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Sfrnrlfrerstnfll/agfwtogoyulnstituteof fecfmotnty


Ref. No 8q rvgk\,t / Svu\l{/e R I gzt lz*.3-2-t Date tt lzl ,*Zt


I am carefully curating this letter of recommendation to recommend Om Shah for admission to your esteemed
Master,s p.og.u*. aslhe Head of the IT Department at Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology,
have enjoyeJknowing Om for the past three years. I have had numerous opportunities to observe his
und p..ronal growth.*My experientes with Om throughout his educational journey qualify me to recommend
him io your esteemed university. He is an intelligent individual with a bright future ahead'

Since my first meeting with Om when he entered our institution, it has been evident that he possesses a tare
combination of intellifence, discipline, and leadership. As a student in my technical courses, including object-
oriented programmin{, dutuwareirousing and mining, and Android, om consistently demonstrated remarkable
commitmeniand engigement. His attendance record was impeccable due to his punctuality and dedication. He
actively participated iriclass discussions and often provided insightful answers to complex questions. I enjoyed
,*r.rui ionveriations that we have had throughout his learning journey. He was always curious to know more
and had no qualms in asking doubts.

had the opportunity to witness Om's exceptional problem:solving skills firsthand during a challenging
session on data mining techniques. When li* *ar presented with a problem, om approached this complex
problem with a level oianalytical prowess that left me in awe. His ability to dissect problems, devise innovative
solutions, and implement ihem precisely showcased his innate intelligence and dedication to
It was impressive to witness a
excellence. Moreover, he also .rrur., that he helps his peers during lab sessions.
dedicated student assist his peers.

In addition to his academic proficiency, Om has showcased a diverse range of talents through his active
engagement ih extracurricular pursuits. He has eagerly participated in an array of college
events and
.oiri.titions. He has especially made a mark in the creation competition, where his team earned an impressive
,..ord position. eeyond academia, om has displayed prowess in sports, particularly in cricket and chess,
achieving commendable success and adding layers to his multifaceted persona. His ability
to manage his
extracurricular and academic endeavors was awe-inspiring'
My interactions with om allowed me to discover that he is'a person of integrity, reliability, and leadership.
I have no hesitation in endorsing om
auitity to lead by example and inspire those around him is commendable.
Shah for admission to your Mastei's program. He will contribute
significantly to your institution and become a
ffi;i; rrir-.rr"r., field. A student of liis caliber and intelligence would be a valuable asset to your esteemed
institution. I urge your kind consideration of his application.

Warm regards, &h

Prof. Samina
Head of Department, .}l' GAN
Shankersinh Vaghela ebhnol ogy

(Approved by AIGTE and Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University)

Bapu Gujarat Knowledge Village, Gandhinagar-Mansa Highway, At.Vasan, Dist. Gandhinagar - 382650
Phone: (079) 23976169123976170, Fax: (079) 23976172,
Website : Email :,
Sfrnrlfrer stnfr T ayfwto g oyu lnstituw of I ecfmstn 0y

R"f. N.p,ruS trf Svu iylLeR[ <2.1 2_+z_]-z+ Date /e'lz{ L*2+


I am writing to provide rny letter of recommendation for Om Shah. He is applying for admission
to your Master's program. As a Professor in the I.T. department at Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu
Institute of Technology, I have enjoyed knowing Om for the past two years. During this time, I
have had numerous opportunities to witness his acbdemic excellence and exceptional qualities.
My experiences with Om qualify me to recommend him to your esteemed university. He would
be an outstanding addition to your institution.

