ve(T) T>.C​on​‐ an element is in the
HashSe​‐ Represents a first in, number​s.C​lear(); tai​ns(T) Queue<​T>.
t<T​‐ first out (FIFO) For further inform​ation and examples visit this link
>.Clear collection of objects.

HashSe​‐ Determines whether a number​s.C​ont​ains(0) Dictio​nar​y<T​Key​,TV​alu​e> Class

t<T​>.C​‐ HashSe​t<T> object
Namespace: System.Co​lle​cti​ons.Ge​neric
ont​‐ contains the specified
Assembly: System.Co​lle​cti​ons.dll
ains(T) element.

For further inform​ation and examples visit this link Represents a collection of keys and values.
// Create a new dictionary of strings, with string keys.
System.Co​lle​cti​ons.Ge​neric Classes Dictio​nar​y<s​tring, string> openWith =
new Dictio​nar​y<s​tring, string​>();
openWi​th.A​dd​("tx​t", "​not​epa​d.e​xe");

Dictio​nar​y<T​Key​,TV​alu​e> Methods
Class Descri​ption Method Usage Example
Dictio​nar​‐ Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are Dictio​‐ Adds the openWi​th.A​dd​("tx​t", "​not​epa​d
y<T​‐ organized based on the key. nar​‐ specified .e​xe");
Key​,TV​‐ y<T​‐ key and
alu​e> Key​,TV​‐ value to
List<T> Represents a list of objects that can be accessed by alu​‐ the
index. Provides methods to search, sort, and modify e>.A​‐ dictio​‐
lists. dd​‐ nary.
Queue<​T> Represents a first in, first out (FIFO) collection of
Dictio​‐ Removes public bool Remove (TKey key);
Sorted​Lis​‐ Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are
nar​‐ the value openWi​th.R​em​ove​("do​c");
t<T​‐ sorted by key based on the associated ICompa​rer​<T>
y<T​‐ with the
Key​,TV​‐ implem​ent​ation.
Key​,TV​‐ specified
alu​‐ key from
Stack<​T> Represents a last in, first out (LIFO) collection of
e>.R​‐ the
emove Dictio​‐

By masterofcode Published 2nd December, 2021. Sponsored by

Last updated 3rd December, 2021. Measure your website readability!
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C# Collection Cheat Sheet
by masterofcode via

Dictio​nar​y<T​Key​,TV​alu​e> Methods (cont)

Dictio​‐ Removes public void Clear ();

nar​‐ all keys openWi​​th.Cl​ear();
y<T​‐ and values
Key​,T‐ from the
V​alu​‐ Dictio​nar​‐
e>.C​‐ y<T​‐
lear Key​,TV​alu​‐
Dictio​‐ Determines public bool Contai​nsKey (TKey key);
nar​‐ whether openWi​th.C​on​tai​nsK​ey(​"​ht");
y<T​‐ the Dictio​‐
Key​,T‐ nar​y<T​‐
V​alu​‐ Key​,TV​alu​‐
e>.C​‐ e>
on​tai​‐ contains
nsK​‐ the
ey(​‐ specified
TKey) key.
Dictio​‐ Determines public bool Contai​nsValue (TValue value);
nar​‐ whether
y<T​‐ the Dictio​‐ openWi​th.C​on​tai​nsV​alu​e("h​ype​rtr​m.
Key​,T‐ nar​y<T​‐ e​xe");
V​alu​‐ Key​,TV​alu​‐
e>.C​‐ e>
on​tai​‐ contains a
nsV​‐ specific
alu​‐ value.

For further inform​ation and examples visit this link

By masterofcode Published 2nd December, 2021. Sponsored by

Last updated 3rd December, 2021. Measure your website readability!
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