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1. What is the meaning of our logo?

2. What is the name of our Ashram?

(a) Avadhoot Dham Sidda Peetam

(b) Sidda Ashram
(c) Shiva Shakti Yoga Kendra
(d) Avadhoot Sidda Peetam

3. Which colour mat is used for meditation as per the instruction of Guruji

(a) Red (b) white (c) Black (d) A & B

4. What is the name of yoga we practise at Ashram?

(a) Shiva Yoga (b)Kundalini Yoga

(c) ShivaShakti Yoga (d) Shiva Shakti

5. What is Concentration?

6. What is dyana?

(a) meditating with no mind

(b) meditating with concentration
(c) … with an object
(d) … with directed mind

7. What is anusandhana?

(a) forceful thinking

(b) automatic thoughts
(c) visualizing

8. Sidda healing happens at which level?

(a) Body & mind only (b) Mind & soul only
(c) Body, mind & soul (d) Only on body

9. Who is the first healing guru?

(a) Lord Surya (b) Lord Shiva

(c) Lord Ganapathi (d) Lord Indra

10. In which method of Sadhana does soul healing happen?

11. What is the name of life force energy?

(a) Sanjeevini (b) Oxygen

(c) Water (d) Fire

12. How many bodies are embedded in human?

(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (c) 7
13. How many main chakras are found in human body?

(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (c) 7

14. Heart chakra is also known as ?

(a) Vishuddhi chakra

(b) Ajna chakra
(c) Sahasrara chakra
(d) Anahatha chakra

15. How many petals are found in mooladhara chakra?

(a) 4 (b) 2
(c) 1 (d) 0

16. Crystal healing is also known as?

(a) Naada breath kriya

(b) Mahamritunjaya Sadhana
(c) Seven chakra meditation
(d) Pillars of light

17. How many times we need to chant AUM at sahasrara during crystal healing?

(a) 10 times (b) 11 times

(c) 12 times (d) 14 times

18. Pillars of light healing is requested for?

(a) 1 day (b) 2 days

(c) 3days (d) Infinite day

19. Solar plexus chakra is also known as?

(a) sahasrara chakra

(b) Manipura chakra
(c) Mooladhara chakra
(d) Swadistana chakra

20. How many indicators are found in energy chart?

(a) 8 (b) 7
(c) 9 (d) 10

21. Saraswathi yantra activation focus on ?

(a) Ajna Chakra

(b) Sahasrara Chakra
(c) Mooladhara Chakra
(d) Vishuddi Chakra

22. Mahamrithyunjaya yantra activation focus on?

(a) All chakras

(b) All organs
(c) A & B
(d) Sahasrara chakra only
23. In which sadden, we encounter golden nectar energy flowing from sahasrara through bramha
naadam ?

(a) Bramhastra
(b) Mrit sanjeevini
(c) Karmic healing
(d) Pithru Assension kriya

24. In which Sadhana command is given for soul to come out of the body?

25. What are the five vayus ?

26. Prana, apana, udana, samana, vyana

27. What are the five upavayus ?

28. How many petals are there in sahasrara chakra?

29. While doing karmic healing, what is the right way to keep the chart?

30. Where is pitru ascension kriya visualised?

31. To which rivers are the 3 main nadis compared to?

32. Om consists of how many letters?

33. Art of dying is taught in which sadhana?

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