I have had the privilege of teaching Om in several subjects such as Agile Development, UVUX
Design, Design Engineering, and Analysis of Design and Algorithm. In every subject I've taught
Om, he has showcased remarkable comprehension and skill, resulting in consistently outstanding
outcomes. His knack for grasping and implementing intricate ideas precisely distinguishes him
as an exceptional student. What truly stands out about Om is his unwavering dedication, natural
leadership, and stellar performance. His steadfast presence and enthusiastic participation in class
undersbore his robust work ethic and thirst for knowledge. Particularly in design engineering,
Om's exceptional leadership qualities shine through as he assumes leadership roles within project
teams, guiding them toward success. In class, Om has consistently demonstrated his dedication
to academic excellence. He is attentive, curious, and always eager to participate in discussions.
His strong academic performance is reflected in his consistently high scores and rank among the
class's top students.

One of Om's notable achievements is his success in extracurricular activities, especially sports
and chess. He has shown great passion and dedication in these pursuits, earning recognition and
accolades. Chess was one of his favorite endeavors since it tested his strategic capabilities and
cognitive thinking. His participation in various college events and his coordination with
professors demonstrated his strong interpersonal skills and ability to work collaboratively in
diverse settings.

As you can see, Om Shah is an exceptional individual with a wealth of talent, dedication, and
leadership potential. He would be a valuable addition to your esteemed university. I believe he
would'continue to excel in your Master's program and make invaluable contributions to your
institution. I wholeheartedly endorse his application and urge you to consider it.

Warm resards-.
Prof. Priyanka Patel
Professor, I.T Department
Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology

(Approved by AIGTE and Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University)

Bapu Gujarat Knowledge Village, Gandhinagar-Mansa Highway, At.Vasan, Dist. Gandhinagar - 382650
Phone: (079) 23976169123976170, Fax : (079) 23976172,
Website : Email :,
Sfrnvtfrer sffiflT agfw{o
nyu Institute of ecfmnto gy
,<ii{twi,El}G E YlLI-4r}B

n"r. r'r. pqBCkvl Sv8ii-f l'q1 .9zz f 2*r3- z-zf Date l( 12 ( 2o zzf


It brings me immense joy to compose this letter of recommendation for Om Shah, a remarkable
student seeking admission to your Master's program. As a Professor in the IT Department at
Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology, I have acquired myself with Om over the
last two years. During this period, I have witnessed his exceptional academic aptitude firsthand.
My experiences with Om throughout his journey qualify me to recommend him to your
university. I am eager to provide this recommendation for him.

Om has consistently impressed me with his unwavering dedication to study and exceptional
leadership skills. Om demonstrated exemplary discipline and initiative while pursuing his project
under my guidance. His leadership skills and initiative inspired his peers to strive for excellence.
I was impiessed with his confident manner of delivering presentations, which showcased his
communiiation skills and ability to articulate complex ideas with clarity and confidence. Om has
consistently ranked among the top students in my subjects, Software Project Management and
Cryptography. His exemplary discipline, regular attendance, and active participation in class
discussions have set him apart as a model student, earning him the respect and admiration of
faculty and peers.

Aside from their academic endeavors, Om has also showcased his versatility and passion through
extracurricular activities. As a master of strategic thinking and logic, he has excelled in chess
toumaments. This experience has allowed him to demonstrate strategic thinking and analytical
skills. He has also profoundly loved Garba, a traditional Indian dance form. I witnessed his
enthusiasm and talent shine brightly when he performed this dance for an event. His pride in his
culture shone through as well.

To conclude, Om Shah is one of the most intelligent individuals I have known' He possesses the
intelleotual understanding, leadership qualities, and passion for learning essential to succeed in
any career path he chooses. These qualities would allow him to grow in your master's program.
In addition, his exceptional talents, which include his outstanding character and dedication, make
him an ideal candidut. for admission. I wholeheartedly recommend him for consideration and am
confident he will significantly contribute to your institution. I am eager to witness him prosper
and succeed in the career of his choice through this program.

Warm re
, IT Department
Lh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology

(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University)

Bapu Gujarat Knowledge Village, Gandhinagar-Mansa Highway, At.Vasan, Dist. Gandhinagar - 382650
Phone: (079) 23976169123976170, Fax: (079) 23976172,
Website : Email :,

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